/* * Copyright 2017 Google * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import #import "FIRAuthRPCRequest.h" #import "FIRIdentityToolkitRequest.h" @class FIRActionCodeSettings; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /** @enum FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestType @brief Types of OOB Confirmation Code requests. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestType) { /** @var FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestTypePasswordReset @brief Requests a password reset code. */ FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestTypePasswordReset, /** @var FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestTypeVerifyEmail @brief Requests an email verification code. */ FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestTypeVerifyEmail, /** @var FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestTypeEmailLink @brief Requests an email sign-in link. */ FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestTypeEmailLink, /** @var FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestTypeVerifyBeforeUpdateEmail @brief Requests an verify before update email. */ FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestTypeVerifyBeforeUpdateEmail, }; /** @enum FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequest @brief Represents the parameters for the getOOBConfirmationCode endpoint. */ @interface FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequest : FIRIdentityToolkitRequest /** @property requestType @brief The types of OOB Confirmation Code to request. */ @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequestType requestType; /** @property email @brief The email of the user. @remarks For password reset. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable, readonly) NSString *email; /** @property updatedEmail @brief The new email to be updated. @remarks For verifyBeforeUpdateEmail. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable, readonly) NSString *updatedEmail; /** @property accessToken @brief The STS Access Token of the authenticated user. @remarks For email change. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable, readonly) NSString *accessToken; /** @property continueURL @brief This URL represents the state/Continue URL in the form of a universal link. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable, readonly) NSString *continueURL; /** @property iOSBundleID @brief The iOS bundle Identifier, if available. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable, readonly) NSString *iOSBundleID; /** @property androidPackageName @brief The Android package name, if available. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable, readonly) NSString *androidPackageName; /** @property androidMinimumVersion @brief The minimum Android version supported, if available. */ @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable, readonly) NSString *androidMinimumVersion; /** @property androidInstallIfNotAvailable @brief Indicates whether or not the Android app should be installed if not already available. */ @property(nonatomic, assign, readonly) BOOL androidInstallApp; /** @property handleCodeInApp @brief Indicates whether the action code link will open the app directly or after being redirected from a Firebase owned web widget. */ @property(assign, nonatomic) BOOL handleCodeInApp; /** @property dynamicLinkDomain @brief The Firebase Dynamic Link domain used for out of band code flow. */ @property(copy, nonatomic, nullable) NSString *dynamicLinkDomain; /** @fn passwordResetRequestWithEmail:actionCodeSettings:requestConfiguration: @brief Creates a password reset request. @param email The user's email address. @param actionCodeSettings An object of FIRActionCodeSettings which specifies action code settings to be applied to the password reset request. @param requestConfiguration An object containing configurations to be added to the request. @return A password reset request. */ + (nullable FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequest *) passwordResetRequestWithEmail:(NSString *)email actionCodeSettings:(nullable FIRActionCodeSettings *)actionCodeSettings requestConfiguration:(FIRAuthRequestConfiguration *)requestConfiguration; /** @fn verifyEmailRequestWithAccessToken:actionCodeSettings:requestConfiguration: @brief Creates a password reset request. @param accessToken The user's STS Access Token. @param actionCodeSettings An object of FIRActionCodeSettings which specifies action code settings to be applied to the email verification request. @param requestConfiguration An object containing configurations to be added to the request. @return A password reset request. */ + (nullable FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequest *) verifyEmailRequestWithAccessToken:(NSString *)accessToken actionCodeSettings:(nullable FIRActionCodeSettings *)actionCodeSettings requestConfiguration:(FIRAuthRequestConfiguration *)requestConfiguration; /** @fn signInWithEmailLinkRequest:actionCodeSettings:requestConfiguration: @brief Creates a sign-in with email link. @param email The user's email address. @param actionCodeSettings An object of FIRActionCodeSettings which specifies action code settings to be applied to the email sign-in link. @param requestConfiguration An object containing configurations to be added to the request. @return An email sign-in link request. */ + (nullable FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequest *) signInWithEmailLinkRequest:(NSString *)email actionCodeSettings:(nullable FIRActionCodeSettings *)actionCodeSettings requestConfiguration:(FIRAuthRequestConfiguration *)requestConfiguration; /** @fn verifyBeforeUpdateEmailWithAccessToken:newEmail:actionCodeSettings:requestConfiguration: @brief Creates a verifyBeforeUpdateEmail request. @param accessToken The user's STS Access Token. @param newEmail The user's email address to be updated. @param actionCodeSettings An object of FIRActionCodeSettings which specifies action code settings to be applied to the password reset request. @param requestConfiguration An object containing configurations to be added to the request. @return A verifyBeforeUpdateEmail request. */ + (nullable FIRGetOOBConfirmationCodeRequest *) verifyBeforeUpdateEmailWithAccessToken:(NSString *)accessToken newEmail:(NSString *)newEmail actionCodeSettings:(nullable FIRActionCodeSettings *)actionCodeSettings requestConfiguration:(FIRAuthRequestConfiguration *)requestConfiguration; /** @fn init @brief Please use a factory method. */ - (nullable instancetype)initWithEndpoint:(NSString *)endpoint requestConfiguration:(FIRAuthRequestConfiguration *)requestConfiguration NS_UNAVAILABLE; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END