USE [FastMoneyPro_Remit] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_online_customer_login] Script Date: 1/23/2024 10:08:08 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROC [dbo].[proc_online_customer_login] @flag VARCHAR(50) ,@customerEmail VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@customerPassword VARCHAR(255) = NULL ,@country VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@ipAddress VARCHAR(100) = NULL ,@lockReason VARCHAR(500) = NULL ,@UserInfoDetail VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL ,@sessionId VARCHAR(60) = NULL ,@checkCountry VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@password VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@idType VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@idNumber VARCHAR(50) = NULL ,@LogInfo VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL AS ----------------------------------------------------- -- #101 - Mobile Changes , #361 - Multi-Lingual ----------------------------------------------------- SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; BEGIN TRY DECLARE @UserData VARCHAR(200) ,@lastPwdChangedOn DATETIME ,@forceChangePwd CHAR(1) ,@pwdChangeDays VARCHAR(20) ,@msg VARCHAR(2000) ,@pwdChangeWarningDays VARCHAR(5) ,@lastLoginDate DATETIME DECLARE @email VARCHAR(100) ,@customerPwd VARCHAR(50) ,@isActive CHAR(1) ,@onlineUser CHAR(1) ,@isLocked VARCHAR(1) ,@ccountry VARCHAR(50) ,@customerStatus CHAR(1) ,@loginAttempt INT ,@existingCustomer INT ,@CreatedFrom varchar(50) IF @flag = 'check-id' BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT FULLNAME FROM CUSTOMERMASTER (NOLOCK) WHERE IDNUMBER = @idNumber) OR EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM dbo.CustomerMasterTemp AS CM(NOLOCK) WHERE IDNUMBER = @idNumber AND createdBy IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SELECT 1 ERRORCODE,'Already exists!' MSG,NULL RETURN END SELECT 0 ERRORCODE,'Success' MSG,NULL RETURN END IF @flag = 'checkIp' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT COUNTRYNAME FROM COUNTRYMASTER WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE ISNULL(allowOnlineCustomer,'N')='Y' AND upper(COUNTRYNAME)=upper(@checkCountry)) BEGIN SELECT 1 ERRORCODE,'NOT AVAILABLE' MSG,NULL RETURN END ELSE BEGIN SELECT 0 ERRORCODE,'AVAILABLE' MSG,NULL END END IF @flag = 'l' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'x' FROM customerMaster WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE email=@customerEmail) BEGIN SELECT 1 errorCode, 'Login Failed - Invalid username or password!' msg, @customerEmail id RETURN END SELECT @email=email, @customerPwd=customerPassword, @isActive=isactive, @onlineUser=onlineuser, @isLocked=isLocked, @ccountry=country, @customerStatus=customerStatus, @lastLoginDate=lastLoginTs, @loginAttempt = ISNULL(invalidAttemptCount, 0), @existingCustomer= ISNULL(isexistingcustomer,0), @CreatedFrom= createdfrom FROM customerMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE email=@customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' SET @UserData ='User: '+ @customerEmail +' User Type:Online User' DECLARE @attemptsCount INT, @InvalidReason VARCHAR(80), @InvalidMsg VARCHAR(100) SELECT TOP 1 @attemptsCount = loginAttemptCount FROM passwordFormat WITH(NOLOCK) IF( @existingCustomer=1 and (@customerPwd IS NULL OR @customerPwd='')) BEGIN SELECT 3 errorCode, 'Login Failed. Please click forgot Password to set new password.' msg, @customerEmail id, @attemptsCount ac SET @UserInfoDetail = 'Reason = Login fails, Invalid password.-:::-'+@UserInfoDetail EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Login fails', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason='INFICARE USER', @UserData = @UserData, @fieldValue = @UserInfoDetail, @IP = @ipAddress RETURN END IF( @CreatedFrom='C' and (@customerPwd IS NULL OR @customerPwd='')) BEGIN SELECT 3 errorCode, 'Login Failed. Please click forgot Password to set new password.' msg, @customerEmail id, @attemptsCount ac SET @UserInfoDetail = 'Reason = Login fails, Invalid password.-:::-'+@UserInfoDetail EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Login fails', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason='CORE USER', @UserData = @UserData, @fieldValue = @UserInfoDetail, @IP = @ipAddress RETURN END IF (ISNULL(@isLocked, 'N') IN ('B', 'Y')) OR ((@loginAttempt - @attemptsCount) = -1) BEGIN SET @UserInfoDetail = 'Reason = Too many wrong attempts .-:::-' + @UserInfoDetail SELECT 1 errorCode, 'Login Failed - Too many wrong attempts, please contact GME Support!' msg, @customerEmail id, @attemptsCount ac EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Login fails', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason= 'Reason = Too many wrong attempts.', @UserData = @UserData, @fieldValue = @UserInfoDetail, @IP = @ipAddress RETURN END PRINT @customerPwd IF (@customerPwd <> dbo.FNAEncryptString(@customerPassword)) BEGIN SET @UserInfoDetail = 'Reason = Incorrect password .-:::-' + @UserInfoDetail SET @loginAttempt = @loginAttempt + 1 UPDATE customerMaster SET invalidAttemptCount = @loginAttempt--, isLocked = CASE WHEN @loginAttempt > @attemptsCount THEN 'B' ELSE 'N' END WHERE email = @customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' SET @InvalidReason = CASE WHEN @loginAttempt > @attemptsCount THEN 'Number of invalid password attempts exceeded!' ELSE 'Invalid Password' END SET @InvalidMsg = 'Login Failed - you have ' + CAST((@attemptsCount - @loginAttempt) AS VARCHAR) + ' Attempts Left' SELECT 1 errorCode, @InvalidMsg msg, @customerEmail id, @attemptsCount ac EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Login fails', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason= @InvalidReason, @UserData = @UserData, @fieldValue = @UserInfoDetail, @IP = @ipAddress RETURN END IF (ISNULL(@onlineUser, 'N') = 'N') BEGIN SELECT 2 errorCode, 'User is not an Online User' msg, @customerEmail id, @attemptsCount ac SET @UserInfoDetail = 'Reason = Login fails, Invalid password.-:::-'+@UserInfoDetail EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Login fails', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason='Not online User', @UserData = @UserData, @fieldValue = @UserInfoDetail, @IP = @ipAddress RETURN END DECLARE @vPenny CHAR(1),@vCustomerId BIGINT --SELECT @vCustomerId=CM.customerId , @vPenny = CASE WHEN CM.createdDate < '2018-12-19 11:00:00' THEN 'N' WHEN ISNULL(CC.action,'REQ') = 'REQ' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END --from customerMaster CM (nolock) --LEFT JOIN TblCustomerBankVerification CC (nolock) ON CM.customerId = CC.customerId --WHERE = @customerEmail --IF @vPenny = 'Y' --BEGIN -- SELECT 1000 errorCode, 'User redirect to penny test verification' mes, @vCustomerId id -- SET @UserInfoDetail = 'Reason = Login fails, User redirect to penny test verification.-:::-'+@UserInfoDetail -- EXEC proc_applicationLogs -- @flag='login', -- @logType='Login fails', -- @createdBy = @customerEmail, -- @Reason='Penny test verification', -- @UserData = @UserData, -- @fieldValue = @UserInfoDetail, -- @IP = @ipAddress -- RETURN --END IF (ISNULL(@isActive, 'Y') = 'N') BEGIN SELECT 1 errorCode, 'Your account is Inactive. Please, contact GME Support Team.' msg, @customerEmail id SET @UserInfoDetail = 'Reason = Login fails, Your account is Inactive. Please, contact your administrator.-:::-'+@UserInfoDetail EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Login fails', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason='User is not active ', @UserData = @UserData, @fieldValue = @UserInfoDetail, @IP = @ipAddress RETURN END --IF EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM customerMaster (NOLOCK) WHERE email=@customerEmail AND approvedBy IS NULL AND approvedDate IS NULL) --BEGIN -- SELECT 1 errorCode, 'Login Failed - Customer registration verification pending please visit nearest GME branch to get verified!' msg, @customerEmail id -- RETURN --END UPDATE customerMaster SET sessionId=@sessionId ,lastLoginTs = GETDATE() ,invalidAttemptCount = 0 WHERE email = @customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' DECLARE @mobileNo VARCHAR(16) SET @mobileNo = REPLACE(@mobileNo,' ','') SET @mobileNo = REPLACE(@mobileNo,'-','') SET @mobileNo = REPLACE(@mobileNo,'+','') SET @mobileNo = LEFT(@mobileNo,16) DECLARE @clientUseCode VARCHAR(10), @clientId VARCHAR(50), @clientSecret VARCHAR(50), @accessToken VARCHAR(400), @gmeBankCode VARCHAR(3), @gmeAccountNo VARCHAR(20) SELECT @clientUseCode = DBO.DECRYPTDB(clientUseCode), @clientId = DBO.DECRYPTDB(clientId), @clientSecret = DBO.DECRYPTDB(clientSecret) , @accessToken = accessToken, @gmeAccountNo = accountNum, @gmeBankCode = bankCodeStd FROM KFTC_GME_MASTER (NOLOCK) DECLARE @totalPoints INT, @regPoints INT, @tranPoints INT SELECT @totalPoints = totalPoints, @regPoints = RegPoint, @tranPoints = TranPoint FROM [dbo].[FNA_GET_REWARD_POINTS]() SELECT TOP 1 0 errorCode ,'Login success.' msg ,cu.customerId Id ,username = ,fullName = cu.fullName ,country = cm.countryName ,agent_branch_code=cu.branchId ,agentcode=cu.agentId ,date_format=NULL ,limitPerTran=0 ,GMT_value=NULL ,currencyType=NULL ,extra_rate_bank=NULL ,cash_ledger_id=NULL ,@attemptsCount [ac] ,sessionTimeOutPeriod=NULL ,lastLoginTs=GETDATE() ,cm.countryId ,[address] = +'-Provience,South Korea' ,[address2]=cu.[address2] ,homePhone=cu.homePhone , ,cm.countryCode ,utcTime=8 ,mobile= @mobileNo , ,postalCode=cu.postalCode ,membershipId=membershipId ,sdv.detailTitle idType ,cu.idNumber ,isForcedPwdChange = ISNULL(isForcedPwdChange,0) ,customerStatus ,cu.walletAccountNo ,primaryBankName=CASE WHEN cu.customerType='11048' THEN 'Mutual savings bank(050)' ELSE 'Kwangju Bank (034)' END ,nativeCountry = cm1.countryName ,nativeCountryId = cm1.countryId ,nativeCountryCode = cm1.countryCode ,occupation = sd.detailTitle ,idExpiryDate = CASE WHEN cu.idType='8008' THEN '2059-12-12' ELSE FORMAT(cu.idExpiryDate,'MM/dd/yyyy') END ,birthDate = FORMAT(cu.dob,'MM/dd/yyyy') ,accessToken = KFTC.accessToken ,clientUseCode = @clientUseCode ,clientId = @clientId ,clientSecret = @clientSecret ,gmeAccessToken = @accessToken ,gmeBankCode = @gmeBankCode ,gmeAccountNum = @gmeAccountNo ,rewardPoints= DBO.FNA_GET_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_POINTS(cu.customerId) ,IsEmailVerified = ISNULL(isEmailVerified,0) ,cu.SelfieDoc ,@totalPoints as TotalPoints ,@regPoints as RegPoints ,@tranPoints as TranPoints FROM customerMaster cu WITH(NOLOCK) LEFT JOIN countryMaster cm WITH (NOLOCK) ON LEFT JOIN countryMaster cm1 with(nolock) on cm1.countryId = cu.nativeCountry left join staticDataValue sdv with (nolock) on sdv.valueId=cu.idType left join staticDataValue sd with(nolock) on sd.valueId = cu.occupation LEFT JOIN dbo.vwBankLists vwbank WITH (NOLOCK) ON cu.bankName=vwbank.rowid LEFT JOIN KFTC_CUSTOMER_MASTER KFTC(NOLOCK) ON KFTC.customerId = CU.customerId WHERE @customerEmail and ISNULL(cu.onlineUser, 'N')='Y' EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Login', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason='Login', @UserData = @UserData, @fieldValue = @UserInfoDetail, @IP = @ipAddress END ELSE IF @flag = 'loc' BEGIN UPDATE customerMaster SET isLocked = 'Y' WHERE email= @customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' INSERT INTO userLockHistory(userName, lockReason, createdBy, createdDate) SELECT @customerEmail, @lockReason, 'system',GETDATE() SELECT 0 errorCode, 'Your account has been locked. Please, contact your administrator.' mes, @customerEmail id END ELSE IF @flag='availbal' BEGIN SELECT ISNULL(availableBalance, 0.00) AS availableBalance FROM dbo.customerMaster(nolock) WHERE email=@customerEmail --SELECT 0 errorCode,ISNULL(a.clr_bal_amt, 0.00) AS availableBalance --FROM dbo.customerMaster c(nolock) --INNER JOIN FastMoneyPro_account.dbo.ac_master a(nolock) ON A.acct_num = c.walletAccountNo --WHERE = @customerEmail END ELSE IF @flag='checkpin' BEGIN DECLARE @TXN_PIN VARCHAR(30) IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM customerMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE username=@customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y') BEGIN SELECT @email=email, @customerPwd=customerPassword, @isActive=isactive, @onlineUser=onlineuser, @isLocked=isLocked, @ccountry=country, @customerStatus=customerStatus, @lastLoginDate=lastLoginTs, @loginAttempt = ISNULL(invalidAttemptPinCount, 0), @TXN_PIN = txnPin FROM customerMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE username=@customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @email=email, @customerPwd=customerPassword, @isActive=isactive, @onlineUser=onlineuser, @isLocked=isLocked, @ccountry=country, @customerStatus=customerStatus, @lastLoginDate=lastLoginTs, @loginAttempt = ISNULL(invalidAttemptPinCount, 0), @TXN_PIN = txnPin FROM customerMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE username=@customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' END IF (ISNULL(@password, '') = ISNULL(@TXN_PIN, '-1')) BEGIN UPDATE customerMaster SET invalidAttemptPinCount = 0 WHERE username = @customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' SELECT 0 errorCode, 'Success' msg, @customerEmail id RETURN; END SELECT TOP 1 @attemptsCount = loginAttemptCount FROM passwordFormat WITH(NOLOCK) IF (ISNULL(@isLocked, 'N') IN ('B', 'Y')) OR ((@loginAttempt - @attemptsCount) = -1) BEGIN SELECT 18 errorCode, 'Too many wrong attempts, please contact JME Support!' mes, @customerEmail id EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Send Transaction', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason= 'Reason = Too many wrong attempts sending transaaction.' RETURN END IF (ISNULL(@password, '') <> ISNULL(@TXN_PIN, '-1')) BEGIN SET @UserInfoDetail = 'Reason = Incorrect PIN .-:::-' + @UserInfoDetail SET @loginAttempt = @loginAttempt + 1 UPDATE customerMaster SET invalidAttemptPinCount = @loginAttempt, isLocked = CASE WHEN @loginAttempt > @attemptsCount THEN 'B' ELSE 'N' END WHERE username = @customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' SET @InvalidReason = CASE WHEN @loginAttempt > @attemptsCount THEN 'Number of invalid PIN attempts exceeded!' ELSE 'Invalid PIN' END SET @InvalidMsg = 'Send txn Failed - Invalid PIN, you have ' + CAST((@attemptsCount - @loginAttempt) AS VARCHAR) + ' Attempts Left' SELECT 20 errorCode, @InvalidMsg mes, @customerEmail id EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Send Transaction', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason= 'Reason = wrong transaction PIN.' RETURN END END ELSE IF @flag='checkpass' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'X' FROM customerMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE username=@customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y') BEGIN SELECT @email=email, @customerPwd=customerPassword, @isActive=isactive, @onlineUser=onlineuser, @isLocked=isLocked, @ccountry=country, @customerStatus=customerStatus, @lastLoginDate=lastLoginTs, @loginAttempt = ISNULL(invalidAttemptCount, 0), @TXN_PIN = txnPin FROM customerMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE username=@customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @email=email, @customerPwd=customerPassword, @isActive=isactive, @onlineUser=onlineuser, @isLocked=isLocked, @ccountry=country, @customerStatus=customerStatus, @lastLoginDate=lastLoginTs, @loginAttempt = ISNULL(invalidAttemptCount, 0), @TXN_PIN = txnPin FROM customerMaster WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE username=@customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' END IF (@customerPwd = dbo.FNAEncryptString(@password)) BEGIN UPDATE customerMaster SET invalidAttemptCount = 0 WHERE username = @customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' SELECT 0 errorCode, 'Success' msg, @customerEmail id RETURN; END SELECT TOP 1 @attemptsCount = loginAttemptCount FROM passwordFormat WITH(NOLOCK) IF (ISNULL(@isLocked, 'N') IN ('B', 'Y')) OR ((@loginAttempt - @attemptsCount) = -1) BEGIN SELECT 9 errorCode, 'Too many wrong attempts, please contact GME Support!' mes, @customerEmail id EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Send Transaction', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason= 'Reason = Too many wrong attempts sending transaaction.' RETURN END IF (@customerPwd <> dbo.FNAEncryptString(@password)) BEGIN SET @UserInfoDetail = 'Reason = Incorrect password .-:::-' + @UserInfoDetail SET @loginAttempt = @loginAttempt + 1 UPDATE customerMaster SET invalidAttemptCount = @loginAttempt, isLocked = CASE WHEN @loginAttempt > @attemptsCount THEN 'B' ELSE 'N' END WHERE email = @customerEmail and ISNULL(onlineUser, 'N')='Y' SET @InvalidReason = CASE WHEN @loginAttempt > @attemptsCount THEN 'Number of invalid password attempts exceeded!' ELSE 'Invalid Password' END SET @InvalidMsg = 'Login Failed - Invalid Password, you have ' + CAST((@attemptsCount - @loginAttempt) AS VARCHAR) + ' Attempts Left' SELECT 1 errorCode, @InvalidMsg mes, @customerEmail id EXEC proc_applicationLogs @flag='login', @logType='Send Transaction', @createdBy = @customerEmail, @Reason= 'Reason = wrong transaction password.' RETURN END END END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION DECLARE @errorMessage VARCHAR(MAX) SET @errorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE() EXEC proc_errorHandler 1, @errorMessage,NULL END CATCH