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JME Japan Changes:
1. DB Clean
2. Country Related Setups
3. Customer registration country Setup: proc_online_dropDownList @flag='onlineCountrylist'
1. Customer populate issue send txn page: proc_searchCustomerIRH
-> Issue with countryId, was passing Japan countryid
2. Issue in login: set Japan country code while login: proc_applicationIntlLogin
-> Update agentMaster agentCountry,agentCountryId to UK
-> Query: update agentmaster set agentCountry='United Kingdom',agentCountryId=233 where agentCountry='japan'
3. Delete all the agents:
delete from agentmaster where agentid not in (393877, 394390, 394397, 394398, 1001)
delete from applicationusers where agentid not in (393877, 394390, 394397, 394398, 1001)
delete from applicationusers where userid not in (10001, 10002, 52768)
4. Further work on DB Clean Task:
truncate table sscDetail
truncate table sscDetailHistory
truncate table sscDetailTemp
truncate table sscMaster
truncate table sscMasterHistory
truncate table creditLimit
truncate table creditLimitHistory
truncate table creditLimitInt
truncate table creditLimitIntHistory
truncate table receiveTranLimit
truncate table receiveTranLimitMod
truncate table sendTranLimit
truncate table sendTranLimitMod
truncate table csDetail
truncate table csDetailHistory
truncate table csDetailRec
truncate table csMaster
truncate table csMasterHistory
truncate table csSafeListRuleDetail
truncate table csSafelistRuleDetailHistory
truncate table scPayDetail
truncate table scPayDetailHistory
truncate table scPayMaster
truncate table scPayMasterHistory
truncate table crossRateDecimalMask
truncate table rateMask
truncate table rateMaskHistory
truncate table defExRate
truncate table defExRateHistory
truncate table exRateTreasury
truncate table exRateTreasuryHistory
truncate table exRateTreasuryMod
5. Replace JME with IMEUK while creating Agent: proc_agentMaster
6. Agent details updated to IME UK:
-> update agentmaster set agentname='IME London', agentaddress='Pentax House, South Hill Avenue, South Harrow, London, HA2 0DU', agentcity='South Harrow', agentstate='South Harrow' where agentid=393877
update agentmaster set agentname='IME London Head Office', agentaddress='Pentax House, South Hill Avenue, South Harrow, London, HA2 0DU', agentcity='South Harrow', agentstate='South Harrow' where agentid=394390
7. Delete Bank and Branch related datas and drop unnecessary tables
drop table API_BANK_LIST_1
drop table API_BANK_LIST_BAK
drop table API_BANK_LIST_JULY30
truncate table API_BANK_LIST_TMP
delete from API_BANK_LIST where api_partner_id <> 394397
delete from API_BANK_BRANCH_LIST where branch_id <> 584068
delete from API_BANK_LIST_MASTER where bank_country<>'nepal'
Misc Changes:
Change Country code to: gb (for mobile number for UK)
Remove Introducer from send page.
PROC_REFERALSETUP: Account creation logic changed and Referral code generation logic changed
1. Service charge setup
2. Exchange Rate Setup
-> Rate Mask: proc_currencyMaster @flag='bc'
-> Cross Rate Decimal Mask
-> Cost Rate Setup
-> Exchange Rate Treasury
3.Partner Mapping (Issue)
-> Same user can approve the setup
4. Load limit and collection currency
-> proc_sendIRH @flag = 'acBalByAgentId'
-> change @pCountryId = UK, was hardcoded
5. Populate prefecture issue in send page of customer.
-> Hardcode countryid in send page.
6. Add Collect mode in send page.
-> from country setup
-> Update the current Send Page Field Setup, from Japan to United Kingdom
7. Customer ID type is not valid, please update ID details first!
-> proc_sendIRH: change the hardcoded countryId 113 to UK country Id
-> FNAGetUserCashLimitDetails: Change hardcoded value JME to IME.