USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_get_exRate_master] Script Date: 4/10/2024 7:34:12 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROC [dbo].[proc_get_exRate_master] ( @flag VARCHAR(20) ,@user VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@sCountryId INT = NULL ,@sAgent INT = NULL ,@sSuperAgent INT = NULL ,@sBranch INT = NULL ,@senderId BIGINT = NULL ,@collCurr VARCHAR(5) = NULL ,@pCountryId INT = NULL ,@pCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@pAgent INT = NULL ,@pCurr VARCHAR(5) = NULL ,@deliveryMethodId INT = NULL ,@cAmt MONEY = NULL ,@pAmt MONEY = NULL ,@calBy CHAR(1) = NULL ,@couponCode VARCHAR(30) = NULL ,@schemeId VARCHAR(10) = NULL ,@payOutPartner INT = NULL ,@paymentType VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@cardOnline VARCHAR(10) = NULL ,@tpExRate FLOAT = NULL ,@isManualSc CHAR(1) = NULL ,@manualSc MONEY = NULL ,@ProcessFor VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@discountedFee VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@isPromoCode CHAR(1) = NULL ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; ----------------------------------------- --Sep 22 -> #109 ->Change the logic to choose highest Rate in case of Nepal -- #101 , #361 - Mobile Changes for Multi-Lingual -- #1526 - Post production fixes for Redeem & Earn -- #1590 - Customer Loyalty -- #5968 - sc revised -- #18600 - change in @flag = 'false' for exRate -- #27928 added validation for debit card payment -------------------------------------------- BEGIN DECLARE @scValue MONEY ,@scAction CHAR(2) ,@scOffer MONEY ,@exRateOffer FLOAT ,@scDiscount MONEY DECLARE @place INT ,@currDecimal INT ,@collMode VARCHAR(30) ,@sendingCustType VARCHAR(30) ,@msg VARCHAR(150) ,@errorCode INT DECLARE @exRateCalByPartner BIT ,@pSuperAgent INT ,@serviceCharge MONEY ,@serviceChargetmp MONEY ,@tAmt MONEY ,@pSuperAgentName VARCHAR(100) ,@pBranch INT DECLARE @pAgentName VARCHAR(100) ,@pBranchName VARCHAR(100) ,@exRate FLOAT ,@pCurrHoMargin FLOAT ,@FOREX_SESSION_ID VARCHAR(40) DECLARE @tranCount INT = 0 ,@schemeCount INT = 0 ,@schemeAppliedMsg VARCHAR(100) = '' ,@isFirstTran CHAR(1) = 'N' ,@createdFrom CHAR(1) = NULL ,@isEligible CHAR(1) = 'N' ,@introducer VARCHAR(25) = NULL --IF @ProcessFor IN ('send') --BEGIN IF ISNULL(@user, 'onlinedefault') <> 'onlinedefault' --OR @user is not null BEGIN PRINT 'a' IF @senderId IS NULL OR @senderId=0 BEGIN SET @senderId = ( SELECT customerId FROM customermaster(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @user ) END --EXEC PROC_Customer_LoyaltyV2 @flag = 'check-eligible-v2' -- ,@isEligible = @isEligible OUT -- ,@referralCode = @introducer -- ,@tranCount = @trancount OUT -- ,@schemeCount = @schemeCount OUT -- ,@customerId = @senderId -- ,@createdFrom = 'M' IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( SELECT TOP 1 customerId FROM TRANSENDERS TS(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN remittran(NOLOCK) rt ON = ts.tranId WHERE customerId = @SenderId AND rt.tranStatus <> 'CANCEL' --AND rt.tranType='M' UNION ALL SELECT TOP 1 customerId FROM TRANSENDERSTEMP TT(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN remittrantemp(NOLOCK) rt ON = tt.tranId WHERE customerId = @SenderId AND rt.tranStatus <> 'CANCEL' --AND rt.tranType='M' ) a WHERE customerId = @SenderId ) BEGIN SET @isFirstTran = 'Y' END END print '@isFirstTran' + '-> ' + @isFirstTran SELECT @createdFrom = serviceUsedFor FROM customerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @senderId PRINT '@senderId' PRINT @senderId; SET @sCountryId = 233 SET @sAgent='394395'; IF ISNULL(@pCountryId, 0) = 0 SELECT @pCountryId = countryId FROM countryMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE COUNTRYNAME = @pCountry IF @flag = 'False' AND @ProcessFor IN ('dashboard') BEGIN SELECT @payoutPartner = AGENTID ,@exRateCalByPartner = ISNULL(exRateCalByPartner, 0) FROM TblPartnerwiseCountry(NOLOCK) WHERE CountryId = @pCountryId AND IsActive = 1 AND ISNULL(IsMobileEnabled, 0) = 1 AND ISNULL(PaymentMethod, @deliveryMethodId) = @deliveryMethodId END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @payoutPartner = AGENTID ,@exRateCalByPartner = ISNULL(exRateCalByPartner, 0) FROM TblPartnerwiseCountry(NOLOCK) WHERE CountryId = @pCountryId AND IsActive = 1 AND ISNULL(PaymentMethod, @deliveryMethodId) = @deliveryMethodId END PRINT '@payoutPartner' PRINT @payoutPartner; IF @payoutPartner IS NOT NULL BEGIN --GET PAYOUT AGENT DETAILS SELECT @PAGENT = AGENTID FROM AGENTMASTER(NOLOCK) WHERE PARENTID = @payoutPartner AND ISNULL(ISSETTLINGAGENT, 'N') = 'Y'; SELECT @pSuperAgent = sSuperAgent ,@pSuperAgentName = sSuperAgentName ,@pAgent = sAgent ,@pAgentName = sAgentName ,@pBranch = sBranch ,@pBranchName = sBranchName FROM dbo.FNAGetBranchFullDetails(@PAGENT) END ELSE BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode ,'Partner not yet mapped for the selected country!' Msg ,NULL id RETURN END DECLARE @rowId INT SELECT @scValue = 0 ,@scOffer = 0 ,@exRateOffer = 0 ,@scDiscount = 0 SELECT @place = place ,@currDecimal = currDecimal FROM currencyPayoutRound WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' AND currency = @pCurr AND ISNULL(tranType, @deliveryMethodId) = @deliveryMethodId SET @currDecimal = ISNULL(@currDecimal, 0) IF @pCurr IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '2' ErrorCode ,'Currency not been defined yet for receiving country' Msg ,NULL id RETURN END --pRINT @pAgent; IF @flag = 'false' BEGIN IF @pCountryId = 151 AND @deliveryMethodId = 1 BEGIN SELECT AgentId INTO #AgentList FROM agentMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE extCode = 'NP ANYWHERE' SELECT @exRate = customerRate ,@pCurrHoMargin = pCurrHoMargin FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY CUSTOMERRATE DESC ) ROW_NUM ,CUSTOMERRATE ,pCurrHoMargin FROM #AgentList A CROSS APPLY dbo.FNAGetExRate(@sCountryId, @sAgent, @sBranch, @collCurr, @pCountryId, AgentId, @pCurr, @deliveryMethodId) FN ) X WHERE X.ROW_NUM = 1 END ELSE BEGIN PRINT @sCountryId; PRINT '@sAgent'; PRINT @sAgent; PRINT '@sBranch'; PRINT @sBranch; PRINT @collCurr; PRINT @pCountryId; PRINT @pCurr; PRINT @deliveryMethodId; pRINT '@pAgent'; PRINT @pAgent; SELECT @exRate = customerRate ,@pCurrHoMargin = pCurrHoMargin FROM dbo.FNAGetExRate(@sCountryId, @sAgent, @sBranch, @collCurr, @pCountryId, @pAgent, @pCurr, @deliveryMethodId) END IF ISNULL(@exRate, 0) = 0 BEGIN SELECT '3' ErrorCode ,'Exchange rate not defined yet for receiving currency (' + @pCurr + ')' Msg ,NULL id RETURN END IF @tpExRate > 0 and @isFirstTran='N' BEGIN SET @exRate = @exRate - @tpExRate END ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @rate FLOAT, @promRate FLOAT SELECT @rate = ISNULL(margin,0), @promRate = ISNULL(purchaseRate,0) FROM countryWiseExchangeRate WHERE depositType='ONLINE' and countryId = @pCountryId PRINT' @rate' PRINT @rate PRINT '@promRate' PRINT @promRate IF @isFirstTran='Y' SET @exRate = @exRate - (ISNULL(@rate,0) +ISNULL(@promRate,0)) ELSE SET @exRate = @exRate - ISNULL(@rate,0) END --IF(ISNULL(@discountedFee,0)> 0) --BEGIN -- IF dbo.FNA_GET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_POINTS(@senderId) < ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) -- BEGIN -- SELECT '1' ErrorCode -- ,'You do not have sufficient Reward Amount!' Msg -- ,NULL id -- RETURN -- END --END DECLARE @ValidationResult TABLE ( IS_VALID VARCHAR(50), ROW_ID INT, PROMOTIONAL_CODE VARCHAR(50), PROMOTIONAL_MSG VARCHAR(255), -- PROMOTION_TYPE INT, PROMOTION_VALUE MONEY, MIN_SENDING_AMT MONEY, START_DT DATETIME, END_DT DATETIME ) DECLARE @availableRewardAmt INT, @row_id INT, @promoValue MONEY, @minSendAmt MONEY, @startDate DATETIME, @endDate DATETIME, @errMsg VARCHAR(100), @promoCode VARCHAR(100) SELECT @availableRewardAmt = CAST(dbo.[FNA_GET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_POINTS](@senderId) AS INT) DECLARE @minCollAmt MONEY, @maxRewardAmt MONEY SELECT @maxRewardAmt = CAST(detailTitle AS MONEY) FROM staticDataValue WHERE typeID = '10200' AND detailDesc = 'MAX_REWARD_AMT' SELECT @minCollAmt = CAST(detailTitle AS MONEY) FROM staticDataValue WHERE typeID = '10200' AND detailDesc = 'MIN_COLL_AMT_FOR_REWARD' IF ISNUMERIC(ISNULL(@discountedFee,0)) = 1 BEGIN SET @isPromoCode = 'N' IF(ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) > 0) BEGIN IF (@availableRewardAmt < ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0)) BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode ,'You do not have sufficient Rewards!' ,NULL id RETURN; END END IF(ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) > ISNULL(@availableRewardAmt,0)) BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode ,'Please enter the valid point. The amount cannot be more than available Reward Amount!' Msg ,NULL id RETURN END DECLARE @discountedFeeMoney MONEY = CAST(@discountedFee AS MONEY) IF (@discountedFeeMoney > '0.00' AND @cAmt < @minCollAmt AND @discountedFeeMoney > @maxRewardAmt) BEGIN SELECT '8' ErrorCode ,'The maximum reward amount per transaction is ' + CAST(@maxRewardAmt AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' Pounds and the minimum amount that can be sent for each transaction is ' + CAST(@minCollAmt AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' Pounds' Msg ,NULL id RETURN; END IF (@discountedFeeMoney > '0.00' AND @discountedFeeMoney > @maxRewardAmt) BEGIN SELECT '8' ErrorCode ,'The maximum reward amount per transaction is ' + CAST(@maxRewardAmt AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' Pounds' Msg ,NULL id RETURN; END IF (@discountedFeeMoney > '0.00' AND @cAmt < @minCollAmt) BEGIN SELECT '8' ErrorCode ,'The minimum amount that can be sent for each transaction is ' + CAST(@minCollAmt AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' Pounds' Msg ,NULL id RETURN; END END ELSE BEGIN SET @isPromoCode = 'Y' print 'promo' PRINT @pCountryId INSERT INTO @ValidationResult (IS_VALID, ROW_ID, PROMOTIONAL_CODE, PROMOTIONAL_MSG, PROMOTION_VALUE, MIN_SENDING_AMT, START_DT, END_DT) EXEC proc_CheckPromoValidity @flag='chk-validity', @countryId = @pCountryId, @pmode = @deliveryMethodId, @promoCode = @discountedFee --select * FROM @ValidationResult; --RETURN; IF EXISTS (SELECT 'X' FROM @ValidationResult WHERE IS_VALID = 'VALID') BEGIN SELECT @row_id = ROW_ID, @promoValue = PROMOTION_VALUE, @minSendAmt = MIN_SENDING_AMT, @startDate = START_DT, @endDate = END_DT FROM @ValidationResult WHERE IS_VALID = 'VALID' SET @promoCode = @discountedFee SET @discountedFee = @promoValue IF (@cAmt < @minSendAmt) BEGIN SELECT '8' ErrorCode ,'The minimum amount per transaction should be ' + CAST(@minSendAmt AS VARCHAR(20)) + ' Pounds to use Promo Code' Msg ,NULL id RETURN; END END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @errMsg = PROMOTIONAL_MSG FROM @ValidationResult WHERE IS_VALID = 'INVALID' SELECT '1' ErrorCode ,@errMsg Msg RETURN END END --PRINT '@isFirstTran:' + CAST( @isFirstTran AS VARCHAR); --PRINT '@isEligible:' + CAST( @isEligible AS VARCHAR); -- PRINT '@tranCount:' + CAST( @tranCount AS VARCHAR); -- PRINT '@@schemeCount:' + CAST( @schemeCount AS VARCHAR); IF @calBy = 'C' BEGIN BEGIN IF ISNULL(@isManualSc, 'N') = 'N' BEGIN PRINT '@serviceChargetmp'; SELECT @serviceChargetmp = isnull(amount, 0) FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId, @sSuperAgent, @sAgent, @sBranch, @pCountryId, @pSuperAgent, @pAgent, @pBranch, @deliveryMethodId, @cAmt, @collCurr) PRINT @serviceChargetmp IF (@discountedFee < '0.00') --AND (@serviceChargetmp < @discountedFee) BEGIN SELECT '8' ErrorCode ,'Redeem Amount cannot be less than zero' Msg ,NULL id RETURN; END ELSE BEGIN --SELECT @serviceCharge = @serviceChargetmp - ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) SELECT @serviceCharge = @serviceChargetmp END END ELSE BEGIN SET @serviceCharge = ISNULL(@manualSc, 0) END IF @serviceCharge IS NULL AND ISNULL(@isManualSc, 'N') = 'N' BEGIN SELECT '4' ErrorCode ,'Service charge not defined yet for receiving country' Msg ,NULL id RETURN; END END IF @scAction = 'PD' -- Percent Discount BEGIN SET @scOffer = (@scValue / 100) * @serviceCharge SET @scDiscount = (@scValue / 100) * @serviceCharge END ELSE IF @scAction = 'FD' -- Flat Discount BEGIN SET @scDiscount = @scValue END ELSE IF @scAction = 'FV' -- Fixed Value BEGIN SET @scOffer = @scValue SET @scDiscount = @serviceCharge - @scValue END --IF (@discountedFee > @serviceCharge) -- BEGIN -- SELECT '8' ErrorCode -- ,'Redeem Amount cannot be higher than Transfer fee.' Msg -- ,NULL id -- RETURN; -- END SET @tAmt = @cAmt - @serviceCharge + @scDiscount + ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) SET @pAmt = @tAmt * (@exRate + @exRateOffer) --PRINT @pAmt; --SET @pAmt = FLOOR(@pAmt) SET @tAmt=Cast(Round(@tAmt,2,0) as decimal(18,2)); SET @pAmt=Cast(Round(@pAmt,2,0) as decimal(18,2)); --PRINT @pAmt; END ELSE BEGIN --SET @tAmt = CEILING(@pAmt/(@exRate + @exRateOffer), 0) --SET @tAmt = CEILING(@pAmt / (@exRate + @exRateOffer)) SET @tAmt = @pAmt / (@exRate + @exRateOffer); BEGIN IF ISNULL(@isManualSc, 'N') = 'N' BEGIN SELECT @serviceChargetmp = isnull(amount, 0) FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId, @sSuperAgent, @sAgent, @sBranch, @pCountryId, @pSuperAgent, @pAgent, @pBranch, @deliveryMethodId, @tAmt, @collCurr) IF (@discountedFee < '0.00') --AND (@serviceChargetmp < @discountedFee) BEGIN SELECT '8' ErrorCode ,'Redeem Amount cannot be less than zero' Msg ,NULL id RETURN; END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @serviceCharge = @serviceChargetmp; END END ELSE BEGIN SET @serviceCharge = ISNULL(@manualSc, 0) END IF @serviceCharge IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '4' ErrorCode ,'Service charge not defined yet for receiving country' Msg ,NULL id RETURN; END END IF @scAction = 'PD' BEGIN SET @scOffer = (@scValue / 100) * @serviceCharge SET @scDiscount = (@scValue / 100) * @serviceCharge END ELSE IF @scAction = 'FD' BEGIN SET @scDiscount = @scValue END ELSE IF @scAction = 'FV' BEGIN SET @scOffer = @scValue SET @scDiscount = @serviceCharge - @scValue END PRINT '@discountedFee' PRINT @discountedFee PRINT @serviceCharge --IF (@discountedFee > @serviceCharge) -- BEGIN -- SELECT '8' ErrorCode -- ,'Redeem Amount cannot be higher than Transfer fee.' Msg -- ,NULL id -- RETURN; -- END SET @cAmt = (@tAmt + @serviceCharge - @scDiscount) - ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) SET @tAmt =Cast(Round(@tAmt,2,0) as decimal(18,2)); SET @cAmt =Cast(Round(@cAmt,2,0) as decimal(18,2)) --SET @cAmt = CEILING(@cAmt) END --4. Validate Country Sending Limit EXEC PROC_CHECKCOUNTRYLIMIT @flag = 's-limit' ,@cAmt = @cAmt ,@pAmt = @pAmt ,@sCountryId = @sCountryId ,@collMode = @collMode ,@deliveryMethod = @deliveryMethodId ,@sendingCustType = @sendingCustType ,@pCountryId = @pCountryId ,@pCurr = @pCurr ,@collCurr = @collCurr ,@pAgent = @pAgent ,@sAgent = @sAgent ,@sBranch = @sBranch ,@msg = @msg OUT ,@errorCode = @errorCode OUT IF @errorCode <> '0' BEGIN SELECT @errorCode ErrorCode ,@msg Msg RETURN; END --Validate Country Sending Limit END --5. Validate Country Receiving Limit EXEC PROC_CHECKCOUNTRYLIMIT @flag = 'r-limit' ,@cAmt = @cAmt ,@pAmt = @pAmt ,@sCountryId = @sCountryId ,@collMode = @collMode ,@deliveryMethod = @deliveryMethodId ,@sendingCustType = @sendingCustType ,@pCountryId = @pCountryId ,@pCurr = @pCurr ,@collCurr = @collCurr ,@pAgent = @pAgent ,@sAgent = @sAgent ,@sBranch = @sBranch ,@msg = @msg OUT ,@errorCode = @errorCode OUT IF @errorCode <> '0' BEGIN SELECT @errorCode ErrorCode ,@msg Msg RETURN; END DECLARE @maxAmt MONEY SELECT @maxAmt = maxAmt FROM countryWiseExchangeRate WHERE depositType = 'DEBIT_CARD' AND countryId = @pCountryId IF (@schemeId = 'DEBIT_CARD' AND @cAmt > @maxAmt) BEGIN SELECT '3' ErrorCode ,'You cannot send more than '+ CAST(@maxAmt AS VARCHAR)+' GBP via Debit Card. Please select Online Banking to complete the transaction or we will automatically redirect to Bank Transfer.' Msg ,NULL id RETURN END IF ISNULL(@ProcessFor, '') = 'send' BEGIN SET @FOREX_SESSION_ID = NEWID() ----## lock ex rate for individual txn UPDATE exRateCalcHistory SET isExpired = 1 WHERE CUSTOMER_ID = @senderId AND isExpired = 0 PRINT @serviceCharge; INSERT INTO exRateCalcHistory ( CUSTOMER_ID ,[USER_ID] ,FOREX_SESSION_ID ,serviceCharge ,pAmt ,customerRate ,sCurrCostRate ,sCurrHoMargin ,sCurrAgentMargin ,pCurrCostRate ,pCurrHoMargin ,pCurrAgentMargin ,agentCrossSettRate ,createdDate ,isExpired ,tAmt ,schemeId ,discountedFee ,sharingValue ,customerPremium ,promoRowId ) SELECT @senderId ,@user ,@FOREX_SESSION_ID ,@serviceCharge ,@pAmt ,@exRate ,1 ,0 ,0 ,@pCurrHoMargin + @exRate ,@pCurrHoMargin ,0 ,@exRate ,GETDATE() ,0 ,@tAmt ,@schemeId ,ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) ,@schemeCount ,@tpExRate ,@row_id END SET @msg = 'Success' PRINT @promRate PRINT @isFirstTran PRINT '@promRate1' if(@promRate>0 AND @isFirstTran='Y') SET @schemeAppliedMsg = 'Enjoy premium rate due to First Transaction!'; DECLARE @promotionalRate FLOAT SELECT @rate = ISNULL(margin,0), @promRate = ISNULL(purchaseRate,0) FROM countryWiseExchangeRate WHERE depositType=ISNULL(@schemeId,'ONLINE') and countryId = @pCountryId SET @promotionalRate = @exRate - (ISNULL(@rate,0) +ISNULL(@promRate,0)) SELECT @errorCode ErrorCode ,@msg Msg ,scCharge = @serviceCharge ,exRate = @exRate ,place = @place ,pCurr = @pCurr ,currDecimal = @currDecimal ,pAmt = @pAmt ,sAmt = @tAmt ,place = @place ,disc = 0.00 ,collAmt = @cAmt ,exRateOffer = @exRateOffer ,scOffer = @scDiscount ,scAction = @scAction ,scValue = @scValue ,scDiscount = @scDiscount ,tpExRate = 0 ,amountLimitPerDay = 0 ,amountLimitPerTran = 0 ,customerTotalSentAmt = 0 ,exRateDisplay = @exRate ,EXRATEID = @FOREX_SESSION_ID ,maxAmountLimitPerTran = 0 ,minAmountLimitPerTran = 0 ,PerTxnMinimumAmt = 0 ,schemeAppliedMsg = @schemeAppliedMsg ,schemeId = @schemeId ,tpPCurr = @pCurr ,collCurr = @collCurr ,ForexSessionId = @FOREX_SESSION_ID --,discountedFee = CASE WHEN @isPromoCode = 'N' THEN ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) -- WHEN @isPromoCode = 'Y' THEN @promoCode -- ELSE ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) -- END ,discountedFee=ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) ,isPromoCode = @isPromoCode ,promoRowId = @row_id ,promoCode = @promoCode ,@promotionalRate promotionalRate END ELSE IF @FLAG = 'true' BEGIN IF ISNULL(@tpExRate, 0) = 0 BEGIN SELECT '5' ErrorCode ,'Third Party Exchange rate fetching error for currency (' + @pCurr + ')' Msg RETURN END DECLARE @exRateDonga FLOAT, @exRateBRAC FLOAT PRINT @sCountryId; PRINT @sCountryId; PRINT @sAgent; PRINT @sBranch; PRINT @collCurr; PRINT @pCountryId; PRINT @pAgent; PRINT @pCurr; PRINT @deliveryMethodId; SELECT @pCurrHoMargin = pCurrHoMargin FROM dbo.FNAGetExRate(@sCountryId, @sAgent, @sBranch, @collCurr, @pCountryId, @pAgent, @pCurr, @deliveryMethodId) SELECT @exRate = @tpExRate - ISNULL(@pCurrHoMargin, 0) IF ISNULL(@exRate, 0) = 0 BEGIN SELECT '3' ErrorCode ,'Exchange rate not defined yet for receiving currency (' + @pCurr + ')' Msg ,NULL id RETURN END IF @user = 'onlinedefault' AND @pCountryId = 203 BEGIN SELECT @exRateDonga = dbo.FNAGetCustomerRate(113, 0, 394395, 'JPY', 203, 394133, 'VND', 1) IF @exRateDonga > @exRate SET @exRate = @exRateDonga END IF @user = 'onlinedefault' AND @pCountryId = 16 BEGIN SELECT @exRateBRAC = dbo.FNAGetCustomerRate(113, 0, 394395, 'JPY', 16, 394414, 'BDT', 1) IF @exRateBRAC > @exRate SET @exRate = @exRateBRAC END IF @calBy = 'C' BEGIN IF ( @tranCount = @schemeCount AND ISNULL(@user, 'onlinedefault') <> 'onlinedefault' -- AND ISNULL(@ProcessFor, '') = 'send' AND @isEligible = 'Y' ) OR (@isFirstTran = 'Y') BEGIN SET @serviceCharge = 0 IF @isFirstTran = 'Y' BEGIN SET @schemeAppliedMsg = 'Enjoy zero (0) service charge due to First Transaction!'; END ELSE SET @schemeAppliedMsg = 'Enjoy zero (0) service charge due to Loyalty Scheme!'; END ELSE BEGIN IF ISNULL(@isManualSc, 'N') = 'N' BEGIN SELECT @serviceChargetmp = ISNULL(amount, 0) FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId, @sSuperAgent, @sAgent, @sBranch, @pCountryId, @pSuperAgent, @pAgent, @pBranch, @deliveryMethodId, @cAmt, @collCurr) --IF (@discountedFee > '0.00') -- AND (@serviceChargetmp < @discountedFee) --BEGIN -- SELECT '8' ErrorCode -- ,'Redeem points can not be more than service charge' Msg -- ,NULL id -- RETURN; --END --ELSE --BEGIN -- SELECT @serviceCharge = ISNULL(@serviceChargetmp, 0) - ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) --END END ELSE BEGIN SET @serviceCharge = ISNULL(@manualSc, 0) END IF @serviceCharge IS NULL AND ISNULL(@isManualSc, 'N') = 'N' BEGIN SELECT '4' ErrorCode ,'Service charge not defined yet for receiving country' Msg ,NULL id RETURN; END END IF @scAction = 'PD' -- Percent Discount BEGIN SET @scOffer = (@scValue / 100) * @serviceCharge SET @scDiscount = (@scValue / 100) * @serviceCharge END ELSE IF @scAction = 'FD' -- Flat Discount BEGIN SET @scDiscount = @scValue END ELSE IF @scAction = 'FV' -- Fixed Value BEGIN SET @scOffer = @scValue SET @scDiscount = @serviceCharge - @scValue END SET @tAmt = @cAmt - @serviceCharge + @scDiscount + ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) SET @pAmt = @tAmt * (@exRate + @exRateOffer) --SET @pAmt = FLOOR(@pAmt) END ELSE BEGIN --SET @tAmt = CEILING(@pAmt / (@exRate + @exRateOffer)) SET @tAmt = @pAmt / (@exRate + @exRateOffer) IF ISNULL(@isManualSc, 'N') = 'N' BEGIN SELECT @serviceChargetmp = isnull(amount, 0) FROM [dbo].FNAGetServiceCharge(@sCountryId, @sSuperAgent, @sAgent, @sBranch, @pCountryId, @pSuperAgent, @pAgent, @pBranch, @deliveryMethodId, @tAmt, @collCurr) --IF (@discountedFee > '0.00') -- AND (@serviceCharge < @discountedFee) --BEGIN -- SELECT '8' ErrorCode -- ,'Redeem points can not be more than service charge' Msg -- ,NULL id -- RETURN; --END --ELSE --BEGIN -- SELECT @serviceCharge = ISNULL(@serviceChargetmp, 0) - ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) --END END ELSE BEGIN SET @serviceCharge = ISNULL(@manualSc, 0) END IF @serviceCharge IS NULL BEGIN SELECT '4' ErrorCode ,'Service charge not defined yet for receiving country' Msg ,NULL id RETURN; END IF @scAction = 'PD' BEGIN SET @scOffer = (@scValue / 100) * @serviceCharge SET @scDiscount = (@scValue / 100) * @serviceCharge END ELSE IF @scAction = 'FD' BEGIN SET @scDiscount = @scValue END ELSE IF @scAction = 'FV' BEGIN SET @scOffer = @scValue SET @scDiscount = @serviceCharge - @scValue END SET @cAmt = (@tAmt + @serviceCharge - @scDiscount)+ ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) --SET @cAmt = ROUND(@cAmt, @currDecimal) --New logic for calculating new tAmt and pAmt after adding discount fee SET @tAmt = @tAmt + ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) SET @pAmt = @tAmt * (@exRate + @exRateOffer) --SET @pAmt = FLOOR(@pAmt) END --4. Validate Country Sending Limit EXEC PROC_CHECKCOUNTRYLIMIT @flag = 's-limit' ,@cAmt = @cAmt ,@pAmt = @pAmt ,@sCountryId = @sCountryId ,@collMode = @collMode ,@deliveryMethod = @deliveryMethodId ,@sendingCustType = @sendingCustType ,@pCountryId = @pCountryId ,@pCurr = @pCurr ,@collCurr = @collCurr ,@pAgent = @pAgent ,@sAgent = @sAgent ,@sBranch = @sBranch ,@msg = @msg OUT ,@errorCode = @errorCode OUT IF @errorCode <> '0' BEGIN SELECT @errorCode ErrorCode ,@msg Msg RETURN; END --Validate Country Sending Limit END --5. Validate Country Receiving Limit EXEC PROC_CHECKCOUNTRYLIMIT @flag = 'r-limit' ,@cAmt = @cAmt ,@pAmt = @pAmt ,@sCountryId = @sCountryId ,@collMode = @collMode ,@deliveryMethod = @deliveryMethodId ,@sendingCustType = @sendingCustType ,@pCountryId = @pCountryId ,@pCurr = @pCurr ,@collCurr = @collCurr ,@pAgent = @pAgent ,@sAgent = @sAgent ,@sBranch = @sBranch ,@msg = @msg OUT ,@errorCode = @errorCode OUT IF @errorCode <> '0' BEGIN SELECT @errorCode ErrorCode ,@msg Msg RETURN; END --Validate Country Receiving Limit IF ISNULL(@ProcessFor, '') = 'send' BEGIN SET @FOREX_SESSION_ID = NEWID() ----## lock ex rate for individual txn UPDATE exRateCalcHistory SET isExpired = 1 WHERE CUSTOMER_ID = @senderId AND isExpired = 0 INSERT INTO exRateCalcHistory ( CUSTOMER_ID ,[USER_ID] ,FOREX_SESSION_ID ,serviceCharge ,pAmt ,customerRate ,sCurrCostRate ,sCurrHoMargin ,sCurrAgentMargin ,pCurrCostRate ,pCurrHoMargin ,pCurrAgentMargin ,agentCrossSettRate ,createdDate ,isExpired ,tAmt ,schemeId ,discountedFee ,sharingValue ) SELECT @senderId ,@user ,@FOREX_SESSION_ID ,@serviceCharge ,@pAmt ,@exRate ,1 ,0 ,0 ,@pCurrHoMargin + @exRate ,@pCurrHoMargin ,0 ,@exRate ,GETDATE() ,0 ,@tAmt ,@schemeId ,ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) ,@schemeCount END SET @msg = 'Success' PRINT @promRate PRINT @isFirstTran PRINT '@promRate1' if(@promRate>0 AND @isFirstTran='Y') SET @schemeAppliedMsg = 'Enjoy premium rate due to First Transaction!'; SELECT @errorCode ErrorCode ,@msg Msg ,scCharge = @serviceCharge ,exRate = @exRate ,place = @place ,pCurr = @pCurr ,currDecimal = @currDecimal ,pAmt = @pAmt ,sAmt = @tAmt ,place = @place ,disc = 0.00 ,collAmt = @cAmt ,exRateOffer = @exRateOffer ,scOffer = @scDiscount ,scAction = @scAction ,scValue = @scValue ,scDiscount = @scDiscount ,tpExRate = @tpExRate ,amountLimitPerDay = 0 ,amountLimitPerTran = 0 ,customerTotalSentAmt = 0 ,exRateDisplay = @exRate ,EXRATEID = @FOREX_SESSION_ID ,maxAmountLimitPerTran = 0 ,minAmountLimitPerTran = 0 ,PerTxnMinimumAmt = 0 ,schemeAppliedMsg = @schemeAppliedMsg ,schemeId = @schemeId ,tpPCurr = @pCurr ,collCurr = @collCurr ,ForexSessionId = @FOREX_SESSION_ID ,discountedFee = ISNULL(@discountedFee, 0) END END