USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[JsonRx_Proc_UserRegistration] Script Date: 4/3/2024 5:21:26 PM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[JsonRx_Proc_UserRegistration] ( @language VARCHAR(100) = 'en' ,@customerId VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@username VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@flag VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@password VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@clientId VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@IMEI VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@appVersion VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@phoneBrand VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@phoneOs VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@osVersion VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@deviceId VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@dob VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@mobile VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@nativeCountry VARCHAR(5) = NULL ,@referenceId BIGINT = NULL ,@randomPassword VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@user VARCHAR(20) = NULL ,@registrationType VARCHAR(30) = NULL ) AS ----------------------------------------------------------------- --#101 Mobile app changes -> isForcedPwdChange=1 @flag='pwd-reset' --#387 Mobile app changes -> Added new flag = 'pwd-reset-core' , 'pin-reset-core' , Reset pin & Password From Core --#101 Push notificaiton for New Customer Register -- #1030 , @flag = 'agree' , added isAgreeDate ----------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN TRY DECLARE @dobDB VARCHAR(200) ,@code VARCHAR(100) ,@_errorMsg VARCHAR(300) ,@verifiedDate DATETIME ,@customerIdNo VARCHAR(50) IF @flag = 'sign-up' BEGIN --user already registered IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster AS CM(NOLOCK) WHERE = @username ) BEGIN SELECT 1 ErrorCode ,dbo.GetMessage(@language, '1002') Msg ,NULL Id RETURN END --user already registered IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp AS CM(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @username ) BEGIN SELECT 1 ErrorCode ,dbo.GetMessage(@language, '1002') Msg ,NULL Id RETURN END --Username already taken IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) AS MUR WHERE username = @username ) BEGIN SELECT 1 ErrorCode ,dbo.GetMessage(@language, '1001') Msg ,NULL Id RETURN END BEGIN TRAN INSERT INTO dbo.CustomerMasterTemp ( username ,customerPassword ,createdBy ,createdDate ,dob ,email ,mobile ,isActive ) SELECT @username ,dbo.FNAEncryptString(@password) ,@username ,GETDATE() ,@dob ,@username ,CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(@username) = 1 THEN @username ELSE '' END ,'Y' SET @customerId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() INSERT INTO dbo.mobile_userRegistration ( clientId ,username ,createdDate ,IMEI ,appVersion ,phoneBrand ,phoneOs ,osVersion ,deviceId ,customerId ) SELECT @clientId ,@username ,GETDATE() ,@IMEI ,@appVersion ,@phoneBrand ,@phoneOs ,@osVersion ,@deviceId ,@customerId COMMIT TRAN IF @@TRANCOUNT = 0 BEGIN --successful registered SELECT 0 ErrorCode ,dbo.GetMessage(@language, '1000') Msg ,NULL Id ,rowId ,PdfName ,AgreePdfPath FROM customerAgreeDocumentTbl WHERE targetObj = 'UAT' RETURN END END ELSE IF @flag = 'sign-up-V2' BEGIN --user already registered IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster AS CM(NOLOCK) WHERE = @username ) BEGIN SELECT 1 ErrorCode ,dbo.GetMessage(@language, '1002') Msg ,NULL Id RETURN END --DECLARE @MOBILE_OTP VARCHAR(30) = NULL --SELECT @MOBILE_OTP = MOBILE_NUMBER --FROM TBL_MOBILE_OTP_REQUEST (NOLOCK) --WHERE ROW_ID = @referenceId --IF @MOBILE_OTP IS NULL --BEGIN -- SELECT 1 ErrorCode,dbo.GetMessage(@language,'1003') Msg, NULL Id -- RETURN --END --IF @MOBILE_OTP <> @mobile --BEGIN -- SELECT 1 ErrorCode,dbo.GetMessage(@language,'1004') Msg, NULL Id -- RETURN --END --user already registered IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMasterTemp AS CM(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @username ) BEGIN SELECT 1 ErrorCode ,dbo.GetMessage(@language, '1002') Msg ,NULL Id RETURN END --Username already taken IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.mobile_userRegistration(NOLOCK) AS MUR WHERE username = @username ) BEGIN SELECT 1 ErrorCode ,dbo.GetMessage(@language, '1001') Msg ,NULL Id RETURN END BEGIN TRAN INSERT INTO dbo.CustomerMasterTemp ( username ,customerPassword ,createdBy ,createdDate ,email ,mobile ,nativeCountry ,isActive ) SELECT @username ,dbo.FNAEncryptString(@password) ,@username ,GETDATE() ,@username ,@mobile ,@nativeCountry ,'Y' SET @customerId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() INSERT INTO dbo.mobile_userRegistration ( clientId ,username ,createdDate ,IMEI ,appVersion ,phoneBrand ,phoneOs ,osVersion ,deviceId ,customerId ) SELECT @clientId ,@username ,GETDATE() ,@IMEI ,@appVersion ,@phoneBrand ,@phoneOs ,@osVersion ,@deviceId ,@customerId COMMIT TRAN IF @@TRANCOUNT = 0 BEGIN --successful registered SELECT 0 ErrorCode ,dbo.GetMessage(@language, '1000') Msg ,NULL Id ,rowId ,PdfName ,AgreePdfPath FROM customerAgreeDocumentTbl WHERE targetObj = 'STAGING' RETURN END END ELSE IF @flag = 'pwd-reset' BEGIN DECLARE @isExist BIT = 0 IF (@userName IS NULL OR @userName='') BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'Email address is required.' SELECT '3' ErrorCode ,@_errorMsg Msg ,NULL ID ,@username Extra RETURN END IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE (cm.username = @userName) AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SET @isExist = 1; IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE (cm.username = @userName) AND (cm.dob = @dob) AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode ,'Dob is invalid.' ,NULL ID RETURN; END END IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE = @userName AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SET @isExist = 1; IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.CustomerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE (cm.username = @userName) AND (cm.dob = @dob) AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode ,'Dob is invalid1.' ,NULL ID RETURN; END END IF @isExist = 0 BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'User with contact Info ' + @username + ' does not exists. If you are a new user, then sign up and proceed further.' SELECT '3' ErrorCode ,@_errorMsg Msg ,NULL ID ,@username Extra RETURN END SELECT @dobDB = dob ,@mobile = mobile ,@customerId = customerId ,@verifiedDate = verifiedDate ,@customerIdNo = idNumber ,@mobile = mobile ,@_errorMsg= fullname FROM customerMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE email = @userName --AND dob = @dob SET @code = @randomPassword BEGIN TRAN UPDATE dbo.customerMaster SET customerPassword = dbo.FNAEncryptString(@code) WHERE email = @username AND dob = @dob UPDATE dbo.mobile_userRegistration SET isForcePassChange = 1 WHERE username = @username DECLARE @smsMsg VARCHAR(100) = 'Your new password is ' + @code --IF ISNUMERIC(@username) = 1 --BEGIN -- PRINT 'a' -- --exec proc_CallToSendSMS @FLAG = 'I',@SMSBody=@smsMsg,@MobileNo=@mobile --END COMMIT TRAN IF @@TRANCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SELECT '0' ErrorCode ,'Sucess' Msg ,@customerId Id ,@code Extra ,@_errorMsg Extra2 ,@mobile Extra3 RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT '2' ErrorCode ,'Could not reset the password. Please contact IME London head office.' ,NULL RETURN END END ELSE IF @flag = 'pwd-reset-core' BEGIN DECLARE @email NVARCHAR(50) ,@customerName NVARCHAR(50) ,@oldpassword NVARCHAR(50) ,@amendmentId NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @email = email FROM customerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @customerId; SELECT @customerName = fullName FROM customerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @customerId; SELECT @oldpassword = customerPassword FROM customerMaster WHERE customerId = @customerId; DECLARE @isExistCore BIT = 0 IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE (cm.username = @email) AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SET @isExistCore = 1; END IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE = @email AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SET @isExistCore = 1; END IF @isExistCore = 0 BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'User with contact Info ' + @email + ' does not exists. If you are a new user, then sign up and proceed further.' SELECT '1' ErrorCode ,@_errorMsg Msg ,@email ID RETURN END SET @code = @randomPassword SET @amendmentId = NEWID() BEGIN TRAN INSERT INTO TBLCUSTOMERMODIFYLOGS ( customerId ,columnName ,oldValue ,modifiedBy ,modifiedDate ,newValue ,amendmentId ,agentId ) SELECT @customerId ,'customerPassword' ,@oldpassword ,@user ,GETDATE() ,dbo.FNAEncryptString(@code) ,@amendmentId ,'0' UPDATE dbo.customerMaster SET customerPassword = dbo.FNAEncryptString(@code) WHERE email = @email -- AND dob = @dob UPDATE dbo.mobile_userRegistration SET isForcePassChange = 1 WHERE username = @email COMMIT TRAN IF @@TRANCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SELECT '0' ErrorCode ,'Success' Msg ,@email Id ,@code Extra ,@customerName Extra2 RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode ,'Could not reset the password. Please contact JME head office.' ,NULL RETURN END END ELSE IF @flag = 'pin-reset-core' BEGIN DECLARE @randompin INT ,@customeremail NVARCHAR(50) ,@customer NVARCHAR(50) ,@amendmentIdPin NVARCHAR(MAX) ,@oldpin NVARCHAR(8) SELECT @oldpin = dbo.FNAEncryptString(txnpin) FROM customerMaster WHERE customerid = @customerId SET @randompin = DBO.FNAGetRandomTransactionPinNo(6) SET @amendmentIdPin = NEWID() SELECT @customeremail = email FROM customerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @customerId; SELECT @customer = fullName FROM customerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @customerId; DECLARE @isExistPin BIT = 0 IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) cm WHERE (cm.username = @customeremail) AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SET @isExistPin = 1; END IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.customerMaster(NOLOCK) cm WHERE = @customeremail AND ISNULL(cm.isDeleted, 'N') = 'N' ) BEGIN SET @isExistPin = 1; END IF @isExistPin = 0 BEGIN SELECT @_errorMsg = 'User with contact Info ' + @customeremail + ' does not exists. If you are a new user, then sign up and proceed further.' SELECT '1' ErrorCode ,@_errorMsg Msg ,@email ID RETURN END BEGIN TRAN INSERT INTO TBLCUSTOMERMODIFYLOGS ( customerId ,columnName ,oldValue ,modifiedBy ,modifiedDate ,newValue ,amendmentId ,agentId ) SELECT @customerId ,'txpin' ,@oldpin ,@user ,GETDATE() ,dbo.FnaencryptString(@randompin) ,@amendmentIdPin ,'0' UPDATE dbo.customerMaster SET txnpin = @randompin WHERE email = @customeremail UPDATE dbo.mobile_userRegistration SET isForcePinChange = 1 WHERE username = @customeremail COMMIT TRAN IF @@TRANCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SELECT '0' ErrorCode ,'Success' Msg ,@customeremail Id ,@randompin Extra ,@customer Extra2 RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT '1' ErrorCode ,'Could not reset the pin. Please contact JME head office.' ,NULL RETURN END END END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT <> 0 ROLLBACK TRAN --Execption SELECT 1 ErrorCode ,dbo.GetMessage(@language, '9999') + CONVERT(VARCHAR, ERROR_LINE()) + ERROR_MESSAGE() Msg ,NULL Id RETURN END CATCH -- 이용자 정보 동의 확인 값 추가 Info Agree Insert IF @flag = 'agree' BEGIN DECLARE @fcmid VARCHAR(250) ,@fullname VARCHAR(100) ,@Trusdocid VARCHAR(50) ,@regType VARCHAR(20) SELECT @fcmid = deviceid ,@customerId = customerId FROM mobile_userRegistration WHERE username = @username; IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM CustomerMasterTemp(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @username ) BEGIN SELECT @dobDB = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), dob, 121) ,@fullname = fullName FROM customerMasterTemp WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE email = @username UPDATE customerMasterTemp SET agreeYn = '1' ,isAgreeDate = GETDATE() ,mobileverifieddate = GETDATE() ,mobileverifiedby = @username ,mobileVerificationType = 'verified' WHERE username = @username UPDATE customerMaster SET RegistrationType = @registrationType ,mobileverifieddate = GETDATE() ,mobileverifiedby = @username ,mobileVerificationType = 'verified' WHERE username = @userName AND customerId = @customerId; SELECT 0 ErrorCode ,@fullname Msg ,@customerId Id ,@fcmid Extra ,@dobDB Extra2 ,@Trusdocid Extra3 RETURN END ELSE IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM CustomerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @username ) BEGIN SELECT @dobDB = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), dob, 121) ,@fullname = fullName ,@Trusdocid = '' ,@regType = RegistrationType FROM customerMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE email = @username UPDATE customerMaster SET agreeYn = '1' ,isAgreeDate = GETDATE() ,mobileverifieddate = GETDATE() ,mobileverifiedby = @username ,mobileVerificationType = 'verified' ,verificationCode='PROCESSING' WHERE username = @username INSERT INTO pushNotificationHistroy ( customerId ,body ,title ,createDate ,imageURL ,sentId ,Type ,isReservation ,isRead ,isSend ,category ,isClickable ) SELECT @customerId ,'Thank you for completing your profile. You can now start sending transactions' ,'IME LONDON Registration' ,getdate() ,'' ,@customerId ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,'INFO' ,'N' SELECT 0 ErrorCode ,@fullname Msg ,@customerId Id ,@fcmid Extra ,@dobDB Extra2 ,@Trusdocid Extra3 RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT 1 ErrorCode ,'Failed' Msg ,NULL Id END END IF @flag = 'agree-manual' BEGIN DECLARE @RegistrationTypeold VARCHAR(20); DECLARE @isAgreeDate DATETIME; IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM CustomerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @username ) BEGIN SELECT @RegistrationTypeold = RegistrationType ,@customerId = customerid ,@isAgreeDate = isAgreeDate FROM CustomerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @username --UPDATE customerMaster --SET RegistrationType = 'MKYC' -- ,modifiedDate = GETDATE() -- ,modifiedBy = @username -- ,isAgreeDate=null -- ,agreeYn=0 -- ,HasDeclare=0 --WHERE username = @username INSERT INTO TBLCUSTOMERMODIFYLOGS ( customerId ,columnName ,oldValue ,modifiedBy ,modifiedDate ,newValue ,amendmentId ,agentId ) SELECT @customerId ,'RegistrationType' ,@RegistrationTypeold + '|' + CAST(@isAgreeDate AS VARCHAR) ,@userName ,GETDATE() ,'MYKC' ,'' ,'' SELECT 0 ErrorCode ,'Success' Msg ,NULL Id ,@fcmid Extra RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT 1 ErrorCode ,'Failed' Msg ,NULL Id END END IF @flag = 'save-kyc-option' BEGIN DECLARE @KYCOptionold VARCHAR(30), @referralId VARCHAR(200), @ruleType CHAR(1); IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM CustomerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @username ) BEGIN SELECT @customerId = customerid, @referralId = referelCode FROM CustomerMaster(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @username SELECT TOP 1 @KYCOptionold = isnull(newValue, oldValue) FROM TBLCUSTOMERMODIFYLOGS WHERE columnName = 'KYCOption' AND customerId = @customerId ORDER BY customerId DESC INSERT INTO TBLCUSTOMERMODIFYLOGS ( customerId ,columnName ,oldValue ,modifiedBy ,modifiedDate ,newValue ) SELECT @customerId ,'KYCOption' ,ISNULL(@KYCOptionold, '') + '|' + @RegistrationTypeold ,@userName ,GETDATE() ,@clientid IF @clientid = 'KYC_LATER' BEGIN UPDATE customerMaster SET RegistrationType = @registrationType ,mobileverifieddate = GETDATE() ,mobileverifiedby = @username ,mobileVerificationType = 'verified' ,HasDeclare = 1 ,agreeYn = 1 ,LawsonCardNo='KYC_LATER' WHERE customerId = @customerId; IF (LEFT(@referralId, 3) NOT IN ('MOB', 'ADM', 'CRP', 'ONL')) BEGIN SELECT @ruleType = CASE WHEN RULE_TYPE = 1 THEN 'Y' WHEN RULE_TYPE IS NULL THEN 'N' ELSE 'N' END FROM REFERRAL_AGENT_WISE WHERE REFERRAL_CODE = @referralId IF (@ruleType = 'Y') BEGIN EXEC proc_InsertReferralRewardPoints @Flag = 'REGISTER', @CustomerId = @customerId, @ReferralId = @referralId END END END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE customerMaster SET LawsonCardNo='KYC_NOW' WHERE customerId = @customerId; END SELECT 0 ErrorCode ,'Success' Msg ,NULL Id RETURN END ELSE IF EXISTS ( SELECT 'X' FROM CustomerMastertemp(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @username ) BEGIN PRINT 'CustomerMastertemp' SELECT @customerId = customerid, @referralId = referelCode FROM CustomerMastertemp(NOLOCK) WHERE username = @username INSERT INTO TBLCUSTOMERMODIFYLOGS ( customerId ,columnName ,oldValue ,modifiedBy ,modifiedDate ,newValue ,amendmentId ,agentId ) SELECT @customerId ,'KYCOption' ,'' ,@userName ,GETDATE() ,@clientid + + '|' + @registrationType ,'' ,'' IF @clientid = 'KYC_LATER' BEGIN set dateformat dmy; INSERT INTO dbo.customerMaster ( fullName ,firstName ,middleName ,lastName1 ,mobile ,gender ,dob ,occupation ,nativeCountry ,country ,bankName ,bankAccountNo ,idType ,idNumber ,homePhone ,idIssueDate ,idExpiryDate ,verifyDoc1 ,verifyDoc2 ,verifyDoc3 ,SelfieDoc ,referelCode ,createdBy ,createdDate ,isActive ,onlineUser ,customerPassword ,[address] ,city ,state2 ,customerType ,ADDITIONALADDRESS ,monthlyIncome ,organizationType ,username ,anotherIdType ,employeeBusinessType ,documentType ,remittanceallowed ,txnPin ,nameOfEmployeer ,isExistingCustomer ,HasDeclare ,createdFrom ,email ,customerEmail ,isEmailVerified ,mobileUser ,RegistrationType ,lawsoncardno ,zipCode ,membershipId ) SELECT fullName ,CMT.firstName ,CMT.middleName ,cmt.lastName1 ,mobile ,gender ,CASE ISDATE(dob) WHEN 1 THEN CONVERT(date,dob,103) ELSE '' END ,CMT.occupation ,nativeCountry ,233 ,bankName ,bankAccountNo ,idType ,idNumber ,CMT.homePhone ,CMT.idIssueDate ,idExpiryDate ,verifyDoc1 ,verifyDoc2 ,verifyDoc3 ,CMT.selfie ,CMT.referelCode ,CMT.createdBy ,createdDate ,'Y' ,'Y' ,customerPassword ,[address] ,city ,state2 ,4700 ,ADDITIONALADDRESS ,monthlyIncome ,organizationType ,username ,anotherIdType ,employeeBusinessType ,documentType ,1 ,NULL ,nameOfEmployeer ,0 ,0 ,'M' ,email ,customerEmail ,isEmailVerified ,mobileUser ,RegistrationType ,@clientid --,CASE @clientid WHEN 'KYC_LATER' THEN GETDATE() ELSE NULL END --,CASE @clientid WHEN 'KYC_LATER' THEN 'verified' ELSE NULL END --,@username ,zipCode ,membershipId FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp AS CMT(NOLOCK) WHERE CMT.username = @userName SET @customerId = @@IDENTITY UPDATE dbo.mobile_userRegistration SET customerId = @customerId WHERE username = @userName DELETE FROM customerMasterTemp WHERE username = @userName DECLARE @MEMBESHIP_ID VARCHAR(50) = NULL EXEC PROC_GENERATE_MEMBERSHIP_ID @CUSTOMERID = 0 ,@USER = 'mobile' ,@loginBranchId = 0 ,@MEMBESHIP_ID = @MEMBESHIP_ID OUT UPDATE dbo.customerMaster SET MEMBERSHIPID = ISNULL(MEMBERSHIPID, @MEMBESHIP_ID) ,mobileverifieddate = GETDATE() ,mobileverifiedby = @username ,mobileVerificationType = 'verified' ,HasDeclare = 1 ,agreeYn = 1 --,LawsonCardNo = ISNULL(@clientid, '') WHERE customerId = @customerId IF (LEFT(@referralId, 3) NOT IN ('MOB', 'ADM', 'CRP', 'ONL')) BEGIN SELECT @ruleType = CASE WHEN RULE_TYPE = 1 THEN 'Y' WHEN RULE_TYPE IS NULL THEN 'N' ELSE 'N' END FROM REFERRAL_AGENT_WISE WHERE REFERRAL_CODE = @referralId IF (@ruleType = 'Y') BEGIN EXEC proc_InsertReferralRewardPoints @Flag = 'REGISTER', @CustomerId = @customerId, @ReferralId = @referralId END END INSERT INTO pushNotificationHistroy ( customerId ,body ,title ,createDate ,imageURL ,sentId ,Type ,isReservation ,isRead ,isSend ,category ,isClickable ) SELECT @customerId ,'Congratulations, You are now ready to send money from IME London Mobile App' ,'IME LONDON Registration' ,getdate() ,'' ,@customerId ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,'INFO' ,'N' END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE CustomerMasterTemp SET RegistrationType='KYC_NOW' WHERE customerId = @customerId; END SELECT 0 ErrorCode ,'Success' Msg ,NULL Id END ELSE BEGIN SELECT 1 ErrorCode ,'Failed' Msg ,NULL Id END END