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  1. /// @file FIREventNames.h
  2. ///
  3. /// Predefined event names.
  4. ///
  5. /// An Event is an important occurrence in your app that you want to measure. You can report up to
  6. /// 500 different types of Events per app and you can associate up to 25 unique parameters with each
  7. /// Event type. Some common events are suggested below, but you may also choose to specify custom
  8. /// Event types that are associated with your specific app. Each event type is identified by a
  9. /// unique name. Event names can be up to 40 characters long, may only contain alphanumeric
  10. /// characters and underscores ("_"), and must start with an alphabetic character. The "firebase_",
  11. /// "google_", and "ga_" prefixes are reserved and should not be used.
  12. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  13. /// Add Payment Info event. This event signifies that a user has submitted their payment
  14. /// information. Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must also supply the
  15. /// @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:
  16. ///
  17. /// <ul>
  18. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCoupon (NSString) (optional)</li>
  19. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  20. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  21. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterPaymentType (NSString) (optional)</li>
  22. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  23. /// </ul>
  24. static NSString *const kFIREventAddPaymentInfo NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventAddPaymentInfo) =
  25. @"add_payment_info";
  26. /// E-Commerce Add To Cart event. This event signifies that an item(s) was added to a cart for
  27. /// purchase. Add this event to a funnel with @c kFIREventPurchase to gauge the effectiveness of
  28. /// your checkout process. Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must also
  29. /// supply the @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed
  30. /// accurately. Params:
  31. ///
  32. /// <ul>
  33. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  34. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  35. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  36. /// </ul>
  37. static NSString *const kFIREventAddToCart NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventAddToCart) = @"add_to_cart";
  38. /// E-Commerce Add To Wishlist event. This event signifies that an item was added to a wishlist. Use
  39. /// this event to identify popular gift items. Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue
  40. /// parameter, you must also supply the @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics
  41. /// can be computed accurately. Params:
  42. ///
  43. /// <ul>
  44. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  45. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  46. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  47. /// </ul>
  48. static NSString *const kFIREventAddToWishlist NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventAddToWishlist) =
  49. @"add_to_wishlist";
  50. /// App Open event. By logging this event when an App becomes active, developers can understand how
  51. /// often users leave and return during the course of a Session. Although Sessions are automatically
  52. /// reported, this event can provide further clarification around the continuous engagement of
  53. /// app-users.
  54. static NSString *const kFIREventAppOpen NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventAppOpen) = @"app_open";
  55. /// E-Commerce Begin Checkout event. This event signifies that a user has begun the process of
  56. /// checking out. Add this event to a funnel with your @c kFIREventPurchase event to gauge the
  57. /// effectiveness of your checkout process. Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter,
  58. /// you must also supply the @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be
  59. /// computed accurately. Params:
  60. ///
  61. /// <ul>
  62. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCoupon (NSString) (optional)</li>
  63. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  64. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  65. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  66. /// </ul>
  67. static NSString *const kFIREventBeginCheckout NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventBeginCheckout) =
  68. @"begin_checkout";
  69. /// Campaign Detail event. Log this event to supply the referral details of a re-engagement
  70. /// campaign. Note: you must supply at least one of the required parameters kFIRParameterSource,
  71. /// kFIRParameterMedium or kFIRParameterCampaign. Params:
  72. ///
  73. /// <ul>
  74. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterSource (NSString)</li>
  75. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterMedium (NSString)</li>
  76. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCampaign (NSString)</li>
  77. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterTerm (NSString) (optional)</li>
  78. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterContent (NSString) (optional)</li>
  79. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterAdNetworkClickID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  80. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCP1 (NSString) (optional)</li>
  81. /// </ul>
  82. static NSString *const kFIREventCampaignDetails NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventCampaignDetails) =
  83. @"campaign_details";
  84. /// Checkout progress. Params:
  85. ///
  86. /// <ul>
  87. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCheckoutStep (unsigned 64-bit integer as NSNumber)</li>
  88. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCheckoutOption (NSString) (optional)</li>
  89. /// </ul>
  90. /// <b>This constant has been deprecated.</b>
  91. static NSString *const kFIREventCheckoutProgress NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventCheckoutProgress) =
  92. @"checkout_progress";
  93. /// Earn Virtual Currency event. This event tracks the awarding of virtual currency in your app. Log
  94. /// this along with @c kFIREventSpendVirtualCurrency to better understand your virtual economy.
  95. /// Params:
  96. ///
  97. /// <ul>
  98. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterVirtualCurrencyName (NSString)</li>
  99. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (signed 64-bit integer or double as NSNumber)</li>
  100. /// </ul>
  101. static NSString *const kFIREventEarnVirtualCurrency
  102. NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventEarnVirtualCurrency) = @"earn_virtual_currency";
  103. /// E-Commerce Purchase event. This event signifies that an item was purchased by a user. Note:
  104. /// This is different from the in-app purchase event, which is reported automatically for App
  105. /// Store-based apps. Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must also
  106. /// supply the @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed
  107. /// accurately. Params:
  108. ///
  109. /// <ul>
  110. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  111. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  112. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterTransactionID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  113. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterTax (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  114. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterShipping (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  115. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCoupon (NSString) (optional)</li>
  116. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterLocation (NSString) (optional)</li>
  117. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterStartDate (NSString) (optional)</li>
  118. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterEndDate (NSString) (optional)</li>
  119. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterNumberOfNights (signed 64-bit integer as NSNumber) (optional) for
  120. /// hotel bookings</li>
  121. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterNumberOfRooms (signed 64-bit integer as NSNumber) (optional) for
  122. /// hotel bookings</li>
  123. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterNumberOfPassengers (signed 64-bit integer as NSNumber) (optional)
  124. /// for travel bookings</li>
  125. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterOrigin (NSString) (optional)</li>
  126. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterDestination (NSString) (optional)</li>
  127. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterTravelClass (NSString) (optional) for travel bookings</li>
  128. /// </ul>
  129. /// <b>This constant has been deprecated. Use @c kFIREventPurchase constant instead.</b>
  130. static NSString *const kFIREventEcommercePurchase NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventEcommercePurchase) =
  131. @"ecommerce_purchase";
  132. /// Generate Lead event. Log this event when a lead has been generated in the app to understand the
  133. /// efficacy of your install and re-engagement campaigns. Note: If you supply the
  134. /// @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must also supply the @c kFIRParameterCurrency
  135. /// parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:
  136. ///
  137. /// <ul>
  138. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  139. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  140. /// </ul>
  141. static NSString *const kFIREventGenerateLead NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventGenerateLead) =
  142. @"generate_lead";
  143. /// Join Group event. Log this event when a user joins a group such as a guild, team or family. Use
  144. /// this event to analyze how popular certain groups or social features are in your app. Params:
  145. ///
  146. /// <ul>
  147. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterGroupID (NSString)</li>
  148. /// </ul>
  149. static NSString *const kFIREventJoinGroup NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventJoinGroup) = @"join_group";
  150. /// Level End event. Log this event when the user finishes a level. Params:
  151. ///
  152. /// <ul>
  153. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterLevelName (NSString)</li>
  154. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterSuccess (NSString)</li>
  155. /// </ul>
  156. static NSString *const kFIREventLevelEnd NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventLevelEnd) = @"level_end";
  157. /// Level Start event. Log this event when the user starts a new level. Params:
  158. ///
  159. /// <ul>
  160. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterLevelName (NSString)</li>
  161. /// </ul>
  162. static NSString *const kFIREventLevelStart NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventLevelStart) = @"level_start";
  163. /// Level Up event. This event signifies that a player has leveled up in your gaming app. It can
  164. /// help you gauge the level distribution of your userbase and help you identify certain levels that
  165. /// are difficult to pass. Params:
  166. ///
  167. /// <ul>
  168. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterLevel (signed 64-bit integer as NSNumber)</li>
  169. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCharacter (NSString) (optional)</li>
  170. /// </ul>
  171. static NSString *const kFIREventLevelUp NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventLevelUp) = @"level_up";
  172. /// Login event. Apps with a login feature can report this event to signify that a user has logged
  173. /// in.
  174. static NSString *const kFIREventLogin NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventLogin) = @"login";
  175. /// Post Score event. Log this event when the user posts a score in your gaming app. This event can
  176. /// help you understand how users are actually performing in your game and it can help you correlate
  177. /// high scores with certain audiences or behaviors. Params:
  178. ///
  179. /// <ul>
  180. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterScore (signed 64-bit integer as NSNumber)</li>
  181. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterLevel (signed 64-bit integer as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  182. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCharacter (NSString) (optional)</li>
  183. /// </ul>
  184. static NSString *const kFIREventPostScore NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventPostScore) = @"post_score";
  185. /// Present Offer event. This event signifies that the app has presented a purchase offer to a user.
  186. /// Add this event to a funnel with the kFIREventAddToCart and kFIREventEcommercePurchase to gauge
  187. /// your conversion process. Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must
  188. /// also supply the @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed
  189. /// accurately. Params:
  190. ///
  191. /// <ul>
  192. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterQuantity (signed 64-bit integer as NSNumber)</li>
  193. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemID (NSString)</li>
  194. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemName (NSString)</li>
  195. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemCategory (NSString)</li>
  196. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemLocationID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  197. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterPrice (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  198. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  199. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  200. /// </ul>
  201. /// <b>This constant has been deprecated. Use @c kFIREventViewPromotion constant instead.</b>
  202. static NSString *const kFIREventPresentOffer NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventPresentOffer) =
  203. @"present_offer";
  204. /// E-Commerce Purchase Refund event. This event signifies that an item purchase was refunded.
  205. /// Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must also supply the
  206. /// @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately.
  207. /// Params:
  208. ///
  209. /// <ul>
  210. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  211. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  212. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterTransactionID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  213. /// </ul>
  214. /// <b>This constant has been deprecated. Use @c kFIREventRefund constant instead.</b>
  215. static NSString *const kFIREventPurchaseRefund NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventPurchaseRefund) =
  216. @"purchase_refund";
  217. /// E-Commerce Remove from Cart event. This event signifies that an item(s) was removed from a cart.
  218. /// Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must also supply the @c
  219. /// kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:
  220. ///
  221. /// <ul>
  222. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  223. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  224. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  225. /// </ul>
  226. static NSString *const kFIREventRemoveFromCart NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventRemoveFromCart) =
  227. @"remove_from_cart";
  228. /// Search event. Apps that support search features can use this event to contextualize search
  229. /// operations by supplying the appropriate, corresponding parameters. This event can help you
  230. /// identify the most popular content in your app. Params:
  231. ///
  232. /// <ul>
  233. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterSearchTerm (NSString)</li>
  234. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterStartDate (NSString) (optional)</li>
  235. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterEndDate (NSString) (optional)</li>
  236. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterNumberOfNights (signed 64-bit integer as NSNumber) (optional) for
  237. /// hotel bookings</li>
  238. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterNumberOfRooms (signed 64-bit integer as NSNumber) (optional) for
  239. /// hotel bookings</li>
  240. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterNumberOfPassengers (signed 64-bit integer as NSNumber) (optional)
  241. /// for travel bookings</li>
  242. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterOrigin (NSString) (optional)</li>
  243. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterDestination (NSString) (optional)</li>
  244. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterTravelClass (NSString) (optional) for travel bookings</li>
  245. /// </ul>
  246. static NSString *const kFIREventSearch NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventSearch) = @"search";
  247. /// Select Content event. This general purpose event signifies that a user has selected some content
  248. /// of a certain type in an app. The content can be any object in your app. This event can help you
  249. /// identify popular content and categories of content in your app. Params:
  250. ///
  251. /// <ul>
  252. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterContentType (NSString)</li>
  253. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemID (NSString)</li>
  254. /// </ul>
  255. static NSString *const kFIREventSelectContent NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventSelectContent) =
  256. @"select_content";
  257. /// Set checkout option. Params:
  258. ///
  259. /// <ul>
  260. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCheckoutStep (unsigned 64-bit integer as NSNumber)</li>
  261. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCheckoutOption (NSString)</li>
  262. /// </ul>
  263. /// <b>This constant has been deprecated.</b>
  264. static NSString *const kFIREventSetCheckoutOption NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventSetCheckoutOption) =
  265. @"set_checkout_option";
  266. /// Share event. Apps with social features can log the Share event to identify the most viral
  267. /// content. Params:
  268. ///
  269. /// <ul>
  270. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterContentType (NSString)</li>
  271. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemID (NSString)</li>
  272. /// </ul>
  273. static NSString *const kFIREventShare NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventShare) = @"share";
  274. /// Sign Up event. This event indicates that a user has signed up for an account in your app. The
  275. /// parameter signifies the method by which the user signed up. Use this event to understand the
  276. /// different behaviors between logged in and logged out users. Params:
  277. ///
  278. /// <ul>
  279. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterSignUpMethod (NSString)</li>
  280. /// </ul>
  281. static NSString *const kFIREventSignUp NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventSignUp) = @"sign_up";
  282. /// Spend Virtual Currency event. This event tracks the sale of virtual goods in your app and can
  283. /// help you identify which virtual goods are the most popular objects of purchase. Params:
  284. ///
  285. /// <ul>
  286. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemName (NSString)</li>
  287. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterVirtualCurrencyName (NSString)</li>
  288. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (signed 64-bit integer or double as NSNumber)</li>
  289. /// </ul>
  290. static NSString *const kFIREventSpendVirtualCurrency
  291. NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventSpendVirtualCurrency) = @"spend_virtual_currency";
  292. /// Tutorial Begin event. This event signifies the start of the on-boarding process in your app. Use
  293. /// this in a funnel with kFIREventTutorialComplete to understand how many users complete this
  294. /// process and move on to the full app experience.
  295. static NSString *const kFIREventTutorialBegin NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventTutorialBegin) =
  296. @"tutorial_begin";
  297. /// Tutorial End event. Use this event to signify the user's completion of your app's on-boarding
  298. /// process. Add this to a funnel with kFIREventTutorialBegin to gauge the completion rate of your
  299. /// on-boarding process.
  300. static NSString *const kFIREventTutorialComplete NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventTutorialComplete) =
  301. @"tutorial_complete";
  302. /// Unlock Achievement event. Log this event when the user has unlocked an achievement in your
  303. /// game. Since achievements generally represent the breadth of a gaming experience, this event can
  304. /// help you understand how many users are experiencing all that your game has to offer. Params:
  305. ///
  306. /// <ul>
  307. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterAchievementID (NSString)</li>
  308. /// </ul>
  309. static NSString *const kFIREventUnlockAchievement NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventUnlockAchievement) =
  310. @"unlock_achievement";
  311. /// View Item event. This event signifies that a user has viewed an item. Use the appropriate
  312. /// parameters to contextualize the event. Use this event to discover the most popular items viewed
  313. /// in your app. Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must also supply the
  314. /// @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:
  315. ///
  316. /// <ul>
  317. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  318. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  319. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  320. /// </ul>
  321. static NSString *const kFIREventViewItem NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventViewItem) = @"view_item";
  322. /// View Item List event. Log this event when a user sees a list of items or offerings. Params:
  323. ///
  324. /// <ul>
  325. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  326. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemListID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  327. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemListName (NSString) (optional)</li>
  328. /// </ul>
  329. static NSString *const kFIREventViewItemList NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventViewItemList) =
  330. @"view_item_list";
  331. /// View Search Results event. Log this event when the user has been presented with the results of a
  332. /// search. Params:
  333. ///
  334. /// <ul>
  335. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterSearchTerm (NSString)</li>
  336. /// </ul>
  337. /// <b>This constant has been deprecated.</b>
  338. static NSString *const kFIREventViewSearchResults NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventViewSearchResults) =
  339. @"view_search_results";
  340. /// Add Shipping Info event. This event signifies that a user has submitted their shipping
  341. /// information. Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must also supply the
  342. /// @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:
  343. ///
  344. /// <ul>
  345. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCoupon (NSString) (optional)</li>
  346. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  347. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  348. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterShippingTier (NSString) (optional)</li>
  349. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  350. /// </ul>
  351. static NSString *const kFIREventAddShippingInfo NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventAddShippingInfo) =
  352. @"add_shipping_info";
  353. /// E-Commerce Purchase event. This event signifies that an item(s) was purchased by a user. Note:
  354. /// This is different from the in-app purchase event, which is reported automatically for App
  355. /// Store-based apps. Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must also supply
  356. /// the @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed accurately.
  357. /// Params:
  358. ///
  359. /// <ul>
  360. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterAffiliation (NSString) (optional)</li>
  361. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCoupon (NSString) (optional)</li>
  362. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  363. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  364. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterShipping (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  365. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterTax (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  366. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterTransactionID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  367. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  368. /// </ul>
  369. static NSString *const kFIREventPurchase NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventPurchase) = @"purchase";
  370. /// E-Commerce Refund event. This event signifies that a refund was issued. Note: If you supply the
  371. /// @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must also supply the @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so
  372. /// that revenue metrics can be computed accurately. Params:
  373. ///
  374. /// <ul>
  375. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterAffiliation (NSString) (optional)</li>
  376. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCoupon (NSString) (optional)</li>
  377. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  378. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  379. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterShipping (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  380. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterTax (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  381. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterTransactionID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  382. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  383. /// </ul>
  384. static NSString *const kFIREventRefund NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventRefund) = @"refund";
  385. /// Select Item event. This event signifies that an item was selected by a user from a list. Use the
  386. /// appropriate parameters to contextualize the event. Use this event to discover the most popular
  387. /// items selected. Params:
  388. ///
  389. /// <ul>
  390. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  391. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemListID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  392. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItemListName (NSString) (optional)</li>
  393. /// </ul>
  394. static NSString *const kFIREventSelectItem NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventSelectItem) = @"select_item";
  395. /// Select promotion event. This event signifies that a user has selected a promotion offer. Use the
  396. /// appropriate parameters to contextualize the event, such as the item(s) for which the promotion
  397. /// applies. Params:
  398. ///
  399. /// <ul>
  400. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCreativeName (NSString) (optional)</li>
  401. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCreativeSlot (NSString) (optional)</li>
  402. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  403. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterLocationID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  404. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterPromotionID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  405. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterPromotionName (NSString) (optional)</li>
  406. /// </ul>
  407. static NSString *const kFIREventSelectPromotion NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventSelectPromotion) =
  408. @"select_promotion";
  409. /// E-commerce View Cart event. This event signifies that a user has viewed their cart. Use this to
  410. /// analyze your purchase funnel. Note: If you supply the @c kFIRParameterValue parameter, you must
  411. /// also supply the @c kFIRParameterCurrency parameter so that revenue metrics can be computed
  412. /// accurately. Params:
  413. ///
  414. /// <ul>
  415. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCurrency (NSString) (optional)</li>
  416. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  417. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterValue (double as NSNumber) (optional)</li>
  418. /// </ul>
  419. static NSString *const kFIREventViewCart NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventViewCart) = @"view_cart";
  420. /// View Promotion event. This event signifies that a promotion was shown to a user. Add this event
  421. /// to a funnel with the @c kFIREventAddToCart and @c kFIREventPurchase to gauge your conversion
  422. /// process. Params:
  423. ///
  424. /// <ul>
  425. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCreativeName (NSString) (optional)</li>
  426. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterCreativeSlot (NSString) (optional)</li>
  427. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterItems (NSArray) (optional)</li>
  428. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterLocationID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  429. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterPromotionID (NSString) (optional)</li>
  430. /// <li>@c kFIRParameterPromotionName (NSString) (optional)</li>
  431. /// </ul>
  432. static NSString *const kFIREventViewPromotion NS_SWIFT_NAME(AnalyticsEventViewPromotion) =
  433. @"view_promotion";