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4 years ago
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestCustomExtension">
  8. <summary>
  9. Data object used by TokenEndpointRequest which contains parameter information when the "grant_type" is unrecognized.
  10. </summary>
  11. </member>
  12. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestCustomExtension.Parameters">
  13. <summary>
  14. The parameter information when the "grant_type" is unrecognized.
  15. </summary>
  16. </member>
  17. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestRefreshToken">
  18. <summary>
  19. Data object used by TokenEndpointRequest when the "grant_type" parameter is "refresh_token".
  20. </summary>
  21. </member>
  22. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestRefreshToken.RefreshToken">
  23. <summary>
  24. The value passed to the Token endpoint in the "refresh_token" parameter
  25. </summary>
  26. </member>
  27. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestRefreshToken.Scope">
  28. <summary>
  29. The value passed to the Token endpoint in the "scope" parameter
  30. </summary>
  31. </member>
  32. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestAuthorizationCode">
  33. <summary>
  34. Data object used by TokenEndpointRequest when the "grant_type" is "authorization_code".
  35. </summary>
  36. </member>
  37. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestAuthorizationCode.Code">
  38. <summary>
  39. The value passed to the Token endpoint in the "code" parameter
  40. </summary>
  41. </member>
  42. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestAuthorizationCode.RedirectUri">
  43. <summary>
  44. The value passed to the Token endpoint in the "redirect_uri" parameter. This MUST be provided by the caller
  45. if the original visit to the Authorize endpoint contained a "redirect_uri" parameter.
  46. </summary>
  47. </member>
  48. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest">
  49. <summary>
  50. Data object representing the information contained in the query string of an Authorize endpoint request.
  51. </summary>
  52. </member>
  53. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IReadableStringCollection)">
  54. <summary>
  55. Creates a new instance populated with values from the query string parameters.
  56. </summary>
  57. <param name="parameters">Query string parameters from a request.</param>
  58. </member>
  59. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest.ContainsGrantType(System.String)">
  60. <summary>
  61. True if the "response_type" query string contains the passed responseType.
  62. See also,
  63. </summary>
  64. <param name="responseType">The responseType that is expected within the "response_type" query string</param>
  65. <returns>True if the "response_type" query string contains the passed responseType.</returns>
  66. </member>
  67. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest.ResponseType">
  68. <summary>
  69. The "response_type" query string parameter of the Authorize request. Known values are "code" and "token".
  70. </summary>
  71. </member>
  72. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest.ResponseMode">
  73. <summary>
  74. The "response_mode" query string parameter of the Authorize request. Known values are "query", "fragment" and "form_post"
  75. See also,
  76. </summary>
  77. </member>
  78. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest.ClientId">
  79. <summary>
  80. The "client_id" query string parameter of the Authorize request.
  81. </summary>
  82. </member>
  83. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest.RedirectUri">
  84. <summary>
  85. The "redirect_uri" query string parameter of the Authorize request. May be absent if the server should use the
  86. redirect uri known to be registered to the client id.
  87. </summary>
  88. </member>
  89. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest.Scope">
  90. <summary>
  91. The "scope" query string parameter of the Authorize request. May be absent if the server should use default scopes.
  92. </summary>
  93. </member>
  94. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest.State">
  95. <summary>
  96. The "scope" query string parameter of the Authorize request. May be absent if the client does not require state to be
  97. included when returning to the RedirectUri.
  98. </summary>
  99. </member>
  100. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType">
  101. <summary>
  102. True if the "response_type" query string parameter is "code".
  103. See also,
  104. </summary>
  105. </member>
  106. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest.IsImplicitGrantType">
  107. <summary>
  108. True if the "response_type" query string parameter is "token".
  109. See also,
  110. </summary>
  111. </member>
  112. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest">
  113. <summary>
  114. Data object representing the information contained in form encoded body of a Token endpoint request.
  115. </summary>
  116. </member>
  117. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IReadableStringCollection)">
  118. <summary>
  119. Creates a new instance populated with values from the form encoded body parameters.
  120. </summary>
  121. <param name="parameters">Form encoded body parameters from a request.</param>
  122. </member>
  123. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.Parameters">
  124. <summary>
  125. The form encoded body parameters of the Token endpoint request
  126. </summary>
  127. </member>
  128. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.GrantType">
  129. <summary>
  130. The "grant_type" parameter of the Token endpoint request. This parameter is required.
  131. </summary>
  132. </member>
  133. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.ClientId">
  134. <summary>
  135. The "client_id" parameter of the Token endpoint request. This parameter is optional. It might not
  136. be present if the request is authenticated in a different way, for example, by using basic authentication
  137. credentials.
  138. </summary>
  139. </member>
  140. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.AuthorizationCodeGrant">
  141. <summary>
  142. Data object available when the "grant_type" is "authorization_code".
  143. See also
  144. </summary>
  145. </member>
  146. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.ClientCredentialsGrant">
  147. <summary>
  148. Data object available when the "grant_type" is "client_credentials".
  149. See also
  150. </summary>
  151. </member>
  152. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.RefreshTokenGrant">
  153. <summary>
  154. Data object available when the "grant_type" is "refresh_token".
  155. See also
  156. </summary>
  157. </member>
  158. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant">
  159. <summary>
  160. Data object available when the "grant_type" is "password".
  161. See also
  162. </summary>
  163. </member>
  164. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.CustomExtensionGrant">
  165. <summary>
  166. Data object available when the "grant_type" is unrecognized.
  167. See also
  168. </summary>
  169. </member>
  170. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType">
  171. <summary>
  172. True when the "grant_type" is "authorization_code".
  173. See also
  174. </summary>
  175. </member>
  176. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.IsClientCredentialsGrantType">
  177. <summary>
  178. True when the "grant_type" is "client_credentials".
  179. See also
  180. </summary>
  181. </member>
  182. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.IsRefreshTokenGrantType">
  183. <summary>
  184. True when the "grant_type" is "refresh_token".
  185. See also
  186. </summary>
  187. </member>
  188. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.IsResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrantType">
  189. <summary>
  190. True when the "grant_type" is "password".
  191. See also
  192. </summary>
  193. </member>
  194. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest.IsCustomExtensionGrantType">
  195. <summary>
  196. True when the "grant_type" is unrecognized.
  197. See also
  198. </summary>
  199. </member>
  200. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestClientCredentials">
  201. <summary>
  202. Data object used by TokenEndpointRequest when the "grant_type" is "client_credentials".
  203. </summary>
  204. </member>
  205. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestClientCredentials.Scope">
  206. <summary>
  207. The value passed to the Token endpoint in the "scope" parameter
  208. </summary>
  209. </member>
  210. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials">
  211. <summary>
  212. Data object used by TokenEndpointRequest when the "grant_type" is "password".
  213. </summary>
  214. </member>
  215. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials.UserName">
  216. <summary>
  217. The value passed to the Token endpoint in the "username" parameter
  218. </summary>
  219. </member>
  220. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials.Password">
  221. <summary>
  222. The value passed to the Token endpoint in the "password" parameter
  223. </summary>
  224. </member>
  225. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequestResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials.Scope">
  226. <summary>
  227. The value passed to the Token endpoint in the "scope" parameter
  228. </summary>
  229. </member>
  230. <member name="T:Owin.OAuthAuthorizationServerExtensions">
  231. <summary>
  232. Extension methods to add Authorization Server capabilities to an OWIN pipeline
  233. </summary>
  234. </member>
  235. <member name="M:Owin.OAuthAuthorizationServerExtensions.UseOAuthAuthorizationServer(Owin.IAppBuilder,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions)">
  236. <summary>
  237. Adds OAuth2 Authorization Server capabilities to an OWIN web application. This middleware
  238. performs the request processing for the Authorize and Token endpoints defined by the OAuth2 specification.
  239. See also
  240. </summary>
  241. <param name="app">The web application builder</param>
  242. <param name="options">Options which control the behavior of the Authorization Server.</param>
  243. <returns>The application builder</returns>
  244. </member>
  245. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions">
  246. <summary>
  247. Options class provides information needed to control Authorization Server middleware behavior
  248. </summary>
  249. </member>
  250. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.#ctor">
  251. <summary>
  252. Creates an instance of authorization server options with default values.
  253. </summary>
  254. </member>
  255. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AuthorizeEndpointPath">
  256. <summary>
  257. The request path where client applications will redirect the user-agent in order to
  258. obtain user consent to issue a token. Must begin with a leading slash, like "/Authorize".
  259. </summary>
  260. </member>
  261. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.TokenEndpointPath">
  262. <summary>
  263. The request path client applications communicate with directly as part of the OAuth protocol.
  264. Must begin with a leading slash, like "/Token". If the client is issued a client_secret, it must
  265. be provided to this endpoint.
  266. </summary>
  267. </member>
  268. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.Provider">
  269. <summary>
  270. The object provided by the application to process events raised by the Authorization Server middleware.
  271. The application may implement the interface fully, or it may create an instance of OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider
  272. and assign delegates only to the events it wants to process.
  273. </summary>
  274. </member>
  275. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AuthorizationCodeFormat">
  276. <summary>
  277. The data format used to protect and unprotect the information contained in the authorization code.
  278. If not provided by the application the default data protection provider depends on the host server.
  279. The SystemWeb host on IIS will use ASP.NET machine key data protection, and HttpListener and other self-hosted
  280. servers will use DPAPI data protection.
  281. </summary>
  282. </member>
  283. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AccessTokenFormat">
  284. <summary>
  285. The data format used to protect the information contained in the access token.
  286. If not provided by the application the default data protection provider depends on the host server.
  287. The SystemWeb host on IIS will use ASP.NET machine key data protection, and HttpListener and other self-hosted
  288. servers will use DPAPI data protection. If a different access token
  289. provider or format is assigned, a compatible instance must be assigned to the OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.AccessTokenProvider
  290. or OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.AccessTokenFormat property of the resource server.
  291. </summary>
  292. </member>
  293. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.RefreshTokenFormat">
  294. <summary>
  295. The data format used to protect and unprotect the information contained in the refresh token.
  296. If not provided by the application the default data protection provider depends on the host server.
  297. The SystemWeb host on IIS will use ASP.NET machine key data protection, and HttpListener and other self-hosted
  298. servers will use DPAPI data protection.
  299. </summary>
  300. </member>
  301. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AuthorizationCodeExpireTimeSpan">
  302. <summary>
  303. The period of time the authorization code remains valid after being issued. The default is five minutes.
  304. This time span must also take into account clock synchronization between servers in a web farm, so a very
  305. brief value could result in unexpectedly expired tokens.
  306. </summary>
  307. </member>
  308. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan">
  309. <summary>
  310. The period of time the access token remains valid after being issued. The default is twenty minutes.
  311. The client application is expected to refresh or acquire a new access token after the token has expired.
  312. </summary>
  313. </member>
  314. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AuthorizationCodeProvider">
  315. <summary>
  316. Produces a single-use authorization code to return to the client application. For the OAuth server to be secure the
  317. application MUST provide an instance for AuthorizationCodeProvider where the token produced by the OnCreate or OnCreateAsync event
  318. is considered valid for only one call to OnReceive or OnReceiveAsync.
  319. </summary>
  320. </member>
  321. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AccessTokenProvider">
  322. <summary>
  323. Produces a bearer token the client application will typically be providing to resource server as the authorization bearer
  324. http request header. If not provided the token produced on the server's default data protection. If a different access token
  325. provider or format is assigned, a compatible instance must be assigned to the OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.AccessTokenProvider
  326. or OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.AccessTokenFormat property of the resource server.
  327. </summary>
  328. </member>
  329. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.RefreshTokenProvider">
  330. <summary>
  331. Produces a refresh token which may be used to produce a new access token when needed. If not provided the authorization server will
  332. not return refresh tokens from the /Token endpoint.
  333. </summary>
  334. </member>
  335. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.ApplicationCanDisplayErrors">
  336. <summary>
  337. Set to true if the web application is able to render error messages on the /Authorize endpoint. This is only needed for cases where
  338. the browser is not redirected back to the client application, for example, when the client_id or redirect_uri are incorrect. The
  339. /Authorize endpoint should expect to see "oauth.Error", "oauth.ErrorDescription", "oauth.ErrorUri" properties added to the owin environment.
  340. </summary>
  341. </member>
  342. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.SystemClock">
  343. <summary>
  344. Used to know what the current clock time is when calculating or validating token expiration. When not assigned default is based on
  345. DateTimeOffset.UtcNow. This is typically needed only for unit testing.
  346. </summary>
  347. </member>
  348. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AllowInsecureHttp">
  349. <summary>
  350. True to allow authorize and token requests to arrive on http URI addresses, and to allow incoming
  351. redirect_uri authorize request parameter to have http URI addresses.
  352. </summary>
  353. </member>
  354. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.FormPostEndpoint">
  355. <summary>
  356. Endpoint responsible for Form Post Response Mode
  357. See also,
  358. </summary>
  359. </member>
  360. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware">
  361. <summary>
  362. Authorization Server middleware component which is added to an OWIN pipeline. This class is not
  363. created by application code directly, instead it is added by calling the the IAppBuilder UseOAuthAuthorizationServer
  364. extension method.
  365. </summary>
  366. </member>
  367. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.OwinMiddleware,Owin.IAppBuilder,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions)">
  368. <summary>
  369. Authorization Server middleware component which is added to an OWIN pipeline. This constructor is not
  370. called by application code directly, instead it is added by calling the the IAppBuilder UseOAuthAuthorizationServer
  371. extension method.
  372. </summary>
  373. </member>
  374. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware.CreateHandler">
  375. <summary>
  376. Called by the AuthenticationMiddleware base class to create a per-request handler.
  377. </summary>
  378. <returns>A new instance of the request handler</returns>
  379. </member>
  380. <member name="T:Owin.OAuthBearerAuthenticationExtensions">
  381. <summary>
  382. Extension methods to add OAuth Bearer authentication capabilities to an OWIN application pipeline
  383. </summary>
  384. </member>
  385. <member name="M:Owin.OAuthBearerAuthenticationExtensions.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(Owin.IAppBuilder,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions)">
  386. <summary>
  387. Adds Bearer token processing to an OWIN application pipeline. This middleware understands appropriately
  388. formatted and secured tokens which appear in the request header. If the Options.AuthenticationMode is Active, the
  389. claims within the bearer token are added to the current request's IPrincipal User. If the Options.AuthenticationMode
  390. is Passive, then the current request is not modified, but IAuthenticationManager AuthenticateAsync may be used at
  391. any time to obtain the claims from the request's bearer token.
  392. See also
  393. </summary>
  394. <param name="app">The web application builder</param>
  395. <param name="options">Options which control the processing of the bearer header.</param>
  396. <returns>The application builder</returns>
  397. </member>
  398. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware">
  399. <summary>
  400. Bearer authentication middleware component which is added to an OWIN pipeline. This class is not
  401. created by application code directly, instead it is added by calling the the IAppBuilder UseOAuthBearerAuthentication
  402. extension method.
  403. </summary>
  404. </member>
  405. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.OwinMiddleware,Owin.IAppBuilder,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions)">
  406. <summary>
  407. Bearer authentication component which is added to an OWIN pipeline. This constructor is not
  408. called by application code directly, instead it is added by calling the the IAppBuilder UseOAuthBearerAuthentication
  409. extension method.
  410. </summary>
  411. </member>
  412. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware.CreateHandler">
  413. <summary>
  414. Called by the AuthenticationMiddleware base class to create a per-request handler.
  415. </summary>
  416. <returns>A new instance of the request handler</returns>
  417. </member>
  418. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions">
  419. <summary>
  420. Options class provides information needed to control Bearer Authentication middleware behavior
  421. </summary>
  422. </member>
  423. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.#ctor">
  424. <summary>
  425. Creates an instance of bearer authentication options with default values.
  426. </summary>
  427. </member>
  428. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.Realm">
  429. <summary>
  430. Determines what realm value is included when the bearer middleware adds a response header to an unauthorized request.
  431. If not assigned, the response header does not have a realm.
  432. </summary>
  433. </member>
  434. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.Challenge">
  435. <summary>
  436. Specifies the full challenge to send to the client, and should start with "Bearer". If a challenge is provided then the
  437. Realm property is ignored. If no challenge is specified then one is created using "Bearer" and the value of the Realm
  438. property.
  439. </summary>
  440. </member>
  441. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.Provider">
  442. <summary>
  443. The object provided by the application to process events raised by the bearer authentication middleware.
  444. The application may implement the interface fully, or it may create an instance of OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider
  445. and assign delegates only to the events it wants to process.
  446. </summary>
  447. </member>
  448. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.AccessTokenFormat">
  449. <summary>
  450. The data format used to un-protect the information contained in the access token.
  451. If not provided by the application the default data protection provider depends on the host server.
  452. The SystemWeb host on IIS will use ASP.NET machine key data protection, and HttpListener and other self-hosted
  453. servers will use DPAPI data protection. If a different access token
  454. provider or format is assigned, a compatible instance must be assigned to the OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AccessTokenProvider
  455. and OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AccessTokenFormat of the authorization server.
  456. </summary>
  457. </member>
  458. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.AccessTokenProvider">
  459. <summary>
  460. Receives the bearer token the client application will be providing to web application. If not provided the token
  461. produced on the server's default data protection by using the AccessTokenFormat. If a different access token
  462. provider or format is assigned, a compatible instance must be assigned to the OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AccessTokenProvider
  463. and OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.AccessTokenFormat of the authorization server.
  464. </summary>
  465. </member>
  466. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions.SystemClock">
  467. <summary>
  468. Used to know what the current clock time is when calculating or validating token expiration. When not assigned default is based on
  469. DateTimeOffset.UtcNow. This is typically needed only for unit testing.
  470. </summary>
  471. </member>
  472. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthDefaults">
  473. <summary>
  474. Default values used by authorization server and bearer authentication.
  475. </summary>
  476. </member>
  477. <member name="F:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType">
  478. <summary>
  479. Default value for AuthenticationType property in the OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions and
  480. OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.
  481. </summary>
  482. </member>
  483. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext">
  484. <summary>
  485. Provides context information used at the end of a token-endpoint-request.
  486. </summary>
  487. </member>
  488. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary{System.String,System.Object})">
  489. <summary>
  490. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext"/> class
  491. </summary>
  492. <param name="context"></param>
  493. <param name="options"></param>
  494. <param name="ticket"></param>
  495. <param name="tokenEndpointRequest"></param>
  496. </member>
  497. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext.Issue(System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity,Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationProperties)">
  498. <summary>
  499. Issues the token.
  500. </summary>
  501. <param name="identity"></param>
  502. <param name="properties"></param>
  503. </member>
  504. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext.Identity">
  505. <summary>
  506. Gets the identity of the resource owner.
  507. </summary>
  508. </member>
  509. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext.Properties">
  510. <summary>
  511. Dictionary containing the state of the authentication session.
  512. </summary>
  513. </member>
  514. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext.AccessToken">
  515. <summary>
  516. The issued Access-Token
  517. </summary>
  518. </member>
  519. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext.TokenEndpointRequest">
  520. <summary>
  521. Gets information about the token endpoint request.
  522. </summary>
  523. </member>
  524. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext.TokenIssued">
  525. <summary>
  526. Gets whether or not the token should be issued.
  527. </summary>
  528. </member>
  529. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext.AdditionalResponseParameters">
  530. <summary>
  531. Enables additional values to be appended to the token response.
  532. </summary>
  533. </member>
  534. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingClientContext">
  535. <summary>
  536. Base class used for certain event contexts
  537. </summary>
  538. </member>
  539. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1">
  540. <summary>
  541. Base class used for certain event contexts
  542. </summary>
  543. </member>
  544. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,`0)">
  545. <summary>
  546. Initializes base class used for certain event contexts
  547. </summary>
  548. </member>
  549. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.Validated">
  550. <summary>
  551. Marks this context as validated by the application. IsValidated becomes true and HasError becomes false as a result of calling.
  552. </summary>
  553. <returns>True if the validation has taken effect.</returns>
  554. </member>
  555. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.Rejected">
  556. <summary>
  557. Marks this context as not validated by the application. IsValidated and HasError become false as a result of calling.
  558. </summary>
  559. </member>
  560. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.SetError(System.String)">
  561. <summary>
  562. Marks this context as not validated by the application and assigns various error information properties.
  563. HasError becomes true and IsValidated becomes false as a result of calling.
  564. </summary>
  565. <param name="error">Assigned to the Error property</param>
  566. </member>
  567. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.SetError(System.String,System.String)">
  568. <summary>
  569. Marks this context as not validated by the application and assigns various error information properties.
  570. HasError becomes true and IsValidated becomes false as a result of calling.
  571. </summary>
  572. <param name="error">Assigned to the Error property</param>
  573. <param name="errorDescription">Assigned to the ErrorDescription property</param>
  574. </member>
  575. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.SetError(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  576. <summary>
  577. Marks this context as not validated by the application and assigns various error information properties.
  578. HasError becomes true and IsValidated becomes false as a result of calling.
  579. </summary>
  580. <param name="error">Assigned to the Error property</param>
  581. <param name="errorDescription">Assigned to the ErrorDescription property</param>
  582. <param name="errorUri">Assigned to the ErrorUri property</param>
  583. </member>
  584. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.IsValidated">
  585. <summary>
  586. True if application code has called any of the Validate methods on this context.
  587. </summary>
  588. </member>
  589. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.HasError">
  590. <summary>
  591. True if application code has called any of the SetError methods on this context.
  592. </summary>
  593. </member>
  594. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.Error">
  595. <summary>
  596. The error argument provided when SetError was called on this context. This is eventually
  597. returned to the client app as the OAuth "error" parameter.
  598. </summary>
  599. </member>
  600. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.ErrorDescription">
  601. <summary>
  602. The optional errorDescription argument provided when SetError was called on this context. This is eventually
  603. returned to the client app as the OAuth "error_description" parameter.
  604. </summary>
  605. </member>
  606. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingContext`1.ErrorUri">
  607. <summary>
  608. The optional errorUri argument provided when SetError was called on this context. This is eventually
  609. returned to the client app as the OAuth "error_uri" parameter.
  610. </summary>
  611. </member>
  612. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingClientContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,System.String)">
  613. <summary>
  614. Initializes base class used for certain event contexts
  615. </summary>
  616. </member>
  617. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingClientContext.ClientId">
  618. <summary>
  619. The "client_id" parameter for the current request. The Authorization Server application is responsible for
  620. validating this value identifies a registered client.
  621. </summary>
  622. </member>
  623. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingTicketContext`1">
  624. <summary>
  625. Base class used for certain event contexts
  626. </summary>
  627. </member>
  628. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingTicketContext`1.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,`0,Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket)">
  629. <summary>
  630. Initializes base class used for certain event contexts
  631. </summary>
  632. </member>
  633. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingTicketContext`1.Validated(Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket)">
  634. <summary>
  635. Replaces the ticket information on this context and marks it as as validated by the application.
  636. IsValidated becomes true and HasError becomes false as a result of calling.
  637. </summary>
  638. <param name="ticket">Assigned to the Ticket property</param>
  639. <returns>True if the validation has taken effect.</returns>
  640. </member>
  641. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingTicketContext`1.Validated(System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity)">
  642. <summary>
  643. Alters the ticket information on this context and marks it as as validated by the application.
  644. IsValidated becomes true and HasError becomes false as a result of calling.
  645. </summary>
  646. <param name="identity">Assigned to the Ticket.Identity property</param>
  647. <returns>True if the validation has taken effect.</returns>
  648. </member>
  649. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingTicketContext`1.Ticket">
  650. <summary>
  651. Contains the identity and properties for the application to authenticate. If the Validated method
  652. is invoked with an AuthenticationTicket or ClaimsIdentity argument, that new value is assigned to
  653. this property in addition to changing IsValidated to true.
  654. </summary>
  655. </member>
  656. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext">
  657. <summary>
  658. Provides context information when processing an Authorization Response
  659. </summary>
  660. </member>
  661. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest,System.String,System.String)">
  662. <summary>
  663. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext"/> class
  664. </summary>
  665. <param name="context"></param>
  666. <param name="options"></param>
  667. <param name="ticket"></param>
  668. <param name="tokenEndpointRequest"></param>
  669. </member>
  670. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext.Identity">
  671. <summary>
  672. Gets the identity of the resource owner.
  673. </summary>
  674. </member>
  675. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext.Properties">
  676. <summary>
  677. Dictionary containing the state of the authentication session.
  678. </summary>
  679. </member>
  680. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext.AuthorizeEndpointRequest">
  681. <summary>
  682. Gets information about the authorize endpoint request.
  683. </summary>
  684. </member>
  685. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext.AdditionalResponseParameters">
  686. <summary>
  687. Enables additional values to be appended to the token response.
  688. </summary>
  689. </member>
  690. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext.AccessToken">
  691. <summary>
  692. The serialized Access-Token. Depending on the flow, it can be null.
  693. </summary>
  694. </member>
  695. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext.AuthorizationCode">
  696. <summary>
  697. The created Authorization-Code. Depending on the flow, it can be null.
  698. </summary>
  699. </member>
  700. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizeEndpointContext">
  701. <summary>
  702. An event raised after the Authorization Server has processed the request, but before it is passed on to the web application.
  703. Calling RequestCompleted will prevent the request from passing on to the web application.
  704. </summary>
  705. </member>
  706. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizeEndpointContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest)">
  707. <summary>
  708. Creates an instance of this context
  709. </summary>
  710. </member>
  711. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizeEndpointContext.AuthorizeRequest">
  712. <summary>
  713. Gets OAuth authorization request data.
  714. </summary>
  715. </member>
  716. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider">
  717. <summary>
  718. Interface for OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.Provider property used by Authorization
  719. Server to communicate with the web application while processing requests.
  720. </summary>
  721. </member>
  722. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.MatchEndpoint(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthMatchEndpointContext)">
  723. <summary>
  724. Called to determine if an incoming request is treated as an Authorize or Token
  725. endpoint. If Options.AuthorizeEndpointPath or Options.TokenEndpointPath
  726. are assigned values, then handling this event is optional and context.IsAuthorizeEndpoint and context.IsTokenEndpoint
  727. will already be true if the request path matches.
  728. </summary>
  729. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  730. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  731. </member>
  732. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.ValidateClientRedirectUri(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext)">
  733. <summary>
  734. Called to validate that the context.ClientId is a registered "client_id", and that the context.RedirectUri a "redirect_uri"
  735. registered for that client. This only occurs when processing the Authorize endpoint. The application MUST implement this
  736. call, and it MUST validate both of those factors before calling context.Validated. If the context.Validated method is called
  737. with a given redirectUri parameter, then IsValidated will only become true if the incoming redirect URI matches the given redirect URI.
  738. If context.Validated is not called the request will not proceed further.
  739. </summary>
  740. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  741. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  742. </member>
  743. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.ValidateClientAuthentication(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext)">
  744. <summary>
  745. Called to validate that the origin of the request is a registered "client_id", and that the correct credentials for that client are
  746. present on the request. If the web application accepts Basic authentication credentials,
  747. context.TryGetBasicCredentials(out clientId, out clientSecret) may be called to acquire those values if present in the request header. If the web
  748. application accepts "client_id" and "client_secret" as form encoded POST parameters,
  749. context.TryGetFormCredentials(out clientId, out clientSecret) may be called to acquire those values if present in the request body.
  750. If context.Validated is not called the request will not proceed further.
  751. </summary>
  752. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  753. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  754. </member>
  755. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.ValidateAuthorizeRequest(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateAuthorizeRequestContext)">
  756. <summary>
  757. Called for each request to the Authorize endpoint to determine if the request is valid and should continue.
  758. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to assume well-formed requests, with
  759. validated client redirect URI, should continue processing. An application may add any additional constraints.
  760. </summary>
  761. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  762. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  763. </member>
  764. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.ValidateTokenRequest(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateTokenRequestContext)">
  765. <summary>
  766. Called for each request to the Token endpoint to determine if the request is valid and should continue.
  767. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to assume well-formed requests, with
  768. validated client credentials, should continue processing. An application may add any additional constraints.
  769. </summary>
  770. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  771. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  772. </member>
  773. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantAuthorizationCode(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantAuthorizationCodeContext)">
  774. <summary>
  775. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "authorization_code". This occurs after the Authorize
  776. endpoint as redirected the user-agent back to the client with a "code" parameter, and the client is exchanging that for an "access_token".
  777. The claims and properties
  778. associated with the authorization code are present in the context.Ticket. The application must call context.Validated to instruct the Authorization
  779. Server middleware to issue an access token based on those claims and properties. The call to context.Validated may be given a different
  780. AuthenticationTicket or ClaimsIdentity in order to control which information flows from authorization code to access token.
  781. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to flow information from the authorization code to
  782. the access token unmodified.
  783. See also
  784. </summary>
  785. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  786. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  787. </member>
  788. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantRefreshToken(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantRefreshTokenContext)">
  789. <summary>
  790. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "refresh_token". This occurs if your application has issued a "refresh_token"
  791. along with the "access_token", and the client is attempting to use the "refresh_token" to acquire a new "access_token", and possibly a new "refresh_token".
  792. To issue a refresh token the an Options.RefreshTokenProvider must be assigned to create the value which is returned. The claims and properties
  793. associated with the refresh token are present in the context.Ticket. The application must call context.Validated to instruct the
  794. Authorization Server middleware to issue an access token based on those claims and properties. The call to context.Validated may
  795. be given a different AuthenticationTicket or ClaimsIdentity in order to control which information flows from the refresh token to
  796. the access token. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to flow information from the refresh token to
  797. the access token unmodified.
  798. See also
  799. </summary>
  800. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  801. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  802. </member>
  803. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext)">
  804. <summary>
  805. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "password". This occurs when the user has provided name and password
  806. credentials directly into the client application's user interface, and the client application is using those to acquire an "access_token" and
  807. optional "refresh_token". If the web application supports the
  808. resource owner credentials grant type it must validate the context.Username and context.Password as appropriate. To issue an
  809. access token the context.Validated must be called with a new ticket containing the claims about the resource owner which should be associated
  810. with the access token. The application should take appropriate measures to ensure that the endpoint isn’t abused by malicious callers. .
  811. The default behavior is to reject this grant type.
  812. See also
  813. </summary>
  814. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  815. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  816. </member>
  817. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantClientCredentials(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantClientCredentialsContext)">
  818. <summary>
  819. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "client_credentials". This occurs when a registered client
  820. application wishes to acquire an "access_token" to interact with protected resources on it's own behalf, rather than on behalf of an authenticated user.
  821. If the web application supports the client credentials it may assume the context.ClientId has been validated by the ValidateClientAuthentication call.
  822. To issue an access token the context.Validated must be called with a new ticket containing the claims about the client application which should be associated
  823. with the access token. The application should take appropriate measures to ensure that the endpoint isn’t abused by malicious callers.
  824. The default behavior is to reject this grant type.
  825. See also
  826. </summary>
  827. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  828. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  829. </member>
  830. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantCustomExtension(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantCustomExtensionContext)">
  831. <summary>
  832. Called when a request to the Token andpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of any other value. If the application supports custom grant types
  833. it is entirely responsible for determining if the request should result in an access_token. If context.Validated is called with ticket
  834. information the response body is produced in the same way as the other standard grant types. If additional response parameters must be
  835. included they may be added in the final TokenEndpoint call.
  836. See also
  837. </summary>
  838. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  839. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  840. </member>
  841. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.AuthorizeEndpoint(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizeEndpointContext)">
  842. <summary>
  843. Called at the final stage of an incoming Authorize endpoint request before the execution continues on to the web application component
  844. responsible for producing the html response. Anything present in the OWIN pipeline following the Authorization Server may produce the
  845. response for the Authorize page. If running on IIS any ASP.NET technology running on the server may produce the response for the
  846. Authorize page. If the web application wishes to produce the response directly in the AuthorizeEndpoint call it may write to the
  847. context.Response directly and should call context.RequestCompleted to stop other handlers from executing. If the web application wishes
  848. to grant the authorization directly in the AuthorizeEndpoint call it cay call context.OwinContext.Authentication.SignIn with the
  849. appropriate ClaimsIdentity and should call context.RequestCompleted to stop other handlers from executing.
  850. </summary>
  851. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  852. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  853. </member>
  854. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.TokenEndpoint(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext)">
  855. <summary>
  856. Called at the final stage of a successful Token endpoint request. An application may implement this call in order to do any final
  857. modification of the claims being used to issue access or refresh tokens. This call may also be used in order to add additional
  858. response parameters to the Token endpoint's json response body.
  859. </summary>
  860. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  861. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  862. </member>
  863. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.AuthorizationEndpointResponse(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext)">
  864. <summary>
  865. Called before the AuthorizationEndpoint redirects its response to the caller. The response could be the
  866. token, when using implicit flow or the AuthorizationEndpoint when using authorization code flow.
  867. An application may implement this call in order to do any final modification of the claims being used
  868. to issue access or refresh tokens. This call may also be used in order to add additional
  869. response parameters to the authorization endpoint's response.
  870. </summary>
  871. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  872. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  873. </member>
  874. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.TokenEndpointResponse(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext)">
  875. <summary>
  876. Called before the TokenEndpoint redirects its response to the caller.
  877. </summary>
  878. <param name="context"></param>
  879. <returns></returns>
  880. </member>
  881. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider">
  882. <summary>
  883. Default implementation of IOAuthAuthorizationServerProvider used by Authorization
  884. Server to communicate with the web application while processing requests. OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider provides some default behavior,
  885. may be used as a virtual base class, and offers delegate properties which may be used to
  886. handle individual calls without declaring a new class type.
  887. </summary>
  888. </member>
  889. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.#ctor">
  890. <summary>
  891. Creates new instance of default provider behavior
  892. </summary>
  893. </member>
  894. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.MatchEndpoint(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthMatchEndpointContext)">
  895. <summary>
  896. Called to determine if an incoming request is treated as an Authorize or Token
  897. endpoint. If Options.AuthorizeEndpointPath or Options.TokenEndpointPath
  898. are assigned values, then handling this event is optional and context.IsAuthorizeEndpoint and context.IsTokenEndpoint
  899. will already be true if the request path matches.
  900. </summary>
  901. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  902. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  903. </member>
  904. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.ValidateClientRedirectUri(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext)">
  905. <summary>
  906. Called to validate that the context.ClientId is a registered "client_id", and that the context.RedirectUri a "redirect_uri"
  907. registered for that client. This only occurs when processing the Authorize endpoint. The application MUST implement this
  908. call, and it MUST validate both of those factors before calling context.Validated. If the context.Validated method is called
  909. with a given redirectUri parameter, then IsValidated will only become true if the incoming redirect URI matches the given redirect URI.
  910. If context.Validated is not called the request will not proceed further.
  911. </summary>
  912. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  913. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  914. </member>
  915. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.ValidateClientAuthentication(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext)">
  916. <summary>
  917. Called to validate that the origin of the request is a registered "client_id", and that the correct credentials for that client are
  918. present on the request. If the web application accepts Basic authentication credentials,
  919. context.TryGetBasicCredentials(out clientId, out clientSecret) may be called to acquire those values if present in the request header. If the web
  920. application accepts "client_id" and "client_secret" as form encoded POST parameters,
  921. context.TryGetFormCredentials(out clientId, out clientSecret) may be called to acquire those values if present in the request body.
  922. If context.Validated is not called the request will not proceed further.
  923. </summary>
  924. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  925. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  926. </member>
  927. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.ValidateAuthorizeRequest(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateAuthorizeRequestContext)">
  928. <summary>
  929. Called for each request to the Authorize endpoint to determine if the request is valid and should continue.
  930. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to assume well-formed requests, with
  931. validated client redirect URI, should continue processing. An application may add any additional constraints.
  932. </summary>
  933. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  934. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  935. </member>
  936. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.ValidateTokenRequest(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateTokenRequestContext)">
  937. <summary>
  938. Called for each request to the Token endpoint to determine if the request is valid and should continue.
  939. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to assume well-formed requests, with
  940. validated client credentials, should continue processing. An application may add any additional constraints.
  941. </summary>
  942. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  943. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  944. </member>
  945. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantAuthorizationCode(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantAuthorizationCodeContext)">
  946. <summary>
  947. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "authorization_code". This occurs after the Authorize
  948. endpoint as redirected the user-agent back to the client with a "code" parameter, and the client is exchanging that for an "access_token".
  949. The claims and properties
  950. associated with the authorization code are present in the context.Ticket. The application must call context.Validated to instruct the Authorization
  951. Server middleware to issue an access token based on those claims and properties. The call to context.Validated may be given a different
  952. AuthenticationTicket or ClaimsIdentity in order to control which information flows from authorization code to access token.
  953. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to flow information from the authorization code to
  954. the access token unmodified.
  955. See also
  956. </summary>
  957. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  958. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  959. </member>
  960. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantRefreshToken(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantRefreshTokenContext)">
  961. <summary>
  962. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "refresh_token". This occurs if your application has issued a "refresh_token"
  963. along with the "access_token", and the client is attempting to use the "refresh_token" to acquire a new "access_token", and possibly a new "refresh_token".
  964. To issue a refresh token the an Options.RefreshTokenProvider must be assigned to create the value which is returned. The claims and properties
  965. associated with the refresh token are present in the context.Ticket. The application must call context.Validated to instruct the
  966. Authorization Server middleware to issue an access token based on those claims and properties. The call to context.Validated may
  967. be given a different AuthenticationTicket or ClaimsIdentity in order to control which information flows from the refresh token to
  968. the access token. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to flow information from the refresh token to
  969. the access token unmodified.
  970. See also
  971. </summary>
  972. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  973. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  974. </member>
  975. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext)">
  976. <summary>
  977. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "password". This occurs when the user has provided name and password
  978. credentials directly into the client application's user interface, and the client application is using those to acquire an "access_token" and
  979. optional "refresh_token". If the web application supports the
  980. resource owner credentials grant type it must validate the context.Username and context.Password as appropriate. To issue an
  981. access token the context.Validated must be called with a new ticket containing the claims about the resource owner which should be associated
  982. with the access token. The application should take appropriate measures to ensure that the endpoint isn’t abused by malicious callers.
  983. The default behavior is to reject this grant type.
  984. See also
  985. </summary>
  986. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  987. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  988. </member>
  989. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantClientCredentials(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantClientCredentialsContext)">
  990. <summary>
  991. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "client_credentials". This occurs when a registered client
  992. application wishes to acquire an "access_token" to interact with protected resources on it's own behalf, rather than on behalf of an authenticated user.
  993. If the web application supports the client credentials it may assume the context.ClientId has been validated by the ValidateClientAuthentication call.
  994. To issue an access token the context.Validated must be called with a new ticket containing the claims about the client application which should be associated
  995. with the access token. The application should take appropriate measures to ensure that the endpoint isn’t abused by malicious callers.
  996. The default behavior is to reject this grant type.
  997. See also
  998. </summary>
  999. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  1000. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  1001. </member>
  1002. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.GrantCustomExtension(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantCustomExtensionContext)">
  1003. <summary>
  1004. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of any other value. If the application supports custom grant types
  1005. it is entirely responsible for determining if the request should result in an access_token. If context.Validated is called with ticket
  1006. information the response body is produced in the same way as the other standard grant types. If additional response parameters must be
  1007. included they may be added in the final TokenEndpoint call.
  1008. See also
  1009. </summary>
  1010. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  1011. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  1012. </member>
  1013. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.AuthorizeEndpoint(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizeEndpointContext)">
  1014. <summary>
  1015. Called at the final stage of an incoming Authorize endpoint request before the execution continues on to the web application component
  1016. responsible for producing the html response. Anything present in the OWIN pipeline following the Authorization Server may produce the
  1017. response for the Authorize page. If running on IIS any ASP.NET technology running on the server may produce the response for the
  1018. Authorize page. If the web application wishes to produce the response directly in the AuthorizeEndpoint call it may write to the
  1019. context.Response directly and should call context.RequestCompleted to stop other handlers from executing. If the web application wishes
  1020. to grant the authorization directly in the AuthorizeEndpoint call it cay call context.OwinContext.Authentication.SignIn with the
  1021. appropriate ClaimsIdentity and should call context.RequestCompleted to stop other handlers from executing.
  1022. </summary>
  1023. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  1024. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  1025. </member>
  1026. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.TokenEndpoint(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext)">
  1027. <summary>
  1028. Called at the final stage of a successful Token endpoint request. An application may implement this call in order to do any final
  1029. modification of the claims being used to issue access or refresh tokens. This call may also be used in order to add additional
  1030. response parameters to the Token endpoint's json response body.
  1031. </summary>
  1032. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  1033. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  1034. </member>
  1035. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.AuthorizationEndpointResponse(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext)">
  1036. <summary>
  1037. Called before the AuthorizationEndpoint redirects its response to the caller. The response could be the
  1038. token, when using implicit flow or the AuthorizationEndpoint when using authorization code flow.
  1039. An application may implement this call in order to do any final modification of the claims being used
  1040. to issue access or refresh tokens. This call may also be used in order to add additional
  1041. response parameters to the authorization endpoint's response.
  1042. </summary>
  1043. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  1044. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  1045. </member>
  1046. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.TokenEndpointResponse(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointResponseContext)">
  1047. <summary>
  1048. Called before the TokenEndpoint redirects its response to the caller.
  1049. </summary>
  1050. <param name="context"></param>
  1051. <returns></returns>
  1052. </member>
  1053. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnMatchEndpoint">
  1054. <summary>
  1055. Called to determine if an incoming request is treated as an Authorize or Token
  1056. endpoint. If Options.AuthorizeEndpointPath or Options.TokenEndpointPath
  1057. are assigned values, then handling this event is optional and context.IsAuthorizeEndpoint and context.IsTokenEndpoint
  1058. will already be true if the request path matches.
  1059. </summary>
  1060. </member>
  1061. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnValidateClientRedirectUri">
  1062. <summary>
  1063. Called to validate that the context.ClientId is a registered "client_id", and that the context.RedirectUri a "redirect_uri"
  1064. registered for that client. This only occurs when processing the Authorize endpoint. The application MUST implement this
  1065. call, and it MUST validate both of those factors before calling context.Validated. If the context.Validated method is called
  1066. with a given redirectUri parameter, then IsValidated will only become true if the incoming redirect URI matches the given redirect URI.
  1067. If context.Validated is not called the request will not proceed further.
  1068. </summary>
  1069. </member>
  1070. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnValidateClientAuthentication">
  1071. <summary>
  1072. Called to validate that the origin of the request is a registered "client_id", and that the correct credentials for that client are
  1073. present on the request. If the web application accepts Basic authentication credentials,
  1074. context.TryGetBasicCredentials(out clientId, out clientSecret) may be called to acquire those values if present in the request header. If the web
  1075. application accepts "client_id" and "client_secret" as form encoded POST parameters,
  1076. context.TryGetFormCredentials(out clientId, out clientSecret) may be called to acquire those values if present in the request body.
  1077. If context.Validated is not called the request will not proceed further.
  1078. </summary>
  1079. </member>
  1080. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnValidateAuthorizeRequest">
  1081. <summary>
  1082. Called for each request to the Authorize endpoint to determine if the request is valid and should continue.
  1083. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to assume well-formed requests, with
  1084. validated client redirect URI, should continue processing. An application may add any additional constraints.
  1085. </summary>
  1086. </member>
  1087. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnValidateTokenRequest">
  1088. <summary>
  1089. Called for each request to the Token endpoint to determine if the request is valid and should continue.
  1090. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to assume well-formed requests, with
  1091. validated client credentials, should continue processing. An application may add any additional constraints.
  1092. </summary>
  1093. </member>
  1094. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnGrantAuthorizationCode">
  1095. <summary>
  1096. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "authorization_code". This occurs after the Authorize
  1097. endpoint as redirected the user-agent back to the client with a "code" parameter, and the client is exchanging that for an "access_token".
  1098. The claims and properties
  1099. associated with the authorization code are present in the context.Ticket. The application must call context.Validated to instruct the Authorization
  1100. Server middleware to issue an access token based on those claims and properties. The call to context.Validated may be given a different
  1101. AuthenticationTicket or ClaimsIdentity in order to control which information flows from authorization code to access token.
  1102. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to flow information from the authorization code to
  1103. the access token unmodified.
  1104. See also
  1105. </summary>
  1106. </member>
  1107. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnGrantResourceOwnerCredentials">
  1108. <summary>
  1109. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "password". This occurs when the user has provided name and password
  1110. credentials directly into the client application's user interface, and the client application is using those to acquire an "access_token" and
  1111. optional "refresh_token". If the web application supports the
  1112. resource owner credentials grant type it must validate the context.Username and context.Password as appropriate. To issue an
  1113. access token the context.Validated must be called with a new ticket containing the claims about the resource owner which should be associated
  1114. with the access token. The application should take appropriate measures to ensure that the endpoint isn’t abused by malicious callers.
  1115. The default behavior is to reject this grant type.
  1116. See also
  1117. </summary>
  1118. </member>
  1119. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnGrantClientCredentials">
  1120. <summary>
  1121. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "client_credentials". This occurs when a registered client
  1122. application wishes to acquire an "access_token" to interact with protected resources on it's own behalf, rather than on behalf of an authenticated user.
  1123. If the web application supports the client credentials it may assume the context.ClientId has been validated by the ValidateClientAuthentication call.
  1124. To issue an access token the context.Validated must be called with a new ticket containing the claims about the client application which should be associated
  1125. with the access token. The application should take appropriate measures to ensure that the endpoint isn’t abused by malicious callers.
  1126. The default behavior is to reject this grant type.
  1127. See also
  1128. </summary>
  1129. </member>
  1130. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnGrantRefreshToken">
  1131. <summary>
  1132. Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "refresh_token". This occurs if your application has issued a "refresh_token"
  1133. along with the "access_token", and the client is attempting to use the "refresh_token" to acquire a new "access_token", and possibly a new "refresh_token".
  1134. To issue a refresh token the an Options.RefreshTokenProvider must be assigned to create the value which is returned. The claims and properties
  1135. associated with the refresh token are present in the context.Ticket. The application must call context.Validated to instruct the
  1136. Authorization Server middleware to issue an access token based on those claims and properties. The call to context.Validated may
  1137. be given a different AuthenticationTicket or ClaimsIdentity in order to control which information flows from the refresh token to
  1138. the access token. The default behavior when using the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider is to flow information from the refresh token to
  1139. the access token unmodified.
  1140. See also
  1141. </summary>
  1142. </member>
  1143. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnGrantCustomExtension">
  1144. <summary>
  1145. Called when a request to the Token andpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of any other value. If the application supports custom grant types
  1146. it is entirely responsible for determining if the request should result in an access_token. If context.Validated is called with ticket
  1147. information the response body is produced in the same way as the other standard grant types. If additional response parameters must be
  1148. included they may be added in the final TokenEndpoint call.
  1149. See also
  1150. </summary>
  1151. </member>
  1152. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnAuthorizeEndpoint">
  1153. <summary>
  1154. Called at the final stage of an incoming Authorize endpoint request before the execution continues on to the web application component
  1155. responsible for producing the html response. Anything present in the OWIN pipeline following the Authorization Server may produce the
  1156. response for the Authorize page. If running on IIS any ASP.NET technology running on the server may produce the response for the
  1157. Authorize page. If the web application wishes to produce the response directly in the AuthorizeEndpoint call it may write to the
  1158. context.Response directly and should call context.RequestCompleted to stop other handlers from executing. If the web application wishes
  1159. to grant the authorization directly in the AuthorizeEndpoint call it cay call context.OwinContext.Authentication.SignIn with the
  1160. appropriate ClaimsIdentity and should call context.RequestCompleted to stop other handlers from executing.
  1161. </summary>
  1162. </member>
  1163. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnTokenEndpoint">
  1164. <summary>
  1165. Called at the final stage of a successful Token endpoint request. An application may implement this call in order to do any final
  1166. modification of the claims being used to issue access or refresh tokens. This call may also be used in order to add additional
  1167. response parameters to the Token endpoint's json response body.
  1168. </summary>
  1169. </member>
  1170. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnAuthorizationEndpointResponse">
  1171. <summary>
  1172. Called before the AuthorizationEndpoint redirects its response to the caller. The response could be the
  1173. token, when using implicit flow or the AuthorizationEndpoint when using authorization code flow.
  1174. An application may implement this call in order to do any final modification of the claims being used
  1175. to issue access or refresh tokens. This call may also be used in order to add additional
  1176. response parameters to the authorization endpoint's response.
  1177. </summary>
  1178. <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
  1179. <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
  1180. </member>
  1181. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider.OnTokenEndpointResponse">
  1182. <summary>
  1183. Called before the TokenEndpoint redirects its response to the caller.
  1184. </summary>
  1185. <param name="context"></param>
  1186. <returns></returns>
  1187. </member>
  1188. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider">
  1189. <summary>
  1190. OAuth bearer token middleware provider
  1191. </summary>
  1192. </member>
  1193. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider">
  1194. <summary>
  1195. Specifies callback methods which the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware"></see> invokes to enable developer control over the authentication process. /&gt;
  1196. </summary>
  1197. </member>
  1198. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider.RequestToken(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenContext)">
  1199. <summary>
  1200. Invoked before the <see cref="T:System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity"/> is created. Gives the application an
  1201. opportunity to find the identity from a different location, adjust, or reject the token.
  1202. </summary>
  1203. <param name="context">Contains the token string.</param>
  1204. <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> representing the completed operation.</returns>
  1205. </member>
  1206. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider.ValidateIdentity(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateIdentityContext)">
  1207. <summary>
  1208. Called each time a request identity has been validated by the middleware. By implementing this method the
  1209. application may alter or reject the identity which has arrived with the request.
  1210. </summary>
  1211. <param name="context">Contains information about the login session as well as the user <see cref="T:System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity"/>.</param>
  1212. <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> representing the completed operation.</returns>
  1213. </member>
  1214. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.IOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider.ApplyChallenge(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthChallengeContext)">
  1215. <summary>
  1216. Called each time a challenge is being sent to the client. By implementing this method the application
  1217. may modify the challenge as needed.
  1218. </summary>
  1219. <param name="context">Contains the default challenge.</param>
  1220. <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> representing the completed operation.</returns>
  1221. </member>
  1222. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider.#ctor">
  1223. <summary>
  1224. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider"/> class
  1225. </summary>
  1226. </member>
  1227. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider.RequestToken(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenContext)">
  1228. <summary>
  1229. Handles processing OAuth bearer token.
  1230. </summary>
  1231. <param name="context"></param>
  1232. <returns></returns>
  1233. </member>
  1234. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider.ValidateIdentity(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateIdentityContext)">
  1235. <summary>
  1236. Handles validating the identity produced from an OAuth bearer token.
  1237. </summary>
  1238. <param name="context"></param>
  1239. <returns></returns>
  1240. </member>
  1241. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider.ApplyChallenge(Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthChallengeContext)">
  1242. <summary>
  1243. Handles applying the authentication challenge to the response message.
  1244. </summary>
  1245. <param name="context"></param>
  1246. <returns></returns>
  1247. </member>
  1248. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider.OnRequestToken">
  1249. <summary>
  1250. Handles processing OAuth bearer token.
  1251. </summary>
  1252. </member>
  1253. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider.OnValidateIdentity">
  1254. <summary>
  1255. Handles validating the identity produced from an OAuth bearer token.
  1256. </summary>
  1257. </member>
  1258. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider.OnApplyChallenge">
  1259. <summary>
  1260. Handles applying the authentication challenge to the response message.
  1261. </summary>
  1262. </member>
  1263. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthChallengeContext">
  1264. <summary>
  1265. Specifies the HTTP response header for the bearer authentication scheme.
  1266. </summary>
  1267. </member>
  1268. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthChallengeContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,System.String)">
  1269. <summary>
  1270. Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenContext"/>
  1271. </summary>
  1272. <param name="context">OWIN environment</param>
  1273. <param name="challenge">The www-authenticate header value.</param>
  1274. </member>
  1275. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthChallengeContext.Challenge">
  1276. <summary>
  1277. The www-authenticate header value.
  1278. </summary>
  1279. </member>
  1280. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantAuthorizationCodeContext">
  1281. <summary>
  1282. Provides context information when handling an OAuth authorization code grant.
  1283. </summary>
  1284. </member>
  1285. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantAuthorizationCodeContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket)">
  1286. <summary>
  1287. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantAuthorizationCodeContext"/> class
  1288. </summary>
  1289. <param name="context"></param>
  1290. <param name="options"></param>
  1291. <param name="ticket"></param>
  1292. </member>
  1293. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantRefreshTokenContext">
  1294. <summary>
  1295. Provides context information used when granting an OAuth refresh token.
  1296. </summary>
  1297. </member>
  1298. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantRefreshTokenContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket,System.String)">
  1299. <summary>
  1300. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantRefreshTokenContext"/> class
  1301. </summary>
  1302. <param name="context"></param>
  1303. <param name="options"></param>
  1304. <param name="ticket"></param>
  1305. <param name="clientId"></param>
  1306. </member>
  1307. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantRefreshTokenContext.ClientId">
  1308. <summary>
  1309. The OAuth client id.
  1310. </summary>
  1311. </member>
  1312. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenContext">
  1313. <summary>
  1314. Specifies the HTTP request header for the bearer authentication scheme.
  1315. </summary>
  1316. </member>
  1317. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,System.String)">
  1318. <summary>
  1319. Initializes a new <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenContext"/>
  1320. </summary>
  1321. <param name="context">OWIN environment</param>
  1322. <param name="token">The authorization header value.</param>
  1323. </member>
  1324. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthRequestTokenContext.Token">
  1325. <summary>
  1326. The authorization header value
  1327. </summary>
  1328. </member>
  1329. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext">
  1330. <summary>
  1331. Contains information about the client credentials.
  1332. </summary>
  1333. </member>
  1334. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,Microsoft.Owin.IReadableStringCollection)">
  1335. <summary>
  1336. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext"/> class
  1337. </summary>
  1338. <param name="context"></param>
  1339. <param name="options"></param>
  1340. <param name="parameters"></param>
  1341. </member>
  1342. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext.Validated(System.String)">
  1343. <summary>
  1344. Sets the client id and marks the context as validated by the application.
  1345. </summary>
  1346. <param name="clientId"></param>
  1347. <returns></returns>
  1348. </member>
  1349. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext.TryGetBasicCredentials(System.String@,System.String@)">
  1350. <summary>
  1351. Extracts HTTP basic authentication credentials from the HTTP authenticate header.
  1352. </summary>
  1353. <param name="clientId"></param>
  1354. <param name="clientSecret"></param>
  1355. <returns></returns>
  1356. </member>
  1357. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext.TryGetFormCredentials(System.String@,System.String@)">
  1358. <summary>
  1359. Extracts forms authentication credentials from the HTTP request body.
  1360. </summary>
  1361. <param name="clientId"></param>
  1362. <param name="clientSecret"></param>
  1363. <returns></returns>
  1364. </member>
  1365. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientAuthenticationContext.Parameters">
  1366. <summary>
  1367. Gets the set of form parameters from the request.
  1368. </summary>
  1369. </member>
  1370. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthMatchEndpointContext">
  1371. <summary>
  1372. Provides context information used when determining the OAuth flow type based on the request.
  1373. </summary>
  1374. </member>
  1375. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthMatchEndpointContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions)">
  1376. <summary>
  1377. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthMatchEndpointContext"/> class
  1378. </summary>
  1379. <param name="context"></param>
  1380. <param name="options"></param>
  1381. </member>
  1382. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthMatchEndpointContext.MatchesAuthorizeEndpoint">
  1383. <summary>
  1384. Sets the endpoint type to authorize endpoint.
  1385. </summary>
  1386. </member>
  1387. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthMatchEndpointContext.MatchesTokenEndpoint">
  1388. <summary>
  1389. Sets the endpoint type to token endpoint.
  1390. </summary>
  1391. </member>
  1392. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthMatchEndpointContext.MatchesNothing">
  1393. <summary>
  1394. Sets the endpoint type to neither authorize nor token.
  1395. </summary>
  1396. </member>
  1397. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthMatchEndpointContext.IsAuthorizeEndpoint">
  1398. <summary>
  1399. Gets whether or not the endpoint is an OAuth authorize endpoint.
  1400. </summary>
  1401. </member>
  1402. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthMatchEndpointContext.IsTokenEndpoint">
  1403. <summary>
  1404. Gets whether or not the endpoint is an OAuth token endpoint.
  1405. </summary>
  1406. </member>
  1407. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext">
  1408. <summary>
  1409. Provides context information used when processing an OAuth token request.
  1410. </summary>
  1411. </member>
  1412. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest)">
  1413. <summary>
  1414. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext"/> class
  1415. </summary>
  1416. <param name="context"></param>
  1417. <param name="options"></param>
  1418. <param name="ticket"></param>
  1419. <param name="tokenEndpointRequest"></param>
  1420. </member>
  1421. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext.Issue(System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity,Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationProperties)">
  1422. <summary>
  1423. Issues the token.
  1424. </summary>
  1425. <param name="identity"></param>
  1426. <param name="properties"></param>
  1427. </member>
  1428. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext.Identity">
  1429. <summary>
  1430. Gets the identity of the resource owner.
  1431. </summary>
  1432. </member>
  1433. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext.Properties">
  1434. <summary>
  1435. Dictionary containing the state of the authentication session.
  1436. </summary>
  1437. </member>
  1438. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext.TokenEndpointRequest">
  1439. <summary>
  1440. Gets information about the token endpoint request.
  1441. </summary>
  1442. </member>
  1443. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext.TokenIssued">
  1444. <summary>
  1445. Gets whether or not the token should be issued.
  1446. </summary>
  1447. </member>
  1448. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthTokenEndpointContext.AdditionalResponseParameters">
  1449. <summary>
  1450. Enables additional values to be appended to the token response.
  1451. </summary>
  1452. </member>
  1453. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantClientCredentialsContext">
  1454. <summary>
  1455. Provides context information used in handling an OAuth client credentials grant.
  1456. </summary>
  1457. </member>
  1458. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantClientCredentialsContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.String})">
  1459. <summary>
  1460. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantClientCredentialsContext"/> class
  1461. </summary>
  1462. <param name="context"></param>
  1463. <param name="options"></param>
  1464. <param name="clientId"></param>
  1465. <param name="scope"></param>
  1466. </member>
  1467. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantClientCredentialsContext.ClientId">
  1468. <summary>
  1469. OAuth client id.
  1470. </summary>
  1471. </member>
  1472. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantClientCredentialsContext.Scope">
  1473. <summary>
  1474. List of scopes allowed by the resource owner.
  1475. </summary>
  1476. </member>
  1477. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantCustomExtensionContext">
  1478. <summary>
  1479. Provides context information used when handling OAuth extension grant types.
  1480. </summary>
  1481. </member>
  1482. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantCustomExtensionContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.Owin.IReadableStringCollection)">
  1483. <summary>
  1484. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantCustomExtensionContext"/> class
  1485. </summary>
  1486. <param name="context"></param>
  1487. <param name="options"></param>
  1488. <param name="clientId"></param>
  1489. <param name="grantType"></param>
  1490. <param name="parameters"></param>
  1491. </member>
  1492. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantCustomExtensionContext.ClientId">
  1493. <summary>
  1494. Gets the OAuth client id.
  1495. </summary>
  1496. </member>
  1497. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantCustomExtensionContext.GrantType">
  1498. <summary>
  1499. Gets the name of the OAuth extension grant type.
  1500. </summary>
  1501. </member>
  1502. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantCustomExtensionContext.Parameters">
  1503. <summary>
  1504. Gets a list of additional parameters from the token request.
  1505. </summary>
  1506. </member>
  1507. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateAuthorizeRequestContext">
  1508. <summary>
  1509. Provides context information used in validating an OAuth authorization request.
  1510. </summary>
  1511. </member>
  1512. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateAuthorizeRequestContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.AuthorizeEndpointRequest,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext)">
  1513. <summary>
  1514. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateAuthorizeRequestContext"/> class
  1515. </summary>
  1516. <param name="context"></param>
  1517. <param name="options"></param>
  1518. <param name="authorizeRequest"></param>
  1519. <param name="clientContext"></param>
  1520. </member>
  1521. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateAuthorizeRequestContext.AuthorizeRequest">
  1522. <summary>
  1523. Gets OAuth authorization request data.
  1524. </summary>
  1525. </member>
  1526. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateAuthorizeRequestContext.ClientContext">
  1527. <summary>
  1528. Gets data about the OAuth client.
  1529. </summary>
  1530. </member>
  1531. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext">
  1532. <summary>
  1533. Contains data about the OAuth client redirect URI
  1534. </summary>
  1535. </member>
  1536. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,System.String,System.String)">
  1537. <summary>
  1538. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext"/> class
  1539. </summary>
  1540. <param name="context"></param>
  1541. <param name="options"></param>
  1542. <param name="clientId"></param>
  1543. <param name="redirectUri"></param>
  1544. </member>
  1545. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext.Validated">
  1546. <summary>
  1547. Marks this context as validated by the application. IsValidated becomes true and HasError becomes false as a result of calling.
  1548. </summary>
  1549. <returns></returns>
  1550. </member>
  1551. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext.Validated(System.String)">
  1552. <summary>
  1553. Checks the redirect URI to determine whether it equals <see cref="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext.RedirectUri"/>.
  1554. </summary>
  1555. <param name="redirectUri"></param>
  1556. <returns></returns>
  1557. </member>
  1558. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateClientRedirectUriContext.RedirectUri">
  1559. <summary>
  1560. Gets the client redirect URI
  1561. </summary>
  1562. </member>
  1563. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateIdentityContext">
  1564. <summary>
  1565. Contains the authentication ticket data from an OAuth bearer token.
  1566. </summary>
  1567. </member>
  1568. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateIdentityContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions,Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationTicket)">
  1569. <summary>
  1570. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateIdentityContext"/> class
  1571. </summary>
  1572. <param name="context"></param>
  1573. <param name="options"></param>
  1574. <param name="ticket"></param>
  1575. </member>
  1576. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext">
  1577. <summary>
  1578. Provides context information used in handling an OAuth resource owner grant.
  1579. </summary>
  1580. </member>
  1581. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.String})">
  1582. <summary>
  1583. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext"/> class
  1584. </summary>
  1585. <param name="context"></param>
  1586. <param name="options"></param>
  1587. <param name="clientId"></param>
  1588. <param name="userName"></param>
  1589. <param name="password"></param>
  1590. <param name="scope"></param>
  1591. </member>
  1592. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext.ClientId">
  1593. <summary>
  1594. OAuth client id.
  1595. </summary>
  1596. </member>
  1597. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext.UserName">
  1598. <summary>
  1599. Resource owner username.
  1600. </summary>
  1601. </member>
  1602. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext.Password">
  1603. <summary>
  1604. Resource owner password.
  1605. </summary>
  1606. </member>
  1607. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext.Scope">
  1608. <summary>
  1609. List of scopes allowed by the resource owner.
  1610. </summary>
  1611. </member>
  1612. <member name="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateTokenRequestContext">
  1613. <summary>
  1614. Provides context information used in validating an OAuth token request.
  1615. </summary>
  1616. </member>
  1617. <member name="M:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateTokenRequestContext.#ctor(Microsoft.Owin.IOwinContext,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.Messages.TokenEndpointRequest,Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.BaseValidatingClientContext)">
  1618. <summary>
  1619. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateTokenRequestContext"/> class
  1620. </summary>
  1621. <param name="context"></param>
  1622. <param name="options"></param>
  1623. <param name="tokenRequest"></param>
  1624. <param name="clientContext"></param>
  1625. </member>
  1626. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateTokenRequestContext.TokenRequest">
  1627. <summary>
  1628. Gets the token request data.
  1629. </summary>
  1630. </member>
  1631. <member name="P:Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth.OAuthValidateTokenRequestContext.ClientContext">
  1632. <summary>
  1633. Gets information about the client.
  1634. </summary>
  1635. </member>
  1636. </members>
  1637. </doc>