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4 years ago
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>Autofac.Integration.Web</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.AttributedInjection">
  8. <summary>
  9. Injects dependencies into request handlers and pages that have been
  10. decorated with the [InjectProperties] or [InjectUnsetProperties]
  11. attributes.
  12. </summary>
  13. </member>
  14. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.AttributedInjection.GetInjector(Autofac.IComponentContext)">
  15. <summary>
  16. Override to return a closure that injects properties into a target.
  17. </summary>
  18. <param name="context">The context.</param>
  19. <returns>The injector.</returns>
  20. </member>
  21. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.AttributedInjectionModule">
  22. <summary>
  23. Injects dependencies into request handlers and pages that have been
  24. decorated with the [InjectProperties] or [InjectUnsetProperties]
  25. attributes.
  26. </summary>
  27. </member>
  28. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.AttributedInjectionModule.GetInjectionBehaviorForHandlerType(System.Type)">
  29. <summary>
  30. Override to customise injection behavior based on HTTP Handler type.
  31. </summary>
  32. <param name="handlerType">Type of the handler.</param>
  33. <returns>The injection behavior.</returns>
  34. </member>
  35. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionAttribute">
  36. <summary>
  37. Base class for dependency injection attributes.
  38. </summary>
  39. </member>
  40. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModule">
  41. <summary>
  42. Base for classes that inject dependencies into HTTP Handlers.
  43. </summary>
  44. </member>
  45. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModule.Dispose">
  46. <summary>
  47. Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used by the module that implements <see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpModule"/>.
  48. </summary>
  49. </member>
  50. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModule.Init(System.Web.HttpApplication)">
  51. <summary>
  52. Initializes a module and prepares it to handle requests.
  53. </summary>
  54. <param name="context">An <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpApplication"/> that provides access to the methods, properties, and events common to all application objects within an ASP.NET application</param>
  55. </member>
  56. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModule.OnPreRequestHandlerExecute(System.Object,System.EventArgs)">
  57. <summary>
  58. Called before the request handler is executed so that dependencies
  59. can be injected.
  60. </summary>
  61. <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
  62. <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
  63. </member>
  64. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModule.GetInjectionBehavior(System.Web.IHttpHandler)">
  65. <summary>
  66. Internal for testability outside of a web application.
  67. </summary>
  68. <param name="handler"></param>
  69. <returns>The injection behavior.</returns>
  70. </member>
  71. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModule.NoInjection">
  72. <summary>
  73. A behavior that does not inject dependencies.
  74. </summary>
  75. </member>
  76. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModule.PropertyInjection">
  77. <summary>
  78. A behavior that injects resolvable dependencies.
  79. </summary>
  80. </member>
  81. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModule.UnsetPropertyInjection">
  82. <summary>
  83. A behavior that injects unset, resolvable dependencies.
  84. </summary>
  85. </member>
  86. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModule.GetInjectionBehaviorForHandlerType(System.Type)">
  87. <summary>
  88. Override to customize injection behavior based on HTTP Handler type.
  89. </summary>
  90. <param name="handlerType">Type of the handler.</param>
  91. <returns>The injection behavior.</returns>
  92. </member>
  93. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModuleResources">
  94. <summary>
  95. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
  96. </summary>
  97. </member>
  98. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModuleResources.ResourceManager">
  99. <summary>
  100. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
  101. </summary>
  102. </member>
  103. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModuleResources.Culture">
  104. <summary>
  105. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
  106. resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
  107. </summary>
  108. </member>
  109. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModuleResources.ApplicationMustImplementAccessor">
  110. <summary>
  111. Looks up a localized string similar to This module requires that the HttpApplication (Global Application Class) implements IContainerProviderAccessor..
  112. </summary>
  113. </member>
  114. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.DependencyInjectionModuleResources.ContainerProviderNull">
  115. <summary>
  116. Looks up a localized string similar to IContainerProviderAccessor.ContainerProvider returned null, which is invalid. If the container provider belongs to the HttpApplication subclass, ensure that it is a static variable..
  117. </summary>
  118. </member>
  119. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.IInjectionBehavior">
  120. <summary>
  121. Provides dependency injection for a request handler.
  122. </summary>
  123. </member>
  124. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.IInjectionBehavior.InjectDependencies(Autofac.IComponentContext,System.Object)">
  125. <summary>
  126. Inject dependencies in the required fashion.
  127. </summary>
  128. <param name="context">The context.</param>
  129. <param name="target">The target.</param>
  130. </member>
  131. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.InjectPropertiesAttribute">
  132. <summary>
  133. Indicates that property injection should be performed on the instance when it is instantiated.
  134. </summary>
  135. </member>
  136. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.InjectUnsetPropertiesAttribute">
  137. <summary>
  138. Indicates that property injection should be performed for null-valued
  139. properties on the instance when it is instantiated.
  140. </summary>
  141. </member>
  142. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.NoInjection">
  143. <summary>
  144. Does not inject properties.
  145. </summary>
  146. </member>
  147. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.NoInjection.InjectDependencies(Autofac.IComponentContext,System.Object)">
  148. <summary>
  149. Inject dependencies in the required fashion.
  150. </summary>
  151. <param name="context">The context.</param>
  152. <param name="target">The target.</param>
  153. </member>
  154. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.PageInjectionBehavior">
  155. <summary>
  156. Assists with the construction of page injectors.
  157. </summary>
  158. </member>
  159. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.PageInjectionBehavior.InjectDependencies(Autofac.IComponentContext,System.Object)">
  160. <summary>
  161. Inject dependencies in the required fashion.
  162. </summary>
  163. <param name="context">The context.</param>
  164. <param name="target">The target.</param>
  165. </member>
  166. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.PageInjectionBehavior.GetInjector(Autofac.IComponentContext)">
  167. <summary>
  168. Override to return a closure that injects properties into a target.
  169. </summary>
  170. <param name="context">The context.</param>
  171. <returns>The injector.</returns>
  172. </member>
  173. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.PageInjectionBehavior.DoInjection(System.Func{System.Object,System.Object},System.Object)">
  174. <summary>
  175. Does the injection using a supplied injection function.
  176. </summary>
  177. <param name="injector">The injector.</param>
  178. <param name="target">The target.</param>
  179. </member>
  180. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.PropertyInjection">
  181. <summary>
  182. Injects any resolvable properties.
  183. </summary>
  184. </member>
  185. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.PropertyInjection.GetInjector(Autofac.IComponentContext)">
  186. <summary>
  187. Override to return a closure that injects properties into a target.
  188. </summary>
  189. <param name="context">The context.</param>
  190. <returns>The injector.</returns>
  191. </member>
  192. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.PropertyInjectionModule">
  193. <summary>
  194. Dependency injection module that will always inject any resolvable
  195. properties.
  196. </summary>
  197. </member>
  198. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.PropertyInjectionModule.GetInjectionBehaviorForHandlerType(System.Type)">
  199. <summary>
  200. Override to customise injection behavior based on HTTP Handler type.
  201. </summary>
  202. <param name="handlerType">Type of the handler.</param>
  203. <returns>The injection behavior.</returns>
  204. </member>
  205. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.UnsetPropertyInjection">
  206. <summary>
  207. Injects resolvable properties that do not already have a value.
  208. </summary>
  209. </member>
  210. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.UnsetPropertyInjection.GetInjector(Autofac.IComponentContext)">
  211. <summary>
  212. Override to return a closure that injects properties into a target.
  213. </summary>
  214. <param name="context">The context.</param>
  215. <returns>The injector.</returns>
  216. </member>
  217. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.UnsetPropertyInjectionModule">
  218. <summary>
  219. Dependency injection module that will always inject any resolvable
  220. properties.
  221. </summary>
  222. </member>
  223. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.Forms.UnsetPropertyInjectionModule.GetInjectionBehaviorForHandlerType(System.Type)">
  224. <summary>
  225. Override to customise injection behavior based on HTTP Handler type.
  226. </summary>
  227. <param name="handlerType">Type of the handler.</param>
  228. <returns>The injection behavior.</returns>
  229. </member>
  230. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerDisposalModule">
  231. <summary>
  232. HTTP Module that disposes of Autofac-created components when processing for
  233. a request completes.
  234. </summary>
  235. </member>
  236. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerDisposalModule.Dispose">
  237. <summary>
  238. Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used by the module that implements <see cref="T:System.Web.IHttpModule"/>.
  239. </summary>
  240. </member>
  241. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerDisposalModule.Init(System.Web.HttpApplication)">
  242. <summary>
  243. Initializes a module and prepares it to handle requests.
  244. </summary>
  245. <param name="context">An <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpApplication"/> that provides access to the methods, properties, and events common to all application objects within an ASP.NET application</param>
  246. </member>
  247. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerDisposalModule.OnEndRequest(System.Object,System.EventArgs)">
  248. <summary>
  249. Dispose of the per-request container.
  250. </summary>
  251. <param name="sender"></param>
  252. <param name="e"></param>
  253. </member>
  254. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerDisposalModuleResources">
  255. <summary>
  256. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
  257. </summary>
  258. </member>
  259. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerDisposalModuleResources.ResourceManager">
  260. <summary>
  261. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
  262. </summary>
  263. </member>
  264. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerDisposalModuleResources.Culture">
  265. <summary>
  266. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
  267. resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
  268. </summary>
  269. </member>
  270. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerDisposalModuleResources.ApplicationMustImplementAccessor">
  271. <summary>
  272. Looks up a localized string similar to This module requires that the HttpApplication (Global Application Class) implements IContainerProviderAccessor..
  273. </summary>
  274. </member>
  275. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerDisposalModuleResources.ContainerProviderNull">
  276. <summary>
  277. Looks up a localized string similar to IContainerProviderAccessor.ContainerProvider returned null, which is invalid. If the container provider belongs to the HttpApplication subclass, ensure that it is a static variable..
  278. </summary>
  279. </member>
  280. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProvider">
  281. <summary>
  282. Provides application-wide and per-request containers.
  283. </summary>
  284. </member>
  285. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProvider.#ctor(Autofac.IContainer)">
  286. <summary>
  287. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProvider"/> class.
  288. </summary>
  289. <param name="applicationContainer">The application container.</param>
  290. </member>
  291. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProvider.#ctor(Autofac.IContainer,System.Action{Autofac.ContainerBuilder})">
  292. <summary>
  293. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProvider"/> class.
  294. </summary>
  295. <param name="applicationContainer">The application container.</param>
  296. <param name="requestLifetimeConfiguration">An action that will be executed when building
  297. the per-request lifetime. The components visible within the request can be
  298. customised here.</param>
  299. </member>
  300. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProvider.EndRequestLifetime">
  301. <summary>
  302. Dispose of the current request's container, if it has been
  303. instantiated.
  304. </summary>
  305. </member>
  306. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProvider.ApplicationContainer">
  307. <summary>
  308. The global, application-wide container.
  309. </summary>
  310. <value></value>
  311. </member>
  312. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProvider.RequestLifetime">
  313. <summary>
  314. The container used to manage components for processing the
  315. current request.
  316. </summary>
  317. <value></value>
  318. </member>
  319. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer">
  320. <summary>
  321. Provides an implementation of <see cref="T:Autofac.IContainer"/> which uses the configured
  322. <see cref="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.IContainerProvider"/> to route calls to the current request container.
  323. </summary>
  324. </member>
  325. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.#ctor(Autofac.Integration.Web.IContainerProvider)">
  326. <summary>
  327. Initializes a new instance of <see cref="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer"/>.
  328. </summary>
  329. <param name="containerProvider">The <see cref="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.IContainerProvider"/> to use to retrieve the current request container.</param>
  330. </member>
  331. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.ComponentRegistry">
  332. <summary>
  333. Associates services with the components that provide them.
  334. </summary>
  335. </member>
  336. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.BeginLifetimeScope">
  337. <summary>
  338. Begin a new nested scope. Component instances created via the new scope
  339. will be disposed along with it.
  340. </summary>
  341. <returns>A new lifetime scope.</returns>
  342. </member>
  343. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.BeginLifetimeScope(System.Object)">
  344. <summary>
  345. Begin a new nested scope. Component instances created via the new scope
  346. will be disposed along with it.
  347. </summary>
  348. <param name="tag">The tag applied to the <see cref="T:Autofac.ILifetimeScope"/>.</param>
  349. <returns>A new lifetime scope.</returns>
  350. </member>
  351. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.BeginLifetimeScope(System.Action{Autofac.ContainerBuilder})">
  352. <summary>
  353. Begin a new nested scope, with additional components available to it.
  354. Component instances created via the new scope
  355. will be disposed along with it.
  356. </summary>
  357. <remarks>
  358. The components registered in the sub-scope will be treated as though they were
  359. registered in the root scope, i.e., SingleInstance() components will live as long
  360. as the root scope.
  361. </remarks>
  362. <param name="configurationAction">Action on a <see cref="T:Autofac.ContainerBuilder"/>
  363. that adds component registations visible only in the new scope.</param>
  364. <returns>A new lifetime scope.</returns>
  365. </member>
  366. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.BeginLifetimeScope(System.Object,System.Action{Autofac.ContainerBuilder})">
  367. <summary>
  368. Begin a new nested scope, with additional components available to it.
  369. Component instances created via the new scope
  370. will be disposed along with it.
  371. </summary>
  372. <remarks>
  373. The components registered in the sub-scope will be treated as though they were
  374. registered in the root scope, i.e., SingleInstance() components will live as long
  375. as the root scope.
  376. </remarks>
  377. <param name="tag">The tag applied to the <see cref="T:Autofac.ILifetimeScope"/>.</param>
  378. <param name="configurationAction">Action on a <see cref="T:Autofac.ContainerBuilder"/>
  379. that adds component registations visible only in the new scope.</param>
  380. <returns>A new lifetime scope.</returns>
  381. </member>
  382. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.Disposer">
  383. <summary>
  384. The disposer associated with this <see cref="T:Autofac.ILifetimeScope"/>.
  385. Component instances can be associated with it manually if required.
  386. </summary>
  387. <remarks>Typical usage does not require interaction with this member- it
  388. is used when extending the container.</remarks>
  389. </member>
  390. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.Tag">
  391. <summary>
  392. The tag applied to the <see cref="T:Autofac.ILifetimeScope"/>.
  393. </summary>
  394. <remarks>Tags allow a level in the lifetime hierarchy to be identified.
  395. In most applications, tags are not necessary.</remarks>
  396. <seealso cref="M:Autofac.Builder.IRegistrationBuilder`3.InstancePerMatchingLifetimeScope(System.Object[])"/>
  397. </member>
  398. <member name="E:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.ChildLifetimeScopeBeginning">
  399. <summary>
  400. Fired when a new scope based on the current scope is beginning.
  401. </summary>
  402. </member>
  403. <member name="E:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.CurrentScopeEnding">
  404. <summary>
  405. Fired when this scope is ending.
  406. </summary>
  407. </member>
  408. <member name="E:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.ResolveOperationBeginning">
  409. <summary>
  410. Fired when a resolve operation is beginning in this scope.
  411. </summary>
  412. </member>
  413. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.ResolveComponent(Autofac.Core.IComponentRegistration,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Autofac.Core.Parameter})">
  414. <summary>
  415. Resolve an instance of the provided registration within the context.
  416. </summary>
  417. <param name="registration">The registration.</param>
  418. <param name="parameters">Parameters for the instance.</param>
  419. <returns>
  420. The component instance.
  421. </returns>
  422. <exception cref="T:Autofac.Core.Registration.ComponentNotRegisteredException"/>
  423. <exception cref="T:Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException"/>
  424. </member>
  425. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.ContainerProviderContainer.Dispose">
  426. <summary>
  427. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
  428. </summary>
  429. </member>
  430. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.IContainerProvider">
  431. <summary>
  432. Provides global and per-request Autofac containers in an
  433. ASP.NET application.
  434. </summary>
  435. </member>
  436. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.IContainerProvider.EndRequestLifetime">
  437. <summary>
  438. Dispose of the current request's container, if it has been
  439. instantiated.
  440. </summary>
  441. </member>
  442. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.IContainerProvider.ApplicationContainer">
  443. <summary>
  444. The global, application-wide container.
  445. </summary>
  446. </member>
  447. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.IContainerProvider.RequestLifetime">
  448. <summary>
  449. The lifetime used to manage components for processing the
  450. current request.
  451. </summary>
  452. </member>
  453. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.IContainerProviderAccessor">
  454. <summary>
  455. Implemented on a type (i.e. HttpApplication) that maintains a container provider
  456. for injecting dependencies into web requests.
  457. </summary>
  458. </member>
  459. <member name="P:Autofac.Integration.Web.IContainerProviderAccessor.ContainerProvider">
  460. <summary>
  461. Gets the container provider.
  462. </summary>
  463. <value>The container provider.</value>
  464. </member>
  465. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.RegistrationExtensions">
  466. <summary>
  467. Extends registration syntax for common web scenarios.
  468. </summary>
  469. </member>
  470. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.RegistrationExtensions.InstancePerHttpRequest``3(Autofac.Builder.IRegistrationBuilder{``0,``1,``2},System.Object[])">
  471. <summary>
  472. Share one instance of the component within the context of a single
  473. HTTP request.
  474. </summary>
  475. <typeparam name="TLimit">Registration limit type.</typeparam>
  476. <typeparam name="TStyle">Registration style.</typeparam>
  477. <typeparam name="TActivatorData">Activator data type.</typeparam>
  478. <param name="registration">The registration to configure.</param>
  479. <param name="lifetimeScopeTags">Additional tags applied for matching lifetime scopes.</param>
  480. <returns>A registration builder allowing further configuration of the component.</returns>
  481. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  482. Thrown if <paramref name="registration" /> is <see langword="null" />.
  483. </exception>
  484. </member>
  485. <member name="M:Autofac.Integration.Web.RegistrationExtensions.CacheInSession``3(Autofac.Builder.IRegistrationBuilder{``0,``1,``2})">
  486. <summary>
  487. Cache instances in the web session. This implies external ownership (disposal is not
  488. available.) All dependencies must also have external ownership.
  489. </summary>
  490. <remarks>
  491. It is strongly recommended that components cached per-session do not take dependencies on
  492. other services.
  493. </remarks>
  494. <typeparam name="TLimit">Registration limit type.</typeparam>
  495. <typeparam name="TSingleRegistrationStyle">Registration style.</typeparam>
  496. <typeparam name="TActivatorData">Activator data type.</typeparam>
  497. <param name="registration">The registration to configure.</param>
  498. <returns>A registration builder allowing further configuration of the component.</returns>
  499. </member>
  500. <member name="T:Autofac.Integration.Web.WebLifetime">
  501. <summary>
  502. Constants used to tag liftime scopes within standard Autofac web applications.
  503. </summary>
  504. </member>
  505. <member name="F:Autofac.Integration.Web.WebLifetime.Application">
  506. <summary>
  507. Application root lifetime scope tag. Use <see cref="F:Autofac.Core.Lifetime.LifetimeScope.RootTag"/> instead.
  508. </summary>
  509. </member>
  510. </members>
  511. </doc>