// // FLEXTableViewCell.m // FLEX // // Created by Tanner on 4/17/19. // Copyright © 2019 Flipboard. All rights reserved. // #import "FLEXTableViewCell.h" #import "FLEXUtility.h" #import "FLEXTableView.h" @interface UITableView (Internal) // Exists at least since iOS 5 - (BOOL)_canPerformAction:(SEL)action forCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell sender:(id)sender; - (void)_performAction:(SEL)action forCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell sender:(id)sender; @end @interface UITableViewCell (Internal) // Exists at least since iOS 5 @property (nonatomic, readonly) FLEXTableView *_tableView; @end @implementation FLEXTableViewCell - (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewCellStyle)style reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier { self = [super initWithStyle:style reuseIdentifier:reuseIdentifier]; if (self) { UIFont *cellFont = [FLEXUtility defaultTableViewCellLabelFont]; self.textLabel.font = cellFont; self.detailTextLabel.font = cellFont; self.detailTextLabel.textColor = [UIColor grayColor]; } return self; } - (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender { return [self._tableView _canPerformAction:action forCell:self sender:sender]; } /// We use this to allow our table view to allow its delegate /// to handle any action it chooses to support, without /// explicitly implementing the method ourselelves. /// /// Alternative considered: override respondsToSelector /// to return NO. I decided against this for simplicity's /// sake. I see this as "fixing" a poorly designed API. /// That approach would require lots of boilerplate to /// make the menu appear above this cell. - (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation { // Must be unretained to avoid over-releasing __unsafe_unretained id sender; [invocation getArgument:&sender atIndex:2]; SEL action = invocation.selector; // [self._tableView _performAction:action forCell:[self retain] sender:[sender retain]]; invocation.selector = @selector(_performAction:forCell:sender:); [invocation setArgument:&action atIndex:2]; [invocation setArgument:(void *)&self atIndex:3]; [invocation setArgument:(void *)&sender atIndex:4]; [invocation invokeWithTarget:self._tableView]; } - (NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector:(SEL)selector { if ([self canPerformAction:selector withSender:nil]) { return [self._tableView methodSignatureForSelector:@selector(_performAction:forCell:sender:)]; } return [super methodSignatureForSelector:selector]; } @end