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using Business.Account;
using Business.Configuration;
using Common.Helper;
using Common.Model;
using Common.Model.Account;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Web.UI;
namespace JMEAgentSystem.WebPages.Account
public partial class ChangePassword : Page
private readonly IAccountServices _accountServices = AutoFacContainer.Resolve<IAccountServices>();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var methodName = GetStatic.ReadFormData("MethodName", "");
if (methodName == "ChangePassword")
private void Change_Password()
PasswordChangeModel model = new PasswordChangeModel()
ReferralCode = GetStatic.GetUser(),
Password = GetStatic.ReadFormData("Password", ""),
NewPassword = GetStatic.ReadFormData("NewPassword", ""),
ConformNewPassword = GetStatic.ReadFormData("ConformNewPassword", ""),
IpAddress = GetStatic.GetIpAddress(Request),
UserDetails = GetStatic.GetUserInfo(Request),
DbResponse result;
if (model.Password != model.NewPassword)
result = new DbResponse()
ResponseCode = "1",
Msg = "Old Password And New Password Can't Be Same!"
if (model.NewPassword != model.ConformNewPassword)
result = new DbResponse()
ResponseCode = "1",
Msg = "New Password And Conform New Password Must Be Match!"
result = _accountServices.ChangePassword(model);
Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);