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"console.log('Signed JWT: ' +jws)", + "", + "", + "// Create a client assertion 'private_key_jwt'", + "const privateKeyJwt = pmlib.clientAssertPrivateKey(jwk,'myIss', 'myAUD')", + "console.log('\"private_key_jwt\": ' +privateKeyJwt)", + "", + "// Use 'jsrsasign' library", + "const base64String = pmlib.rs.stob64u('My amazing string')", + "console.log('Url Base64 string: ' + base64String)", + "", + "", + "// RSAOAEP signature example", + "const pubkey = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\\n' +", + "'MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAstXEkU/agbNkQgh6a9DV\\n' +", + "'C/WXGmNy8g+hdTOBhYUk5PfZCwTNt5SCYBLjIPhs2ZRrNuCN3PhwHRQPQOTsS6Nl\\n' +", + "'Bzw+SjPVFBhPcbMHbJWnC87Q5ID/uAuwJjcUQXUTVspwIgfRmHvuuT7w7AYnCNvz\\n' +", + "'B5TuPj2vVH8rij9BXkAHambaeGG7L10MPeUiVU6M0F/QKCJhEWAYGEt4NffSXETx\\n' +", + "'zHSl8nyXxVJfnjxVhnZyZVXTIpLwvRy04hnkAoFexh7npRtnQdsLuIHtaJsm7gFY\\n' +", + "'mxhr3Nxbh9p1pC7fHpJ+jMcxAAhA07WqYf6lOsxXHfPav1FEMX214YTsKTw68xqo\\n' +", + "'DwIDAQAB\\n' +", + "'-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\\n'", + "const fileContent = 'My file content comes here...'", + "var keyObj = pmlib.rs.KEYUTIL.getKey(pubkey)", + "const encHex = pmlib.rs.KJUR.crypto.Cipher.encrypt(fileContent, keyObj, 'RSAOAEP')", + "console.log(encHex)", + "", + "", + "", + "" + ], + "type": "text/javascript" + } + }, + { + "listen": "test", + "script": { + "exec": [ + "// Verify the returned JWT ", + "const pubkey = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\\n' +", + "'MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAstXEkU/agbNkQgh6a9DV\\n' +", + "'C/WXGmNy8g+hdTOBhYUk5PfZCwTNt5SCYBLjIPhs2ZRrNuCN3PhwHRQPQOTsS6Nl\\n' +", + "'Bzw+SjPVFBhPcbMHbJWnC87Q5ID/uAuwJjcUQXUTVspwIgfRmHvuuT7w7AYnCNvz\\n' +", + "'B5TuPj2vVH8rij9BXkAHambaeGG7L10MPeUiVU6M0F/QKCJhEWAYGEt4NffSXETx\\n' +", + "'zHSl8nyXxVJfnjxVhnZyZVXTIpLwvRy04hnkAoFexh7npRtnQdsLuIHtaJsm7gFY\\n' +", + "'mxhr3Nxbh9p1pC7fHpJ+jMcxAAhA07WqYf6lOsxXHfPav1FEMX214YTsKTw68xqo\\n' +", + "'DwIDAQAB\\n' +", + "'-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\\n'", + "const body = JSON.parse(responseBody)", + "const result = pmlib.jwtVerify(body.jwt, pubkey)", + "console.log('Descoded JWT: ' + JSON.stringify(result))" + ], + "type": "text/javascript" + } + } + ], + "protocolProfileBehavior": { + "disableBodyPruning": true + }, + "request": { + "method": "GET", + "header": [], + "body": { + "mode": "urlencoded", + "urlencoded": [] + }, + "url": { + "raw": "https://joolfe.github.io/postman-util-lib/dist/fakeresponse.json", + "protocol": "https", + "host": [ + "joolfe", + "github", + "io" + ], + "path": [ + "postman-util-lib", + "dist", + "fakeresponse.json" + ] + }, + "description": "Some usefull example about how to use the library." + }, + "response": [] + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Banking/asar.PDF b/Banking/asar.PDF new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6e4f05 --- /dev/null +++ b/Banking/asar.PDF @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +(O%TTE G.M.E. Remit Pvt' Ltd. + + lel +977 1 5970107 + + Emoil: info@gmeremit.com.np + Web: www.gmeremii.com.np + Hothoy Complex, 4'h Floor + Loinchour-26, Kothmondu + Neoql + + ffiE RemiaPvt. Ltd. + + Lainchaur, Kathmandu + + Salary PaySlip for the month of Aashad 2080 + + Sfratun Shrestha : Eilpto-y m e nt P e rm a ne nt + lT DeveloPer DePartment DoJ: + Chief Technical Officer IzlL3l2o77 + + partment: 10.00 Pan No: 102573602 +otal Davs: + 0.00 Present DaYs: 21'00 + 31.00 SalarY DaYs 3L'00 + +Basic SalarY Amount +Dear Allowance 36000.00 + 24000.00 +PF Contribution 3600.00 + +irement Fund + + HaL^ + +Saluna Shrestha ,(og,uFF Received BY +Sr. HR Officer + Shakun Shrestha + Chief Technical Officer + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Basic Registration Completion.docx b/Basic Registration Completion.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a42606 --- /dev/null +++ b/Basic Registration Completion.docx @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Basic Registration Completion: +Thank you for signing up with IME London. Please finish entering your KYC information, or you can send money right away and finish the KYC process later. +KYC Processing: +Thank you for signing up with IME London. You can continue to send transactions while your KYC is being processed, even though it is currently in processing. +KYC Completion: +Your KYC has been successfully completed. We are thankful that you selected IME London. Get rewards from us by referring your friend to the IME London App. diff --git a/CR Panel Customer Email.docx b/CR Panel Customer Email.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2101cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/CR Panel Customer Email.docx @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Dear XXXXXXX, +Congratulations for registering with IME London. Your KYC has now been successfully verified. You can now send money via calling our customer support Team or can directly send money any time using our Mobile Application and Web Online System. +Please use the below credentials to send money via our Mobile application (IOS/Android) or Web online System, +Login ID: XXX@XXX.com +Password: XXXXXX +Please login with this password and change it to a secure password including 1 uppercase 1 lowercase 1 special character 1 number with at least 8 characters for your security. +Thank you, +IME London - Subhida UK Ltd +You may call us at 0208-866-0307 or visit www.imelondon.co.uk [HYPERLINK: http://www.imelondon.co.uk] +Nepal Helpline:- 014024061 + diff --git a/Changes in TXN Receipt Format.odt b/Changes in TXN Receipt Format.odt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87b701a --- /dev/null +++ b/Changes in TXN Receipt Format.odt @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ + + + +Changes in TXN Receipt Format + +Output message after txn creation:You have successfully created +the transaction. Please deposit the Amount to proceed withyour +transaction. (Bank Transfer) + +[-- Image: Picture 1 --]A screenshot of a phone + +Description automatically generatedIn case of Bank +Transfer(Request Summary) + +Please remove the TXN Details and input Bank Account Details. + +ACCOUNT NAME: IME LONDON + +SORT CODE: 04-06-93 + +ACCOUNT NUMBER: 00000151 + +REFERENCE: SENDER NAME + +[-- Image: Picture 446048403 --]A screenshot of a document + +Description automatically generated + +Please see theSample Image. We can use this same Format. Name, +TXN ID, Payout Country, Sending Amount and Receiver Name will +be dynamic except this all are static. + +For Card Payment We can use the existing module but the reciept +should be shown as soon as the TXN Payment is successful. + +There should be a back button in each of thefollowing +frames(Please replace withBackTab. + +[-- Image: Picture 1 --]A screenshot of a phone + +Description automatically generated[-- Image: Picture 1 --]A +screenshot of a phone + +Description automatically generated[-- Image: Picture 1 --]A +screenshot of a phone + +Description automatically generated + +[-- Image: Picture 1 --]A screenshot of a computer + +Description automatically generated + +Please ShowBranch IDif applicable just below account number in +Receiver Details Frame + +ReplaceSend MoneywithConfirm + diff --git a/IME London - Subhida Uk Ltd (3).pdf b/IME London - Subhida Uk Ltd (3).pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8896804 --- /dev/null +++ b/IME London - Subhida Uk Ltd (3).pdf @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ + IME is the trading name of Subhida UK Ltd company. Remitter Transactions + Registration No.: 6432399 Report + FCA Registration No.: 576127 + HMRC Registration No.: 12663526 + Registered Address : Pentax House South Hill Avenue, South Harrow, + London, HA2 0DU + Email:info@imelondon.co.uk + +Remitter Transactions Report + +Period 2023-01-01 - 2023-11-23 + +Remitter Details + +Member Id 565667 +Name KEWAL +Address Middlesex +Telephone 447503 500 +Date Of Birth 12/28/1985 +Nationality NEPAL +ID Details +Date Of Issue 4/19/2015 + +Beneficiaries Summary + + SN. ID NAME ADDRESS COUNTRY + +1 541237 DEVIMAYA Dantakali Path Bijayapur NEPAL +2 541284 Tara Itahari NEPAL +3 541286 Sanad Bhaktapur NEPAL +4 541586 Kewal Dharan NEPAL +5 542081 Mahendra Kathmandu NEPAL +6 542117 Kewal Delhi INDIA +7 542130 Kewal Kathmandu NIGERIA +8 542131 kewal Kathmandu PHILIPPINES +9 542192 Kewal Test QATAR +10 542526 Kewal Test NEPAL +11 542527 Kewal Test NEPAL +12 542611 KEWAL Kathmandu AUSTRALIA + +Transactions + + C R E AT I O N TRANS TRANS SOURCE TRANSFER REMITTER +SN. S TAT U S TYPE AMOUNT + TRANS REF BENEFICIARY RATE DEST AMOUNT + D AT E + FEE TO PAY + +DEVIMAYA POKHREL + +1 29 May, 2023 779220030134 Payment Bank DEVIMAYA 186.63 GBP 0 GBP 186.63 GBP 160.75 30,000.00 NPR + Transfer POKHREL Sub-Total 30,000.00 + 5.00 GBP 3 GBP +Kewal Raj Pokhrel 5.00 GBP 2.99 GBP 8.00 GBP 165.37 826.85 NPR + 7.99 GBP 162.9 814.50 NPR +2 7 July, 2023 779225156184 Payment Bank Kewal Raj 347.56 GBP 0 GBP + Transfer Pokhrel Sub-Total 1,641.35 + +3 3 July, 2023 779219798548 Payment Bank Kewal Raj 347.56 GBP 162.56 56,500.00 NPR + Transfer Pokhrel Sub-Total 56,500.00 + +Sanad Nepal + +4 2 June, 2023 779219021274 Payment Bank Sanad Nepal + Transfer + +Tara Devi Regmi + C R E AT I O N TRANS TRANS SOURCE TRANSFER REMITTER +SN. S TAT U S TYPE AMOUNT + TRANS REF BENEFICIARY RATE DEST AMOUNT + D AT E + FEE TO PAY + +5 2 June, 2023 779220525973 Payment Bank Tara Devi 153.79 GBP 0 GBP 153.79 GBP 162.56 25,000.00 NPR + Transfer Regmi + Sub-Total 25,000.00 + Total 113,141.35 + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Logos/BrandingFiles/IME_london-coin-curve - Copy.png b/Logos/BrandingFiles/IME_london-coin-curve - Copy.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b71add9 Binary files /dev/null and b/Logos/BrandingFiles/IME_london-coin-curve - Copy.png differ diff --git a/Logos/NEWred-sqr (Custom).png b/Logos/NEWred-sqr (Custom).png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c1cfd1 Binary files /dev/null and b/Logos/NEWred-sqr (Custom).png differ diff --git a/Logos/NEWred-sqr.png b/Logos/NEWred-sqr.png deleted file mode 100644 index 70c376b..0000000 Binary files a/Logos/NEWred-sqr.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/Logos/Svg.zip b/Logos/Svg.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e56495 Binary files /dev/null and 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b/Logos/Svg/New folder/Demologo-1.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..832eb1e --- /dev/null +++ b/Logos/Svg/New folder/Demologo-1.svg @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/Logos/Svg/New folder/IME_london.svg b/Logos/Svg/New folder/IME_london.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bc8bc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Logos/Svg/New folder/IME_london.svg @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/Logos/Svg/Png.zip b/Logos/Svg/Png.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8512789 Binary files /dev/null and b/Logos/Svg/Png.zip differ diff --git a/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-1014/Black-white.png b/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-1014/Black-white.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a423cc Binary files /dev/null and b/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-1014/Black-white.png differ diff --git a/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-1014/Blue-stamp.png 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files /dev/null and b/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-40/Black-white.png differ diff --git a/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-40/Blue-stamp.png b/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-40/Blue-stamp.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3e916b Binary files /dev/null and b/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-40/Blue-stamp.png differ diff --git a/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-40/Demologo-1.png b/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-40/Demologo-1.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e432b8 Binary files /dev/null and b/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-40/Demologo-1.png differ diff --git a/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-40/IME_london.png b/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-40/IME_london.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fdb1fa7 Binary files /dev/null and b/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white,Blue-stamp,Demologo-40/IME_london.png differ diff --git a/Logos/Svg/Png/Black-white.png 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Remove this link - 3. Set the value as 100 - 4. change logo - -Remove this step. Need to redirect to below login screen when new Registration button is pressed. - - - -Add new field in below order - -MOBILE NUMBER * Required [+44] - -FULL NAME * Required -Gender * Need to call api -EMAIL ADDRESS * Required -POSTAL CODE (NEED SEARCH BUTTON) * - need to add api -ADDRESS 1(Auto fill) -ADDRESS 2 [Free text] -CITY (Auto Fill) * -Nationality * dropdown - need to call api -DOB * *Required -REFERAL CODE (IF ANY) -NEW PASSWORD * -CONFIRM PASSWORD * - -For api details refer task #17655 [HYPERLINK:] - - - - - - - - - Please show DOB in DD/MM/YYYY format in output as this format is practiced in UK - - For Password Validation message please add (*&%$) as special characters. -Password should contain at least one special character (*&%$), one uppercase, one number, one... - - - - - - - - - - - -Below list is dynamic and displayed by - - - - - - - - - - -Then Option with "CustomerType":"LATER" is selected, close the screen, and redirect to Dashboard. - -For api details refer task #17657 [HYPERLINK:] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/Mobile/ChangesinIMELondon-V2.docx b/Mobile/ChangesinIMELondon-V2.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d107dd --- /dev/null +++ b/Mobile/ChangesinIMELondon-V2.docx @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +JAPAN +IME LONDON + + + + 1. Change to Currency as GBP + 2. Change Country Flag + 2. Remove this link + 3. Set the value as 100 + 5. change logo + + Change logo + Change text + Change link text + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Remove this step. Need to redirect to below login screen when new Registration button is pressed. + + + + +Add new field in below order + +MOBILE NUMBER * Required [+44] + +FULL NAME * Required +Gender * Need to call api +EMAIL ADDRESS * Required +POSTAL CODE (NEED SEARCH BUTTON) * - need to add api +ADDRESS 1(Auto fill) +ADDRESS 2 [Free text] +CITY (Auto Fill) * +Nationality * dropdown - need to call api +DOB * *Required +REFERAL CODE (IF ANY) +NEW PASSWORD * +CONFIRM PASSWORD * + +For api details refer task #17655 [HYPERLINK:] + + + + + + + + + Please show DOB in DD/MM/YYYY format in output as this format is practiced in UK + + For Password Validation message please add (*&%$) as special characters. +Password should contain at least one special character (*&%$), one uppercase, one number, one... + + + + + + + + + + + +Below list is dynamic and displayed by + + + + + + + + + + +Then Option with "CustomerType":"LATER" is selected, close the screen, and redirect to Dashboard. + +For api details refer task #17657 [HYPERLINK:] + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Occupation *Required +Id Type *Required +Id Number *Required +IdNumber field name for api +Id Issuing Country *Required + idIssuingCountry field name for api +Id Start Date *Required [date Picker]- Cannot select greater than today + idStartDate field name for api [dd/MM/yyyy] +Id Expiry Date *Required [date Picker]- Cannot select less than today + IdEndDate] field name for api [dd/MM/yyyy] +The list of Id Issuing Country will provide in the response of api Data."IdIssueCountry": + + +Note: Occupation is missing is this screen but this is required. + + + + +/api/v4/mobile/loadForm/{customer}/{type} + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/Mobile/ChangesinIMELondon-V3.docx b/Mobile/ChangesinIMELondon-V3.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3cdfaf --- /dev/null +++ b/Mobile/ChangesinIMELondon-V3.docx @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +JAPAN +IME LONDON + + + + 1. Change to Currency as GBP + 2. Change Country Flag + 2. Remove this link + 3. Set the value as 100 + 5. change logo + + Change logo + Change text + Change link text + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Remove this step. Need to redirect to below login screen when new Registration button is pressed. + + + + +Add new field in below order + +MOBILE NUMBER * Required [+44] + +FULL NAME * Required +Gender * Need to call api +EMAIL ADDRESS * Required +POSTAL CODE (NEED SEARCH BUTTON) * - need to add api +ADDRESS 1(Auto fill) +ADDRESS 2 [Free text] +CITY (Auto Fill) * +Nationality * dropdown - need to call api +DOB * *Required +REFERAL CODE (IF ANY) +NEW PASSWORD * +CONFIRM PASSWORD * + +For api details refer task #17655 [HYPERLINK:] + + + + + + + + + Please show DOB in DD/MM/YYYY format in output as this format is practiced in UK + + For Password Validation message please add (*&%$) as special characters. +Password should contain at least one special character (*&%$), one uppercase, one number, one... + + + + + + + + + + + +Below list is dynamic and displayed by + + + + + + + + + + +Then Option with "CustomerType":"LATER" is selected, close the screen, and redirect to Dashboard. + +For api details refer task #17657 [HYPERLINK:] + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Occupation *Required +Id Type *Required +Id Number *Required +IdNumber field name for api +Id Issuing Country *Required + idIssuingCountry field name for api +Id Start Date *Required [date Picker]- Cannot select greater than today + idStartDate field name for api [dd/MM/yyyy] +Id Expiry Date *Required [date Picker]- Cannot select less than today + IdEndDate] field name for api [dd/MM/yyyy] +The list of Id Issuing Country will provide in the response of api Data."IdIssueCountry": + + +Note: Occupation is missing is this screen but this is required. + + + + +/api/v4/mobile/loadForm/{customer}/{type} + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Same No Change + + Same No change + + + Remove - in Transfer Fee value + Add Send Amount + Add Payment Option ( Online Banking, Ebanking and Debit card like shown above) + Change Reward Point Text to Reward Amount + Change JPY Logo to Pound Logo in Current Exchange Rate + + + Same No Change + + + Allign the TXN Details values like that of New one. + Add: Collected Amount, Send Amount, Reward Amount Used, Bank Branch ID + + Same No Change + + + Remove the PIN Vlaidation and show the success message after txn is created. + + +Change the message Content. Remove the Transcation details. Copy the excat request summary. + + + + Change the Allignment of the TXN information like that of new app. + + + diff --git a/Mobile/Keys/AuthKey_LLUD7335PP.p8 b/Mobile/Keys/AuthKey_LLUD7335PP.p8 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1423e7f --- /dev/null +++ b/Mobile/Keys/AuthKey_LLUD7335PP.p8 @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- +MIGTAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBHkwdwIBAQQguNbbmgPpNZYL4tke +U+RXIpAWtG4nifjHp3EbuBJoq/igCgYIKoZIzj0DAQehRANCAASs9X4XiKMIii5b +alr8sQBmGnV0EQTo6jf8vJfUlnexX9qO+HPykD4pM8qOQFUPMKlUG7TngERmjXAf +bZayByCy +-----END PRIVATE KEY----- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Mobile/Keys/Mobile app Credentials IME London.txt b/Mobile/Keys/Mobile app Credentials IME London.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fca4f31 --- /dev/null +++ b/Mobile/Keys/Mobile app Credentials IME London.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + +3- Android alias +imelondon + +4- Android alias password +ime123london + +5- The version of the app on Google play console. +versionCode 10 +versionName "1.0.9" + +6- Android app identifier +com.inficare.iremit.imelondon + +For IOS Application: + +IOS Developer account credentials. +You have just provide role to us. + diff --git a/Mobile/Keys/android.txt b/Mobile/Keys/android.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1dfa49f --- /dev/null +++ b/Mobile/Keys/android.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +SHA key chain yehi ho +b9:77:36:cd:58:ae:7a:27:3e:59:07:db:c8:c6:3f:b4:d7:ef:f1:51 + + + +Password: ime@londonKey23# +Alias: IME London Key +Certificate: +First and Last Name: Kamal Paudel +Organizational Unit: Remittance +Organization: IME London (Subhida UK Ltd,) +City or Locality: London +State or Province: South Harrow +County Code: UK \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Mobile/Keys/assetlinks.json b/Mobile/Keys/assetlinks.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a43174 --- /dev/null +++ b/Mobile/Keys/assetlinks.json @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +[{ + "relation": ["delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls"], + "target" : { "namespace": "android_app", "package_name": "com.inficare.iremit.imelondon", + "sha256_cert_fingerprints": ["A9:3A:5C:E9:51:70:A7:2F:4C:42:57:F2:B1:0A:8A:DE:F6:EE:E2:A2"] } +}] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Mobile/Keys/imelondonkey.jks b/Mobile/Keys/imelondonkey.jks new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a26b997 Binary files /dev/null and b/Mobile/Keys/imelondonkey.jks differ diff --git a/Mobile/~$angesinIMELondon-V3.docx b/Mobile/~$angesinIMELondon-V3.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8520b0 diff --git a/Partners/Card - Copy.html b/Partners/Card - Copy.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8a657a --- /dev/null +++ b/Partners/Card - Copy.html @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Partners/Card.html b/Partners/Card.html index 8d2ccc0..7bf9de1 100644 --- a/Partners/Card.html +++ b/Partners/Card.html @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ + + + diff --git a/Partners/trustpayment.html b/Partners/trustpayment.html index 10e7afe..8e09a8a 100644 --- a/Partners/trustpayment.html +++ b/Partners/trustpayment.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ - + @@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ - + + diff --git a/Partners/urls.txt b/Partners/urls.txt index 5c67989..4e663c2 100644 --- a/Partners/urls.txt +++ b/Partners/urls.txt @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ https://system.imelondon.co.uk/web/SecureTrade/InitiateSecureTrade.aspx?ref=4D037E71_54D0_4E31_9F3D_872A9ECA37A9&ret_url=https://system.imelondon.co.uk/web/User/SendMoney.aspx?id=541586 +https://system.imelondon.co.uk/web/SecureTrade/InitiateSecureTrade.aspx?ref=822F0455_CCAF_4CAC_B7B3_3089BCB7E246&ret_url=https://system.imelondon.co.uk/web/User/SendMoney.aspx?id=542117 + +https://system.imelondon.co.uk/web/SecureTrade/Declined.aspx?errorcode=70000&orderreference=10137158&paymenttypedescription=VISA&requestreference=P56-TEcpTne3&settlestatus=3&sitereference=subhidauk71993&transactionreference=56-70-66797377 + https://controlpanel.imelondon.co.uk/STPAdmin_customerRedirect.php @@ -66,3 +70,12 @@ https://remit.imelondon.co.uk/STPaymentSuccess UDR-377703 If a completed request matches redirect-condition-arm then Redirect browser to redirect-action-arm https://controlpanel.imelondon.co.uk/STPAdmin_customerRedirect.php + + + +#mine + +https://uat.imelondon.co.uk:1081/payment/STPaymentSuccess.aspx?errorcode=0&orderreference=&paymenttypedescription=VISA&requestreference=P55-Ywnxhrxm&responsesitesecurity=55a317f9fdea9542ed1159e7879167da404d6901cbed98e31fdfa4c50eb19863&settlestatus=0&sitereference=test_subhidauk71992&transactionreference=55-9-3294815 + + +https://uat.imelondon.co.uk:1081/payment/STPaymentCustomerRedirect.aspx?cid=1&id=113123&ref=ABBD \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PaymentDetails.html b/PaymentDetails.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e28e36 --- /dev/null +++ b/PaymentDetails.html @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ + + + + + + + + + +


+ Bank Account Details +


+ +
+ +
+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Sample Splash Screen.docx b/Sample Splash Screen.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7f75ec --- /dev/null +++ b/Sample Splash Screen.docx @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +Sender ID type (Primary ID) +Proof Of Address ID type (Proof of Address) +Source of Fund +Relationship to Beneficiary +Purpose of Remittance +Occupation + + +S. No +Sender ID Type +1 +Passport +2 +Biometric Residence Permit +3 +Driver License +4 +British Army Card +5 +Fire Fighter Card +6 +Any Others Gov ID + +S. No +Proof of Address ID Type +1 +Bank Statement +2 +Utility Bill +3 +Driver License +4 +NHS Letter +5 +Council Tax Letter +6 +Others + +S. No +Source of Fund +1 +Salary +2 +Business Income +3 +Investment +4 +Loan +5 +Sale of Assets +6 +Others + +S. No +Relationship to Beneficiary +1 +Parents +2 +Husband/Wife +3 +Brother/Sister +4 +Son/Daughter +5 +Self +6 +Uncle/Aunt +7 +Cousins +8 +Friend +9 +Niece/Nephew +10 +Business Partner +11 +Others + +S. No +Occupation +1 +Hospitality/Hotel/Restaurant +2 +Domestic Housekeeper/Cleaner +3 +Childcare/Old Age Care +4 +Business +5 +Retired +6 +Manufacturing +7 +Finance +8 +Armed Force +9 +Customer Service +9 +Security Guard +10 +Doctor +11 +Engineer +12 +Accountant +13 +Others + +S. No +Purpose of Remittance +1 +Family Support +2 +Education Support +3 +Birthday Gift +5 +House Repair/Construction +6 +Investment +7 +Loan Payment +8 +Medical Support +9 +Personal Savings +10 +Buying the Property +11 +Donation +13 +Utility Payments +14 +Salary Payments +15 +Others + diff --git a/TNC/Customer Declaration.docx b/TNC/Customer Declaration.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61fffdb --- /dev/null +++ b/TNC/Customer Declaration.docx @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Customer Declaration. + I understood and agreed the Terms and Condition of IME London published on the website. + I read and understood the Privacy Policy of IME London published on the website. + I confirmed the above information is true and correct. + I declare that. + I have no relation to anti-social forces. + I do not engage in illegal activities. + PEPs and Consent. + I am not Politically Exposed Person (PEPs) + + diff --git a/TNC/Customer_Declaration_Reg.html b/TNC/Customer_Declaration_Reg.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8566985 --- /dev/null +++ b/TNC/Customer_Declaration_Reg.html @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ Please scroll down to the bottom. + +
+ Customer Declaration. +
+ Registration +
+ (1) I understand and agree to the terms and conditions of IME London on the website. +
+ (2) I read and understood the Privacy Policy of IME London published on the website. +
+ (3) I confirmed the information provided here is true and correct. +
+ (4) I declare that. +
+ - I have no relation to Anti-Social Forces; +
+ - I do not engage in any illegal activities +
+ PEPs and Consent. +
+ I am not Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs). +
+ + +

© IME London, 2023

IME London is a trading name of Subhida UK Ltd, Pentax House, South Hill Avenue, South Harrow, London, HA2 0DU,


Subhida UK Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct + Authority (FCA) under the Payment Service Regulations 2017, FCA Registration No: 576127, HMRC Registration No: XYML000000119350

+ + + diff --git a/TNC/Customer_Declaration_txn.html b/TNC/Customer_Declaration_txn.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..903bead --- /dev/null +++ b/TNC/Customer_Declaration_txn.html @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ Please scroll down to the bottom. + +
+ Customer Declaration. +
+ Transaction +
+ (1) I understand and agree to the terms and conditions of IME London on the website. +
+ (2) I read and understood the Privacy Policy of IME London published on the website. +
+ (3) I confirmed the information provided here is true and correct. +
+ (4) I declare that. +
+ - I have no relation to Anti-Social Forces; +
+ - I do not engage in any illegal activities +
+ PEPs and Consent. +
+ I am not Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs). +
+ + +

© IME London, 2023


IME London is a trading name of Subhida UK Ltd, Pentax House, South Hill Avenue, South Harrow, London, HA2 0DU,


Subhida UK Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct + Authority (FCA) under the Payment Service Regulations 2017, FCA Registration No: 576127, HMRC Registration No: XYML000000119350

+ +
+ + + diff --git a/TNC/IME London Privacy Policy.docx b/TNC/IME London Privacy Policy.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b191675 --- /dev/null +++ b/TNC/IME London Privacy Policy.docx @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ + IME London Privacy Policy +BACKGROUND: +IME London understands that your privacy is important to you and that you care about how your personal data is used and shared online. We respect and value the privacy of everyone who visits this website, http://www.imelondon.co.uk [HYPERLINK: http://www.imelondon.co.uk/] ("our Site") and will only collect and use personal data in ways that are described here, and in a manner, that is consistent with our obligations and your rights under the law. +Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and ensure that you understand it. You will be required to read and accept this Privacy Policy when signing up for an Account. If you do not accept and agree with this Privacy Policy, you must stop using Our Site immediately. + +1. Definitions and Interpretation + In this Policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings: + "Account" + means an account required to access and / or use certain areas and features of our Site; + "Cookie" + means a small text file placed on your computer or device by our Site when you visit certain parts of our Site and / or when you use certain features of our Site. Details of the Cookies used by our Site are set out in section 13, below; + "Cookie Law" +means the relevant parts of the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003; + "Personal data" +means any and all data that relates to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified from that data. In this case, it means personal data that you give to us via our Site. This definition shall, where applicable, incorporate the definitions provided in the Data Protection Act 1998 amended by EU Regulation 2016/679 - the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"); and + "We/Us/Our" +means IME London, its subsidiaries in the UK registered in England Authorised and Regulated by the FCA for the provision of Payment Services; + +2. Information About Us + + 2.1 Our Site is owned and operated by Subhida UK Limited. Company Reg No: 06432399. + 2.2 Our Data Protection Officer is Mr. Kamal Paudel and can be contacted by email at kamal@imelondon.co.uk [HYPERLINK: mailto:kamal@imelondon.co.uk] and by telephone on +442088660307 [HYPERLINK: tel:+442088660307] or by post at Pentax House, South harrow, London, HA2 0DU + 2.3 In the UK we are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). +3. What Does This Policy Cover? + +This Privacy Policy applies only to your use of our site. Our site may contain links to other websites. Please note that we have no control over how your data is collected, stored, or used by other websites and we advise you to check the privacy policies of any such websites before providing any data to them. + +4. Your Rights + 4.1 As a data subject, you have the following rights under the GDPR, which this Policy and Our use of personal data have been designed to uphold: + 4.1.1 The right to be informed about our collection and use of personal data; + 4.1.2 The right of access to the personal data we hold about you (see section 12); + 4.1.3 The right to rectification if any personal data we hold about you is inaccurate or incomplete (please contact us using the details in section 14); + 4.1.4 The right to be forgotten - i.e. the right to ask us to delete any personal data we hold about you (we only hold your personal data for a limited time, as explained in section 6 but if you would like us to delete it sooner, please contact us using the details in section 14); + 4.1.5 The right to restrict (i.e. prevent) the processing of your personal data; + 4.1.6 The right to data portability (obtaining a copy of your personal data to re-use with another service or organisation); + 4.1.7 The right to object to us using your personal data for particular purposes; and + 4.1.8 Rights with respect to automated decision making and profiling. + 4.2 If you have any cause for complaint about our use of your personal data, please contact us using the details provided in section 14 and we will do our best to solve the problem for you. If we are unable to help, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the UK's supervisory authority, the Information Commissioner's Office. + 4.3 For further information about your rights, please contact the Information Commissioner's Office or your local Citizens Advice Bureau. + +5. What Data Do We Collect? +Depending upon your use of Our Site, we may collect some or all the following personal and non-personal data (please also see section 13 on our use of Cookies and similar technologies and our Cookie Policy for detail, please refer to our Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice. +6. How Do We Use Your Data? + + 6.1 All personal data is processed and stored securely, for no longer than is necessary considering the reason(s) for which it was first collected. We will comply with our obligations and safeguard your rights under the Data Protection Act 1998 as always amended by GDPR. For more details on security see section 7, below. + 6.2 Our use of your personal data will always have a lawful basis, either because it is necessary for our performance of a contract with you, because you have consented to our use of your personal data (e.g., by subscribing to emails), or because it is in our legitimate interests. Specifically, We may use your data for the following purposes: + 6.2.1 Providing and managing your Account; + 6.2.2 Providing and managing your access to our Site; + 6.2.3 Personalising and tailoring your experience on our Site; + 6.2.4 Supplying our services to you (please note that we require your personal data in order to enter into a contract with you); + 6.2.5 Personalising and tailoring our services for you; + 6.2.6 Replying to emails from you; + 6.2.7 Supplying you with emails that you have opted into (you may unsubscribe or opt-out at any time; + 6.2.8 Market research; + 6.2.9 Analysing your use of our Site and gathering feedback to enable us to continually improve our Site and your user experience; + 6.3 With your permission and / or where permitted by law, we may also use your data for marketing purposes which may include contacting you with information, news and offers on our services. We will not, however, send you any unsolicited marketing or spam and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that we fully protect your rights and comply with our obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 as amended by GDPR and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003. + 6.4 Third parties whose content appears on our Site may use third party Cookies, as detailed below in section 13. Please refer to section 13 for more information on controlling Cookies. Please note that we do not control the activities of such third parties, nor the data they collect and use and advise you to check the privacy policies of any such third parties. + 6.5 You have the right to withdraw your consent to us using your personal data at any time, and to request that we delete it. + 6.6 We do not keep your personal data for any longer than is necessary in light of the reason(s) for which it was first collected. Data will therefore be retained for the following periods (or its retention will be determined on the following bases): + 6.6.1 5 years since the date we concluded our last transaction or ended our relationship with our clients; + 6.6.2 6 months for employment applications + 6.6.3 In an on- going basis for employment purposes, and for 4 years after individuals leave employment. + +7. How and Where Do We Store Your Data? + + 7.1 We only keep your personal data for as long as we need to in order to use it as described above in section 6, and / or for as long as we have your permission to keep it. + 7.2 Your data will be stored in the UK, unless you request we provide you with off shore services, in which case your information will be shared with our Custodians outside the EEA (Please refer to our Privacy Notice for links to our Custodians Privacy Policy and information on how they process personal data). + It is deemed that you accept and agree to this by using our Site and submitting information to us. If we do store data outside the EEA, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is treated as safely and securely as it would be within the UK and under the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR including: + 7.2.1 Organising Data Processing control arrangements with our Custodians + 7.3 Data security is very important to us, and to protect your data we have taken suitable measures to safeguard and secure data collected through our Site. + 7.4 Steps we take to secure and protect your data include: + 7.4.1 Appointment of a Data Protection Officer + 7.4.2 Implementation of a Data Management Framework, including policies, procedures and internal control mechanisms to ensure your data is secure and processed according to your rights. + +8. Do We Share Your Data? + + 8.1 In certain circumstances, we may be legally required to share certain data held by us, which may include your personal data, for example, where we are involved in legal proceedings, where we are complying with legal obligations, a court order, or a governmental authority. + 8.2 We may sometimes contract with third parties -such as Custodians to provide services to you on our behalf. These may include payment processing, order processing and fulfilment of your instructions. In some cases, the third parties may require access to some or all your data. Where any of your data is required for such a purpose, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data will be handled safely, securely, and in accordance with your rights, our obligations, and the obligations of the third party under the law. + 8.3 We may compile statistics about the use of our Site including data on traffic, usage patterns, user numbers, sales, and other information. All such data will be anonymised and will not include any personally identifying data, or any anonymised data that can be combined with other data and used to identify you. We may from time to time share such data with third parties such as prospective investors, affiliates, partners, and advertisers. Data will only be shared and used within the bounds of the law. + 8.4 The third-party data processors used by us and listed in our Privacy Notice are located in the UK; we also may sometimes use third party data processors that are located outside of the European Economic Area ("the EEA") (The EEA consists of all EU member states, plus Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein). Where we transfer any personal data outside the EEA, We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is treated as safely and securely as it would be within the UK and under the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR. + 8.5 In certain circumstances, we may be legally required to share certain data held by us, which may include your personal data, for example, where we are involved in legal proceedings, where we are complying with legal requirements, a court order, or a governmental authority. + +9. What Happens If Our Business Changes Hands? + + 9.1 We may, from time to time, expand or reduce our business and this may involve the sale and / or the transfer of control of all or part of our business. Any personal data that you have provided will, where it is relevant to any part of our business that is being transferred, be transferred along with that part and the new owner or newly controlling party will, under the terms of this Privacy Policy, be permitted to use that data only for the same purposes for which it was originally collected by us. + 9.2 In the event that any of your data is to be transferred in such a manner, you will be contacted in advance and informed of the changes. When contacted you will, however, be given the choice to have your data deleted or withheld from the new owner or controller. + +10. How Can You Control Your Data? + + 10.1 In addition to your rights under the GDPR, set out in section 4, when you submit personal data via our Site, you may be given options to restrict our use of your data. In particular, we aim to give you strong controls on our use of your data for direct marketing purposes (including the ability to opt-out of receiving emails from us which you may do by unsubscribing using the links provided in our emails and at the point of providing your details and by managing your Account). + 10.2 You may also wish to sign up to one or more of the preference services operating in the UK: The Telephone Preference Service ("the TPS"), the Corporate Telephone Preference Service ("the CTPS"), and the Mailing Preference Service ("the MPS"). These may help to prevent you receiving unsolicited marketing. Please note, however, that these services will not prevent you from receiving marketing communications that you have consented to receiving. +11. Your Right to Withhold Information + + 11.1 You may access certain areas of our Site without providing any data at all. However, to use all features and functions available on our Site you may be required to submit or allow for the collection of certain data. + 11.2 You may restrict our use of Cookies. For more information, see section 13. + +12. How Can You Access Your Data? + + You have the right to ask for a copy of any of your personal data held by us (where such data is held). Under the GDPR, no fee is payable, and we will provide all information in response to your request free of charge. Please contact us for more details at info@imelondon.co.uk [HYPERLINK: mailto:info@imelondon.co.uk], or using the contact details below in section 14. Alternatively, please refer to our Data Protection Policy. + +13. Our Use of Cookies + + 13.1 Our Site may place and access certain first party Cookies on your computer or device. First party Cookies are those placed directly by us and are used only by us. We use Cookies to facilitate and improve your experience of our Site and to provide and improve our services. We have carefully chosen these Cookies and have taken steps to ensure that your privacy and personal data is protected and respected at all times. + 13.2 By using our Site you may also receive certain third-party Cookies on your computer or device. Third party Cookies are those placed by websites, services, and / or parties other than us. Third party Cookies are used on our Site for marketing and performance purposes. For more details, please refer to section 6, above, and to section 13.6 below. These Cookies are not integral to the functioning of our Site and your use and experience of our Site will not be impaired by refusing consent to them. + 13.3 All Cookies used by and on our Site are used in accordance with current Cookie Law. + 13.4 Before Cookies are placed on your computer or device, you will be shown a pop up requesting your consent to set those Cookies. By giving your consent to the placing of Cookies you are enabling us to provide the best possible experience and service to you. You may, if you wish, deny consent to the placing of Cookies; however certain features of our Site may not function fully or as intended. + 13.5 The following first party Cookies may be placed on your computer or device: + Name of cookie + Purpose + Strictly Necessary + User ID + save login preference + yes + User Email + save login ID + yes + + 13.6 Our Site uses analytics services provided by Google Analytics. Website analytics refers to a set of tools used to collect and analyse anonymous usage information, enabling us to better understand how our Site is used. This, in turn, enables us to improve our Site and the services offered through it. You do not have to allow us to use these Cookies, however whilst our use of them does not pose any risk to your privacy or your safe use of our Site, it does enable us to continually improve our Site, making it a better and more useful experience for you. + 13.7 The analytics service(s) used by our Site use(s) Cookies to gather the required information. + 13.8 The analytics service(s) used by our Site use(s) the following Cookies: + Name of cookie + Expiration Time + Provider + Purpose + _ga + 2 Years + ogle + Used to distinguish users + _gid + 24 Hrs + ogle + Used to distinguish users + _gat + 1 minute + ogle +Used to throttle request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named _dc_gtm_. + AMP_TOKEN + 30 seconds to 1 Year + ogle +Contains a token that can be used to retrieve a Client ID from AMP Client ID service. Other possible values indicate opt-out, inflight request or an error retrieving a Client ID from AMP Client ID service. + _gac + 90 days + ogle + Contains campaign related information for the user. + 13.9 In addition to the controls that we provide, you can choose to enable or disable Cookies in your internet browser. Most internet browsers also enable you to choose whether you wish to disable all cookies or only third-party Cookies. By default, most internet browsers accept Cookies, but this can be changed. For further details, please consult the help menu in your internet browser or the documentation that came with your device. + 13.10 You can choose to delete Cookies on your computer or device at any time, however you may lose any information that enables you to access our Site more quickly and efficiently including, but not limited to, login and personalisation settings. + 13.11 It is recommended that you keep your internet browser and operating system up-to-date and that you consult the help and guidance provided by the developer of your internet browser and manufacturer of your computer or device if you are unsure about adjusting your privacy settings. + +14. Contacting Us + +If you have any questions about our Site or this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at info@imelondon.co.uk [HYPERLINK: mailto:info@imelondon.co.uk], by telephone on +442088660307 [HYPERLINK: tel:+442088660307], or by post at; IME London Pentax House South Harrow, London HA2 0DU, UK. Please ensure that your query is clear, particularly if it is a request for information about the data, we hold about you (as under section 12, above). + +15. Changes to Our Privacy Policy +We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time (for example, if the law changes). Any changes will be immediately posted on our Site, and you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Privacy Policy on your first use of our Site following the alterations. We recommend that you check this page regularly to keep up to date. + + + diff --git a/TNC/IME London Terms.docx b/TNC/IME London Terms.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a4fa39 --- /dev/null +++ b/TNC/IME London Terms.docx @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +IME London Terms & conditions + +This agreement is between "You" our client (we may refer to you as the "Customer"), as it will be defined below and Subhida UK Ltd. Trading as IME London (Company Registration: 06432399), a Company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales whos' registered office is at; Pentax house, South hill Avenue, South Harrow, London, HA2 0DU ("IME London"). + + +1. Definitions and meanings: + 1.1. "IME London Website(s) / Application(s)" means any URL/Application, such as www.imelondon.co.uk [HYPERLINK: https://www.imelondon.co.uk/] , https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inficare.iremit.imelondon and http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1464134705?fbclid=IwAR1wdTnArdkZgdUXfUD9tQxorZbouO-XLm4i-ij-rdedPLpMGznc9ft9fEU +respectively owned and operated by IME London that we use to provide the Services to you. + 1.2. "Business Days" means every official working day of the week (other than Saturday or Sunday) on which Banks in England are open for business. + 1.3. "IME London Services" shall mean the online money transfer account opened and managed through the IME London website and / or the IME London Application. + 1.4. "Terms and Conditions" means this agreement including all subsequent amendments. + 1.5. "Fees" means those amounts displayed next to the title "Service Fee" in the customer portal in the process of a transaction. Fees are subject to change based on a wide range of factors including but not limited to the destination country, any promotional offers, and the time of year. + 1.6. "Customer Service" means our customer service, which can be reached by email through the email address info@imelondon.co.uk or by calling: +442088660307 [HYPERLINK: tel:+442088660307], or +447984713677 [HYPERLINK: tel:+447984713677] via SMS or any messaging service such as Facebook Messenger and Viber. + 1.7. "Privacy Policy" is the IME London's policy regulating the processing of personal and company data. This is available on the website and may be amended from time to time. + 1.8 "Transaction/Money Transfer" shall refer to the customer's payment instruction via IME London Service, +2. IME London overview: + 2.1. IME London is a Payment Service Provider, its services are operated by Subhida UK Ltd registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under the Payment Services Regulations 2017, for the provision of payment services. + + +3. About these Terms and Conditions + 3.1. These Terms and Conditions regulate the opening, use and closure of IME London Services these interactions include face to face meetings, online conversations, telephone calls or any other not listed above as well as all the payment services offered by IME London. + 3.2. IME London is also subject to the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (the Regulations) which regulate how payments must be transmitted and provide protection when you send money to an account within the European Economic Area (EEA) and the payment is in Euros, Pound Sterling, or another EEA-State currency. + +4. IME London service overview + 4.1. IME London services are Money Transfer services and ancillary foreign exchange. An IME London service is not an account of any type, but solely a method for you to access money transfer services, therefore the UK Financial Compensation Scheme does not apply to IME London Services. + 4.2. IME London services have limits which have been set up in accordance with the type of information and verification process used to onboard you as a client; limits may vary, and we may need to ask you for more information and / or documents + +5. IME London Services opening: + 5.1. IME London Services can be accessed through the IME London Website or through IME London's Application. The signup process requires the customer to provide necessary details and accept these Terms and Conditions. In case the customer orders additional services from IME London, the customer may need to accept additional terms and conditions, related to that particular service. + 5.2. All information provided during the signup process or during the Account management must be accurate and correct. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure this. + 5.3. For the verification of the customer's identity, the customer is obliged to present at least one piece of evidence from the lists 5.3.1 and consent to having this evidence electronically verified. In the event that this piece of evidence cannot be electronically verified the customer must present an additional piece of evidence from list 5.3.2 (the lists are given below). + 5.3.1. A government issued picture ID (e.g., driver's license, passport) + 5.3.2. A utility bill, (e.g., electricity, gas, or water, but not mobile phone), bank statement, an official letter from the NHS, an NI letter, an HMRC letter, showing proof of address. + +6. IME London Services maintenance and safety + 6.1. The customer must ensure that all information provided on IME London Services is accurate and up to date. We may contact the customer by e-mail, phone, or text messages (SMS or Online) regarding the account operations. It is the customer's responsibility to respond to our efforts to contact them. + 6.2. The customer has access to all transactions they have made via IME London Services through the customer portal, which can be accessed at https://www.imelondon.co.uk [HYPERLINK: https://www.imelondon.co.uk/] or via the application (see section 1 for relevant links) by entering their registered username and their password. + 6.3. Along with transactions processed, all fees charged are also shown in the customer portal. The customer should regularly check their IME London Services transaction statement and report to our Customer Service should any irregularities arise or for any further clarification the customer may require. + 6.4. In case the customer requests a refund for an unauthorised transaction transfer on IME London services, the customer must notify IME London as soon as they become aware of the situation and no later than thirteen months from the date of the transaction. or incorrectly executed transaction. + 6.5. The customer has the responsibility of taking any reasonable steps in order to keep their IME London Services login details safe and under no circumstances should they ever disclose them to anyone. We will never ask a customer to provide us with their login details. We strongly urge customers to change their password regularly (at least every 6 months) in order to reduce the risk of a security breach. + 6.6. In case the customer suspects that login details have been lost or stolen, they should immediately contact IME London's customer service and file a report. IME London reserves the right to suspend or limit some functionalities of the customer's IME London Services. In case it is suspected that any of IME London Services' security features have been compromised or if IME London suspects fraudulent use then IME London reserves the right to limit functionalities or suspend the service. In either case, IME London will inform the customer(s) about this restriction or suspension as soon as possible. + +7. IME London Services closure + 7.1. The customer has the right to request the closure of their IME London Services anytime. In order to do so, customers must contact IME London Customer Service via email stating their intent to close their IME London Services, their member ID and their full name and date of birth. Customer's must use the email address they have registered with to send this email. In the event that the customer's email cannot be accessed, or their email service has been closed IME London may ask for further supporting evidence. + 7.2. If the customer's IME London Services shows a positive balance at the time of its closure, we will arrange funds to be transferred to an external account. This external account's account holder name must match the customer's IME London Services account holder's name. + 7.3. IME London reserves the right to carry out any necessary: money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud or other illegal activity checks before authorising any withdrawal of Customer's funds, including in relation to returning any funds to the customer after they have closed their IME London Services. + +8. Receiving funds to IME London Services + 8.1. Customers can transfer funds either via paying by card or via bank transfer from their own card / bank account only. IME London will only accept funds received from the Customer, thus excluding third party payments. In order for IME London to facilitate the transfer, the customer must state the reference code as the reference of the transfer. + 8.2. Transaction limits are subject to change based on factors such as the destination country, payment method and payout method etc. + 8.3. Receiving funds is subject to fees. Customers should check via IME London Services to see the current fees. + 8.4. IME London reserves the right to carry out any necessary: money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud or other illegal activity checks before authorising the transaction and crediting funds to the customer's account. + +9. Sending funds from IME London Services + 9.1. The customer will be asked to provide details of the recipient in order to initiate the transfer of funds. The customer must take great care to properly type the exact details of who it wishes to send money to. All information the customer provides may be disregarded if the details are inaccurate and IME London shall not be liable for any error the customer makes when entering the recipient's details. + 9.2. Sending funds from IME London Services is subject to fees and limits. Customers should check via IME London Services to see the current fees. + 9.3. IME London reserves the right to carry out any necessary money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud or other illegal activity checks before authorising the transaction and transferring funds from the customer's account. + +10. IME London restricted transactions + 10.1. The customer can only transfer money to the countries listed on the IME London Website. IME London reserves the right to request the customer for additional information and supporting documentation related to a transfer request. In addition, IME London may suspend and cancel a transaction in case we have reasonable cause to believe this is necessary for the prevention of financial crime. + 10.2. IME London reserves the right to suspend or terminate the customer's IME London Services at any time if we reasonably believe we would be required to do so by law or to comply with recommendations issued by a relevant Government authority or recognised body for the prevention of financial crime. + 10.3. Customer's IME London Services cannot be used for any illegal purposes. It is strictly forbidden to send or receive payments as consideration for the sale or supply of: tobacco products; prescription drugs; drugs and drug paraphernalia; weapons (including without limitation: knives, guns, firearms or ammunition); satellite and cable TV descramblers; pornography, adult material, material which incites violence, hatred, racism or which is considered obscene; Government IDs and licences including replicas and novelty items and any counterfeit products; unlicensed or illegal lotteries or gambling services (including without limitation the use of or participation in illegal gambling houses); unregistered charity services items which encourage or facilitate illegal activities; prepaid debit cards or other stored value cards that are not associated with a particular merchant and are not limited to purchases of particular products or services; third party processing or payment aggregation products or services; multi-level marketing, pyramid selling or Ponzi schemes, matrix programmes or other "get rich quick" schemes or high yield investment programmes; odds or services that infringe the intellectual property rights of a third party; uncoded/ miscoded gaming, Timeshares or property reservation payments (On and Off Plan) We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to add categories of prohibited transactions by adding such categories either to these Terms and Conditions or an acceptable use policy published on the Website. IME London is fully committed to report any suspicious activity to the relevant law enforcement agency. + 10.4. If a customer attempts or conducts any transaction in violation of the prohibited transactions mentioned in these Terms and Condition, we reserve the right to: suspend and / or close the customer's IME London Services, reverse any relevant transactions and / or report the transaction to the relevant law enforcement agency. + 10.5. Recipients of the customer's transfers must be in compliance with any applicable laws and regulation. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure the appropriate level of controls and ensure the compliance of the transaction. In case of doubt, the payment request should not be processed. + +11. IME London fees + 11.1. Transactional fees are subject to change, customers should check the IME London Website for the most up-to-date fees. + 11.2. If a transaction fee applies, it will be added to the customer's total transaction amount. + +12. IME London regulating Customer data + 12.1. IME London's Privacy Policy regulates the way IME London collects, uses, and protects any information that you give to us. By accepting these Terms and Conditions you also agree to our Privacy Policy [HYPERLINK: https://imelondon.co.uk/privacy-policy]. + 12.2. You explicitly consent to IME London accessing, processing, and retaining any information you provide to us, for the purposes of providing payment services to you. This does not affect our respective rights and obligations under data protection legislation. You may withdraw this consent by closing your IME London Services account. If you withdraw consent in this way, we will cease using your data for this purpose, but may continue to process your data for other purposes where we have other lawful grounds to do so, such as where we are legally required to keep records of transactions. + 12.3. The processing of your data is Governed by our Privacy Policy which can be found on our website. By accepting this Individual Account Agreement, you also agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy. We encourage customers to print and keep a copy of the Privacy Policy together with this Agreement. + +13. IME London liability + 13.1. If you formally notify us of an unauthorised transaction via email and after this notification any further unauthorised transactions occur, we shall remain liable and refund the amount immediately to you. Customers should use the email address they have registered with to send us an email stating their full name and date of birth and member ID. In the event a customer cannot access this email address we may ask for supporting evidence. + 13.2. In case our service or our intermediary services are disrupted, we shall not be liable if the disruption is related to unforeseeable circumstances beyond our reasonable control. + 13.3. IME London encourages you to frequently check your IME London Services transactions and contact our Customer Service in case of doubts or concerns. + 13.4. IME London will assist you in the case of any incorrect payment and we will take any reasonable measures to assist you with tracing and recovering such payments. + 13.5. IME London shall not be responsible for any losses connected to our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and we shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential losses as loss of profit, loss of business and loss of reputation. + 13.6. IME London is to be considered obliged under these Terms and Conditions only in relation to providing money transfer services and ancillary foreign exchange services. + 13.7. You will be liable to compensate and reimburse us in case we incur losses or suffer from your breach of these Terms and Conditions. + 13.8. We shall not be liable for the assessment or payment of any taxes, duties or other charges that arise from the underlying transaction between you and another IME London customer. + +Indemnification / re-imbursement. You agree to defend, reimburse or compensate us and hold us harmless from any claim, demand, expenses or costs (including legal fees, fines or penalties) that we incur or suffer due to or arising out of you or your representative ' breach of these Terms of Use, breach of any applicable law or regulation and / or use of the services. This provision shall survive termination of the relationship between you and us. + +14. IME London Services terminations and suspension + 14.1. IME London may terminate your IME London Services upon giving not less than two months written termination notice. Any of your pending transactions will continue to be governed by these Terms and Conditions until completion. You may terminate your IME London Services with us at any time. + 14.2. The termination notice will be provided with instructions on how, remaining funds, will be sent to you. + 14.3. IME London reserves the right to terminate your IME London Services with no notice in the following cases: + 14.3.1. If any conditions indicated in these Terms and Conditions is breached by you. + 14.3.2. If we believe or we have proof that you are in violation of any law or regulation applicable to the use of our services. + 14.3.3. If we believe or we have proof that you are involved in any way in a fraudulent activity, money laundering or other criminal activity. + +15. Changing these Terms and Conditions + 15.1. IME London reserves the right to apply changes to these Terms and Conditions. These changes will be notified to you as per procedures indicated in this section. + 15.2. Notification of any changes will be made by email to the email address registered with your IME London Services or via the updates on our website. We strongly urge customers to check regularly. + 15.3. All changes will come into effect no later than two months after the date of the change notice. + 15.4. You may give us notice in case you object to the proposed changes before the changes come into effect. In this case the changes will not apply to you and your notice will constitute your wish to close your IME London Services. Your Account will be closed should you do this. + 15.5. You can at any time request an up-to-date copy of these Terms and Conditions and any other documents by contacting our Customer Service. + +16. IME London communications to you + 16.1. IME London usually communicates to you by email. We require you to keep your email address updated in your IME London Services and we require you to regularly check your incoming message. You are required to keep copies of all communications we send or make available to you. + 16.2. If you are unsure whether a communication sent to you by us is genuine or not then please contact our Customer Service. + 16.3. IME London communications are in English, and we will accept communication from you only in English. We may provide you with documents and communications in other languages and you may communicate back in this language, but these shall not be considered as an obligation for us to proceed with all communications in that language. + 16.4. IME London, along with emails, reserves the right to contact you by telephone or letter. + 16.5. If you wish to contact our Customer Service, you may do so using the email address; info@imelondon.co.uk [HYPERLINK: mailto:info@imelondon.co.uk] + +17. Complaints + 17.1. If you wish to make a complaint about any aspect of IME London Services, you may your complaint in writing to: Pentax House, South Harrow, London. HA2 0DU, or send an email to our Customer Service info@imelondon.co.uk [HYPERLINK: mailto:info@imelondon.co.uk] + 17.2. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 business days by email. The complaint will be recorded on our system, and we will investigate your complaint and come back to you with the results of our investigation no later than thirty business days after receipt of your complaint. + 17.3. If you are not satisfied with the manner in which IME London has dealt with your complaint, then you may refer to the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR, Telephone no. 0800 0234 567, email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk [HYPERLINK: mailto:complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk] + +18. Miscellaneous + 18.1. These Terms and Conditions assign right to you only, as an IME London Services holder, no other person shall have any rights under these Terms and Conditions. + 18.2. IME London Services is operated in the United Kingdom and governed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. In case of dispute, this shall be exclusively brought in the courts of England and Wales, except where prohibited by EU law. + diff --git a/TNC/Reward and Earn Terms and Conditions.odt b/TNC/Reward and Earn Terms and Conditions.odt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9da1ab --- /dev/null +++ b/TNC/Reward and Earn Terms and Conditions.odt @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ + + +Reward and Earn Terms and Conditions +------------------------------------ + +1. OVERVIEW + +1.1The criteria under which our customers may be eligible to +receive referral bonuses under theReferral Programmeare +outlined in the following terms and conditions +undertheReferral Agreement.This Referral Agreement governs +participation in the Referral Program. +? +1.2You consent to being enrolled in the Referral Programme and +being bound by this Referral Agreement by downloading the IME +LondonApp and using the Services, as well as by taking part in +the Referral Programme by referring someone or using a referral +code. We would request you not share your referral code if you +do not want to be bound by the Referral Agreement. This +Referral Agreement is in the English language, and any +services, instructions, and transactions related to it must +also be conducted in English. + +2. TAKING PART IN REWARD AND EARN SCHEMES + +2.1By completing Eligible Activities,you can earn reward +amounts (referred to as "Rewards") through the Referral +Programme. Here is a list of requirements that will be updated +periodically by IME London. + +2.2Eligible Activities: After completing the following eligible +activities, the Participant will receive a Reward. + +2.3A refereereceives a Valid Referral from a participant (the +Referrer). For a referral to be considered valid, the +following requirements must be met: + +Referrer refers a Referee who hasn't registered for the Service +before. + +Referee registers the Mobile Application and enters Referrer's +referral code during registration. + +Referee successfully uses the Service to transfer money to +someone other than Referrer in a way that complies with this +Referral Agreement and our IME London Send User Agreement. + +The amount sent in the Referee's first transfer is equal to +orgreater than the minimum transfer amount set by IME London + +The Referee's money transfer transaction is successfully +completed and is notcancelled(by the Referee) + +2.4IME London reserves the right to impose and/or change minimum +transfer limits at itsdiscretion. These will be displayed in the +App to the Referee. Where a minimum transfer limit is in place, +only transfers that exceed this limit will be accepted. +? +3. PROGRAMME RESTRICTIONS + +3.1It is necessary for participants to register with the +service. There will only be one registration allowed per +participant. + +3.2Referrals to a Referee who has previously used the Service, +or money transfers started by the Referee following his or her +first successful money transfer with IME London, are not +considered Valid Referrals. + +3.3Any payment of Rewards that (i) seems fraudulent; (ii) +appears to have been created as a result of a fraudulent +transaction; or (iii) violates the terms of this Referral +Agreement or the IME London User Agreement may be void by IME +London at its sole discretion. + +?3.4IME London retains the authority to restrict the quantity +of people in each household who are qualified to receive a +Reward. + +3.5A participant will be declared ineligible to receive the +reward at IME London's sole discretion if they attempt to abuse +this referral program by using multiple/different identities, +registrations, logins, or any other tactic we deem abusive. + +4. DELIVARY, USE AND EXPIRATION OF AWARDS + +4.1After the requirementis completed, IME London will deposit +the Reward into your App account. The cumulative value of your +rewards will show up in your account as a balance as +RewardAmount in Mobile App. + +4.2For Successful Registration both Referee and Referral will +get 1 and after successful transaction by referee both +parties will get 4 so you will receive 5 in total. The amount +may change later and will be informed. +? +4.3The full reward amount will be applied if you decide to use +it toward a specific transaction. Subsequently, IME London +might set restrictions on how much can be used as a reward. + +4.4You may enhance the amount that your Recipient receives by +applying your Reward against a specific transaction, all while +keeping the amount you pay from your Payment Method (as +specified in the IME London User Agreement) the same. Before +completing the transaction via the App, you will have a chance +to check the sums paid and received, as well as the Rewards +used. +? + +5.OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS + +5.1The Referral Program may be changed or discontinued at any +time without prior notice, as per our reserve. Our reasonable +interpretation will govern the resolution of any inquiries or +disagreements pertaining to your compliance with the terms and +conditions of this Referral Agreement, your eligibility for the +Referral Programme, or your earning of Rewards. + +5.2We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the account +under the terms of the User Agreement, or to void the Rewards +of either party, if a Participant or Referee attempts to use +the Referral Programme in violation of this agreement, the User +Agreement, or any law, statute, or governmental regulation. + +? +All information collected in the Referral Programme shall be +subject to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. + diff --git a/TNC/RewardPoint_Declaration.html b/TNC/RewardPoint_Declaration.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03ffb21 --- /dev/null +++ b/TNC/RewardPoint_Declaration.html @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ Please scroll down to the bottom. + +
+ REWARD POINT Declaration. +
+ Transaction +
+ (1) I understand and agree to the terms and conditions of IME London on the website. +
+ (2) I read and understood the Privacy Policy of IME London published on the website. +
+ (3) I confirmed the information provided here is true and correct. +
+ (4) I declare that. +
+ - I have no relation to Anti-Social Forces; +
+ - I do not engage in any illegal activities +
+ PEPs and Consent. +
+ I am not Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs). +
+ + +

© IME London, 2023


IME London is a trading name of Subhida UK Ltd, Pentax House, South Hill Avenue, South Harrow, London, HA2 0DU,


Subhida UK Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct + Authority (FCA) under the Payment Service Regulations 2017, FCA Registration No: 576127, HMRC Registration No: XYML000000119350

+ +
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6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 24\r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 13\r + \r + \r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 24\r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 9\r + \r + \r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetExchangeRateUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetServiceChargesUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 100\r + \r + 7200\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 24\r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 9\r + \r + \r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 100\r + \r + 11589.6257\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344448\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 1113\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 100\r + \r + 11589.6257\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344448\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 1113\r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 100\r + \r + 11589.6257\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344448\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 1113\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 100\r + \r + 11589.6257\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344448\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 1113\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Branch\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 100\r + \r + 11589.6257\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344448\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransfer<xml-fragment/>UTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 1113\r + \r + India\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + Branch\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 100\r + \r + 11589.6257\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344448\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPayoutBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 13\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPayoutBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 9\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPaymentModeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPayoutBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 1\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPayoutBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 1\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPayoutBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + NP\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 1\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPaymentModeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + NP\r + \r + NPR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 1113\r + \r + India\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + India Banks - RTGS / NEFT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 100\r + \r + 11589.6257\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344448\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPayoutBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + NP\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 2\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPayoutBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 9\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 1113\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN0004432\r + \r + India Banks - RTGS / NEFT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 100\r + \r + 11589.6257\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344448\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 1113\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN0004432\r + \r + India Banks - RTGS / NEFT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 10\r + \r + 1158.96257\r + \r + INSII00002-9\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344448\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 24\r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 1\r + \r + \r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Payout Anywhere\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 10\r + \r + 1158.96257\r + \r + INMFC00001-1\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344440\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INMFC00001-1\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344440\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INMFC00001-1\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344441\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 24\r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 13\r + \r + \r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344441\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN0004432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344441\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransfer<xml-fragment/>UTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN0004432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344441\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN0004432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344441\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN0004432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344442\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN0004432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344442\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIApproveTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429988825868\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetSentTransferListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 20/12/2023\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 12/12/2023\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetSentTransferListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 20/12/2023\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 12/12/2023\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetSentTransferListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 20/12/2023\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 12/12/2023\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetSentTransferListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 12/20/2023\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 12/12/2023\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetSentTransferListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 12/20/2023\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 12/12/2023\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetTransferStatusUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429988825868\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetSentTransferListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 12/20/2023\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 12/12/2023\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetSentTransferListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 12/20/2023\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 12/16/2023\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIModifyTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Modification \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429942117012\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetModifyTransferStatusUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo@123\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429942117012\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetModifyTransferStatusUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429942117012\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetModifyTransferStatusUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429942117012\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1004432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344443\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1134432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344443\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1134432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344445\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN134432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344445\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetCountryList<xml-fragment/>UTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc + + + + + + + demo123@ + + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA== + + 06327532 + + + +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetCountryListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc + + + + + + + demo123@ + + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA== + + 06327532 + + + +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 24\r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 13\r + \r + \r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 24\r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 13\r + \r + \r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIApproveTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429988825868\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIBlockTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429942117012\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIBlockTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429942117012\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIBlockTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429942117012\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIBlockTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429942117012\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPICancelTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + Trans failed\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429931605076\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetAvailableBalanceUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1340432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344445\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1340432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344445\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1340432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344445\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 03\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetRelationshipList<xml-fragment/>UTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetRelationshipList<xml-fragment/>UTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetRelationshipList<xml-fragment/>UTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIncomeSourceListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIncomeSourceListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIDTypeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIncomeSourceListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIncomeSourceListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetRelationshipListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPurposeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@ + + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA== + + 06327532 + + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetRelationshipListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIDTypeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIncomeSourceListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPurposeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@ + + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA== + + 06327532 + + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPurposeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@ + + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA== + + 06327532 + + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIApproveTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429988825868\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r + +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIncomeSourceListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPurposeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@ + + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA== + + 06327532 + + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIDTypeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1340432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344445\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 3\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1340432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344446\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 3\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIncomeSourceListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetIncomeSourceListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1340432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344447\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 3\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 24\r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 13\r + \r + \r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1340432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344447\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 3\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1340432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII0003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344447\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 3\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPaymentModeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + NP\r + \r + NPR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetModifyTransferStatusUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 429942117012\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPaymentModeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + NP\r + \r + NPR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetCountryListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc + + + + + + + demo123@ + + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA== + + 06327532 + + + +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetCurrencyListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPayoutBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 9\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 24\r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 13\r + \r + \r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1340432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344447\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 3\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 9711234567\r + \r + IN\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetExchangeRateUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetCountryListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc + + + + + + + demo123@ + + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA== + + 06327532 + + + +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetCurrencyListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetPaymentModeListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetCityListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 13\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetBranchListUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 24\r + \r + IN\r + \r + INR\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 13\r + \r + \r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetExchangeRateUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPIGetServiceChargesUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 100\r + \r + 7200\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + 06327532\r + \r + \r + \r +]]>No AuthorizationBasicHttpBinding_ISendAPISendTransferUTF-8http://demo.api.gccremit.com/SendAPI.svc\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 101\r + \r + India\r + \r + SBIN1340432\r + \r + India Banks - IMPS / FLASH REMIT\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + SBI BANK\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 115.896257\r + \r + demo123@\r + \r + 5\r + \r + 579.481285\r + \r + INSII00003-13\r + \r + INR\r + \r + 1\r + \r + India\r + \r + \r + \r + Raman\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + Yadav\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 9852424444\r + \r + IN\r + \r + Family Member\r + \r + \r + \r + \r + \r + 489932344447\r + \r + 6HumnMSbNxltKc8UmOJ/mA==\r + \r + Dubai\r + \r + 11/11/1991\r + \r + test1@gmail.com\r + \r + RemitterFirstName\r + \r + \r + \r + 11/11/2024\r + \r + 1111\r + \r + AR\r + \r + 3\r + \r + RemitterLastName\r + \r + \r + \r + 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end of file diff --git a/TrustPayment/Live.txt b/TrustPayment/Live.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3fc349f --- /dev/null +++ b/TrustPayment/Live.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +Password: KbdgUeb047 + + +currencyiso3a +mainamount +sitereference +sitesecuritytimestamp +password +For e.g., Hash string: GBP100.00subidhaltd1181852023-09-12 04:06:27Password diff --git a/certificate/Live/Latest/_.imelondon.co.uk_private_key.key b/certificate/Live/Latest/_.imelondon.co.uk_private_key.key new file mode 100644 index 0000000..331c020 --- /dev/null +++ b/certificate/Live/Latest/_.imelondon.co.uk_private_key.key @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- +MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAlD17R739k6GeE2DMMKUyZc24YE/EbO6q3kSWE+nRkVvyMn4P +Z9kMeGF54/IWQ2zomaSaB9vQ+QLYZI6AE/6WK/isIOWgCQd0p151GH4HyH1JXZTe +vE5qthtVl1jmvqp4JDyEClkzvxH4w3pgqr+j3gCaZStt5xdcgu0Q3F/sjt2mZO1s +UXkrvHBM0zzcdgx1oLm0dbF1y5epEy+YomYC6kvRg0ZD3wYm8+UIbfs+IJ+oeJ7b +4sqEhbhkxlSUGmy8UMgc62xFfk+naFfjwB415dlQnw7FuFg+t2hsox4U3uzzctA6 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+5pONSQMcmPSnpuel6AzY+cs/R7ekEfmXO7WdM8DOnzGUHtoWXiZ2pvPW66fzSJw+ +5xZDmL/w2+GUbzqBAZp5w21WzEKrtT75DH6l+JmyfSDgFr9t1FzmeaDGlLbkgZo2 +PLSq8QKBgBOVQ+PXjBIZ2Qgg/CwntsasFMEHH91CaXM6WlalUxLeQ694MhbU/yd7 +i0bqKQbRAYkv7qm4AkM+ISJMK+5QuYCVHGHPmaBv7FCh8pbEOBGbKTKAcC8FCLHW +Ubw9hg+Y/Ey7Mc9sde9RhdUFMlSdUA9Lrxw7PWxvlKasE3Ozn7Xi +-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/certificate/Live/Latest/_.imelondon.co.uk_private_key.pfx b/certificate/Live/Latest/_.imelondon.co.uk_private_key.pfx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65ff61d Binary files /dev/null and b/certificate/Live/Latest/_.imelondon.co.uk_private_key.pfx differ diff --git a/certificate/Live/Latest/key.txt b/certificate/Live/Latest/key.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a11bfd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/certificate/Live/Latest/key.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +imev1@2023 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/~$anges in TXN Receipt Format.odt b/~$anges in TXN Receipt Format.odt new file mode 100644 index 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