You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

647 lines
27 KiB

var __wpm = null;
function Point(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
function __wpTranslateOffset(x, y, offsetElement, relativeToElement, includeScroll) {
while ((typeof(offsetElement) != "undefined") && (offsetElement != null) && (offsetElement != relativeToElement)) {
x += offsetElement.offsetLeft;
y += offsetElement.offsetTop;
var tagName = offsetElement.tagName;
if ((tagName != "TABLE") && (tagName != "BODY")) {
x += offsetElement.clientLeft;
y += offsetElement.clientTop;
if (includeScroll && (tagName != "BODY")) {
x -= offsetElement.scrollLeft;
y -= offsetElement.scrollTop;
offsetElement = offsetElement.offsetParent;
return new Point(x, y);
function __wpGetPageEventLocation(event, includeScroll) {
if ((typeof(event) == "undefined") || (event == null)) {
event = window.event;
return __wpTranslateOffset(event.offsetX, event.offsetY, event.srcElement, null, includeScroll);
function __wpClearSelection() {
function WebPart(webPartElement, webPartTitleElement, zone, zoneIndex, allowZoneChange) {
this.webPartElement = webPartElement;
this.allowZoneChange = allowZoneChange; = zone;
this.zoneIndex = zoneIndex;
this.title = ((typeof(webPartTitleElement) != "undefined") && (webPartTitleElement != null)) ?
webPartTitleElement.innerText : "";
webPartElement.__webPart = this;
if ((typeof(webPartTitleElement) != "undefined") && (webPartTitleElement != null)) { = "move";
webPartTitleElement.attachEvent("onmousedown", WebPart_OnMouseDown);
webPartElement.attachEvent("ondragstart", WebPart_OnDragStart);
webPartElement.attachEvent("ondrag", WebPart_OnDrag);
webPartElement.attachEvent("ondragend", WebPart_OnDragEnd);
this.UpdatePosition = WebPart_UpdatePosition;
this.Dispose = WebPart_Dispose;
function WebPart_Dispose() {
this.webPartElement.__webPart = null
function WebPart_OnMouseDown() {
var currentEvent = window.event;
var draggedWebPart = WebPart_GetParentWebPartElement(currentEvent.srcElement);
if ((typeof(draggedWebPart) == "undefined") || (draggedWebPart == null)) {
try {
__wpm.draggedWebPart = draggedWebPart;
catch (e) {
__wpm.draggedWebPart = draggedWebPart;
window.setTimeout("__wpm.DragDrop()", 0);
currentEvent.returnValue = false;
currentEvent.cancelBubble = true;
function WebPart_OnDragStart() {
var currentEvent = window.event;
var webPartElement = currentEvent.srcElement;
if ((typeof(webPartElement.__webPart) == "undefined") || (webPartElement.__webPart == null)) {
currentEvent.returnValue = false;
currentEvent.cancelBubble = true;
var dataObject = currentEvent.dataTransfer;
dataObject.effectAllowed = __wpm.InitiateWebPartDragDrop(webPartElement);
function WebPart_OnDrag() {
function WebPart_OnDragEnd() {
function WebPart_GetParentWebPartElement(containedElement) {
var elem = containedElement;
while ((typeof(elem.__webPart) == "undefined") || (elem.__webPart == null)) {
elem = elem.parentElement;
if ((typeof(elem) == "undefined") || (elem == null)) {
return elem;
function WebPart_UpdatePosition() {
var location = __wpTranslateOffset(0, 0, this.webPartElement, null, false);
this.middleX = location.x + this.webPartElement.offsetWidth / 2;
this.middleY = location.y + this.webPartElement.offsetHeight / 2;
function Zone(zoneElement, zoneIndex, uniqueID, isVertical, allowLayoutChange, highlightColor) {
var webPartTable = null;
if (zoneElement.rows.length == 1) {
webPartTableContainer = zoneElement.rows[0].cells[0];
else {
webPartTableContainer = zoneElement.rows[1].cells[0];
var i;
for (i = 0; i < webPartTableContainer.childNodes.length; i++) {
var node = webPartTableContainer.childNodes[i];
if (node.tagName == "TABLE") {
webPartTable = node;
this.zoneElement = zoneElement;
this.zoneIndex = zoneIndex;
this.webParts = new Array();
this.uniqueID = uniqueID;
this.isVertical = isVertical;
this.allowLayoutChange = allowLayoutChange;
this.allowDrop = false;
this.webPartTable = webPartTable;
this.highlightColor = highlightColor;
this.savedBorderColor = (webPartTable != null) ? : null;
this.dropCueElements = new Array();
if (webPartTable != null) {
if (isVertical) {
for (i = 0; i < webPartTable.rows.length; i += 2) {
this.dropCueElements[i / 2] = webPartTable.rows[i].cells[0].childNodes[0];
else {
for (i = 0; i < webPartTable.rows[0].cells.length; i += 2) {
this.dropCueElements[i / 2] = webPartTable.rows[0].cells[i].childNodes[0];
this.AddWebPart = Zone_AddWebPart;
this.GetWebPartIndex = Zone_GetWebPartIndex;
this.ToggleDropCues = Zone_ToggleDropCues;
this.UpdatePosition = Zone_UpdatePosition;
this.Dispose = Zone_Dispose;
webPartTable.__zone = this;
webPartTable.attachEvent("ondragenter", Zone_OnDragEnter);
webPartTable.attachEvent("ondrop", Zone_OnDrop);
function Zone_Dispose() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.webParts.length; i++) {
this.webPartTable.__zone = null;
function Zone_OnDragEnter() {
var handled = __wpm.ProcessWebPartDragEnter();
var currentEvent = window.event;
if (handled) {
currentEvent.returnValue = false;
currentEvent.cancelBubble = true;
function Zone_OnDragOver() {
var handled = __wpm.ProcessWebPartDragOver();
var currentEvent = window.event;
if (handled) {
currentEvent.returnValue = false;
currentEvent.cancelBubble = true;
function Zone_OnDrop() {
var handled = __wpm.ProcessWebPartDrop();
var currentEvent = window.event;
if (handled) {
currentEvent.returnValue = false;
currentEvent.cancelBubble = true;
function Zone_GetParentZoneElement(containedElement) {
var elem = containedElement;
while ((typeof(elem.__zone) == "undefined") || (elem.__zone == null)) {
elem = elem.parentElement;
if ((typeof(elem) == "undefined") || (elem == null)) {
return elem;
function Zone_AddWebPart(webPartElement, webPartTitleElement, allowZoneChange) {
var webPart = null;
var zoneIndex = this.webParts.length;
if (this.allowLayoutChange && __wpm.IsDragDropEnabled()) {
webPart = new WebPart(webPartElement, webPartTitleElement, this, zoneIndex, allowZoneChange);
else {
webPart = new WebPart(webPartElement, null, this, zoneIndex, allowZoneChange);
this.webParts[zoneIndex] = webPart;
return webPart;
function Zone_ToggleDropCues(show, index, ignoreOutline) {
if (ignoreOutline == false) { = (show ? this.highlightColor : this.savedBorderColor);
if (index == -1) {
var dropCue = this.dropCueElements[index];
if (dropCue && {
if ( == "100%" && !dropCue.webPartZoneHorizontalCueResized) {
var oldParentHeight = dropCue.parentElement.clientHeight;
var realHeight = oldParentHeight - 10; = realHeight + "px";
var dropCueVerticalBar = dropCue.getElementsByTagName("DIV")[0];
if (dropCueVerticalBar && { =;
var heightDiff = (dropCue.parentElement.clientHeight - oldParentHeight);
if (heightDiff) { = (realHeight - heightDiff) + "px"; =;
dropCue.webPartZoneHorizontalCueResized = true;
} = (show ? "visible" : "hidden");
function Zone_GetWebPartIndex(location) {
var x = location.x;
var y = location.y;
if ((x < this.webPartTableLeft) || (x > this.webPartTableRight) ||
(y < this.webPartTableTop) || (y > this.webPartTableBottom)) {
return -1;
var vertical = this.isVertical;
var webParts = this.webParts;
var webPartsCount = webParts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < webPartsCount; i++) {
var webPart = webParts[i];
if (vertical) {
if (y < webPart.middleY) {
return i;
else {
if (x < webPart.middleX) {
return i;
return webPartsCount;
function Zone_UpdatePosition() {
var topLeft = __wpTranslateOffset(0, 0, this.webPartTable, null, false);
this.webPartTableLeft = topLeft.x;
this.webPartTableTop = topLeft.y;
this.webPartTableRight = (this.webPartTable != null) ? topLeft.x + this.webPartTable.offsetWidth : topLeft.x;
this.webPartTableBottom = (this.webPartTable != null) ? topLeft.y + this.webPartTable.offsetHeight : topLeft.y;
for (var i = 0; i < this.webParts.length; i++) {
function WebPartDragState(webPartElement, effect) {
this.webPartElement = webPartElement;
this.dropZoneElement = null;
this.dropIndex = -1;
this.effect = effect;
this.dropped = false;
function WebPartMenu(menuLabelElement, menuDropDownElement, menuElement) {
this.menuLabelElement = menuLabelElement;
this.menuDropDownElement = menuDropDownElement;
this.menuElement = menuElement;
this.menuLabelElement.__menu = this;
this.menuLabelElement.attachEvent('onclick', WebPartMenu_OnClick);
this.menuLabelElement.attachEvent('onkeypress', WebPartMenu_OnKeyPress);
this.menuLabelElement.attachEvent('onmouseenter', WebPartMenu_OnMouseEnter);
this.menuLabelElement.attachEvent('onmouseleave', WebPartMenu_OnMouseLeave);
if ((typeof(this.menuDropDownElement) != "undefined") && (this.menuDropDownElement != null)) {
this.menuDropDownElement.__menu = this;
this.menuItemStyle = "";
this.menuItemHoverStyle = "";
this.popup = null;
this.hoverClassName = "";
this.hoverColor = "";
this.oldColor =;
this.oldTextDecoration =;
this.oldClassName = this.menuLabelElement.className;
this.Show = WebPartMenu_Show;
this.Hide = WebPartMenu_Hide;
this.Hover = WebPartMenu_Hover;
this.Unhover = WebPartMenu_Unhover;
this.Dispose = WebPartMenu_Dispose;
var menu = this;
this.disposeDelegate = function() { menu.Dispose(); };
window.attachEvent('onunload', this.disposeDelegate);
function WebPartMenu_Dispose() {
this.menuLabelElement.__menu = null;
this.menuDropDownElement.__menu = null;
window.detachEvent('onunload', this.disposeDelegate);
function WebPartMenu_Show() {
if ((typeof( != "undefined") && ( != null)) {;
var menuHTML =
"<html><head><style>" +
"a.menuItem, a.menuItem:Link { display: block; padding: 1px; text-decoration: none; " + this.itemStyle + " }" +
"a.menuItem:Hover { " + this.itemHoverStyle + " }" +
"</style><body scroll=\"no\" style=\"border: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;\" ondragstart=\"window.event.returnValue=false;\" onclick=\"popup.hide()\">" +
this.menuElement.innerHTML +
var width = 16;
var height = 16;
this.popup = window.createPopup(); = this;
var popupDocument = this.popup.document;
popupDocument.write(menuHTML);, 0, width, height);
var popupBody = popupDocument.body;
width = popupBody.scrollWidth;
height = popupBody.scrollHeight;
if (width < this.menuLabelElement.offsetWidth) {
width = this.menuLabelElement.offsetWidth + 16;
if (this.menuElement.innerHTML.indexOf("progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow") != -1) { = "4px";
popupBody.__wpm = __wpm;
popupBody.__wpmDeleteWarning = __wpmDeleteWarning;
popupBody.__wpmCloseProviderWarning = __wpmCloseProviderWarning;
popupBody.popup = this.popup;
this.popup.hide();, this.menuLabelElement.offsetHeight, width, height, this.menuLabelElement);
function WebPartMenu_Hide() {
if ( == this) { = null;
if ((typeof(this.popup) != "undefined") && (this.popup != null)) {
this.popup = null;
function WebPartMenu_Hover() {
if (this.labelHoverClassName != "") {
this.menuLabelElement.className = this.menuLabelElement.className + " " + this.labelHoverClassName;
if (this.labelHoverColor != "") { = this.labelHoverColor;
function WebPartMenu_Unhover() {
if (this.labelHoverClassName != "") { = this.oldTextDecoration;
this.menuLabelElement.className = this.oldClassName;
if (this.labelHoverColor != "") { = this.oldColor;
function WebPartMenu_OnClick() {
var menu = window.event.srcElement.__menu;
if ((typeof(menu) != "undefined") && (menu != null)) {
window.event.returnValue = false;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
function WebPartMenu_OnKeyPress() {
if (window.event.keyCode == 13) {
var menu = window.event.srcElement.__menu;
if ((typeof(menu) != "undefined") && (menu != null)) {
window.event.returnValue = false;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
function WebPartMenu_OnMouseEnter() {
var menu = window.event.srcElement.__menu;
if ((typeof(menu) != "undefined") && (menu != null)) {
function WebPartMenu_OnMouseLeave() {
var menu = window.event.srcElement.__menu;
if ((typeof(menu) != "undefined") && (menu != null)) {
function WebPartManager() {
this.overlayContainerElement = null;
this.zones = new Array();
this.dragState = null; = null;
this.draggedWebPart = null;
this.AddZone = WebPartManager_AddZone;
this.IsDragDropEnabled = WebPartManager_IsDragDropEnabled;
this.DragDrop = WebPartManager_DragDrop;
this.InitiateWebPartDragDrop = WebPartManager_InitiateWebPartDragDrop;
this.CompleteWebPartDragDrop = WebPartManager_CompleteWebPartDragDrop;
this.ContinueWebPartDragDrop = WebPartManager_ContinueWebPartDragDrop;
this.ProcessWebPartDragEnter = WebPartManager_ProcessWebPartDragEnter;
this.ProcessWebPartDragOver = WebPartManager_ProcessWebPartDragOver;
this.ProcessWebPartDrop = WebPartManager_ProcessWebPartDrop;
this.ShowHelp = WebPartManager_ShowHelp;
this.ExportWebPart = WebPartManager_ExportWebPart;
this.Execute = WebPartManager_Execute;
this.SubmitPage = WebPartManager_SubmitPage;
this.UpdatePositions = WebPartManager_UpdatePositions;
window.attachEvent("onunload", WebPartManager_Dispose);
function WebPartManager_Dispose() {
for (var i = 0; i < __wpm.zones.length; i++) {
window.detachEvent("onunload", WebPartManager_Dispose);
function WebPartManager_AddZone(zoneElement, uniqueID, isVertical, allowLayoutChange, highlightColor) {
var zoneIndex = this.zones.length;
var zone = new Zone(zoneElement, zoneIndex, uniqueID, isVertical, allowLayoutChange, highlightColor);
this.zones[zoneIndex] = zone;
return zone;
function WebPartManager_IsDragDropEnabled() {
return ((typeof(this.overlayContainerElement) != "undefined") && (this.overlayContainerElement != null));
function WebPartManager_DragDrop() {
if ((typeof(this.draggedWebPart) != "undefined") && (this.draggedWebPart != null)) {
var tempWebPart = this.draggedWebPart;
this.draggedWebPart = null;
window.setTimeout("__wpClearSelection()", 0);
function WebPartManager_InitiateWebPartDragDrop(webPartElement) {
var webPart = webPartElement.__webPart;
this.dragState = new WebPartDragState(webPartElement, "move");
var location = __wpGetPageEventLocation(window.event, true);
var overlayContainerElement = this.overlayContainerElement; = location.x - webPartElement.offsetWidth / 2; = location.y + 4 + (webPartElement.clientTop ? webPartElement.clientTop : 0); = "block"; = webPartElement.offsetWidth; = webPartElement.offsetHeight;
if (webPart.allowZoneChange == false) { = true;
else {
for (var i = 0; i < __wpm.zones.length; i++) {
var zone = __wpm.zones[i];
if (zone.allowLayoutChange) {
zone.allowDrop = true;
document.body.attachEvent("ondragover", Zone_OnDragOver);
return "move";
function WebPartManager_CompleteWebPartDragDrop() {
var dragState = this.dragState;
this.dragState = null;
if ((typeof(dragState.dropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (dragState.dropZoneElement != null)) {
dragState.dropZoneElement.__zone.ToggleDropCues(false, dragState.dropIndex, false);
document.body.detachEvent("ondragover", Zone_OnDragOver);
for (var i = 0; i < __wpm.zones.length; i++) {
__wpm.zones[i].allowDrop = false;
this.overlayContainerElement.removeChild(this.overlayContainerElement.firstChild); = "none";
if ((typeof(dragState) != "undefined") && (dragState != null) && (dragState.dropped == true)) {
var currentZone =;
var currentZoneIndex = dragState.webPartElement.__webPart.zoneIndex;
if ((currentZone != dragState.dropZoneElement.__zone) ||
((currentZoneIndex != dragState.dropIndex) &&
(currentZoneIndex != (dragState.dropIndex - 1)))) {
var eventTarget = dragState.dropZoneElement.__zone.uniqueID;
var eventArgument = "Drag:" + + ":" + dragState.dropIndex;
this.SubmitPage(eventTarget, eventArgument);
function WebPartManager_ContinueWebPartDragDrop() {
var dragState = this.dragState;
if ((typeof(dragState) != "undefined") && (dragState != null)) {
var style =;
var location = __wpGetPageEventLocation(window.event, true);
style.left = location.x - dragState.webPartElement.offsetWidth / 2; = location.y + 4 + (dragState.webPartElement.clientTop ? dragState.webPartElement.clientTop : 0);
function WebPartManager_Execute(script) {
if ( {;
var scriptReference = new Function(script);
return (scriptReference() != false);
function WebPartManager_ProcessWebPartDragEnter() {
var dragState = __wpm.dragState;
if ((typeof(dragState) != "undefined") && (dragState != null)) {
var currentEvent = window.event;
var newDropZoneElement = Zone_GetParentZoneElement(currentEvent.srcElement);
if ((typeof(newDropZoneElement.__zone) == "undefined") || (newDropZoneElement.__zone == null) ||
(newDropZoneElement.__zone.allowDrop == false)) {
newDropZoneElement = null;
var newDropIndex = -1;
if ((typeof(newDropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (newDropZoneElement != null)) {
newDropIndex = newDropZoneElement.__zone.GetWebPartIndex(__wpGetPageEventLocation(currentEvent, false));
if (newDropIndex == -1) {
newDropZoneElement = null;
if (dragState.dropZoneElement != newDropZoneElement) {
if ((typeof(dragState.dropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (dragState.dropZoneElement != null)) {
dragState.dropZoneElement.__zone.ToggleDropCues(false, dragState.dropIndex, false);
dragState.dropZoneElement = newDropZoneElement;
dragState.dropIndex = newDropIndex;
if ((typeof(newDropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (newDropZoneElement != null)) {
newDropZoneElement.__zone.ToggleDropCues(true, newDropIndex, false);
else if (dragState.dropIndex != newDropIndex) {
if (dragState.dropIndex != -1) {
dragState.dropZoneElement.__zone.ToggleDropCues(false, dragState.dropIndex, false);
dragState.dropIndex = newDropIndex;
if ((typeof(newDropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (newDropZoneElement != null)) {
newDropZoneElement.__zone.ToggleDropCues(true, newDropIndex, false);
if ((typeof(dragState.dropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (dragState.dropZoneElement != null)) {
currentEvent.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = dragState.effect;
return true;
return false;
function WebPartManager_ProcessWebPartDragOver() {
var dragState = __wpm.dragState;
var currentEvent = window.event;
var handled = false;
if ((typeof(dragState) != "undefined") && (dragState != null) &&
(typeof(dragState.dropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (dragState.dropZoneElement != null)) {
var dropZoneElement = Zone_GetParentZoneElement(currentEvent.srcElement);
if ((typeof(dropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (dropZoneElement != null) && (dropZoneElement.__zone.allowDrop == false)) {
dropZoneElement = null;
if (((typeof(dropZoneElement) == "undefined") || (dropZoneElement == null)) &&
(typeof(dragState.dropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (dragState.dropZoneElement != null)) {
dragState.dropZoneElement.__zone.ToggleDropCues(false, __wpm.dragState.dropIndex, false);
dragState.dropZoneElement = null;
dragState.dropIndex = -1;
else if ((typeof(dropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (dropZoneElement != null)) {
var location = __wpGetPageEventLocation(currentEvent, false);
var newDropIndex = dropZoneElement.__zone.GetWebPartIndex(location);
if (newDropIndex == -1) {
dropZoneElement = null;
if (dragState.dropZoneElement != dropZoneElement) {
if ((dragState.dropIndex != -1) || (typeof(dropZoneElement) == "undefined") || (dropZoneElement == null)) {
dragState.dropZoneElement.__zone.ToggleDropCues(false, __wpm.dragState.dropIndex, false);
dragState.dropZoneElement = dropZoneElement;
else {
dragState.dropZoneElement.__zone.ToggleDropCues(false, dragState.dropIndex, true);
dragState.dropIndex = newDropIndex;
if ((typeof(dropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (dropZoneElement != null)) {
dropZoneElement.__zone.ToggleDropCues(true, newDropIndex, false);
handled = true;
if ((typeof(dragState) == "undefined") || (dragState == null) ||
(typeof(dragState.dropZoneElement) == "undefined") || (dragState.dropZoneElement == null)) {
currentEvent.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "none";
return handled;
function WebPartManager_ProcessWebPartDrop() {
var dragState = this.dragState;
if ((typeof(dragState) != "undefined") && (dragState != null)) {
var currentEvent = window.event;
var dropZoneElement = Zone_GetParentZoneElement(currentEvent.srcElement);
if ((typeof(dropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (dropZoneElement != null) && (dropZoneElement.__zone.allowDrop == false)) {
dropZoneElement = null;
if ((typeof(dropZoneElement) != "undefined") && (dropZoneElement != null) && (dragState.dropZoneElement == dropZoneElement)) {
dragState.dropped = true;
return true;
return false;
function WebPartManager_ShowHelp(helpUrl, helpMode) {
if ((typeof( != "undefined") && ( != null)) {;
if (helpMode == 0 || helpMode == 1) {
if (helpMode == 0) {
var dialogInfo = "edge: Sunken; center: yes; help: no; resizable: yes; status: no";
window.showModalDialog(helpUrl, null, dialogInfo);
else {, null, "scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no");
else if (helpMode == 2) {
window.location = helpUrl;
function WebPartManager_ExportWebPart(exportUrl, warn, confirmOnly) {
if (warn == true && __wpmExportWarning.length > 0 && this.personalizationScopeShared != true) {
if (confirm(__wpmExportWarning) == false) {
return false;
if (confirmOnly == false) {
window.location = exportUrl;
return true;
function WebPartManager_UpdatePositions() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.zones.length; i++) {
function WebPartManager_SubmitPage(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
if ((typeof( != "undefined") && ( != null)) {;
__doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument);