System.Web.Providers EntityFramework based MembershipProvider implementation Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the application Change the password for the user Change the password question and answer Create a login Create a user Delete a user's login Delete a user Allows resetting of user passwords Allows retrieval of passwords Return the login info for the given userName, null if not found Finds users that match an email Find users that match a name Get all users Returns the number of users that are currently online Returns the password, throws if EnablePasswordRetrival is false Gets a user, and updates the online status of the user Gets a user, and updates the online status of the user Gets a user by email Initializes the provider from configuration Max number of failed password attempts before lockout Number of non alphanumeric characters required for passwords Minimum password length Minutes where invalid password attempts are kept Determines how the password is stored in the database (hashed/encrypted/clear) Regular expression used to validate the password strength Controls whether a password question and answer is required If set, prevents users from having the same email Resets a users password Unlocks a user account Update the secret for userName Update a user Returns true if the secret is correct for userName Validates a user and password ProfileProvider implemented using EntityFramework Initializes a new instance of the class. Application names Deletes inactive profiles Deletes the specified profiles Deletes the profiles specified Returns inactive profiles that match Finds profiles that match the usernameToMatch Returns a page of inactive profiles Returns a page of inactive profiles Returns the number of inactive profiles Reads a profile Initializes the provider from configuration Saves a profile Role provider implemented using EntityFramework Initializes a new instance of the class. Adds all of the usernames to all of the roleNames Application name Creates a role Deletes a role Finds users in a role Returns all roles Gets the roles for a user Gets all the users in a given role Initialize the provider from configuration Checks if a user is in a role Removes usernames from rolenames Checks if a role exists SessionStateProvider implemented using EntityFramework Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a new SessionStateStoreData Creates an uninitialized session item Dispose the provider Called on end request and registers a task which purges expired sessions Get a session item Get a session and lock it Initializes the provider from configuration Initialize request hook Release a locked session item Remove a session item Refresh a session item's timeout Store a session item and release the lock Set an expire callback for the item, currently always returns false Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class.