/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "FIRPhoneAuthProvider.h" #import #import "FIRPhoneAuthCredential_Internal.h" #import #import "FIRAuthAPNSToken.h" #import "FIRAuthAPNSTokenManager.h" #import "FIRAuthAppCredential.h" #import "FIRAuthAppCredentialManager.h" #import "FIRAuthGlobalWorkQueue.h" #import "FIRAuth_Internal.h" #import "FIRAuthURLPresenter.h" #import "FIRAuthNotificationManager.h" #import "FIRAuthErrorUtils.h" #import "FIRAuthBackend.h" #import "FIRAuthSettings.h" #import "FIRAuthWebUtils.h" #import "FirebaseAuthVersion.h" #import #import "FIRGetProjectConfigRequest.h" #import "FIRGetProjectConfigResponse.h" #import "FIRSendVerificationCodeRequest.h" #import "FIRSendVerificationCodeResponse.h" #import "FIRVerifyClientRequest.h" #import "FIRVerifyClientResponse.h" NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** @typedef FIRReCAPTCHAURLCallBack @brief The callback invoked at the end of the flow to fetch a reCAPTCHA URL. @param reCAPTCHAURL The reCAPTCHA URL. @param error The error that occurred while fetching the reCAPTCHAURL, if any. */ typedef void (^FIRReCAPTCHAURLCallBack)(NSURL *_Nullable reCAPTCHAURL, NSError *_Nullable error); /** @typedef FIRVerifyClientCallback @brief The callback invoked at the end of a client verification flow. @param appCredential credential that proves the identity of the app during a phone authentication flow. @param error The error that occurred while verifying the app, if any. */ typedef void (^FIRVerifyClientCallback)(FIRAuthAppCredential *_Nullable appCredential, NSString *_Nullable reCAPTCHAToken, NSError *_Nullable error); /** @typedef FIRFetchAuthDomainCallback @brief The callback invoked at the end of the flow to fetch the Auth domain. @param authDomain The Auth domain. @param error The error that occurred while fetching the auth domain, if any. */ typedef void (^FIRFetchAuthDomainCallback)(NSString *_Nullable authDomain, NSError *_Nullable error); /** @var kauthTypeVerifyApp @brief The auth type to be specified in the app verification request. */ static NSString *const kAuthTypeVerifyApp = @"verifyApp"; /** @var kReCAPTCHAURLStringFormat @brief The format of the URL used to open the reCAPTCHA page during app verification. */ NSString *const kReCAPTCHAURLStringFormat = @"https://%@/__/auth/handler?"; @implementation FIRPhoneAuthProvider { /** @var _auth @brief The auth instance used for verifying the phone number. */ FIRAuth *_auth; /** @var _callbackScheme @brief The callback URL scheme used for reCAPTCHA fallback. */ NSString *_callbackScheme; } /** @fn initWithAuth: @brief returns an instance of @c FIRPhoneAuthProvider associated with the provided auth instance. @return An Instance of @c FIRPhoneAuthProvider. */ - (nullable instancetype)initWithAuth:(FIRAuth *)auth { self = [super init]; if (self) { _auth = auth; _callbackScheme = [[[_auth.app.options.clientID componentsSeparatedByString:@"."] reverseObjectEnumerator].allObjects componentsJoinedByString:@"."]; } return self; } - (void)verifyPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber UIDelegate:(nullable id)UIDelegate completion:(nullable FIRVerificationResultCallback)completion { if (![FIRAuthWebUtils isCallbackSchemeRegisteredForCustomURLScheme:_callbackScheme]) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Please register custom URL scheme '%@' in the app's Info.plist file.", _callbackScheme]; } dispatch_async(FIRAuthGlobalWorkQueue(), ^{ FIRVerificationResultCallback callBackOnMainThread = ^(NSString *_Nullable verificationID, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (completion) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ completion(verificationID, error); }); } }; [self internalVerifyPhoneNumber:phoneNumber UIDelegate:UIDelegate completion:^(NSString *_Nullable verificationID, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (!error) { callBackOnMainThread(verificationID, nil); return; } else { callBackOnMainThread(nil, error); return; } }]; }); } - (FIRPhoneAuthCredential *)credentialWithVerificationID:(NSString *)verificationID verificationCode:(NSString *)verificationCode { return [[FIRPhoneAuthCredential alloc] initWithProviderID:FIRPhoneAuthProviderID verificationID:verificationID verificationCode:verificationCode]; } + (instancetype)provider { return [[self alloc]initWithAuth:[FIRAuth auth]]; } + (instancetype)providerWithAuth:(FIRAuth *)auth { return [[self alloc]initWithAuth:auth]; } #pragma mark - Internal Methods /** @fn reCAPTCHATokenForURL:error: @brief Parses the reCAPTCHA URL and returns the reCAPTCHA token. @param URL The url to be parsed for a reCAPTCHA token. @param error The error that occurred if any. @return The reCAPTCHA token if successful. */ - (NSString *)reCAPTCHATokenForURL:(NSURL *)URL error:(NSError **)error { NSURLComponents *actualURLComponents = [NSURLComponents componentsWithURL:URL resolvingAgainstBaseURL:NO]; NSArray *queryItems = [actualURLComponents queryItems]; NSString *deepLinkURL = [FIRAuthWebUtils queryItemValue:@"deep_link_id" from:queryItems]; NSData *errorData; if (deepLinkURL) { actualURLComponents = [NSURLComponents componentsWithString:deepLinkURL]; queryItems = [actualURLComponents queryItems]; NSString *recaptchaToken = [FIRAuthWebUtils queryItemValue:@"recaptchaToken" from:queryItems]; if (recaptchaToken) { return recaptchaToken; } NSString *firebaseError = [FIRAuthWebUtils queryItemValue:@"firebaseError" from:queryItems]; errorData = [firebaseError dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; } else { errorData = nil; } NSError *jsonError; NSDictionary *errorDict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:errorData options:0 error:&jsonError]; if (jsonError) { *error = [FIRAuthErrorUtils JSONSerializationErrorWithUnderlyingError:jsonError]; return nil; } *error = [FIRAuthErrorUtils URLResponseErrorWithCode:errorDict[@"code"] message:errorDict[@"message"]]; if (!*error) { NSString *reason; if(errorDict[@"code"] && errorDict[@"message"]) { reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[%@] - %@",errorDict[@"code"], errorDict[@"message"]]; } else { reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"An unknown error occurred with the following " "response: %@", deepLinkURL]; } *error = [FIRAuthErrorUtils appVerificationUserInteractionFailureWithReason:reason]; } return nil; } /** @fn internalVerifyPhoneNumber:completion: @brief Starts the phone number authentication flow by sending a verifcation code to the specified phone number. @param phoneNumber The phone number to be verified. @param completion The callback to be invoked when the verification flow is finished. */ - (void)internalVerifyPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber UIDelegate:(nullable id)UIDelegate completion:(nullable FIRVerificationResultCallback)completion { if (!phoneNumber.length) { completion(nil, [FIRAuthErrorUtils missingPhoneNumberErrorWithMessage:nil]); return; } [_auth.notificationManager checkNotificationForwardingWithCallback: ^(BOOL isNotificationBeingForwarded) { if (!isNotificationBeingForwarded) { completion(nil, [FIRAuthErrorUtils notificationNotForwardedError]); return; } FIRVerificationResultCallback callback = ^(NSString *_Nullable verificationID, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (completion) { completion(verificationID, error); } }; [self verifyClientAndSendVerificationCodeToPhoneNumber:phoneNumber retryOnInvalidAppCredential:YES UIDelegate:UIDelegate callback:callback]; }]; } /** @fn verifyClientAndSendVerificationCodeToPhoneNumber:retryOnInvalidAppCredential:callback: @brief Starts the flow to verify the client via silent push notification. @param retryOnInvalidAppCredential Whether of not the flow should be retried if an FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidAppCredential error is returned from the backend. @param phoneNumber The phone number to be verified. @param callback The callback to be invoked on the global work queue when the flow is finished. */ - (void)verifyClientAndSendVerificationCodeToPhoneNumber:(NSString *)phoneNumber retryOnInvalidAppCredential:(BOOL)retryOnInvalidAppCredential UIDelegate:(nullable id)UIDelegate callback:(FIRVerificationResultCallback)callback { if (_auth.settings.isAppVerificationDisabledForTesting) { FIRSendVerificationCodeRequest *request = [[FIRSendVerificationCodeRequest alloc] initWithPhoneNumber:phoneNumber appCredential:nil reCAPTCHAToken:nil requestConfiguration: _auth.requestConfiguration]; [FIRAuthBackend sendVerificationCode:request callback:^(FIRSendVerificationCodeResponse *_Nullable response, NSError *_Nullable error) { callback(response.verificationID, error); }]; return; } [self verifyClientWithUIDelegate:UIDelegate completion:^(FIRAuthAppCredential *_Nullable appCredential, NSString *_Nullable reCAPTCHAToken, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (error) { callback(nil, error); return; } FIRSendVerificationCodeRequest * _Nullable request; if (appCredential) { request = [[FIRSendVerificationCodeRequest alloc] initWithPhoneNumber:phoneNumber appCredential:appCredential reCAPTCHAToken:nil requestConfiguration:self->_auth.requestConfiguration]; } else if (reCAPTCHAToken) { request = [[FIRSendVerificationCodeRequest alloc] initWithPhoneNumber:phoneNumber appCredential:nil reCAPTCHAToken:reCAPTCHAToken requestConfiguration:self->_auth.requestConfiguration]; } if (request) { [FIRAuthBackend sendVerificationCode:request callback:^(FIRSendVerificationCodeResponse *_Nullable response, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (error) { if (error.code == FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidAppCredential) { if (retryOnInvalidAppCredential) { [self->_auth.appCredentialManager clearCredential]; [self verifyClientAndSendVerificationCodeToPhoneNumber:phoneNumber retryOnInvalidAppCredential:NO UIDelegate:UIDelegate callback:callback]; return; } callback(nil, [FIRAuthErrorUtils unexpectedResponseWithDeserializedResponse:nil underlyingError:error]); return; } callback(nil, error); return; } callback(response.verificationID, nil); }]; } }]; } /** @fn verifyClientWithCompletion:completion: @brief Continues the flow to verify the client via silent push notification. @param completion The callback to be invoked when the client verification flow is finished. */ - (void)verifyClientWithUIDelegate:(nullable id)UIDelegate completion:(FIRVerifyClientCallback)completion { if (_auth.appCredentialManager.credential) { completion(_auth.appCredentialManager.credential, nil, nil); return; } [_auth.tokenManager getTokenWithCallback:^(FIRAuthAPNSToken *_Nullable token, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (!token) { [self reCAPTCHAFlowWithUIDelegate:UIDelegate completion:completion]; return; } FIRVerifyClientRequest *request = [[FIRVerifyClientRequest alloc] initWithAppToken:token.string isSandbox:token.type == FIRAuthAPNSTokenTypeSandbox requestConfiguration:self->_auth.requestConfiguration]; [FIRAuthBackend verifyClient:request callback:^(FIRVerifyClientResponse *_Nullable response, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (error) { NSError *underlyingError = error.userInfo[NSUnderlyingErrorKey]; BOOL isInvalidAppCredential = error.code == FIRAuthErrorCodeInternalError && underlyingError.code == FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidAppCredential; if (error.code != FIRAuthErrorCodeMissingAppToken && !isInvalidAppCredential) { completion(nil, nil, error); return; } else { [self reCAPTCHAFlowWithUIDelegate:UIDelegate completion:completion]; return; } } NSTimeInterval timeout = [response.suggestedTimeOutDate timeIntervalSinceNow]; [self->_auth.appCredentialManager didStartVerificationWithReceipt:response.receipt timeout:timeout callback:^(FIRAuthAppCredential *credential) { if (!credential.secret) { FIRLogWarning(kFIRLoggerAuth, @"I-AUT000014", @"Failed to receive remote notification to verify app identity within " @"%.0f second(s)", timeout); } completion(credential, nil, nil); }]; }]; }]; } - (void)reCAPTCHAFlowWithUIDelegate:(nullable id)UIDelegate completion:(FIRVerifyClientCallback)completion { NSString *eventID = [FIRAuthWebUtils randomStringWithLength:10]; [self reCAPTCHAURLWithEventID:eventID completion:^(NSURL *_Nullable reCAPTCHAURL, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (error) { completion(nil, nil, error); return; } FIRAuthURLCallbackMatcher callbackMatcher = ^BOOL(NSURL *_Nullable callbackURL) { return [FIRAuthWebUtils isExpectedCallbackURL:callbackURL eventID:eventID authType:kAuthTypeVerifyApp callbackScheme:self->_callbackScheme]; }; [self->_auth.authURLPresenter presentURL:reCAPTCHAURL UIDelegate:UIDelegate callbackMatcher:callbackMatcher completion:^(NSURL *_Nullable callbackURL, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (error) { completion(nil, nil, error); return; } NSError *reCAPTCHAError; NSString *reCAPTCHAToken = [self reCAPTCHATokenForURL:callbackURL error:&reCAPTCHAError]; if (!reCAPTCHAToken) { completion(nil, nil, reCAPTCHAError); return; } else { completion(nil, reCAPTCHAToken, nil); return; } }]; }]; } /** @fn reCAPTCHAURLWithEventID:completion: @brief Constructs a URL used for opening a reCAPTCHA app verification flow using a given event ID. @param eventID The event ID used for this purpose. @param completion The callback invoked after the URL has been constructed or an error has been encountered. */ - (void)reCAPTCHAURLWithEventID:(NSString *)eventID completion:(FIRReCAPTCHAURLCallBack)completion { [FIRAuthWebUtils fetchAuthDomainWithRequestConfiguration:_auth.requestConfiguration completion:^(NSString *_Nullable authDomain, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (error) { if (completion) { completion(nil, error); return; } } NSString *bundleID = [NSBundle mainBundle].bundleIdentifier; NSString *clientID = self->_auth.app.options.clientID; NSString *apiKey = self->_auth.requestConfiguration.APIKey; NSMutableArray *queryItems = [@[ [NSURLQueryItem queryItemWithName:@"apiKey" value:apiKey], [NSURLQueryItem queryItemWithName:@"authType" value:kAuthTypeVerifyApp], [NSURLQueryItem queryItemWithName:@"ibi" value:bundleID ?: @""], [NSURLQueryItem queryItemWithName:@"clientId" value:clientID], [NSURLQueryItem queryItemWithName:@"v" value:[FIRAuthBackend authUserAgent]], [NSURLQueryItem queryItemWithName:@"eventId" value:eventID] ] mutableCopy ]; if (self->_auth.requestConfiguration.languageCode) { [queryItems addObject:[NSURLQueryItem queryItemWithName:@"hl"value: self->_auth.requestConfiguration.languageCode]]; } NSURLComponents *components = [[NSURLComponents alloc] initWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat:kReCAPTCHAURLStringFormat, authDomain]]; [components setQueryItems:queryItems]; if (completion) { completion([components URL], nil); } }]; } @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END