function PopulateReceiverDataDDL(response) { var res = jQuery.parseJSON(response); var data = res.Table1; debugger var ddl = GetElement(mId + "ddlReceiver"); $(ddl).empty(); var option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = 'Select Receiver'; option.value = ''; ddl.options.add(option); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = data[i].fullName.toUpperCase(); option.value = data[i].receiverId; try { ddl.options.add(option); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = 'New Receiver'; option.value = '0'; ddl.options.add(option); } function DDLReceiverOnChange() { ClearTxnData(); var receiverId = $("#" + mId + "ddlReceiver").val(); if (receiverId !== '' && receiverId !== undefined && receiverId !== "0") { SearchReceiverDetails(receiverId); } else if (receiverId === "0") { ClearReceiverData(); PickReceiverFromSender('a'); } else if (receiverId === null || receiverId === "") { $('.readonlyOnReceiverSelect').removeAttr("disabled"); ClearReceiverData(); } } function SearchReceiverDetails(customerId) { if (customerId === "" || customerId === null) { ClearReceiverData(); alert('Invalid receiver selected!'); } var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'SearchReceiver', customerId: customerId }; $.post('', dataToSend, function (response) { ParseResponseForReceiverData(response); }).fail(function () { }); return true; } function ParseResponseForReceiverData(response) { $('.readonlyOnReceiverSelect').attr("disabled", "disabled"); var data = jQuery.parseJSON(response); debugger //CheckSession(data); if (data[0].errorCode !== 0) { alert(data[0].msg); return; } if (data.length > 0) { //****Transaction Detail**** $("#receiverName").text(data[0].firstName + ' ' + data[0].middleName + ' ' + data[0].lastName1); $("#" + mId + "txtRecFName").val(data[0].firstName); $("#" + mId + "txtRecMName").val(data[0].middleName); $("#" + mId + "txtRecLName").val(data[0].lastName1); $("#" + mId + "txtRecAdd1").val(data[0].address); $("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile").val(data[0].mobile); if ($.isNumeric(data[0].purposeOfRemit)) { SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "purpose", data[0].purposeOfRemit); } else { SetDDLTextSelected(mId + "purpose", data[0].purposeOfRemit); } if ($.isNumeric(data[0].relationship)) { SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "relationship", data[0].relationship); } else { SetDDLTextSelected(mId + "relationship", data[0].relationship); } SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "ddlReceiver", data[0].receiverId); $("#" + mId + "hddreceiverId").val(data[0].receiverId); ClearTxnData(); SetDDLTextSelected(mId + "pCountry", data[0].country.toUpperCase()); //$("#" + mId + "txtRecCity").val(data[0].city); //$("#" + mId + "txtRecTel").val(data[0].homePhone); //$("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").val(data[0].idNumber); //$("#" + mId + "txtRecEmail").val(data[0].email); //$("#" + mId + "ddlRecGender").val(data[0].gender); //$("#" + mId + "ddlRecIdType").val(data[0].idType); //SetDDLTextSelected(mId + "ddlRecGender", data[0].gender); //if ($.isNumeric(data[0].purposeOfRemit)) { // SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "purpose", data[0].purposeOfRemit); //} else { // SetDDLTextSelected(mId + "purpose", data[0].purposeOfRemit); //} //if ($.isNumeric(data[0].relationship)) { // SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "relationship", data[0].relationship); //} else { // SetDDLTextSelected(mId + "relationship", data[0].relationship); //} ////****Transaction Detail**** //ClearTxnData(); //SetDDLTextSelected(mId + "pCountry", data[0].country.toUpperCase()); PcountryOnChange('c', data[0].paymentMethod.toUpperCase(), data[0].bankId); if (data[0].paymentMethod.toUpperCase() === 'BANK DEPOSIT') { var isBranchByName = 'N'; var branch = ''; PopulateBankDetails(data[0].bankId, 2, isBranchByName, data[0].branchId); } $("#branchDetail").text(data[0].branchDetails.split('|')[1]); $("#payerDetailsHistory").text(data[0].payerDetailsHistory.split('|')[1]); SetPayCurrency(data[0].COUNTRYID); PAgentChange(); $("#" + mId + "txtRecDepAcNo").val(data[0].receiverAccountNo); //ManageHiddenFields(data[0].paymentMethod.toUpperCase()); $(".readonlyOnCustomerSelect").attr("disabled", "disabled"); //RemoveDisableProperty(); $("#txtpBranch_aValue").val(''); $("#txtpBranch_aText").val(''); $("#" + mId + "hddLocation").val(data[0].pState); $("#" + mId + "hddSubLocation").val(data[0].pDistrict); //ManageLocationData(); if (data[0].branchDetails) { if (data[0].manualType === 'Y') { $('#branch_manual').val(data[0].branchDetails); } else { var dataSelectDDL = { id: data[0].branchDetails.split('|')[0], text: data[0].branchDetails.split('|')[1] }; var newOption = new Option(dataSelectDDL.text,, false, false); $('.js-example-basic-single').append(newOption).trigger('change'); $('.js-example-basic-single').val(; // Select the option with a value of '1' $('.js-example-basic-single').trigger('change'); } } $("#" + mId + "hddPayerData").val(data[0].payerDetailsHistory.split('|')[0]); var a = data[0].payerDetailsHistory.split('|')[0]; var choosePayer = $("#" + mId + "hddChoosePayer").val(); if ($("#" + mId + "hddPayerData").val()) { if (choosePayer === 'true') { LoadPayerData(); } } $("#" + mId + "hddLocation").val(''); $("#" + mId + "hddSubLocation").val(''); $("#" + mId + "hddPayerData").val(''); } } function PcountryOnChange(obj, pmode, pAgentSelected = "") { var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry").val(); if (pCountry === "" || pCountry === null) return; var method = ""; if (obj === 'c') { method = "PaymentModePcountry"; } if (obj === 'pcurr') { method = "PCurrPcountry"; } var dataToSend = { MethodName: method, pCountry: pCountry }; var options = { url: '', data: dataToSend, dataType: 'JSON', type: 'POST', async: false, success: function (response) { if (obj === 'c') { debugger LoadPayMode(response, document.getElementById(mId + "pMode"), 'pcurr', "", pmode); ReceivingModeOnChange("", pAgentSelected); GetPayoutPartner(response[0].serviceTypeId); } else if (obj === 'pcurr') { if (response === "") return false; $("#" + mId + "lblPayCurr").text(response[0].currencyCode); $("#" + mId + "lblExCurr").text(response[0].currencyCode); return true; } return true; }, error: function (result) { alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data"); } }; $.ajax(options); } function LoadPayMode(response, myDDL, recall, selectField, obj) { var data = response; //CheckSession(data); $(myDDL).empty(); var option; if (selectField !== "" && selectField !== undefined) { option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = selectField; option.value = ""; myDDL.options.add(option); } for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = data[i].typeTitle; option.value = data[i].serviceTypeId; try { myDDL.options.add(option); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } if (recall === 'pcurr') { SetDDLTextSelected(mId + "pMode", obj); } } function GetPayoutPartner(payMode) { var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry").val(); var pMode = $("#" + mId + "pMode").val(); var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'getPayoutPartner', PCountry: pCountry, PMode: pMode }; var options = { url: 'SendV2.aspx?', data: dataToSend, dataType: 'JSON', type: 'POST', async: false, success: function (response) { var datas = response; var agentId = ""; if (datas.length > 0) { agentId = datas[0].agentId; } $("#" + mId + "hddPayoutPartner").val(agentId); $("#" + mId + "hddFetchExrateFromPartner").val(datas[0].exRateCalByPartner); $("#" + mId + "hddIsRealTimeTxn").val(datas[0].isRealTime); $("#" + mId + "hddPCountryCode").val(datas[0].COUNTRYCODE); $("#" + mId + "hddChoosePayer").val(datas[0].ChoosePayer); }, error: function (result) { alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data"); } }; $.ajax(options); } function SetPayCurrency(pCountry) { var dataToSend = { MethodName: 'PCurrPcountry', pCountry: pCountry }; var options = { url: '', data: dataToSend, dataType: 'JSON', type: 'POST', async: false, success: function (response) { var data = response; var ddl = GetElement(mId + "pCurrDdl"); $(ddl).empty(); var option; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { option = document.createElement("option"); option.text = data[i].currencyCode; option.value = data[i].currencyCode; try { ddl.options.add(option); if (data[i].isDefault === "Y") { $("#" + mId + "pCurrDdl").val(data[i].currencyCode); } } catch (e) { alert(e); } } }, error: function (result) { alert("Due to unexpected errors we were unable to load data"); } }; $.ajax(options); } function PAgentChange() { $("#" + mId + "branch").empty(); var pAgent = $(mId + "pAgent").val(); if (pAgent === null || pAgent === "" || pAgent === undefined) return; SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "pAgentDetail", pAgent); var pBankType = $("#" + mId + "pAgentDetail option:selected").text(); var pCountry = $("#" + mId + "pCountry option:selected").val(); var pMode = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").val(); var pModeTxt = $("#" + mId + "pMode option:selected").text(); var dataToSend = { MethodName: "PAgentChange", pCountry: pCountry, pAgent: pAgent, pMode: pMode, pBankType: pBankType }; var options = { url: 'SendV2.aspx?x=' + new Date().getTime(), data: dataToSend, dataType: 'JSON', type: 'POST', success: function (response) { ApplyAgentSetting(response, pModeTxt); if (pModeTxt === "CASH PAYMENT TO OTHER BANK") LoadAgentByExtAgent(pAgent); LoadCustomerRate(); } }; $.ajax(options); } function ClearReceiverData() { $('#receiverName').text(''); $('#finalBenId').text(''); SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "ddlReceiver", ""); SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "ddlRecIdType", ""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecFName").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecMName").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecLName").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecSLName").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecAdd1").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecAdd2").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecCity").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecMobile").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecTel").val(""); SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "ddlRecIdType", ""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").val(""); SetDDLValueSelected(mId + "ddlRecGender", ""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecPostal").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecEmail").val(""); $("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo").removeClass('required'); $("#" + mId + "txtRecIdNo_err").hide(); }