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function ShowAlertMessage() {
type: "alert", //alert | success | error | warning | info
title: "Alert",
message: "jQuery Notify.js Demo. Super simple Notify plugin.",
position: {
x: "right", //right | left | center
y: "top" //top | bottom | center
icon: '<img src="images/paper_plane.png" />', //<i>
size: "normal", //normal | full | small
overlay: false, //true | false
closeBtn: true, //true | false
overflowHide: false, //true | false
spacing: 20, //number px
theme: "default", //default | dark-theme
autoHide: true, //true | false
delay: 2500, //number ms
onShow: null, //function
onClick: null, //function
onHide: null, //function
template: '<div class="notify"><div class="notify-text"></div></div>'
function ShowAlertMessage(message, type, title, url, positionX, positionY, imageURL, autoHide) {
if (imageURL == '' || imageURL == undefined) {
if (type == 'success')
imageURL = '/images/icons/success.png';
if (type == 'error')
imageURL = '/images/icons/error.png';
if (type == 'info')
imageURL = '/images/icons/info.png';
if (url == '' || url == undefined) {
onHide = null;
if (title == '' || title == undefined) {
if (type == 'success')
title = 'Success';
if (type == 'error')
title = 'Error';
if (type == 'info')
title = 'Information';
if (positionX == '' || positionX == undefined)
positionX = 'right';
if (positionY == '' || positionY == undefined)
positionY = 'top';
if (autoHide == '' || autoHide == undefined)
autoHide = true;
type: type, //alert | success | error | warning | info
title: title,
autoHide: autoHide,
delay: 3000,
theme: "dark-theme",
position: {
x: positionX, //right | left | center
y: positionY //top | bottom | center
onClick: (url == '' || url == undefined) ? null : RedirectFunction(url),
icon: '<img src="' + imageURL + '" />',
message: message
function RedirectFunction(url) {
$(location).attr("href", url);
function ShowSuccessMessage(message) {
type: "success", //alert | success | error | warning | info
title: "Success",
autoHide: true,
delay: 5000,
theme: "dark-theme",
position: {
x: "right", //right | left | center
y: "bottom" //top | bottom | center
icon: '<img src="/Plugins/jQueryAlert/images/paper_plane.png" />',
message: message
function ShowWarningBox() {
type: "warning", //alert | success | error | warning | info
title: "Warning",
theme: "dark-theme",
position: {
x: "right", //right | left | center
y: "top" //top | bottom | center
icon: '<img src="images/paper_plane.png" />',
message: "jQuery Notify.js Demo. Super simple Notify plugin."
function ShowErrorBox() {
type: "error", //alert | success | error | warning | info
title: "Error",
theme: "dark-theme",
position: {
x: "right", //right | left | center
y: "top" //top | bottom | center
icon: '<img src="images/paper_plane.png" />',
message: "jQuery Notify.js Demo. Super simple Notify plugin."
function ShowInfoBox() {
type: "info", //alert | success | error | warning | info
title: "Info",
theme: "dark-theme",
position: {
x: "right", //right | left | center
y: "top" //top | bottom | center
icon: '<img src="/Plugins/jQueryAlert/images/paper_plane.png" />',
message: "jQuery Notify.js Demo. Super simple Notify plugin."