Microsoft.AspNet.FriendlyUrls Resolves a file handler virtual path to a friendly URL using the registered resolvers. The friendly URL. The handler virtual path. The URL segments left over after Friendly URLs mapped this request to a file. Represents the settings used when enabling Friendly URLs. Creates a new instance of the FriendlyUrlSettings class with the default values. The type of redirect to perform on non-friendly URLs to friendly URLs. Defaults to Off. Returns . The mode of caching to use when resolving friendly Urls. Defaults to ResolverCachingMode.Static. Returns . The name of the route that handles user requests to switch views. Defaults to "AspNet.FriendlyUrls.SwitchView". Returns . The URL that view switching request are sent to. Defaults to "__FriendlyUrls_SwitchView/{view}". Returns . Provides extension methods for working with Friendly URLs. Returns the extension of the file Friendly URLs mapped this request to. The file extension, e.g. .aspx. The HttpRequest object. Returns the extension of the file Friendly URLs mapped this request to. The file extension, e.g. .aspx. The HttpRequestBase object. Returns the virtual path of the file Friendly URLs mapped this request to. The file virtual path. The HttpRequest object. Returns the virtual path of the file Friendly URLs mapped this request to. The file virtual path. The HttpRequestBase object. Returns the URL segments left over after Friendly URLs mapped this request to a file. The URL segments. The HttpRequest object. Returns the URL segments left over after Friendly URLs mapped this request to a file. The URL segments. The HttpRequestBase object. Represents the mode of redirect to use when auto-redirecting to friendly URLs. Performs a permanent redirect (301 response code). Performs a temporary redirect (302 response code). Performs no auto-redirect (disabled). Represents the mode of caching to use when resolving URLs. This setting affects how quickly extension-less URLs can be mapped back to their corresponding files (such as .aspx). Build a list of files at application startup. This mode of operation is appropriate for sites where files are not added or removed at runtime. Build a list of files as requests come in, and update that list as files in the site change. This mode of operation uses more memory than a static cache, but it is appropriate for sites where files or directories are added or removed at runtime. Don't perform any caching. Always query the file system directly every time a request to a friendly URL comes in. Enables friendly URLs for Web Forms pages. The routes collection. Enables friendly URLs for Web Forms pages. The routes collection. The settings to use when enabling Friendly Urls. Enables friendly URLs using the passed resolvers. The routes collection. The settings to use when enabling Friendly Urls. The friendly URL resolvers to use. Enables friendly URLs using the specified resolvers. The routes collection. The friendly URL resolvers to use. Resolves a friendly URL to an HTTP handler. Creates a FriendlyUrlResolver for the provided extension. The physical file extension understood by this resolver. Must include the leading period, e.g. ".aspx". Converts a URL with a file extension into a friendly extension-less URL. The friendly URL (extension stripped) if this resolver can automatically map extensionless URLs to physical files with the provided extension. Otherwise, null. The original path, including the file extension. Gets the file extensions to use (such as .aspx, .ashx, or .mobile.aspx) while attempting to resolve an HTTP handler from the friendly URL. The list of extensions. The current HttpContext. Resolves friendly URLs to generic handlers (such as .ashx). Converts a URL with a file extension into a friendly extension-less URL. The friendly URL (extension stripped) if this resolver can automatically map extensionless URLs to physical files with the provided extension. Otherwise, null. The original path, including the file extension. Returns a list of file extensions that the Friendly URLs system will try to resolve for the current request. For example, if the current request is for "~/example" and the GetExtensions method returns [ ".mobile.aspx", ".aspx", ".en-us.aspx" ], then the Friendly URLs system will attempt to match the current request to the files "~/", "~/example.aspx", and "~/example.en-us.aspx", returning the first match. A list of extensions that the system should try to resolve. The current request. Provides the ability to inspect or modify the IHttpHandler that was resolved for the current request before the handler's ProcessRequest method is called. Information about the current request. The handler that will be invoked. Resolves friendly URLs to Web Forms pages. Returns . Returns . Determines if the current friendly URL was resolved to a mobile view based on the client browser and/or overrides. Whether the current view is a mobile view. The page. Attempts to set the MasterPageFile property for the given page based on whether the master page exists. A boolean value indicating whether the master page was set. The page. The master page file virtual path. Attempts to set the MasterPageFile property for the given page to a mobile specific master page. A boolean value indicating whether the master page was set. The HTTP context. The page.