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6 years ago
  1. PODS:
  2. - Alamofire (4.8.2)
  3. - AlamofireNetworkActivityLogger (2.4.0):
  4. - Alamofire (~> 4.8)
  5. - BRYXBanner (0.8.4)
  6. - ChannelIO (6.1.0):
  7. - Alamofire (~> 4.8)
  8. - CHDwifft
  9. - CHSlackTextViewController
  10. - CRToast
  11. - M13ProgressSuite
  12. - MGSwipeTableCell
  13. - NVActivityIndicatorView (~> 4.4.0)
  14. - ObjectMapper (~> 3.3)
  15. - PhoneNumberKit (~> 2.5.0)
  16. - ReSwift (~> 4.0)
  17. - Reusable (~> 4.0)
  18. - RxCocoa (~> 4.0)
  19. - RxSwift (~> 4.0)
  20. - RxSwiftExt
  21. - SDWebImage (~> 5.0.0)
  22. - SnapKit (~> 4.0)
  23. - Socket.IO-Client-Swift (~> 15.0.0)
  24. - SVProgressHUD
  25. - SwiftyJSON (~> 4.0)
  26. - TLPhotoPicker
  27. - CHDwifft (0.8.2)
  28. - CHSlackTextViewController (1.10.27)
  29. - Crashlytics (3.10.9):
  30. - Fabric (~> 1.7.13)
  31. - CRToast (0.0.9)
  32. - DTTJailbreakDetection (0.4.0)
  33. - Fabric (1.7.13)
  34. - Firebase/Auth (6.5.0):
  35. - Firebase/CoreOnly
  36. - FirebaseAuth (~> 6.2.1)
  37. - Firebase/Core (6.5.0):
  38. - Firebase/CoreOnly
  39. - FirebaseAnalytics (= 6.0.4)
  40. - Firebase/CoreOnly (6.5.0):
  41. - FirebaseCore (= 6.1.0)
  42. - Firebase/Messaging (6.5.0):
  43. - Firebase/CoreOnly
  44. - FirebaseMessaging (~> 4.1.1)
  45. - FirebaseAnalytics (6.0.4):
  46. - FirebaseCore (~> 6.1)
  47. - FirebaseInstanceID (~> 4.2)
  48. - GoogleAppMeasurement (= 6.0.4)
  49. - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 6.0)
  50. - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 6.0)
  51. - GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 6.0)
  52. - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 6.0)"
  53. - nanopb (~> 0.3)
  54. - FirebaseAnalyticsInterop (1.2.0)
  55. - FirebaseAuth (6.2.1):
  56. - FirebaseAuthInterop (~> 1.0)
  57. - FirebaseCore (~> 6.0)
  58. - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 6.2)
  59. - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.2)
  60. - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (~> 1.1)
  61. - FirebaseAuthInterop (1.0.0)
  62. - FirebaseCore (6.1.0):
  63. - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.0)
  64. - GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 6.0)
  65. - FirebaseInstanceID (4.2.2):
  66. - FirebaseCore (~> 6.0)
  67. - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.0)
  68. - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 6.0)
  69. - FirebaseMessaging (4.1.1):
  70. - FirebaseAnalyticsInterop (~> 1.1)
  71. - FirebaseCore (~> 6.0)
  72. - FirebaseInstanceID (~> 4.1)
  73. - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 6.2)
  74. - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 6.2)
  75. - GoogleUtilities/Reachability (~> 6.2)
  76. - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 6.2)
  77. - Protobuf (~> 3.1)
  78. - FLEX (3.0.0)
  79. - GoogleAppMeasurement (6.0.4):
  80. - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 6.0)
  81. - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 6.0)
  82. - GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 6.0)
  83. - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 6.0)"
  84. - nanopb (~> 0.3)
  85. - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (6.2.3):
  86. - GoogleUtilities/Environment
  87. - GoogleUtilities/Logger
  88. - GoogleUtilities/Network
  89. - GoogleUtilities/Environment (6.2.3)
  90. - GoogleUtilities/Logger (6.2.3):
  91. - GoogleUtilities/Environment
  92. - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (6.2.3):
  93. - GoogleUtilities/Logger
  94. - GoogleUtilities/Network (6.2.3):
  95. - GoogleUtilities/Logger
  96. - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib"
  97. - GoogleUtilities/Reachability
  98. - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (6.2.3)"
  99. - GoogleUtilities/Reachability (6.2.3):
  100. - GoogleUtilities/Logger
  101. - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (6.2.3):
  102. - GoogleUtilities/Logger
  103. - GTMSessionFetcher/Core (1.2.2)
  104. - Hero (1.4.0)
  105. - Hex (6.1.0)
  106. - IQKeyboardManagerSwift (6.4.0)
  107. - KeychainAccess (3.2.0)
  108. - Kingfisher (5.7.0)
  109. - LGSideMenuController (2.1.1)
  110. - Localize-Swift (2.0.0)
  111. - M13ProgressSuite (1.2.9)
  112. - MBProgressHUD (1.1.0)
  113. - MGSwipeTableCell (1.6.8)
  114. - nanopb (0.3.901):
  115. - nanopb/decode (= 0.3.901)
  116. - nanopb/encode (= 0.3.901)
  117. - nanopb/decode (0.3.901)
  118. - nanopb/encode (0.3.901)
  119. - NVActivityIndicatorView (4.4.1):
  120. - NVActivityIndicatorView/Presenter (= 4.4.1)
  121. - NVActivityIndicatorView/Presenter (4.4.1)
  122. - ObjectMapper (3.5.1)
  123. - PanModal (1.2.4)
  124. - PhoneNumberKit (2.5.1):
  125. - PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKitCore (= 2.5.1)
  126. - PhoneNumberKit/UIKit (= 2.5.1)
  127. - PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKitCore (2.5.1)
  128. - PhoneNumberKit/UIKit (2.5.1):
  129. - PhoneNumberKit/PhoneNumberKitCore
  130. - PMAlertController (4.0.0)
  131. - Protobuf (3.9.0)
  132. - ReSwift (4.1.1)
  133. - Reusable (4.1.0):
  134. - Reusable/Storyboard (= 4.1.0)
  135. - Reusable/View (= 4.1.0)
  136. - Reusable/Storyboard (4.1.0)
  137. - Reusable/View (4.1.0)
  138. - RSKImageCropper (2.2.2)
  139. - RxCocoa (4.5.0):
  140. - RxSwift (>= 4.4.2, ~> 4.4)
  141. - RxSwift (4.5.0)
  142. - RxSwiftExt (3.4.0):
  143. - RxSwiftExt/Core (= 3.4.0)
  144. - RxSwiftExt/RxCocoa (= 3.4.0)
  145. - RxSwiftExt/Core (3.4.0):
  146. - RxSwift (~> 4.0)
  147. - RxSwiftExt/RxCocoa (3.4.0):
  148. - RxCocoa (~> 4.0)
  149. - RxSwiftExt/Core
  150. - SDWebImage (5.0.6):
  151. - SDWebImage/Core (= 5.0.6)
  152. - SDWebImage/Core (5.0.6)
  153. - SnapKit (4.2.0)
  154. - Socket.IO-Client-Swift (15.0.0):
  155. - Starscream (~> 3.1)
  156. - Starscream (3.1.0)
  157. - SVProgressHUD (2.2.5)
  158. - SwiftyJSON (4.3.0)
  159. - SwiftyTimer (2.1.0)
  160. - TLPhotoPicker (1.9.6)
  161. - VisualEffectView (4.0.0)
  162. - XLPagerTabStrip (8.1.1)
  164. - Alamofire (~> 4.8)
  165. - AlamofireNetworkActivityLogger (~> 2.3)
  166. - BRYXBanner
  167. - ChannelIO (~> 6.1.0)
  168. - Crashlytics (~> 3.10.7)
  169. - DTTJailbreakDetection
  170. - Fabric (~> 1.7.11)
  171. - Firebase/Auth
  172. - Firebase/Core
  173. - Firebase/Messaging
  174. - FLEX (~> 3.0)
  175. - Hero
  176. - Hex
  177. - IQKeyboardManagerSwift
  178. - KeychainAccess
  179. - Kingfisher
  180. - LGSideMenuController
  181. - Localize-Swift (~> 2.0)
  182. - MBProgressHUD (~> 1.1.0)
  183. - NVActivityIndicatorView
  184. - ObjectMapper (~> 3.3)
  185. - PanModal
  186. - PMAlertController
  187. - RSKImageCropper
  188. - SwiftyJSON
  189. - SwiftyTimer
  190. - VisualEffectView
  191. - XLPagerTabStrip (~> 8.0)
  192. SPEC REPOS:
  194. - Alamofire
  195. - AlamofireNetworkActivityLogger
  196. - BRYXBanner
  197. - ChannelIO
  198. - CHDwifft
  199. - CHSlackTextViewController
  200. - Crashlytics
  201. - CRToast
  202. - DTTJailbreakDetection
  203. - Fabric
  204. - Firebase
  205. - FirebaseAnalytics
  206. - FirebaseAnalyticsInterop
  207. - FirebaseAuth
  208. - FirebaseAuthInterop
  209. - FirebaseCore
  210. - FirebaseInstanceID
  211. - FirebaseMessaging
  212. - FLEX
  213. - GoogleAppMeasurement
  214. - GoogleUtilities
  215. - GTMSessionFetcher
  216. - Hero
  217. - Hex
  218. - IQKeyboardManagerSwift
  219. - KeychainAccess
  220. - Kingfisher
  221. - LGSideMenuController
  222. - Localize-Swift
  223. - M13ProgressSuite
  224. - MBProgressHUD
  225. - MGSwipeTableCell
  226. - nanopb
  227. - NVActivityIndicatorView
  228. - ObjectMapper
  229. - PanModal
  230. - PhoneNumberKit
  231. - PMAlertController
  232. - Protobuf
  233. - ReSwift
  234. - Reusable
  235. - RSKImageCropper
  236. - RxCocoa
  237. - RxSwift
  238. - RxSwiftExt
  239. - SDWebImage
  240. - SnapKit
  241. - Socket.IO-Client-Swift
  242. - Starscream
  243. - SVProgressHUD
  244. - SwiftyJSON
  245. - SwiftyTimer
  246. - TLPhotoPicker
  247. - VisualEffectView
  248. - XLPagerTabStrip
  250. Alamofire: ae5c501addb7afdbb13687d7f2f722c78734c2d3
  251. AlamofireNetworkActivityLogger: 6d3398c692d2c5d83b0c58793537860aca1e383d
  252. BRYXBanner: 4fbd266f96ce000e4c6cc9a0558c446bd88d9801
  253. ChannelIO: 9976e456ff0484426164015002fe7ef4aa67f463
  254. CHDwifft: 11871cb81a6a391f844856c074622df07d19d372
  255. CHSlackTextViewController: ca7c6007def032534f48c7865fccc8d98caba0f2
  256. Crashlytics: 55e24fc23989680285a21cb1146578d9d18e432c
  257. CRToast: 5a78c22b921c5ed3487488af605bc403a9c92fed
  258. DTTJailbreakDetection: 5e356c5badc17995f65a83ed9483f787a0057b71
  259. Fabric: 25d0963b691fc97be566392243ff0ecef5a68338
  260. Firebase: dedc9e48ea3f3649ad5f6b982f8a0c73508a14b5
  261. FirebaseAnalytics: 3fb375bc9d13779add4039716f868d233a473fad
  262. FirebaseAnalyticsInterop: efbe45c8385ec626e29f9525e5ebd38520dfb6c1
  263. FirebaseAuth: a06ad63e9bf4c86165b54cceb1c14d4f4c38d419
  264. FirebaseAuthInterop: 0ffa57668be100582bb7643d4fcb7615496c41fc
  265. FirebaseCore: aecf02fb2274ec361b9bebeac112f5daa18273bd
  266. FirebaseInstanceID: 662b8108a09fe9ed01aafdedba100fde8536b0f6
  267. FirebaseMessaging: 6bb0bdaf64c55fef7a219b7bb1e94e94a0855ced
  268. FLEX: d66c759bce0f6ebbbf472c742380874d846f2883
  269. GoogleAppMeasurement: 183bd916af7f80deb67c01888368f1108d641832
  270. GoogleUtilities: d2b0e277a95962e09bb27f5cd42f5f0b6a506c7d
  271. GTMSessionFetcher: 61bb0f61a4cb560030f1222021178008a5727a23
  272. Hero: bac92350d7201a1a940003e0767c7b52ce7c99a1
  273. Hex: 2f67dd0cbb178cb24992e7529b025b8d16ff0bdc
  274. IQKeyboardManagerSwift: ed9b04ee0e3067ffba543283462d619f944b05e5
  275. KeychainAccess: 3b1bf8a77eb4c6ea1ce9404c292e48f948954c6b
  276. Kingfisher: c7d211b54f1f30d8060aadab177d52b4349c825b
  277. LGSideMenuController: ae40c80983ab8b8801c7cef0a6804d43aaa72d45
  278. Localize-Swift: c798ec9286494866f7068f85f7c71283ac5bdab4
  279. M13ProgressSuite: ea9f7263e73e9215e6849dfa54e29ee0ad6a145c
  280. MBProgressHUD: e7baa36a220447d8aeb12769bf0585582f3866d9
  281. MGSwipeTableCell: dc4eca3212ed38a563b27d6aa7b3c01ce656c1e2
  282. nanopb: 2901f78ea1b7b4015c860c2fdd1ea2fee1a18d48
  283. NVActivityIndicatorView: f0a6b0ed2973d9544da268f4eb76696f0a9577b0
  284. ObjectMapper: 70187b8941977c62ccfb423caf6b50be405cabf0
  285. PanModal: 275f6d4d07565ddf4ed16d7be5d9cd275682d80d
  286. PhoneNumberKit: 87f03605453ca0f8b8e76083228ab729395f9004
  287. PMAlertController: 5fad2da8b9eb687134ed50c3462fed12c3afe976
  288. Protobuf: 1097ca58584c8d9be81bfbf2c5ff5975648dd87a
  289. ReSwift: d925be0033558f55bd73d92869961230dfe19d52
  290. Reusable: 82be188f29d96dc5eff0db7b2393bcc08d2cdd5b
  291. RSKImageCropper: 05e3b82a18da83ea3c2b7bffa7f2199a621d6802
  292. RxCocoa: cbf70265dc65a981d4ac982e513c10cf23df24a0
  293. RxSwift: f172070dfd1a93d70a9ab97a5a01166206e1c575
  294. RxSwiftExt: 01f8ecbeeb355698e9c75365ebe908b00dacf45d
  295. SDWebImage: 920f1a2ff1ca8296ad34f6e0510a1ef1d70ac965
  296. SnapKit: fe8a619752f3f27075cc9a90244d75c6c3f27e2a
  297. Socket.IO-Client-Swift: c039a808195d22a7192962841b8c035cb61ea49e
  298. Starscream: 08172b481e145289c4930cb567230fb55897cfa4
  299. SVProgressHUD: 1428aafac632c1f86f62aa4243ec12008d7a51d6
  300. SwiftyJSON: 6faa0040f8b59dead0ee07436cbf76b73c08fd08
  301. SwiftyTimer: 02dd6cf10cbc71cbf67cec494f6e5eb782102543
  302. TLPhotoPicker: 2176edad6909b5952902555790527d421e20f794
  303. VisualEffectView: 9e9883f07d8a929b98c9c08a068f726279d92754
  304. XLPagerTabStrip: 63166e21c9844fa30f2d95d30f335e73be5caf22
  305. PODFILE CHECKSUM: b09328a6c10a94f6a02755145c66a91ceefd18f4
  306. COCOAPODS: 1.6.1