You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

117 lines
5.1 KiB

(function (d) {
"function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery", "", ""], function (c) {
return d(c, window, document)
}) : "object" === typeof exports ? module.exports = function (c, a) {
c || (c = window);
if (!a || !a.fn.dataTable) a = require("")(c, a).$;
a.fn.dataTable.Buttons || require("")(c, a);
return d(a, c, c.document)
} : d(jQuery, window, document)
})(function (d, c, a) {
var h = d.fn.dataTable,
f = a.createElement("a");
h.ext.buttons.print = {
className: "buttons-print",
text: function (d) {
return d.i18n("buttons.print", "Print")
action: function (a, b, i, e) {
a = b.buttons.exportData(e.exportOptions);
i = function (a, b) {
for (var d = "<tr>", c = 0, e = a.length; c < e; c++) d += "<" + b + ">" + a[c] + "</" + b + ">";
return d + "</tr>"
b = '<table class="' + b.table().node().className + '">';
e.header && (b += "<thead>" + i(a.header, "th") + "</thead>");
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b += "</tbody>";
e.footer && (b += "<thead>" + i(a.footer, "th") + "</thead>");
var g ="", ""),
a = e.title.replace("*",
//var k = "<title>" + a + "</title>";
d("style, link").each(function () {
var a = '',
b = d(this).clone()[0],
"link" === b.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (f.href = b.href, c =, -1 === c.indexOf("") && 0 !== f.pathname.indexOf("") && (c += ""), b.href = f.protocol + "//" + c + f.pathname +;
k = a + b.outerHTML
d(g.document.body).html("<h1>" + a + "</h1><div>" + e.message + "</div>" + b);
e.customize && e.customize(g);
setTimeout(function () {
e.autoPrint && (g.print(), g.close())
}, 250)
title: "*",
message: "",
exportOptions: {},
header: !0,
footer: !1,
autoPrint: !0,
customize: null
return h.Buttons
(function (d) {
"function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery", "", ""], function (c) {
return d(c, window, document)
}) : "object" === typeof exports ? module.exports = function (c, a) {
c || (c = window);
if (!a || !a.fn.dataTable) a = require("")(c, a).$;
a.fn.dataTable.Buttons || require("")(c, a);
return d(a, c, c.document)
} : d(jQuery, window, document)
})(function (d, c, a) {
var h = d.fn.dataTable,
f = a.createElement("a");
h.ext.buttons.print = {
className: "buttons-print",
text: function (d) {
return d.i18n("buttons.print", " Print")
action: function (a, b, i, e) {
a = b.buttons.exportData(e.exportOptions);
i = function (a, b) {
for (var d = "<tr>", c = 0, e = a.length; c < e; c++) d += "<" + b + ">" + a[c] + "</" + b + ">";
return d + "</tr>"
b = '<table class="' + b.table().node().className + '">';
e.header && (b += "<thead>" + i(a.header, "th") + "</thead>");
for (var b = b + "<tbody>", j = 0, h = a.body.length; j < h; j++) b += i(a.body[j], "td");
b += "</tbody>";
e.footer && (b += "<thead>" + i(a.footer, "th") + "</thead>");
var g ="", ""),
a = e.title.replace("*",
//var k = "<title>" + a + "</title>";
d("style, link").each(function () {
var a = '',
b = d(this).clone()[0],
"link" === b.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (f.href = b.href, c =, -1 === c.indexOf("") && 0 !== f.pathname.indexOf("") && (c += ""), b.href = f.protocol + "//" + c + f.pathname +;
k = a + b.outerHTML
d(g.document.body).html("<h1>" + a + "</h1><div>" + e.message + "</div>" + b);
e.customize && e.customize(g);
setTimeout(function () {
e.autoPrint && (g.print(), g.close())
}, 250)
title: "*",
message: "",
exportOptions: {},
header: !0,
footer: !1,
autoPrint: !0,
customize: null
return h.Buttons