// // FLEXRuntimeUtility.m // Flipboard // // Created by Ryan Olson on 6/8/14. // Copyright (c) 2014 Flipboard. All rights reserved. // #import #import "FLEXRuntimeUtility.h" #import "FLEXObjcInternal.h" // See https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjCRuntimeGuide/Articles/ocrtPropertyIntrospection.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008048-CH101-SW6 NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeTypeEncoding = @"T"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeBackingIvar = @"V"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeReadOnly = @"R"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeCopy = @"C"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeRetain = @"&"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeNonAtomic = @"N"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeCustomGetter = @"G"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeCustomSetter = @"S"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeDynamic = @"D"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeWeak = @"W"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeGarbageCollectable = @"P"; NSString *const kFLEXUtilityAttributeOldStyleTypeEncoding = @"t"; static NSString *const FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorDomain = @"FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorDomain"; typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorCode) { FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorCodeDoesNotRecognizeSelector = 0, FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorCodeInvocationFailed = 1, FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorCodeArgumentTypeMismatch = 2 }; // Arguments 0 and 1 are self and _cmd always const unsigned int kFLEXNumberOfImplicitArgs = 2; @implementation FLEXRuntimeUtility #pragma mark - General Helpers (Public) + (BOOL)pointerIsValidObjcObject:(const void *)pointer { return FLEXPointerIsValidObjcObject(pointer); } + (id)potentiallyUnwrapBoxedPointer:(id)returnedObjectOrNil type:(const FLEXTypeEncoding *)returnType { if (!returnedObjectOrNil) { return nil; } NSInteger i = 0; if (returnType[i] == FLEXTypeEncodingConst) { i++; } BOOL returnsObjectOrClass = returnType[i] == FLEXTypeEncodingObjcObject || returnType[i] == FLEXTypeEncodingObjcClass; BOOL returnsVoidPointer = returnType[i] == FLEXTypeEncodingPointer && returnType[i+1] == FLEXTypeEncodingVoid; BOOL returnsCString = returnType[i] == FLEXTypeEncodingCString; // If we got back an NSValue and the return type is not an object, // we check to see if the pointer is of a valid object. If not, // we just display the NSValue. if (!returnsObjectOrClass) { // Can only be NSValue since return type is not an object, // so we bail if this doesn't add up if (![returnedObjectOrNil isKindOfClass:[NSValue class]]) { return returnedObjectOrNil; } NSValue *value = (NSValue *)returnedObjectOrNil; if (returnsCString) { // Wrap char * in NSString const char *string = (const char *)value.pointerValue; returnedObjectOrNil = [NSString stringWithCString:string encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; } else if (returnsVoidPointer) { // Cast valid objects disguised as void * to id if ([FLEXRuntimeUtility pointerIsValidObjcObject:value.pointerValue]) { returnedObjectOrNil = (__bridge id)value.pointerValue; } } } return returnedObjectOrNil; } #pragma mark - Property Helpers (Public) + (NSString *)prettyNameForProperty:(objc_property_t)property { NSString *name = @(property_getName(property)); NSString *encoding = [self typeEncodingForProperty:property]; NSString *readableType = [self readableTypeForEncoding:encoding]; return [self appendName:name toType:readableType]; } + (NSString *)typeEncodingForProperty:(objc_property_t)property { NSDictionary *attributesDictionary = [self attributesDictionaryForProperty:property]; return attributesDictionary[kFLEXUtilityAttributeTypeEncoding]; } + (BOOL)isReadonlyProperty:(objc_property_t)property { return [[self attributesDictionaryForProperty:property] objectForKey:kFLEXUtilityAttributeReadOnly] != nil; } + (SEL)setterSelectorForProperty:(objc_property_t)property { SEL setterSelector = NULL; NSString *setterSelectorString = [[self attributesDictionaryForProperty:property] objectForKey:kFLEXUtilityAttributeCustomSetter]; if (!setterSelectorString) { NSString *propertyName = @(property_getName(property)); setterSelectorString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"set%@%@:", [[propertyName substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString], [propertyName substringFromIndex:1]]; } if (setterSelectorString) { setterSelector = NSSelectorFromString(setterSelectorString); } return setterSelector; } + (NSString *)fullDescriptionForProperty:(objc_property_t)property { NSDictionary *attributesDictionary = [self attributesDictionaryForProperty:property]; NSMutableArray *attributesStrings = [NSMutableArray array]; // Atomicity if (attributesDictionary[kFLEXUtilityAttributeNonAtomic]) { [attributesStrings addObject:@"nonatomic"]; } else { [attributesStrings addObject:@"atomic"]; } // Storage if (attributesDictionary[kFLEXUtilityAttributeRetain]) { [attributesStrings addObject:@"strong"]; } else if (attributesDictionary[kFLEXUtilityAttributeCopy]) { [attributesStrings addObject:@"copy"]; } else if (attributesDictionary[kFLEXUtilityAttributeWeak]) { [attributesStrings addObject:@"weak"]; } else { [attributesStrings addObject:@"assign"]; } // Mutability if (attributesDictionary[kFLEXUtilityAttributeReadOnly]) { [attributesStrings addObject:@"readonly"]; } else { [attributesStrings addObject:@"readwrite"]; } // Custom getter/setter NSString *customGetter = attributesDictionary[kFLEXUtilityAttributeCustomGetter]; NSString *customSetter = attributesDictionary[kFLEXUtilityAttributeCustomSetter]; if (customGetter) { [attributesStrings addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"getter=%@", customGetter]]; } if (customSetter) { [attributesStrings addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"setter=%@", customSetter]]; } NSString *attributesString = [attributesStrings componentsJoinedByString:@", "]; NSString *shortName = [self prettyNameForProperty:property]; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"@property (%@) %@", attributesString, shortName]; } + (id)valueForProperty:(objc_property_t)property onObject:(id)object { NSString *customGetterString = nil; char *customGetterName = property_copyAttributeValue(property, "G"); if (customGetterName) { customGetterString = @(customGetterName); free(customGetterName); } SEL getterSelector; if ([customGetterString length] > 0) { getterSelector = NSSelectorFromString(customGetterString); } else { NSString *propertyName = @(property_getName(property)); getterSelector = NSSelectorFromString(propertyName); } return [self performSelector:getterSelector onObject:object withArguments:nil error:NULL]; } + (NSString *)descriptionForIvarOrPropertyValue:(id)value { NSString *description = nil; // Special case BOOL for better readability. if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSValue class]]) { const char *type = [value objCType]; if (strcmp(type, @encode(BOOL)) == 0) { BOOL boolValue = NO; [value getValue:&boolValue]; description = boolValue ? @"YES" : @"NO"; } else if (strcmp(type, @encode(SEL)) == 0) { SEL selector = NULL; [value getValue:&selector]; description = NSStringFromSelector(selector); } } @try { if (!description) { // Single line display - replace newlines and tabs with spaces. description = [[value description] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\n" withString:@" "]; description = [description stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\t" withString:@" "]; } } @catch (NSException *e) { description = [@"Thrown: " stringByAppendingString:e.reason ?: @"(nil exception reason)"]; } if (!description) { description = @"nil"; } return description; } + (void)tryAddPropertyWithName:(const char *)name attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributePairs toClass:(__unsafe_unretained Class)theClass { objc_property_t property = class_getProperty(theClass, name); if (!property) { unsigned int totalAttributesCount = (unsigned int)[attributePairs count]; objc_property_attribute_t *attributes = malloc(sizeof(objc_property_attribute_t) * totalAttributesCount); if (attributes) { unsigned int attributeIndex = 0; for (NSString *attributeName in [attributePairs allKeys]) { objc_property_attribute_t attribute; attribute.name = [attributeName UTF8String]; attribute.value = [attributePairs[attributeName] UTF8String]; attributes[attributeIndex++] = attribute; } class_addProperty(theClass, name, attributes, totalAttributesCount); free(attributes); } } } #pragma mark - Ivar Helpers (Public) + (NSString *)prettyNameForIvar:(Ivar)ivar { const char *nameCString = ivar_getName(ivar); NSString *name = nameCString ? @(nameCString) : nil; const char *encodingCString = ivar_getTypeEncoding(ivar); NSString *encoding = encodingCString ? @(encodingCString) : nil; NSString *readableType = [self readableTypeForEncoding:encoding]; return [self appendName:name toType:readableType]; } + (id)valueForIvar:(Ivar)ivar onObject:(id)object { id value = nil; const char *type = ivar_getTypeEncoding(ivar); #ifdef __arm64__ // See http://www.sealiesoftware.com/blog/archive/2013/09/24/objc_explain_Non-pointer_isa.html const char *name = ivar_getName(ivar); if (type[0] == @encode(Class)[0] && strcmp(name, "isa") == 0) { value = object_getClass(object); } else #endif if (type[0] == @encode(id)[0] || type[0] == @encode(Class)[0]) { value = object_getIvar(object, ivar); } else { ptrdiff_t offset = ivar_getOffset(ivar); void *pointer = (__bridge void *)object + offset; value = [self valueForPrimitivePointer:pointer objCType:type]; } return value; } + (void)setValue:(id)value forIvar:(Ivar)ivar onObject:(id)object { const char *typeEncodingCString = ivar_getTypeEncoding(ivar); if (typeEncodingCString[0] == '@') { object_setIvar(object, ivar, value); } else if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSValue class]]) { // Primitive - unbox the NSValue. NSValue *valueValue = (NSValue *)value; // Make sure that the box contained the correct type. NSAssert(strcmp([valueValue objCType], typeEncodingCString) == 0, @"Type encoding mismatch (value: %s; ivar: %s) in setting ivar named: %s on object: %@", [valueValue objCType], typeEncodingCString, ivar_getName(ivar), object); NSUInteger bufferSize = 0; @try { // NSGetSizeAndAlignment barfs on type encoding for bitfields. NSGetSizeAndAlignment(typeEncodingCString, &bufferSize, NULL); } @catch (NSException *exception) { } if (bufferSize > 0) { void *buffer = calloc(bufferSize, 1); [valueValue getValue:buffer]; ptrdiff_t offset = ivar_getOffset(ivar); void *pointer = (__bridge void *)object + offset; memcpy(pointer, buffer, bufferSize); free(buffer); } } } #pragma mark - Method Helpers (Public) + (NSString *)prettyNameForMethod:(Method)method isClassMethod:(BOOL)isClassMethod { NSString *selectorName = NSStringFromSelector(method_getName(method)); NSString *methodTypeString = isClassMethod ? @"+" : @"-"; char *returnType = method_copyReturnType(method); NSString *readableReturnType = [self readableTypeForEncoding:@(returnType)]; free(returnType); NSString *prettyName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@)", methodTypeString, readableReturnType]; NSArray *components = [self prettyArgumentComponentsForMethod:method]; if ([components count] > 0) { prettyName = [prettyName stringByAppendingString:[components componentsJoinedByString:@" "]]; } else { prettyName = [prettyName stringByAppendingString:selectorName]; } return prettyName; } + (NSArray *)prettyArgumentComponentsForMethod:(Method)method { NSMutableArray *components = [NSMutableArray array]; NSString *selectorName = NSStringFromSelector(method_getName(method)); NSMutableArray *selectorComponents = [[selectorName componentsSeparatedByString:@":"] mutableCopy]; // this is a workaround cause method_getNumberOfArguments() returns wrong number for some methods if (selectorComponents.count == 1) { return @[]; } if ([selectorComponents.lastObject isEqualToString:@""]) { [selectorComponents removeLastObject]; } for (unsigned int argIndex = 0; argIndex < selectorComponents.count; argIndex++) { char *argType = method_copyArgumentType(method, argIndex + kFLEXNumberOfImplicitArgs); NSString *readableArgType = (argType != NULL) ? [self readableTypeForEncoding:@(argType)] : nil; free(argType); NSString *prettyComponent = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:(%@) ", [selectorComponents objectAtIndex:argIndex], readableArgType]; [components addObject:prettyComponent]; } return components; } + (FLEXTypeEncoding *)returnTypeForMethod:(Method)method { return (FLEXTypeEncoding *)method_copyReturnType(method); } #pragma mark - Method Calling/Field Editing (Public) + (id)performSelector:(SEL)selector onObject:(id)object withArguments:(NSArray *)arguments error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error { // Bail if the object won't respond to this selector. if (![object respondsToSelector:selector]) { if (error) { NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ does not respond to the selector %@", object, NSStringFromSelector(selector)]}; *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorDomain code:FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorCodeDoesNotRecognizeSelector userInfo:userInfo]; } return nil; } // Build the invocation NSMethodSignature *methodSignature = [object methodSignatureForSelector:selector]; NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:methodSignature]; [invocation setSelector:selector]; [invocation setTarget:object]; [invocation retainArguments]; // Always self and _cmd NSUInteger numberOfArguments = [methodSignature numberOfArguments]; for (NSUInteger argumentIndex = kFLEXNumberOfImplicitArgs; argumentIndex < numberOfArguments; argumentIndex++) { NSUInteger argumentsArrayIndex = argumentIndex - kFLEXNumberOfImplicitArgs; id argumentObject = [arguments count] > argumentsArrayIndex ? arguments[argumentsArrayIndex] : nil; // NSNull in the arguments array can be passed as a placeholder to indicate nil. We only need to set the argument if it will be non-nil. if (argumentObject && ![argumentObject isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) { const char *typeEncodingCString = [methodSignature getArgumentTypeAtIndex:argumentIndex]; if (typeEncodingCString[0] == @encode(id)[0] || typeEncodingCString[0] == @encode(Class)[0] || [self isTollFreeBridgedValue:argumentObject forCFType:typeEncodingCString]) { // Object [invocation setArgument:&argumentObject atIndex:argumentIndex]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncodingCString, @encode(CGColorRef)) == 0 && [argumentObject isKindOfClass:[UIColor class]]) { // Bridging UIColor to CGColorRef CGColorRef colorRef = [argumentObject CGColor]; [invocation setArgument:&colorRef atIndex:argumentIndex]; } else if ([argumentObject isKindOfClass:[NSValue class]]) { // Primitive boxed in NSValue NSValue *argumentValue = (NSValue *)argumentObject; // Ensure that the type encoding on the NSValue matches the type encoding of the argument in the method signature if (strcmp([argumentValue objCType], typeEncodingCString) != 0) { if (error) { NSDictionary *userInfo = @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Type encoding mismatch for agrument at index %lu. Value type: %s; Method argument type: %s.", (unsigned long)argumentsArrayIndex, [argumentValue objCType], typeEncodingCString]}; *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorDomain code:FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorCodeArgumentTypeMismatch userInfo:userInfo]; } return nil; } @try { NSUInteger bufferSize = 0; // NSGetSizeAndAlignment barfs on type encoding for bitfields. NSGetSizeAndAlignment(typeEncodingCString, &bufferSize, NULL); if (bufferSize > 0) { void *buffer = calloc(bufferSize, 1); [argumentValue getValue:buffer]; [invocation setArgument:buffer atIndex:argumentIndex]; free(buffer); } } @catch (NSException *exception) { } } } } // Try to invoke the invocation but guard against an exception being thrown. id returnObject = nil; @try { // Some methods are not fit to be called... // Looking at you -[UIResponder(UITextInputAdditions) _caretRect] [invocation invoke]; // Retreive the return value and box if necessary. const char *returnType = [methodSignature methodReturnType]; if (returnType[0] == @encode(id)[0] || returnType[0] == @encode(Class)[0]) { // Return value is an object. __unsafe_unretained id objectReturnedFromMethod = nil; [invocation getReturnValue:&objectReturnedFromMethod]; returnObject = objectReturnedFromMethod; } else if (returnType[0] != @encode(void)[0]) { // Will use arbitrary buffer for return value and box it. void *returnValue = malloc([methodSignature methodReturnLength]); if (returnValue) { [invocation getReturnValue:returnValue]; returnObject = [self valueForPrimitivePointer:returnValue objCType:returnType]; free(returnValue); } } } @catch (NSException *exception) { // Bummer... if (error) { // "… on " / "… on instance of " NSString *class = NSStringFromClass([object class]); NSString *calledOn = object == [object class] ? class : [@"an instance of " stringByAppendingString:class]; NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Exception '%@' thrown while performing selector '%@' on %@.\nReason:\n\n%@", exception.name, NSStringFromSelector(selector), calledOn, exception.reason]; *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorDomain code:FLEXRuntimeUtilityErrorCodeInvocationFailed userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : message }]; } } return returnObject; } + (BOOL)isTollFreeBridgedValue:(id)value forCFType:(const char *)typeEncoding { // See https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/general/conceptual/CocoaEncyclopedia/Toll-FreeBridgin/Toll-FreeBridgin.html #define CASE(cftype, foundationClass) \ if(strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(cftype)) == 0) { \ return [value isKindOfClass:[foundationClass class]]; \ } CASE(CFArrayRef, NSArray); CASE(CFAttributedStringRef, NSAttributedString); CASE(CFCalendarRef, NSCalendar); CASE(CFCharacterSetRef, NSCharacterSet); CASE(CFDataRef, NSData); CASE(CFDateRef, NSDate); CASE(CFDictionaryRef, NSDictionary); CASE(CFErrorRef, NSError); CASE(CFLocaleRef, NSLocale); CASE(CFMutableArrayRef, NSMutableArray); CASE(CFMutableAttributedStringRef, NSMutableAttributedString); CASE(CFMutableCharacterSetRef, NSMutableCharacterSet); CASE(CFMutableDataRef, NSMutableData); CASE(CFMutableDictionaryRef, NSMutableDictionary); CASE(CFMutableSetRef, NSMutableSet); CASE(CFMutableStringRef, NSMutableString); CASE(CFNumberRef, NSNumber); CASE(CFReadStreamRef, NSInputStream); CASE(CFRunLoopTimerRef, NSTimer); CASE(CFSetRef, NSSet); CASE(CFStringRef, NSString); CASE(CFTimeZoneRef, NSTimeZone); CASE(CFURLRef, NSURL); CASE(CFWriteStreamRef, NSOutputStream); #undef CASE return NO; } + (NSString *)editableJSONStringForObject:(id)object { NSString *editableDescription = nil; if (object) { // This is a hack to use JSON serialization for our editable objects. // NSJSONSerialization doesn't allow writing fragments - the top level object must be an array or dictionary. // We always wrap the object inside an array and then strip the outer square braces off the final string. NSArray *wrappedObject = @[object]; if ([NSJSONSerialization isValidJSONObject:wrappedObject]) { NSString *wrappedDescription = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:wrappedObject options:0 error:NULL] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; editableDescription = [wrappedDescription substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, [wrappedDescription length] - 2)]; } } return editableDescription; } + (id)objectValueFromEditableJSONString:(NSString *)string { id value = nil; // nil for empty string/whitespace if ([[string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]] length] > 0) { value = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:NSJSONReadingAllowFragments error:NULL]; } return value; } + (NSValue *)valueForNumberWithObjCType:(const char *)typeEncoding fromInputString:(NSString *)inputString { NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; [formatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle]; NSNumber *number = [formatter numberFromString:inputString]; // Make sure we box the number with the correct type encoding so it can be propperly unboxed later via getValue: NSValue *value = nil; if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(char)) == 0) { char primitiveValue = [number charValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(int)) == 0) { int primitiveValue = [number intValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(short)) == 0) { short primitiveValue = [number shortValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(long)) == 0) { long primitiveValue = [number longValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(long long)) == 0) { long long primitiveValue = [number longLongValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(unsigned char)) == 0) { unsigned char primitiveValue = [number unsignedCharValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(unsigned int)) == 0) { unsigned int primitiveValue = [number unsignedIntValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(unsigned short)) == 0) { unsigned short primitiveValue = [number unsignedShortValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(unsigned long)) == 0) { unsigned long primitiveValue = [number unsignedLongValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(unsigned long long)) == 0) { unsigned long long primitiveValue = [number unsignedLongValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(float)) == 0) { float primitiveValue = [number floatValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } else if (strcmp(typeEncoding, @encode(double)) == 0) { double primitiveValue = [number doubleValue]; value = [NSValue value:&primitiveValue withObjCType:typeEncoding]; } return value; } + (void)enumerateTypesInStructEncoding:(const char *)structEncoding usingBlock:(void (^)(NSString *structName, const char *fieldTypeEncoding, NSString *prettyTypeEncoding, NSUInteger fieldIndex, NSUInteger fieldOffset))typeBlock { if (structEncoding && structEncoding[0] == '{') { const char *equals = strchr(structEncoding, '='); if (equals) { const char *nameStart = structEncoding + 1; NSString *structName = [@(structEncoding) substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(nameStart - structEncoding, equals - nameStart)]; NSUInteger fieldAlignment = 0; NSUInteger structSize = 0; @try { // NSGetSizeAndAlignment barfs on type encoding for bitfields. NSGetSizeAndAlignment(structEncoding, &structSize, &fieldAlignment); } @catch (NSException *exception) { } if (structSize > 0) { NSUInteger runningFieldIndex = 0; NSUInteger runningFieldOffset = 0; const char *typeStart = equals + 1; while (*typeStart != '}') { NSUInteger fieldSize = 0; // If the struct type encoding was successfully handled by NSGetSizeAndAlignment above, we *should* be ok with the field here. const char *nextTypeStart = NSGetSizeAndAlignment(typeStart, &fieldSize, NULL); NSString *typeEncoding = [@(structEncoding) substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(typeStart - structEncoding, nextTypeStart - typeStart)]; typeBlock(structName, [typeEncoding UTF8String], [self readableTypeForEncoding:typeEncoding], runningFieldIndex, runningFieldOffset); runningFieldOffset += fieldSize; // Padding to keep propper alignment. __attribute((packed)) structs will break here. // The type encoding is no different for packed structs, so it's not clear there's anything we can do for those. if (runningFieldOffset % fieldAlignment != 0) { runningFieldOffset += fieldAlignment - runningFieldOffset % fieldAlignment; } runningFieldIndex++; typeStart = nextTypeStart; } } } } } #pragma mark - Internal Helpers + (NSDictionary *)attributesDictionaryForProperty:(objc_property_t)property { NSString *attributes = @(property_getAttributes(property)); // Thanks to MAObjcRuntime for inspiration here. NSArray *attributePairs = [attributes componentsSeparatedByString:@","]; NSMutableDictionary *attributesDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:[attributePairs count]]; for (NSString *attributePair in attributePairs) { [attributesDictionary setObject:[attributePair substringFromIndex:1] forKey:[attributePair substringToIndex:1]]; } return attributesDictionary; } + (NSString *)appendName:(NSString *)name toType:(NSString *)type { NSString *combined = nil; if ([type characterAtIndex:[type length] - 1] == '*') { combined = [type stringByAppendingString:name]; } else { combined = [type stringByAppendingFormat:@" %@", name]; } return combined; } + (NSString *)readableTypeForEncoding:(NSString *)encodingString { if (!encodingString) { return nil; } // See https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjCRuntimeGuide/Articles/ocrtTypeEncodings.html // class-dump has a much nicer and much more complete implementation for this task, but it is distributed under GPLv2 :/ // See https://github.com/nygard/class-dump/blob/master/Source/CDType.m // Warning: this method uses multiple middle returns and macros to cut down on boilerplate. // The use of macros here was inspired by https://www.mikeash.com/pyblog/friday-qa-2013-02-08-lets-build-key-value-coding.html const char *encodingCString = [encodingString UTF8String]; // Objects if (encodingCString[0] == '@') { NSString *class = [encodingString substringFromIndex:1]; class = [class stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\"" withString:@""]; if ([class length] == 0 || [class isEqual:@"?"]) { class = @"id"; } else { class = [class stringByAppendingString:@" *"]; } return class; } // C Types #define TRANSLATE(ctype) \ if (strcmp(encodingCString, @encode(ctype)) == 0) { \ return (NSString *)CFSTR(#ctype); \ } // Order matters here since some of the cocoa types are typedefed to c types. // We can't recover the exact mapping, but we choose to prefer the cocoa types. // This is not an exhaustive list, but it covers the most common types TRANSLATE(CGRect); TRANSLATE(CGPoint); TRANSLATE(CGSize); TRANSLATE(UIEdgeInsets); TRANSLATE(UIOffset); TRANSLATE(NSRange); TRANSLATE(CGAffineTransform); TRANSLATE(CATransform3D); TRANSLATE(CGColorRef); TRANSLATE(CGPathRef); TRANSLATE(CGContextRef); TRANSLATE(NSInteger); TRANSLATE(NSUInteger); TRANSLATE(CGFloat); TRANSLATE(BOOL); TRANSLATE(int); TRANSLATE(short); TRANSLATE(long); TRANSLATE(long long); TRANSLATE(unsigned char); TRANSLATE(unsigned int); TRANSLATE(unsigned short); TRANSLATE(unsigned long); TRANSLATE(unsigned long long); TRANSLATE(float); TRANSLATE(double); TRANSLATE(long double); TRANSLATE(char *); TRANSLATE(Class); TRANSLATE(objc_property_t); TRANSLATE(Ivar); TRANSLATE(Method); TRANSLATE(Category); TRANSLATE(NSZone *); TRANSLATE(SEL); TRANSLATE(void); #undef TRANSLATE // Qualifier Prefixes // Do this after the checks above since some of the direct translations (i.e. Method) contain a prefix. #define RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE(prefix, formatString) \ if (encodingCString[0] == prefix) { \ NSString *recursiveType = [self readableTypeForEncoding:[encodingString substringFromIndex:1]]; \ return [NSString stringWithFormat:formatString, recursiveType]; \ } // If there's a qualifier prefix on the encoding, translate it and then // recursively call this method with the rest of the encoding string. RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE('^', @"%@ *"); RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE('r', @"const %@"); RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE('n', @"in %@"); RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE('N', @"inout %@"); RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE('o', @"out %@"); RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE('O', @"bycopy %@"); RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE('R', @"byref %@"); RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE('V', @"oneway %@"); RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE('b', @"bitfield(%@)"); #undef RECURSIVE_TRANSLATE // If we couldn't translate, just return the original encoding string return encodingString; } + (NSValue *)valueForPrimitivePointer:(void *)pointer objCType:(const char *)type { // CASE macro inspired by https://www.mikeash.com/pyblog/friday-qa-2013-02-08-lets-build-key-value-coding.html #define CASE(ctype, selectorpart) \ if(strcmp(type, @encode(ctype)) == 0) { \ return [NSNumber numberWith ## selectorpart: *(ctype *)pointer]; \ } CASE(BOOL, Bool); CASE(unsigned char, UnsignedChar); CASE(short, Short); CASE(unsigned short, UnsignedShort); CASE(int, Int); CASE(unsigned int, UnsignedInt); CASE(long, Long); CASE(unsigned long, UnsignedLong); CASE(long long, LongLong); CASE(unsigned long long, UnsignedLongLong); CASE(float, Float); CASE(double, Double); #undef CASE NSValue *value = nil; @try { value = [NSValue valueWithBytes:pointer objCType:type]; } @catch (NSException *exception) { // Certain type encodings are not supported by valueWithBytes:objCType:. Just fail silently if an exception is thrown. } return value; } @end