// // FLEXNetworkObserver.h // Derived from: // // PDAFNetworkDomainController.h // PonyDebugger // // Created by Mike Lewis on 2/27/12. // // Licensed to Square, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements. // See the LICENSE file distributed with this work for the terms under // which Square, Inc. licenses this file to you. // #import FOUNDATION_EXTERN NSString *const kFLEXNetworkObserverEnabledStateChangedNotification; /// This class swizzles NSURLConnection and NSURLSession delegate methods to observe events in the URL loading system. /// High level network events are sent to the default FLEXNetworkRecorder instance which maintains the request history and caches response bodies. @interface FLEXNetworkObserver : NSObject /// Swizzling occurs when the observer is enabled for the first time. /// This reduces the impact of FLEX if network debugging is not desired. /// NOTE: this setting persists between launches of the app. + (void)setEnabled:(BOOL)enabled; + (BOOL)isEnabled; @end