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Bootstrap integration for DataTables' Buttons
©2016 SpryMedia Ltd -
(function (c) {
"function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery", "", ""], function (a) {
return c(a, window, document)
}) : "object" === typeof exports ? module.exports = function (a, b) {
a || (a = window);
if (!b || !b.fn.dataTable) b = require("")(a, b).$;
b.fn.dataTable.Buttons || require("")(a, b);
return c(b, a, a.document)
} : c(jQuery, window, document)
})(function (c) {
var a = c.fn.dataTable;
c.extend(!0, a.Buttons.defaults, {
dom: {
container: {
className: "dt-buttons btn-group"
button: {
className: "btn btn-default"
collection: {
tag: "ul",
className: "dt-button-collection dropdown-menu",
button: {
tag: "li",
className: "dt-button"
buttonLiner: {
tag: "a",
className: ""
a.ext.buttons.collection.text = function (a) {
return a.i18n("buttons.collection", 'Collection <span class="caret"/>')
return a.Buttons