USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_low_txn_report] Script Date: 4/12/2024 5:14:11 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_low_txn_report] @FLAG VARCHAR(20) ,@user VARCHAR(30) ,@toDate VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@postCode VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@txnCountType VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@txnCount INT = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON; IF @FLAG = 'txn-report' BEGIN SET @txnCountType = CASE WHEN @txnCountType = 'gte' THEN '>=' WHEN @txnCountType = 'lte' THEN '<=' WHEN @txnCountType = 'eq' THEN '=' WHEN @txnCountType = 'lt' THEN '<' WHEN @txnCountType = 'gt' THEN '>' ELSE NULL END; --WITH CustomerDetails --AS ( -- SELECT customerId -- ,membershipId -- ,(ISNULL(firstName, '') + ' ' + ISNULL(middleName, '') + ' ' + ISNULL(lastName1, '')) AS fullName -- ,email -- ,mobile -- ,zipCode -- ,address + ', ' + ISNULL(city, '') AS Address1 -- ,createdDate -- FROM customerMaster -- WHERE createdDate BETWEEN '2023-11-01' -- AND GETDATE() -- ) -- ,TransactionCounts --AS ( -- SELECT cm.customerId -- ,ISNULL(COUNT(ts.tranId), 0) AS txnCount -- ,MAX(rt.createdDate) AS lastTxnDate -- FROM CustomerDetails cm -- LEFT JOIN vwTranSenders ts ON cm.customerId = ts.customerId -- LEFT JOIN vwRemitTran rt ON ISNULL(, rt.holdTranId) = ts.tranId -- GROUP BY cm.customerId -- ) -- ,TranDetails --AS ( -- SELECT cd.customerId AS customerId -- ,cd.membershipId -- ,cd.Address1 -- ,cd.fullName -- , -- , -- ,cd.zipCode -- ,cd.createdDate -- ,ISNULL(tc.txnCount, 0) AS txnCount -- ,tc.lastTxnDate -- FROM CustomerDetails cd -- LEFT JOIN TransactionCounts tc ON cd.customerId = tc.customerId -- ) --SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( -- ORDER BY txnCount DESC -- ) AS SN -- --,customerId -- ,membershipId -- ,fullName -- ,email -- ,mobile -- ,zipCode -- ,Address1 -- ,createdDate -- ,txnCount -- ,lastTxnDate --FROM TranDetails --WHERE lastTxnDate <= CONVERT(DATE, @toDate) -- OR lastTxnDate IS NULL --ORDER BY txnCount DESC DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @sql = 'WITH CustomerDetails AS ( SELECT customerId, membershipId, (ISNULL(firstName, '''') + '' '' + ISNULL(middleName, '''') + '' '' + ISNULL(lastName1, '''')) AS fullName, email, mobile, zipCode, address + '', '' + ISNULL(city, '''') AS Address1, createdDate FROM customerMaster ), TransactionCounts AS ( SELECT cm.customerId, ISNULL(COUNT(ts.tranId), 0) AS txnCount, MAX(rt.createdDate) AS lastTxnDate FROM CustomerDetails cm LEFT JOIN vwTranSenders ts ON cm.customerId = ts.customerId LEFT JOIN vwRemitTran rt ON ISNULL(, rt.holdTranId) = ts.tranId GROUP BY cm.customerId ), TranDetails AS ( SELECT cd.customerId AS customerId, cd.membershipId, cd.Address1, cd.fullName,,, cd.zipCode, cd.createdDate, ISNULL(tc.txnCount, 0) AS txnCount, tc.lastTxnDate FROM CustomerDetails cd LEFT JOIN TransactionCounts tc ON cd.customerId = tc.customerId ) SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY txnCount DESC) AS SN, membershipId, fullName, email, mobile, zipCode PostCode, Address1, createdDate, txnCount, lastTxnDate FROM TranDetails WHERE (lastTxnDate <= CONVERT(DATE, '''+ @toDate +''') OR lastTxnDate IS NULL)' IF ISNULL(@postCode,'') <> '' BEGIN SET @postCode = REPLACE(@postCode, ' ', '') SET @sql = @sql + ' AND (LEFT(zipCode, 3) = LEFT(''' + @postCode + ''', 3) OR zipCode = ''' + @postCode + ''')' END IF ISNULL(@txnCountType,'') <> '' BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' AND txnCount ' + @txnCountType + ' ' + CAST(@txnCount AS VARCHAR(10)) END PRINT(@sql); --EXEC(@sql); EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@toDate VARCHAR(10), @postCode VARCHAR(100), @txnCount INT', @toDate, @postCode, @txnCount; EXEC proc_errorHandler '0' ,'Report has been prepared successfully.' ,NULL SELECT 'To Date' head ,@toDate VALUE SELECT 'Low Txn report' title END