ALTER PROC [dbo].[proc_InsertRewardPoints] ( @Flag VARCHAR(20) ,@TranId BIGINT = NULL ,@CustomerId BIGINT = NULL ,@ReferralId BIGINT = NULL ,@rewardPoints INT = NULL ,@rewardValue MONEY = NULL ) AS; SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; -- #1526 - Post production fixes for Redeem & Earn BEGIN DECLARE @sourceCustomerId INT, @destinationCustomerId INT, @code NVARCHAR(50), @runningBalance MONEY, @totalDrAmount MONEY , @totalCrAmount MONEY , @transactionPoints INT, @registrationPoints INT, @EquivalentPointsForOne INT, @AvailableBalance MONEY SELECT @transactionPoints = Points FROM TBL_PROMOTION_SETUP (NOLOCK) WHERE PromotionType = 'REGISTRATION' AND IsActive = 1 SELECT @registrationPoints = Points FROM TBL_PROMOTION_SETUP (NOLOCK) WHERE PromotionType = 'TRANSACTION' AND IsActive = 1 SELECT @EquivalentPointsForOne = Points FROM TBL_PROMOTION_MASTER_SETUP (NOLOCK) WHERE IsActive = 1 IF @Flag = 'REGISTER' BEGIN --@CustomerId = Customer who is newly registering in the system --@ReferralId = Customer who is already in the system/ who have referred @CustomerId --EXEC proc_InsertRewardPoints @Flag = 'REGISTER', @CustomerId = 1, @ReferralId = 2 INSERT INTO Customer_Promotion(sourceCustomerId, destinationCustomerId, code, codeType, referenceId, rewardType, amount, createdDate, status, approvedDate, tranType, runningBalance, EquivalentPoints) SELECT @CustomerId, @ReferralId, membershipId, 'REGISTRATION', @ReferralId, 'REFER_EARN', @registrationPoints/@EquivalentPointsForOne, GETDATE(), 1, GETDATE(), 'CR' , DBO.FNA_GET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_POINTS(@CustomerId) + (@registrationPoints/@EquivalentPointsForOne), @registrationPoints FROM customerMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @CustomerId UNION SELECT @ReferralId, @ReferralId, membershipId, 'REGISTRATION', @ReferralId, 'REFER_EARN', @registrationPoints/@EquivalentPointsForOne, GETDATE(), 1, GETDATE(), 'CR' , DBO.FNA_GET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_POINTS(@ReferralId) + (@registrationPoints/@EquivalentPointsForOne), @registrationPoints FROM customerMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @ReferralId UPDATE customerMaster SET bonusPoint = ISNULL(bonusPoint, 0) + @registrationPoints WHERE customerId = @CustomerId UPDATE customerMaster SET bonusPoint = ISNULL(bonusPoint, 0) + @registrationPoints WHERE customerId = @ReferralId END ELSE IF @Flag = 'TRANSACTION' BEGIN --@CustomerId = Customer who is doing transaction --EXEC proc_InsertRewardPoints @Flag = 'TRANSACTION', @CustomerId = 1, @TranId = 1234567890 IF EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM REMITTRAN(NOLOCK) WHERE ID = @TranId AND CAMT <= 100) BEGIN SELECT @sourceCustomerId = sourceCustomerId, @destinationCustomerId = destinationCustomerId FROM Customer_Promotion (NOLOCK) WHERE sourceCustomerId = @CustomerId and code = 'REGISTRATION' IF ISNULL(@destinationCustomerId, 0) <> 0 BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM Customer_Promotion(NOLOCK) WHERE code = 'FIRST_TXN' AND sourceCustomerId = @CustomerId) BEGIN INSERT INTO Customer_Promotion(sourceCustomerId, destinationCustomerId, code, codeType, referenceId, rewardType, amount, createdDate, status, approvedDate, tranType, runningBalance, EquivalentPoints) SELECT @sourceCustomerId, @destinationCustomerId, membershipId, 'FIRST_TXN', @TranId, 'REFER_EARN', @transactionPoints/@EquivalentPointsForOne, GETDATE(), 1, GETDATE(), 'CR' , DBO.FNA_GET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_POINTS(@sourceCustomerId) + (@transactionPoints/@EquivalentPointsForOne), @transactionPoints FROM customerMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @sourceCustomerId UNION SELECT @destinationCustomerId, @sourceCustomerId, membershipId, 'FIRST_TXN', @TranId, 'REFER_EARN', @transactionPoints/@EquivalentPointsForOne, GETDATE(), 1, GETDATE(), 'CR' , DBO.FNA_GET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_POINTS(@destinationCustomerId) + (@transactionPoints/@EquivalentPointsForOne), @transactionPoints FROM customerMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @destinationCustomerId UPDATE customerMaster SET bonusPoint = ISNULL(bonusPoint, 0) + @transactionPoints WHERE customerId = @sourceCustomerId UPDATE customerMaster SET bonusPoint = ISNULL(bonusPoint, 0) + @transactionPoints WHERE customerId = @destinationCustomerId END END END END ELSE IF @Flag = 'DEBIT' BEGIN IF ISNULL(@rewardPoints, 0) > 0 BEGIN --@CustomerId = Customer who is doing transaction --EXEC proc_InsertRewardPoints @Flag = 'DEBIT', @CustomerId = 1, @rewardPoints = 100, @TranId = 1234567890 SELECT @AvailableBalance = DBO.FNA_GET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_POINTS(@CustomerId) IF ISNULL(@rewardPoints, 0) > ISNULL(@AvailableBalance, 0) BEGIN SELECT 1 Code, 'Insufficient Balance For Rededem!' msg, NULL id RETURN; END INSERT INTO Customer_Promotion(sourceCustomerId, destinationCustomerId, code, codeType, referenceId, rewardType, amount, createdDate, status, approvedDate, tranType, runningBalance, EquivalentPoints) SELECT @CustomerId, 0, membershipId, 'REDEEM', @TranId, 'REFER_EARN', @rewardValue, GETDATE(), 1, GETDATE(), 'DR' , DBO.FNA_GET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_POINTS(@CustomerId) - @rewardValue, @rewardValue * @EquivalentPointsForOne FROM customerMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE customerId = @CustomerId UPDATE customerMaster SET bonusPoint = ISNULL(bonusPoint, 0) - @rewardPoints WHERE customerId = @CustomerId END END END