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11 months ago
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11 months ago
  1. select lawsoncardno,txnpin, membershipid, mobileverifieddate,agreeYn, HasDeclare, idNumber, idExpiryDate, idIssueCountry, idIssueDate,
  2. fullname, * FROM customermaster where username=''
  3. select ADDITIONALADDRESS, membershipid, mobileverifieddate,agreeYn, HasDeclare, isemailverified, * FROM customermastertemp
  4. where username=''
  5. select * FROM TBL_MOBILE_OTP_REQUEST where user_id=''
  6. delete FROM customermaster where username=''
  7. delete FROM CustomerMasterTemp where username=''
  8. delete FROM mobile_userRegistration where username=''
  9. delete FROM TBL_MOBILE_OTP_REQUEST where user_id=''
  10. delete from customerDocument where cdid='132'
  11. select * from customerDocument where customerid='48' --11440
  12. select * FROM mobile_userRegistration where username=''
  13. update customermaster set mobileverifieddate=null , mobileapprovedDate=null, HasDeclare=0, agreeYn=0, lawsoncardno='',
  14. txnpin=123456,isForcedPwdChange=0 where username=''
  15. select idNumber, idtype, ADDITIONALADDRESS,verificationCode, nativeCountry,* FROM CustomerMastertemp where username=''
  16. select idNumber, idtype, ADDITIONALADDRESS, verificationCode,* FROM CustomerMaster where username=''
  17. update CustomerMaster set verificationCode=null,ADDITIONALADDRESS='s' where username=''
  18. update CustomerMaster set idIssueCountry='' where username=''
  19. update CustomerMasterTemp set idtype=null where username=''
  20. update customermaster set
  21. lawsoncardno='KYC_LATER'
  22. where username=''
  23. SELECT name
  24. FROM sys.procedures
  25. WHERE Object_definition(object_id) LIKE '%PROCESSING%'
  26. update customermaster set
  27. verificationCode=''
  28. where username=''
  29. select * FROM TBL_MOBILE_OTP_REQUEST where user_id=''
  30. select * FROM staticDataValue where typeid='8103'
  32. update customermaster set lawsoncardno='KYC_NOW' where username=''
  33. update CustomerMasterTemp set isEmailVerified='1' where username=''
  34. update customermastertemp set isemailverified=1
  35. where username=''
  36. EXEC GetUserInfo @flag='basic-reg', @emailId=''
  37. update mobile_userRegistration
  38. set isForcePinChange=0 ,isForcePassChange=0
  39. where username=''
  40. --CustomerInfoAgree
  41. select * FROM staticdatavalue where valueid= '11394'
  42. select * FROM staticdatavalue where typeid= '8103'
  43. Exec proc_customerDocumentType @flag='getDocByCustomerId' ,@customerId='48'
  44. EXEC JsonRx_Proc_UserRegistration @flag='agree' , @username = ''
  45. EXEC JsonRx_Proc_UserRegistration @flag='save-kyc-option', @username = '', @registrationType = 'MKYC', @clientId = 'KYC_LATER'
  46. EXEC mobile_proc_customerMaster @flag='refresh-customer-info', @userName='',@appVersion='22',
  47. @phoneBrand = 'Samsung SM-S908E',@phoneOS= '13',@fcmId = null,@osVersion='33'
  48. EXEC proc_InsertRewardPoints @Flag = 'REGISTER', @CustomerId=48,@ReferralId='23'
  49. EXEC JsonRx_Proc_UserRegistration_V2 @flag = 'sign-up-v2-new-cust'
  50. ,@idNumber = NULL
  51. ,@nativeCountry = 'ID'
  52. ,@referralCode = 'mob000043'
  53. ,@username = ''
  54. ,@password = 'P@ssw0rd'
  55. ,@clientId = ':2487:aff:fe2c:d631%dummy0'
  56. ,@uuid = 'a25982f555d5a7d6'
  57. ,@appVersion = '22'
  58. ,@phoneBrand = 'Samsung SM-S908E'
  59. ,@phoneOs = '13'
  60. ,@fcmId = 'fdDb5nE0R9GEoEPNBjKi41:APA91bHCnM3SHP2BdUQj4bluKgz9GBqCRjClz_oggpONZSrVP8_hLTkCyJVa_0065I7LaVlDHDRkXbJzwTA4ondwzen9ZCLrI89ALQs6nBklBnq9s_KEOeqOtG0N6dJdRWWRE3N2duTV'
  61. ,@osVersion = '33'
  62. ,@fullName = 'Monkey D. Luffy'
  63. ,@dob = '12/05/1988'
  64. ,@mobile = '9841760699'
  65. ,@postalCode = 'l18jq'
  66. ,@address1 = 'Eurochange, 11 Wall Street'
  67. ,@address2 = 'Nepal'
  68. ,@city = 'Liverpool'
  69. ,@gender = '98'
  70. ,@FirstName = 'Monkey'
  71. ,@MiddleName = 'D.'
  72. ,@LastName = 'Luffy'
  73. EXEC proc_mobile_StaticData @flag='kycV3', @customerId=''
  74. EXEC mobile_proc_customerMaster @flag='refresh-customer-info', @userName = '',
  75. @appVersion = '2.5',@phoneBrand = 'samsung',
  76. @phoneOS = 'Quince Tart',
  77. @fcmId = 'fsN8yCRWRhWHK2SMzNADr2:APA91bHQZYgZRcdNtcyysnhhqSFC1J8BHW-GpJGS7P6tgXk8JXvHQseq853bETZ_mjvHvR6zSgUSkhcJ8AR0Zb0glj-m3IJyeY8ZF5gKw6sXr-59aKMGGvclXA5L9-nPs2McVME3-WO2',
  78. @osVersion = '10'
  79. EXEC mobile_proc_customerMaster_V2 @flag='i', @username = '', @type = '0', @employeerName = null, @monthlyIncome = null, @businessType = null, @mobile = null, @additionalAddress = Nnull, @idType = '10997', @additionalIdType = '11316', @idFront = null, @idBack = null, @idSide = null, @additionalId = null, @additionalIdBack = null, @facePicture = null, @occupation = null, @purposeOfRegistration = null,
  80. @otherIdType = null, @otherOccupation = null, @rType = null, @trustDocId = null
  81. EXEC proc_SendTransaction @flag ='send', @User = ''
  82. , @SenderId = '21'
  83. , @sIpAddress = null
  84. , @ReceiverId = '12'
  85. , @rFirstName = null
  86. , @rMiddleName = null
  87. , @rLastName = null
  88. , @rIdType = null
  89. , @rIdNo = null
  90. , @rIdIssue = null
  91. , @rIdExpiry = null
  92. , @rDob = null
  93. , @rMobileNo = null
  94. , @rNativeCountry = null
  95. , @rStateId = '0'
  96. , @rDistrictId = '0'
  97. , @rAddress = null
  98. , @rCity = null
  99. , @rEmail = null
  100. , @rAccountNo = null
  101. , @sCountryId = '0'
  102. , @pCountryId = '0'
  103. , @deliveryMethodId = '1'
  104. , @pBranchId = '0'
  105. , @pBankId = '0'
  106. , @collCurr = 'GBP'
  107. , @payoutCurr = 'NPR'
  108. , @collAmt = '100'
  109. , @payoutAmt = '10546.0000'
  110. , @transferAmt = '100.0000'
  111. , @exRate = '105.4688'
  112. , @calBy = 'c'
  113. , @tpExRate = '105.4688'
  114. , @payOutPartnerId = '394397'
  115. , @forexSessionId = '50A0F07E-056A-4800-9341-FD58696D1BEB'
  116. , @paymentType = 'wallet'
  117. , @PurposeOfRemittance = '11411'
  118. , @PurposeOfRemittanceOther = null
  119. , @SourceOfFund = '11416'
  120. , @SourceOfFundOther = null
  121. , @RelWithSender = '11331'
  122. , @SourceType = null
  123. , @scDiscount = null
  124. , @ProcessId = '50A0F07E056A48009341FD58696D1BEB:394397:sendTxn'
  125. , @schemeId = null
  126. , @goodsOrigin = null
  127. , @goodsType = null
  128. , @portOfShipment = null
  129. , @discountedFee = null
  130. select * FROM receiverInformation where receiverid='12'
  131. EXEC proc_SendTransaction @flag ='send', @User = ''
  132. , @SenderId = '21'
  133. , @sIpAddress = null
  134. , @ReceiverId = '12'
  135. , @rFirstName = null
  136. , @rMiddleName = null
  137. , @rLastName = null
  138. , @rIdType = null
  139. , @rIdNo = null
  140. , @rIdIssue = null
  141. , @rIdExpiry = null
  142. , @rDob = null
  143. , @rMobileNo = null
  144. , @rNativeCountry = null
  145. , @rStateId = '0'
  146. , @rDistrictId = '0'
  147. , @rAddress = null
  148. , @rCity = null
  149. , @rEmail = null
  150. , @rAccountNo = null
  151. , @sCountryId = '0'
  152. , @pCountryId = '0'
  153. , @deliveryMethodId = '1'
  154. , @pBranchId = '0'
  155. , @pBankId = '0'
  156. , @collCurr = 'GBP'
  157. , @payoutCurr = 'NPR'
  158. , @collAmt = '100'
  159. , @payoutAmt = '10546.0000'
  160. , @transferAmt = '100.0000'
  161. , @exRate = '105.4688'
  162. , @calBy = 'c'
  163. , @tpExRate = '105.4688'
  164. , @payOutPartnerId = '394397'
  165. , @forexSessionId = '50A0F07E-056A-4800-9341-FD58696D1BEB'
  166. , @paymentType = 'wallet'
  167. , @PurposeOfRemittance = '11411'
  168. , @PurposeOfRemittanceOther = null
  169. , @SourceOfFund = '11416'
  170. , @SourceOfFundOther = null
  171. , @RelWithSender = '11331'
  172. , @SourceType = null
  173. , @scDiscount = null
  174. , @ProcessId = '50A0F07E056A48009341FD58696D1BEB:394397:sendTxn'
  175. , @schemeId = null
  176. , @goodsOrigin = null
  177. , @goodsType = null
  178. , @portOfShipment = null
  179. , @discountedFee = null