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6 years ago
  1. # v4.6.1
  2. - Fixes crash which occurred when certain Firebase IDTokens were being parsed (#1076).
  3. # v4.6.0
  4. - Adds `getIDTokenResultWithCompletion:` and `getIDTokenResultForcingRefresh:completion:` APIs which
  5. call back with an AuthTokenResult object. The Auth token result object contains the ID token JWT string and other properties associated with the token including the decoded available payload claims (#1004).
  6. - Adds the `updateCurrentUser:completion:` API which sets the currentUser on the calling Auth instance to the provided user object (#1018).
  7. - Adds client-side validation to prevent setting `handleCodeInApp` to false when performing
  8. email-link authentication. If `handleCodeInApp` is set to false an invalid argument exception
  9. is thrown (#931).
  10. - Adds support for passing the deep link (which is embedded in the sign-in link sent via email) to the
  11. `signInWithEmail:link:completion:` and `isSignInWithEmailLink:` methods during an
  12. email/link sign-in flow (#1023).
  13. # v4.5.0
  14. - Adds new API which provides a way to determine the sign-in methods associated with an
  15. email address.
  16. - Adds new API which allows authentication using only an email link (Passwordless Authentication
  17. with email link).
  18. # v4.4.4
  19. - Addresses CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF warnings that surface in newer versions of
  20. Xcode and CocoaPods.
  21. - Improves FIRUser documentation with clear message explaining when Firebase Auth attempts to validate
  22. users and what happens when an invalidated user is detected (#694) .
  23. # v4.4.3
  24. - Adds an explicit dependency on CoreGraphics from Firebase Auth.
  25. # v4.4.2
  26. - Fixes bug where the FIRAuthResult object returned following a Phone Number authentication
  27. always contained a nil FIRAdditionalUserInfo object. Now the FIRAdditionalUserInfo object is
  28. never nil and its newUser field is populated correctly.
  29. # v4.4.0
  30. - Adds new APIs which return an AuthDataResult object after successfully creating an
  31. Email/Password user, signing in anonymously, signing in with Email/Password and signing
  32. in with Custom Token. The AuthDataResult object contains the new user and additional
  33. information pertaining to the new user.
  34. # v4.3.2
  35. - Improves error handling for the phone number sign-in reCAPTCHA flow.
  36. - Improves error handling for phone number linking flow.
  37. - Fixes issue where after linking an anonymous user to a phone number the user remained
  38. anonymous.
  39. # v4.3.1
  40. - Internal clean up.
  41. # v4.3.0
  42. - Provides account creation and last sign-in dates as metadata to the user
  43. object.
  44. - Returns more descriptive errors for some error cases of the phone number
  45. sign-in reCAPTCHA flow.
  46. - Fixes an issue that invalid users were not automatically signed out earlier.
  47. - Fixes an issue that ID token listeners were not fired in some cases.
  48. # v4.2.1
  49. - Fixes a threading issue in phone number auth that completion block was not
  50. executed on the main thread in some error cases.
  51. # v4.2.0
  52. - Adds new phone number verification API which makes use of an intelligent reCAPTCHA to verify the application.
  53. # v4.1.1
  54. - Improves some method documentation in headers.
  55. # v4.1.0
  56. - Allows the app to handle continue URL natively, e.g., from password reset
  57. email.
  58. - Allows the app to set language code, e.g., for sending password reset email.
  59. - Fixes an issue that user's phone number did not persist on client.
  60. - Fixes an issue that recover email action code type was reported as unknown.
  61. - Improves app start-up time by moving initialization off from the main
  62. thread.
  63. - Better reports missing email error when creating a new password user.
  64. - Changes console message logging levels to be more consistent with other
  65. Firebase products on the iOS platform.
  66. # 2017-05-17 -- v4.0.0
  67. - Adds Phone Number Authentication.
  68. - Adds support for generic OAuth2 identity providers.
  69. - Adds methods that return additional user data from identity providers if
  70. available when authenticating users.
  71. - Improves session management by automatically refreshing tokens if possible
  72. and signing out users if the session is detected invalidated, for example,
  73. after the user changed password or deleted account from another device.
  74. - Fixes an issue that reauthentication creates new user account if the user
  75. credential is valid but does not match the currently signed in user.
  76. - Fixes an issue that the "password" provider is not immediately listed on the
  77. client side after adding a password to an account.
  78. - Changes factory methods to return non-null FIRAuth instances or raises an
  79. exception, instead of returning nullable instances.
  80. - Changes auth state change listener to only be triggered when the user changes.
  81. - Adds a new listener which is triggered whenever the ID token is changed.
  82. - Switches ERROR_EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE to
  84. signInWithCredential: call is already in use by another account.
  85. - Deprecates FIREmailPasswordAuthProvider in favor of FIREmailAuthProvider.
  86. - Deprecates getTokenWithCompletion in favor of getIDTokenWithCompletion on
  87. FIRUser.
  88. - Changes Swift API names to better align with Swift convention.
  89. # 2017-02-06 -- v3.1.1
  90. - Allows handling of additional errors when sending OOB action emails. The
  91. server can respond with the following new error messages:
  93. - Removes incorrect reference to FIRAuthErrorCodeCredentialTooOld in FIRUser.h.
  94. - Provides additional error information from server if available.
  95. # 2016-12-13 -- v3.1.0
  96. - Adds FIRAuth methods that enable the app to follow up with user actions
  97. delivered by email, such as verifying email address or reset password.
  98. - No longer applies the keychain workaround introduced in v3.0.5 on iOS 10.2
  99. simulator or above since the issue has been fixed.
  100. - Fixes nullability compilation warnings when used in Swift.
  101. - Better reports missing password error.
  102. # 2016-10-24 -- v3.0.6
  103. - Switches to depend on open sourced GoogleToolboxForMac and GTMSessionFetcher.
  104. - Improves logging of keychain error when initializing.
  105. # 2016-09-14 -- v3.0.5
  106. - Works around a keychain issue in iOS 10 simulator.
  107. - Reports the correct error for invalid email when signing in with email and
  108. password.
  109. # 2016-07-18 -- v3.0.4
  110. - Fixes a race condition bug that could crash the app with an exception from
  111. NSURLSession on iOS 9.
  112. # 2016-06-20 -- v3.0.3
  113. - Adds documentation for all possible errors returned by each method.
  114. - Improves error handling and messages for a variety of error conditions.
  115. - Whether or not an user is considered anonymous is now consistent with other
  116. platforms.
  117. - A saved signed in user is now siloed between different Firebase projects
  118. within the same app.
  119. # 2016-05-18 -- v3.0.2
  120. - Initial public release.