Autofac.Integration.Web Injects dependencies into request handlers and pages that have been decorated with the [InjectProperties] or [InjectUnsetProperties] attributes. Override to return a closure that injects properties into a target. The context. The injector. Injects dependencies into request handlers and pages that have been decorated with the [InjectProperties] or [InjectUnsetProperties] attributes. Override to customise injection behavior based on HTTP Handler type. Type of the handler. The injection behavior. Base class for dependency injection attributes. Base for classes that inject dependencies into HTTP Handlers. Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used by the module that implements . Initializes a module and prepares it to handle requests. An that provides access to the methods, properties, and events common to all application objects within an ASP.NET application Called before the request handler is executed so that dependencies can be injected. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Internal for testability outside of a web application. The injection behavior. A behavior that does not inject dependencies. A behavior that injects resolvable dependencies. A behavior that injects unset, resolvable dependencies. Override to customize injection behavior based on HTTP Handler type. Type of the handler. The injection behavior. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to This module requires that the HttpApplication (Global Application Class) implements IContainerProviderAccessor.. Looks up a localized string similar to IContainerProviderAccessor.ContainerProvider returned null, which is invalid. If the container provider belongs to the HttpApplication subclass, ensure that it is a static variable.. Provides dependency injection for a request handler. Inject dependencies in the required fashion. The context. The target. Indicates that property injection should be performed on the instance when it is instantiated. Indicates that property injection should be performed for null-valued properties on the instance when it is instantiated. Does not inject properties. Inject dependencies in the required fashion. The context. The target. Assists with the construction of page injectors. Inject dependencies in the required fashion. The context. The target. Override to return a closure that injects properties into a target. The context. The injector. Does the injection using a supplied injection function. The injector. The target. Injects any resolvable properties. Override to return a closure that injects properties into a target. The context. The injector. Dependency injection module that will always inject any resolvable properties. Override to customise injection behavior based on HTTP Handler type. Type of the handler. The injection behavior. Injects resolvable properties that do not already have a value. Override to return a closure that injects properties into a target. The context. The injector. Dependency injection module that will always inject any resolvable properties. Override to customise injection behavior based on HTTP Handler type. Type of the handler. The injection behavior. HTTP Module that disposes of Autofac-created components when processing for a request completes. Disposes of the resources (other than memory) used by the module that implements . Initializes a module and prepares it to handle requests. An that provides access to the methods, properties, and events common to all application objects within an ASP.NET application Dispose of the per-request container. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to This module requires that the HttpApplication (Global Application Class) implements IContainerProviderAccessor.. Looks up a localized string similar to IContainerProviderAccessor.ContainerProvider returned null, which is invalid. If the container provider belongs to the HttpApplication subclass, ensure that it is a static variable.. Provides application-wide and per-request containers. Initializes a new instance of the class. The application container. Initializes a new instance of the class. The application container. An action that will be executed when building the per-request lifetime. The components visible within the request can be customised here. Dispose of the current request's container, if it has been instantiated. The global, application-wide container. The container used to manage components for processing the current request. Provides an implementation of which uses the configured to route calls to the current request container. Initializes a new instance of . The to use to retrieve the current request container. Associates services with the components that provide them. Begin a new nested scope. Component instances created via the new scope will be disposed along with it. A new lifetime scope. Begin a new nested scope. Component instances created via the new scope will be disposed along with it. The tag applied to the . A new lifetime scope. Begin a new nested scope, with additional components available to it. Component instances created via the new scope will be disposed along with it. The components registered in the sub-scope will be treated as though they were registered in the root scope, i.e., SingleInstance() components will live as long as the root scope. Action on a that adds component registations visible only in the new scope. A new lifetime scope. Begin a new nested scope, with additional components available to it. Component instances created via the new scope will be disposed along with it. The components registered in the sub-scope will be treated as though they were registered in the root scope, i.e., SingleInstance() components will live as long as the root scope. The tag applied to the . Action on a that adds component registations visible only in the new scope. A new lifetime scope. The disposer associated with this . Component instances can be associated with it manually if required. Typical usage does not require interaction with this member- it is used when extending the container. The tag applied to the . Tags allow a level in the lifetime hierarchy to be identified. In most applications, tags are not necessary. Fired when a new scope based on the current scope is beginning. Fired when this scope is ending. Fired when a resolve operation is beginning in this scope. Resolve an instance of the provided registration within the context. The registration. Parameters for the instance. The component instance. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Provides global and per-request Autofac containers in an ASP.NET application. Dispose of the current request's container, if it has been instantiated. The global, application-wide container. The lifetime used to manage components for processing the current request. Implemented on a type (i.e. HttpApplication) that maintains a container provider for injecting dependencies into web requests. Gets the container provider. The container provider. Extends registration syntax for common web scenarios. Share one instance of the component within the context of a single HTTP request. Registration limit type. Registration style. Activator data type. The registration to configure. Additional tags applied for matching lifetime scopes. A registration builder allowing further configuration of the component. Thrown if is . Cache instances in the web session. This implies external ownership (disposal is not available.) All dependencies must also have external ownership. It is strongly recommended that components cached per-session do not take dependencies on other services. Registration limit type. Registration style. Activator data type. The registration to configure. A registration builder allowing further configuration of the component. Constants used to tag liftime scopes within standard Autofac web applications. Application root lifetime scope tag. Use instead.