// // SocketEngine.swift // Socket.IO-Client-Swift // // Created by Erik Little on 3/3/15. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. import Dispatch import Foundation import Starscream /// The class that handles the engine.io protocol and transports. /// See `SocketEnginePollable` and `SocketEngineWebsocket` for transport specific methods. open class SocketEngine: NSObject, WebSocketDelegate, URLSessionDelegate, SocketEnginePollable, SocketEngineWebsocket, ConfigSettable { // MARK: Properties private static let logType = "SocketEngine" /// The queue that all engine actions take place on. public let engineQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.socketio.engineHandleQueue") /// The connect parameters sent during a connect. public var connectParams: [String: Any]? { didSet { (urlPolling, urlWebSocket) = createURLs() } } /// A dictionary of extra http headers that will be set during connection. public var extraHeaders: [String: String]? /// A queue of engine.io messages waiting for POSTing /// /// **You should not touch this directly** public var postWait = [Post]() /// `true` if there is an outstanding poll. Trying to poll before the first is done will cause socket.io to /// disconnect us. /// /// **Do not touch this directly** public var waitingForPoll = false /// `true` if there is an outstanding post. Trying to post before the first is done will cause socket.io to /// disconnect us. /// /// **Do not touch this directly** public var waitingForPost = false /// `true` if this engine is closed. public private(set) var closed = false /// If `true` the engine will attempt to use WebSocket compression. public private(set) var compress = false /// `true` if this engine is connected. Connected means that the initial poll connect has succeeded. public private(set) var connected = false /// An array of HTTPCookies that are sent during the connection. public private(set) var cookies: [HTTPCookie]? /// When `true`, the engine is in the process of switching to WebSockets. /// /// **Do not touch this directly** public private(set) var fastUpgrade = false /// When `true`, the engine will only use HTTP long-polling as a transport. public private(set) var forcePolling = false /// When `true`, the engine will only use WebSockets as a transport. public private(set) var forceWebsockets = false /// `true` If engine's session has been invalidated. public private(set) var invalidated = false /// If `true`, the engine is currently in HTTP long-polling mode. public private(set) var polling = true /// If `true`, the engine is currently seeing whether it can upgrade to WebSockets. public private(set) var probing = false /// The URLSession that will be used for polling. public private(set) var session: URLSession? /// The session id for this engine. public private(set) var sid = "" /// The path to engine.io. public private(set) var socketPath = "/engine.io/" /// The url for polling. public private(set) var urlPolling = URL(string: "http://localhost/")! /// The url for WebSockets. public private(set) var urlWebSocket = URL(string: "http://localhost/")! /// The version of engine.io being used. Default is three. public private(set) var version: SocketIOVersion = .three /// If `true`, then the engine is currently in WebSockets mode. @available(*, deprecated, message: "No longer needed, if we're not polling, then we must be doing websockets") public private(set) var websocket = false /// When `true`, the WebSocket `stream` will be configured with the enableSOCKSProxy `true`. public private(set) var enableSOCKSProxy = false /// The WebSocket for this engine. public private(set) var ws: WebSocket? /// Whether or not the WebSocket is currently connected. public private(set) var wsConnected = false /// The client for this engine. public weak var client: SocketEngineClient? private weak var sessionDelegate: URLSessionDelegate? private let url: URL private var lastCommunication: Date? private var pingInterval: Int? private var pingTimeout = 0 { didSet { pongsMissedMax = Int(pingTimeout / (pingInterval ?? 25000)) } } private var pongsMissed = 0 private var pongsMissedMax = 0 private var probeWait = ProbeWaitQueue() private var secure = false private var certPinner: CertificatePinning? private var selfSigned = false // MARK: Initializers /// Creates a new engine. /// /// - parameter client: The client for this engine. /// - parameter url: The url for this engine. /// - parameter config: An array of configuration options for this engine. public init(client: SocketEngineClient, url: URL, config: SocketIOClientConfiguration) { self.client = client self.url = url super.init() setConfigs(config) sessionDelegate = sessionDelegate ?? self (urlPolling, urlWebSocket) = createURLs() } /// Creates a new engine. /// /// - parameter client: The client for this engine. /// - parameter url: The url for this engine. /// - parameter options: The options for this engine. public required convenience init(client: SocketEngineClient, url: URL, options: [String: Any]?) { self.init(client: client, url: url, config: options?.toSocketConfiguration() ?? []) } /// :nodoc: deinit { DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.log("Engine is being released", type: SocketEngine.logType) closed = true stopPolling() } // MARK: Methods private func checkAndHandleEngineError(_ msg: String) { do { let dict = try msg.toDictionary() guard let error = dict["message"] as? String else { return } /* 0: Unknown transport 1: Unknown sid 2: Bad handshake request 3: Bad request */ didError(reason: error) } catch { client?.engineDidError(reason: "Got unknown error from server \(msg)") } } private func handleBase64(message: String) { let offset = version.rawValue >= 3 ? 1 : 2 // binary in base64 string let noPrefix = String(message[message.index(message.startIndex, offsetBy: offset).. (URL, URL) { if client == nil { return (URL(string: "http://localhost/")!, URL(string: "http://localhost/")!) } var urlPolling = URLComponents(string: url.absoluteString)! var urlWebSocket = URLComponents(string: url.absoluteString)! var queryString = "" urlWebSocket.path = socketPath urlPolling.path = socketPath if secure { urlPolling.scheme = "https" urlWebSocket.scheme = "wss" } else { urlPolling.scheme = "http" urlWebSocket.scheme = "ws" } if let connectParams = self.connectParams { for (key, value) in connectParams { let keyEsc = key.urlEncode()! let valueEsc = "\(value)".urlEncode()! queryString += "&\(keyEsc)=\(valueEsc)" } } urlWebSocket.percentEncodedQuery = "transport=websocket" + queryString urlPolling.percentEncodedQuery = "transport=polling&b64=1" + queryString if !urlWebSocket.percentEncodedQuery!.contains("EIO") { urlWebSocket.percentEncodedQuery = urlWebSocket.percentEncodedQuery! + engineIOParam } if !urlPolling.percentEncodedQuery!.contains("EIO") { urlPolling.percentEncodedQuery = urlPolling.percentEncodedQuery! + engineIOParam } return (urlPolling.url!, urlWebSocket.url!) } private func createWebSocketAndConnect() { var req = URLRequest(url: urlWebSocketWithSid) addHeaders( to: &req, includingCookies: session?.configuration.httpCookieStorage?.cookies(for: urlPollingWithSid) ) ws = WebSocket(request: req, certPinner: certPinner, compressionHandler: compress ? WSCompression() : nil) ws?.callbackQueue = engineQueue ws?.delegate = self ws?.connect() } /// Called when an error happens during execution. Causes a disconnection. open func didError(reason: String) { DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.error("\(reason)", type: SocketEngine.logType) client?.engineDidError(reason: reason) disconnect(reason: reason) } /// Disconnects from the server. /// /// - parameter reason: The reason for the disconnection. This is communicated up to the client. open func disconnect(reason: String) { engineQueue.async { self._disconnect(reason: reason) } } private func _disconnect(reason: String) { guard connected && !closed else { return closeOutEngine(reason: reason) } DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.log("Engine is being closed.", type: SocketEngine.logType) if polling { disconnectPolling(reason: reason) } else { sendWebSocketMessage("", withType: .close, withData: [], completion: nil) closeOutEngine(reason: reason) } } // We need to take special care when we're polling that we send it ASAP // Also make sure we're on the emitQueue since we're touching postWait private func disconnectPolling(reason: String) { postWait.append((String(SocketEnginePacketType.close.rawValue), {})) doRequest(for: createRequestForPostWithPostWait()) {_, _, _ in } closeOutEngine(reason: reason) } /// Called to switch from HTTP long-polling to WebSockets. After calling this method the engine will be in /// WebSocket mode. /// /// **You shouldn't call this directly** open func doFastUpgrade() { if waitingForPoll { DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.error("Outstanding poll when switched to WebSockets," + "we'll probably disconnect soon. You should report this.", type: SocketEngine.logType) } DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.log("Switching to WebSockets", type: SocketEngine.logType) sendWebSocketMessage("", withType: .upgrade, withData: [], completion: nil) polling = false fastUpgrade = false probing = false flushProbeWait() // Need to flush postWait to socket since it connected successfully // moved from flushProbeWait() since it is also called on connected failure, and we don't want to try and send // packets through WebSockets when WebSockets has failed! if !postWait.isEmpty { flushWaitingForPostToWebSocket() } } private func flushProbeWait() { DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.log("Flushing probe wait", type: SocketEngine.logType) for waiter in probeWait { write(waiter.msg, withType: waiter.type, withData: waiter.data, completion: waiter.completion) } probeWait.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false) } /// Causes any packets that were waiting for POSTing to be sent through the WebSocket. This happens because when /// the engine is attempting to upgrade to WebSocket it does not do any POSTing. /// /// **You shouldn't call this directly** open func flushWaitingForPostToWebSocket() { guard let ws = self.ws else { return } for msg in postWait { ws.write(string: msg.msg, completion: msg.completion) } postWait.removeAll(keepingCapacity: false) } private func handleClose(_ reason: String) { client?.engineDidClose(reason: reason) } private func handleMessage(_ message: String) { client?.parseEngineMessage(message) } private func handleNOOP() { doPoll() } private func handleOpen(openData: String) { guard let json = try? openData.toDictionary() else { didError(reason: "Error parsing open packet") return } guard let sid = json["sid"] as? String else { didError(reason: "Open packet contained no sid") return } let upgradeWs: Bool self.sid = sid connected = true pongsMissed = 0 if let upgrades = json["upgrades"] as? [String] { upgradeWs = upgrades.contains("websocket") } else { upgradeWs = false } if let pingInterval = json["pingInterval"] as? Int, let pingTimeout = json["pingTimeout"] as? Int { self.pingInterval = pingInterval self.pingTimeout = pingTimeout } if !forcePolling && !forceWebsockets && upgradeWs { createWebSocketAndConnect() } if version.rawValue >= 3 { checkPings() } else { sendPing() } if !forceWebsockets { doPoll() } client?.engineDidOpen(reason: "Connect") } private func handlePong(with message: String) { pongsMissed = 0 // We should upgrade if message == "3probe" { DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.log("Received probe response, should upgrade to WebSockets", type: SocketEngine.logType) upgradeTransport() } client?.engineDidReceivePong() } private func handlePing(with message: String) { if version.rawValue >= 3 { write("", withType: .pong, withData: []) } client?.engineDidReceivePing() } private func checkPings() { let pingInterval = self.pingInterval ?? 25_000 let deadlineMs = Double(pingInterval + pingTimeout) / 1000 let timeoutDeadline = DispatchTime.now() + .milliseconds(pingInterval + pingTimeout) engineQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: timeoutDeadline) {[weak self, id = self.sid] in // Make sure not to ping old connections guard let this = self, this.sid == id else { return } if abs(this.lastCommunication?.timeIntervalSinceNow ?? deadlineMs) >= deadlineMs { this.closeOutEngine(reason: "Ping timeout") } else { this.checkPings() } } } /// Parses raw binary received from engine.io. /// /// - parameter data: The data to parse. open func parseEngineData(_ data: Data) { DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.log("Got binary data: \(data)", type: SocketEngine.logType) lastCommunication = Date() client?.parseEngineBinaryData(version.rawValue >= 3 ? data : data.subdata(in: 1..= 3 ? "b" : "b4") { return handleBase64(message: message) } guard let type = SocketEnginePacketType(rawValue: message.first?.wholeNumberValue ?? -1) else { checkAndHandleEngineError(message) return } switch type { case .message: handleMessage(String(message.dropFirst())) case .noop: handleNOOP() case .ping: handlePing(with: message) case .pong: handlePong(with: message) case .open: handleOpen(openData: String(message.dropFirst())) case .close: handleClose(message) default: DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.log("Got unknown packet type", type: SocketEngine.logType) } } // Puts the engine back in its default state private func resetEngine() { let queue = OperationQueue() queue.underlyingQueue = engineQueue closed = false connected = false fastUpgrade = false polling = true probing = false invalidated = false session = Foundation.URLSession(configuration: .default, delegate: sessionDelegate, delegateQueue: queue) sid = "" waitingForPoll = false waitingForPost = false } private func sendPing() { guard connected, let pingInterval = pingInterval else { return } // Server is not responding if pongsMissed > pongsMissedMax { closeOutEngine(reason: "Ping timeout") return } pongsMissed += 1 write("", withType: .ping, withData: [], completion: nil) engineQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(pingInterval)) {[weak self, id = self.sid] in // Make sure not to ping old connections guard let this = self, this.sid == id else { return } this.sendPing() } client?.engineDidSendPing() } /// Called when the engine should set/update its configs from a given configuration. /// /// parameter config: The `SocketIOClientConfiguration` that should be used to set/update configs. open func setConfigs(_ config: SocketIOClientConfiguration) { for option in config { switch option { case let .connectParams(params): connectParams = params case let .cookies(cookies): self.cookies = cookies case let .extraHeaders(headers): extraHeaders = headers case let .sessionDelegate(delegate): sessionDelegate = delegate case let .forcePolling(force): forcePolling = force case let .forceWebsockets(force): forceWebsockets = force case let .path(path): socketPath = path if !socketPath.hasSuffix("/") { socketPath += "/" } case let .secure(secure): self.secure = secure case let .selfSigned(selfSigned): self.selfSigned = selfSigned case let .security(pinner): self.certPinner = pinner case .compress: self.compress = true case .enableSOCKSProxy: self.enableSOCKSProxy = true case let .version(num): version = num default: continue } } } // Moves from long-polling to websockets private func upgradeTransport() { if wsConnected { DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.log("Upgrading transport to WebSockets", type: SocketEngine.logType) fastUpgrade = true sendPollMessage("", withType: .noop, withData: [], completion: nil) // After this point, we should not send anymore polling messages } } /// Writes a message to engine.io, independent of transport. /// /// - parameter msg: The message to send. /// - parameter type: The type of this message. /// - parameter data: Any data that this message has. /// - parameter completion: Callback called on transport write completion. open func write(_ msg: String, withType type: SocketEnginePacketType, withData data: [Data], completion: (() -> ())? = nil) { engineQueue.async { guard self.connected else { completion?() return } guard !self.probing else { self.probeWait.append((msg, type, data, completion)) return } if self.polling { DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.log("Writing poll: \(msg) has data: \(data.count != 0)", type: SocketEngine.logType) self.sendPollMessage(msg, withType: type, withData: data, completion: completion) } else { DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.log("Writing ws: \(msg) has data: \(data.count != 0)", type: SocketEngine.logType) self.sendWebSocketMessage(msg, withType: type, withData: data, completion: completion) } } } // WebSocket Methods private func websocketDidConnect() { if !forceWebsockets { probing = true probeWebSocket() } else { connected = true probing = false polling = false } } private func websocketDidDisconnect(error: Error?) { probing = false if closed { client?.engineDidClose(reason: "Disconnect") return } guard !polling else { flushProbeWait() return } connected = false polling = true if let error = error as? WSError { didError(reason: "\(error.message). code=\(error.code), type=\(error.type)") } else if let reason = error?.localizedDescription { didError(reason: reason) } else { client?.engineDidClose(reason: "Socket Disconnected") } } // Test Properties func setConnected(_ value: Bool) { connected = value } } extension SocketEngine { // MARK: URLSessionDelegate methods /// Delegate called when the session becomes invalid. public func URLSession(session: URLSession, didBecomeInvalidWithError error: NSError?) { DefaultSocketLogger.Logger.error("Engine URLSession became invalid", type: "SocketEngine") didError(reason: "Engine URLSession became invalid") } } enum EngineError: Error { case canceled } extension SocketEngine { /// Delegate method for WebSocketDelegate. /// /// - Parameters: /// - event: WS Event /// - _: public func didReceive(event: WebSocketEvent, client _: WebSocket) { switch event { case let .connected(headers): wsConnected = true client?.engineDidWebsocketUpgrade(headers: headers) websocketDidConnect() case .cancelled: wsConnected = false websocketDidDisconnect(error: EngineError.canceled) case let .disconnected(reason, code): wsConnected = false websocketDidDisconnect(error: nil) case let .text(msg): parseEngineMessage(msg) case let .binary(data): parseEngineData(data) case _: break } } }