// // ServerTrustPolicy.swift // // Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Alamofire Software Foundation (http://alamofire.org/) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // import Foundation /// Responsible for managing the mapping of `ServerTrustPolicy` objects to a given host. open class ServerTrustPolicyManager { /// The dictionary of policies mapped to a particular host. open let policies: [String: ServerTrustPolicy] /// Initializes the `ServerTrustPolicyManager` instance with the given policies. /// /// Since different servers and web services can have different leaf certificates, intermediate and even root /// certficates, it is important to have the flexibility to specify evaluation policies on a per host basis. This /// allows for scenarios such as using default evaluation for host1, certificate pinning for host2, public key /// pinning for host3 and disabling evaluation for host4. /// /// - parameter policies: A dictionary of all policies mapped to a particular host. /// /// - returns: The new `ServerTrustPolicyManager` instance. public init(policies: [String: ServerTrustPolicy]) { self.policies = policies } /// Returns the `ServerTrustPolicy` for the given host if applicable. /// /// By default, this method will return the policy that perfectly matches the given host. Subclasses could override /// this method and implement more complex mapping implementations such as wildcards. /// /// - parameter host: The host to use when searching for a matching policy. /// /// - returns: The server trust policy for the given host if found. open func serverTrustPolicy(forHost host: String) -> ServerTrustPolicy? { return policies[host] } } // MARK: - extension URLSession { private struct AssociatedKeys { static var managerKey = "URLSession.ServerTrustPolicyManager" } var serverTrustPolicyManager: ServerTrustPolicyManager? { get { return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.managerKey) as? ServerTrustPolicyManager } set (manager) { objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &AssociatedKeys.managerKey, manager, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) } } } // MARK: - ServerTrustPolicy /// The `ServerTrustPolicy` evaluates the server trust generally provided by an `NSURLAuthenticationChallenge` when /// connecting to a server over a secure HTTPS connection. The policy configuration then evaluates the server trust /// with a given set of criteria to determine whether the server trust is valid and the connection should be made. /// /// Using pinned certificates or public keys for evaluation helps prevent man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks and other /// vulnerabilities. Applications dealing with sensitive customer data or financial information are strongly encouraged /// to route all communication over an HTTPS connection with pinning enabled. /// /// - performDefaultEvaluation: Uses the default server trust evaluation while allowing you to control whether to /// validate the host provided by the challenge. Applications are encouraged to always /// validate the host in production environments to guarantee the validity of the server's /// certificate chain. /// /// - performRevokedEvaluation: Uses the default and revoked server trust evaluations allowing you to control whether to /// validate the host provided by the challenge as well as specify the revocation flags for /// testing for revoked certificates. Apple platforms did not start testing for revoked /// certificates automatically until iOS 10.1, macOS 10.12 and tvOS 10.1 which is /// demonstrated in our TLS tests. Applications are encouraged to always validate the host /// in production environments to guarantee the validity of the server's certificate chain. /// /// - pinCertificates: Uses the pinned certificates to validate the server trust. The server trust is /// considered valid if one of the pinned certificates match one of the server certificates. /// By validating both the certificate chain and host, certificate pinning provides a very /// secure form of server trust validation mitigating most, if not all, MITM attacks. /// Applications are encouraged to always validate the host and require a valid certificate /// chain in production environments. /// /// - pinPublicKeys: Uses the pinned public keys to validate the server trust. The server trust is considered /// valid if one of the pinned public keys match one of the server certificate public keys. /// By validating both the certificate chain and host, public key pinning provides a very /// secure form of server trust validation mitigating most, if not all, MITM attacks. /// Applications are encouraged to always validate the host and require a valid certificate /// chain in production environments. /// /// - disableEvaluation: Disables all evaluation which in turn will always consider any server trust as valid. /// /// - customEvaluation: Uses the associated closure to evaluate the validity of the server trust. public enum ServerTrustPolicy { case performDefaultEvaluation(validateHost: Bool) case performRevokedEvaluation(validateHost: Bool, revocationFlags: CFOptionFlags) case pinCertificates(certificates: [SecCertificate], validateCertificateChain: Bool, validateHost: Bool) case pinPublicKeys(publicKeys: [SecKey], validateCertificateChain: Bool, validateHost: Bool) case disableEvaluation case customEvaluation((_ serverTrust: SecTrust, _ host: String) -> Bool) // MARK: - Bundle Location /// Returns all certificates within the given bundle with a `.cer` file extension. /// /// - parameter bundle: The bundle to search for all `.cer` files. /// /// - returns: All certificates within the given bundle. public static func certificates(in bundle: Bundle = Bundle.main) -> [SecCertificate] { var certificates: [SecCertificate] = [] let paths = Set([".cer", ".CER", ".crt", ".CRT", ".der", ".DER"].map { fileExtension in bundle.paths(forResourcesOfType: fileExtension, inDirectory: nil) }.joined()) for path in paths { if let certificateData = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: path)) as CFData, let certificate = SecCertificateCreateWithData(nil, certificateData) { certificates.append(certificate) } } return certificates } /// Returns all public keys within the given bundle with a `.cer` file extension. /// /// - parameter bundle: The bundle to search for all `*.cer` files. /// /// - returns: All public keys within the given bundle. public static func publicKeys(in bundle: Bundle = Bundle.main) -> [SecKey] { var publicKeys: [SecKey] = [] for certificate in certificates(in: bundle) { if let publicKey = publicKey(for: certificate) { publicKeys.append(publicKey) } } return publicKeys } // MARK: - Evaluation /// Evaluates whether the server trust is valid for the given host. /// /// - parameter serverTrust: The server trust to evaluate. /// - parameter host: The host of the challenge protection space. /// /// - returns: Whether the server trust is valid. public func evaluate(_ serverTrust: SecTrust, forHost host: String) -> Bool { var serverTrustIsValid = false switch self { case let .performDefaultEvaluation(validateHost): let policy = SecPolicyCreateSSL(true, validateHost ? host as CFString : nil) SecTrustSetPolicies(serverTrust, policy) serverTrustIsValid = trustIsValid(serverTrust) case let .performRevokedEvaluation(validateHost, revocationFlags): let defaultPolicy = SecPolicyCreateSSL(true, validateHost ? host as CFString : nil) let revokedPolicy = SecPolicyCreateRevocation(revocationFlags) SecTrustSetPolicies(serverTrust, [defaultPolicy, revokedPolicy] as CFTypeRef) serverTrustIsValid = trustIsValid(serverTrust) case let .pinCertificates(pinnedCertificates, validateCertificateChain, validateHost): if validateCertificateChain { let policy = SecPolicyCreateSSL(true, validateHost ? host as CFString : nil) SecTrustSetPolicies(serverTrust, policy) SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(serverTrust, pinnedCertificates as CFArray) SecTrustSetAnchorCertificatesOnly(serverTrust, true) serverTrustIsValid = trustIsValid(serverTrust) } else { let serverCertificatesDataArray = certificateData(for: serverTrust) let pinnedCertificatesDataArray = certificateData(for: pinnedCertificates) outerLoop: for serverCertificateData in serverCertificatesDataArray { for pinnedCertificateData in pinnedCertificatesDataArray { if serverCertificateData == pinnedCertificateData { serverTrustIsValid = true break outerLoop } } } } case let .pinPublicKeys(pinnedPublicKeys, validateCertificateChain, validateHost): var certificateChainEvaluationPassed = true if validateCertificateChain { let policy = SecPolicyCreateSSL(true, validateHost ? host as CFString : nil) SecTrustSetPolicies(serverTrust, policy) certificateChainEvaluationPassed = trustIsValid(serverTrust) } if certificateChainEvaluationPassed { outerLoop: for serverPublicKey in ServerTrustPolicy.publicKeys(for: serverTrust) as [AnyObject] { for pinnedPublicKey in pinnedPublicKeys as [AnyObject] { if serverPublicKey.isEqual(pinnedPublicKey) { serverTrustIsValid = true break outerLoop } } } } case .disableEvaluation: serverTrustIsValid = true case let .customEvaluation(closure): serverTrustIsValid = closure(serverTrust, host) } return serverTrustIsValid } // MARK: - Private - Trust Validation private func trustIsValid(_ trust: SecTrust) -> Bool { var isValid = false var result = SecTrustResultType.invalid let status = SecTrustEvaluate(trust, &result) if status == errSecSuccess { let unspecified = SecTrustResultType.unspecified let proceed = SecTrustResultType.proceed isValid = result == unspecified || result == proceed } return isValid } // MARK: - Private - Certificate Data private func certificateData(for trust: SecTrust) -> [Data] { var certificates: [SecCertificate] = [] for index in 0.. [Data] { return certificates.map { SecCertificateCopyData($0) as Data } } // MARK: - Private - Public Key Extraction private static func publicKeys(for trust: SecTrust) -> [SecKey] { var publicKeys: [SecKey] = [] for index in 0.. SecKey? { var publicKey: SecKey? let policy = SecPolicyCreateBasicX509() var trust: SecTrust? let trustCreationStatus = SecTrustCreateWithCertificates(certificate, policy, &trust) if let trust = trust, trustCreationStatus == errSecSuccess { publicKey = SecTrustCopyPublicKey(trust) } return publicKey } }