"login_text" = "Login"; "new_user_text" = "New User"; "hassle_free_transfer_text" = "Hassle free money transfer to your loved ones"; "connect_local_community_text" = "Connect to local community"; "earn_reward_point_text" = "Earn reward points and get surprise gifts"; "login_title_text" = "Welcome To Global Money Express"; "login_subtitle_text" = "Login with your email address"; "login_user_id_text" = "User ID"; "user_Id_placeholder_text" = "Registered Email"; "password_text" = "Password"; "forgot_password_text" = "Forgot password"; "new_to_gme_text" = "New to GME? "; "login_register_here_text" = "Register Here"; "user_id_empty_error" = "User id cannot be empty"; "register_title_text" = "Register to Global Money Express"; "register_subtitle_text" = "Register with your email address"; "create_password_text" = "Create Password"; "confirm_password_text" = "Confirm Password"; "dob_text" = "Date Of Birth"; "already_have_account_text" = "Already Have Account?"; "register_text" = "Register"; "password_length_error" = "Password should have at least 6 characters"; "password_policy_error" = "Password must be at least 6 characters"; "password_match_error" = "Passwords does not match"; "password_symbol_required_error" = "Password should have at least one symbol"; "password_number_required_error" = "Password should have at least one number"; "password_empty_error" = "Password cannot be empty"; "password_confirm_empty_error" = "Confirm password cannot be empty"; "password_capital_letter_required_error" = "Password should have at least one capital letter"; "email_text" = "Email"; "email_valid_error" = "Please enter a valid email id"; "dob_valid_error" = "Please enter a valid date of birth"; "forgot_password_title_text" = "Need help with your password?"; "forgot_password_subtitle_text" = "Reset your password using your email address linked to your GME account."; "forgot_password_userId_placeholder_text" = "Registered Email"; "reset_text" = "Reset"; "kyc_fill_text" = "Verify your Account"; "kyc_verify_pending_text" = "Verification in Process"; "penny_test_pending_text" = "Continue the registration process"; "complete_your_registration_text" = "Kindly complete your registration process with us to start using GME services."; "verification_in_aproval_process_text" = "Your registration request is in approval process. You will soon be able to use GME services."; "complete_penny_test" = "Please verify your primary bank account to complete the registration."; "remaining_limit_text" = "Remaining Yearly Limit"; "send_money_text" = "Send Money"; "todays_rate_text" = "Today's Rate"; "transaction_report_text" = "Transaction Report"; "gme_wallet_statement_text" = "GME Wallet Statement"; "home_text" = "Home"; "branch_text" = "Branch"; "profile_text" = "Profile"; "help_you_text" = "We are there to help you (Available time 10:00AM - 12:00AM)"; "cancel_text" = "Cancel"; "reward_point_text" = "Reward Point"; "available_balance_text" = "Your Available Balance"; "gme_wallet_no_text" = "GME Wallet No."; "auto_debit_account_text" = "Auto Debit Account"; "about_gme_text" = "About GME"; "settings_text" = "Settings"; "logout_text" = "Logout"; "logout_confirmation_title_text" = "Logout?"; "logout_confirmation_text" = "Are you sure you want to logout?"; "exit_confirmation_text" = "Are you sure want to exit?"; "yes_text" = "Yes"; "no_text" = "No"; "recipient_listing_title_text" = "Select Recipient"; "new_recipient" = "New Reciepient"; "edit_delete_hint_ios_text" = "Swipe left to Edit or Delete recipient profile"; "edit_delete_hint_android_text" = "Hold to Edit or Delete recipient profile"; "delete_text" = "Delete"; "edit_text" = "Edit"; "delete_recipient_confirmation_text" = "Do you want to delete this receipient?"; "add_recipient_text" = "Add Recipient"; "edit_recipient_text" = "Edit Recipient"; "who_to_send_text" = "Who are you sending money to?"; "first_name_text" = "First Name"; "placeholder_enter_receiver_firstname_text" = "Enter receiver's first Name"; "enter_receiver_middlename_text" = "Middle Name (Optional)"; "placeholder_enter_receiver_middle_text" = "Enter receiver's middle name"; "last_name_text" = "Last Name"; "placeholder_enter_receiver_lastname_text" = "Enter receiver's last name"; "country_text" = "Country"; "placeholder_select_country_text" = "Select country"; "address_text" = "Address"; "placeholder_enter_receiver_address_text" = "Enter receiver's address"; "relation_text" = "Relation"; "placeholder_select_relation_text" = " Select relation"; "mobile_number_text" = "Mobile No."; "placeholder_enter_reciever_mobile_number_text" = "Enter receiver's mobile number"; "state_text" = "State/Province"; "state_placeholder_text" = "Please select a state/province"; "district_text" = "District"; "district_placeholder_text" = "Please select a state/province"; "email_text_optional" = "Email (Optional)"; "placeholder_enter_receiver_email_text" = "Enter receiver's email address"; "transfer_reason_text" = "Transfer Reason"; "placeholder_select_transfer_reason_text" = "Select Reason"; "save_text" = "Save"; "first_name_error" = "First Name cannot be empty"; "last_name_error" = "Last Name cannot be empty"; "select_country_error" = "Please select a country"; "select_province_error" = "Please select a state/province"; "select_district_error" = "Please select a district"; "address_error" = "Address cannot be empty"; "relation_error" = "Please select a relation"; "mobile_number_error" = "Mobile number cannot be empty"; "transfer_reason_error" = "Please select a transfer reason"; "todays_rate_title_text" = "Today's Rate"; "you_send_text" = "You Send"; "recepient_gets_text" = "Recepient Gets"; "select_payment_mode_text" = "Select Payment Mode"; "transfer_fee_included_text" = "Transfer Fee Included"; "current_exchange_rate_text" = "Current Exchange Rate"; "receipient_gets_text" = "Receipient Gets"; "calculate_text" = "Calculate"; "sending_amount_error" = "Please specify sending amount"; "receiving_amount_error" = "Please specify receiving amount"; "no_currency_selected_error" = "Please select a currency"; "send_money_title_text" = "Send Money"; "payout_mode_text" = "Payout Mode"; "amount_detail_text" = "Amount Detail"; "verification_detail_text" = "Verification"; "pick_money_text" = "How would you like to pick you money in"; "select_bank_text" = "Select Bank"; "select_branch_text" = "Select Branch"; "account_number_text" = "Account Number"; "continue_text" = "Continue"; "reciever_details_text" = "Reciever Details"; "full_name_text" = "Full Name"; "mobile_text" = "Mobile"; "transaction_detail_text" = "Transaction Details"; "payout_country_text" = "Payout Country"; "paying_amount_text" = "Paying Amount"; "exchange_rate_text" = "Exchange Rate"; "service_charge_text" = "Service Chage"; "payout_agent_text" = "Payout Agent/Bank"; "i_have_read_to_text" = "I have read and agreed to"; "gme_user_aggreement_text" = "Gme Remittance User Agreement"; "agree_and_send_text" = "Agree and Send"; "enter_login_password_text" = "Enter your login password"; "confirm_text" = "Confirm"; "alert_text" = "Alert!"; "account_number_empty_error" = "Please provide an account no"; "branch_empty_error" = "Please select a branch"; "bank_empty_error" = "Please select a bank"; "payment_mode_empty_error" = "Please select a payment mode"; "terms_and_condition_title_text" = "Terms And Condition"; "no_payout_currency_defined_error" = "No payout currency defined, please contact support."; "select_bank_first_text" = "Please select a bank first"; "receipt_title_text" = "Receipt"; "transfer_success_text" = "Transfer Successful"; "transfer_success_info_text" = "You have successfully transferred your money to "; "total_payout_amount_text" = "Total Payout Amount"; "gme_control_no_text" = "GME Control No"; "gme_control_security_text" = "Please keep this GME control no. very secure."; "share_party_text" = "Share with concerned party only"; "transaction_date_text" = "Transaction Date"; "receiver_text" = "Receiver"; "service_fee_text" = "Service Fee"; "ex_rate_text" = "Ex Rate"; "total_amount_text" = "Total Amount"; "total_sent_amount_text" = "Total Sent Amount"; "request_to_cancel_text" = "Request to Cancel"; "request_to_change_text" = "Request to Change"; "transaction_report_title_text" = "Transaction Report"; "all_text" = "All"; "unpaid_text" = "Unpaid"; "paid_text" = "Paid"; "search_with_controlno_text" = "Search with Control No."; "from_text" = "From"; "to_text" = "To"; "search_text" = "Search"; "placeholder_from_text" = "Select start date"; "placeholder_to_text" = "Select end date"; "filter_by_date_text" = "Filter by date"; "invalid_date_range_selected" = "Invalid date range selected"; "no_transaction_found_text" = "No transaction found"; "wallet_statement_title_text" = "Wallet Statement"; "amt_deposited_text" = "Amount Deposited"; "closing_balance_text" = "Closing Balance"; "in_text" = "IN"; "out_text" = "OUT"; "no_statement_found_text" = "No Wallet Statement found"; "setting_text" = "Setting"; "change_password_text" = "Change Password"; "about_me_description_text" = "We are licensed by Ministry of Strategy & Finance to operate as the first Non-Bank Remittance Service providers in South Korea. Meeting all compliance regulations set forward by the regulators was a tough journey but today we feel proud about what we have achieved and how robust our operations are as a result of the hard work completed earlier. We are now ready with a 100% compliant and secured system that guarantees your money will arrive safely in right hands every single time."; "app_version_text" = "App Version"; "follow_us_text" = "Follow us on"; "check_for_update_text" = "Check for Update"; "change_password_title_text" = "Change Password"; "current_password_text" = "Current Password"; "new_password_text" = "New Password"; "current_password_placeholder_text" = "Enter Your Current Password"; "new_password_placeholder_text" = "Enter Your New Password"; "confirm_new_password_placeholder_text" = "Confirm Your Password"; "save_password_text" = "Save"; "password_policy_text" = "Password must be at least 6 characters"; "confirm_password_mismatch_error" = "Confirm password does not match with new password"; "success_text" = "Success"; "confirm_passowrd_empty_error" = "Confirm password cannot be empty"; "profile_title_text" = "Profile"; "personal_title_text" = "Personal"; "personal_subtitle_text" = "Tell us a few things about yourself"; "full_name_placeholder_text" = "Enter Your Full Name"; "email_address_text" = "Email Address"; "gender_text" = "Gender"; "gender_placeholder_text" = "Select Gender"; "native_country_text" = "Native Country"; "native_country_placeholder_text" = "Select Native Country"; "address_in_korea_text" = "Address In Korea"; "province_text" = "Province"; "province_placeholder_text" = "Select Province"; "occupation_text" = "Occupation"; "occupation_placeholder_text" = "Select Occupation"; "save_and_continue_text" = "Save And Continue"; "mobile_number_placeholder_text" = "Enter your Mobile No"; "security_titile_text" = "Security"; "security_subtitle_text" = "Let's get your bank connected"; "primary_bank_text" = "Primary Bank Name"; "primary_bank_placeholder_text" = "Select Primary Bank"; "primary_account_number_text" = "Primary Account Number"; "privary_account_number_placeholder" = "Enter your Primary Account Number"; "verification_id_type_text" = "Verification Id Type"; "verification_id_placeholder_text" = "Select Verification Id Type"; "verification_id_no_text" = "Verification Id Number"; "verification_id_no_placeholder_text" = "Enter Your Verification Id No."; "source_of_fund_text" = "Source Of Fund"; "source_of_fund_placeholder_text" = "Select Source Of Fund"; "issue_date_title" = "Issue Date"; "expiry_date_title" = "Expiry Date"; "upload_title_text" = "Upload"; "upload_subtitle_text" = "Upload your documents "; "view_sample_text" = "View Sample"; "selfie_with_verification_id_front_text" = "Selfie with Verification Id Front"; "verification_id_front_text" = "Verification Id front"; "verification_id_back_text" = "Verification Id Back"; "passbook_text" = "Bank Passbook"; "passport_text" = "Passport"; "submit_text" = "Submit"; "kyc_document_note_text" = "Note: Verification Id can be your National ID or Alien Reg ID or Passport Front selected on Security Screen"; "kyc_photo_upload_dialog_title" = "Add a Photo"; "camera_text" = "Camera"; "gallery_text" = "Gallery"; "please_provide_all_images_text" = "Please provide all images"; "camera_access_denied_text" = "Camera access denied. Do you want to change the permission from settings?"; "galery_access_denied_text" = "Gallery access denied. Do you want to change the permission from settings?"; "done_text" = "Done"; "kyc_first_name_error" = "Please enter a valid fullname"; "kyc_mobile_invalid_number_error" = "Please enter a valid korean mobile number"; "kyc_mobile_empty_error" = "Mobile number cannot be empty"; "kyc_gender_error" = "Please select gender"; "kyc_native_country_error" = "Please select native country"; "kyc_address_error" = "Please enter valid address"; "kyc_province_error" = "Please select province"; "kyc_occupation_error" = "Please select occupation"; "kyc_bank_name_error" = "Please select bank"; "kyc_account_number_error" = "Please enter valid account number"; "kyc_verification_id_error" = "Please select valid verification Id type"; "kyc_source_of_fund_error" = "Please select source of fund"; "kyc_verification_no_error" = "Please enter a valid verification id number"; "kyc_form_fill_up_number_error" = "Please fill all the required details"; "document_issue_date_error_text" = "Please select an issue date"; "document_expiry_date_error_text" = "Please select an expiry date"; "ok_text" = "Ok"; "invalid_date_range_selected_text" = "Invalid date range selected"; "start_app_manually_text" = "Please restart app manually"; "permission_denied_text" = "Permission Denied"; "no_internet_connection_error" = "Please check your internet connection"; "select_currency_text" = "Select Currency"; "search_currency_text" = "Search Currency"; "no_currency_found_text" = "No Currency found"; "no_country_found_text" = "No Country found"; "select_gender_text" = "Select Gender"; "male_text" = "Male"; "female_text" = "Female"; "other_text" = "Other"; "no_gender_found_text" = "No Gender found"; "enter_your_login_password_text" = "Enter your login Password"; "search_country_text" = "Search Country"; "select_country_text" = "Select Country"; "select_district_text" = "Select District"; "search_district_text" = "Search District"; "no_district_found_text" = "No district found"; "select_province_text" = "Select Province"; "search_province_text" = "Search Province"; "no_province_found_text" = "No Province found"; "select_relation_text" = "Select Relation"; "search_relation_text" = "Search Relation"; "no_relation_found_text" = "No relation found"; "select_transfer_reason_text" = "Select Transfer Reason"; "search_transfer_reason_text" = "Search Transfer Reason"; "no_transfer_reason_found_text" = "No transfer reason found"; "select_occupation_text" = "Select Occupation"; "search_occupation_text" = "Search Occupation"; "no_occupation_found_text" = "No Occupation found"; "select_id_type_text" = "Select Id Type"; "no_id_type_found_text" = "No Id Type found"; "search_id_text" = "Search Id Type"; "select_primary_bank_text" = "Select Primary Bank"; "no_primary_bank_found_text" = "No primary bank found"; "search_primary_bank_text" = "Search Primary Bank"; "select_source_of_fund_text" = "Select Source Of Fund"; "no_source_of_found_text" = "No Source of Fund found"; "search_source_of_fund" = "Search Source of Fund"; "select_dob_text" = "Select dob"; "select_issue_date_text" = "Select issue date"; "select_expiry_date_text" = "Select expiry date"; "search_language_text" = "Search Language"; "select_language_text" = "Select Language"; "no_language_found_text" = "No Language found"; "search_bank_text" = "Search Bank"; "no_bank_found_text" = "No Bank found"; "search_branch_text" = "Search Branch"; "no_branch_found_text" = "No Branch found"; "search_branch_hint_text" = "Type to search branches (Minimum 3 characters)"; "search_account_text" = "Search Account"; "no_account_found_text" = "No Account found"; "select_account_text" = "Choose Payment Method"; "no_result_found_text" = "No Result Found"; "processing_request_text" = "Processing request"; "important_text" = "Important"; "error_text" = "Error"; "operation_failed_text" = "Operation Failed"; "connection_failed_text" = "Connection Failed"; "auto_refund_title_text" = "Auto Refund"; "how_much_would_you_like_to_refund" = "How much would you like to refund?"; "withdraw_text" = "Withdraw"; "refund_text" = "Refund"; "you_refund_text" = "You Refund"; "per_refund_bank_charge" = "Per Refund Bank Charge"; "penny_test_promt_description_text" = "Your bank account verification is required inorder to complete the registration. Do you want to verify it now?"; "not_now_text" = "Not now"; "deposit_reference_text" = "Deposit Reference"; "resend_request_text" = "Resend Request"; "proceed_text" = "Proceed"; "penny_test_close_text" = "Close"; "penny_test_title_text" = "Penny Test"; "valid_verification_code_error" = "Please enter the valid verification code"; "new_update_is_available_text" = "New update is available"; "update_text" = "Update"; "auto_debit_title_text" = "Manage Auto Debit Account"; "are_you_sure_text" = "Are you sure?"; "auto_debit_delete_confirm_description" = "You want to delete Auto-Debit Account!"; "add_auto_debit_account_text" = "Add Auto Debit Account"; "delete_auto_debit_account_hint_text" = "Hold to Delete the account"; "no_languages_available_text" = "No Languages Available"; "swift_to_delete_account_text" = "Swipe left to Edit or Delete account."; "language_text" = "Language"; "korean_language_text" = "한국어"; "cambodia_lanugage_text" = "ភាសាខ្មែរ"; "srilanka_lanugage_text" = "සිංහල"; "myanmar_language_text" = "မြန်မာ"; "russian_langugae_text" = "русский"; "vietnam_language_text" = "Tiếng Việt"; "thailand_language_text" = "ไทย"; "indonesia_language_text" = "bahasa Indonesia"; "mongolia_language_text" = "Монгол хэл"; "nepali_language_text" = "नेपाली"; "bengali_language_text" = "বাংলা"; "uzbek_language_text" = "O'zbek"; "english_language_text" = "English"; "enter_otp_password_text" = "Enter 4 Digit OTP Code"; "otp_password_hint_text" = "4 Digit OTP"; "otp_empty_error" = "OTP code cannot be empty"; "requesting_otp_text" = "Requesting OTP"; "resend_code_text" = "Try again in"; "resend_money_text" = "Resend Money"; "resend_search_hint_text" = "GME No/Receiver Name/Bank Name"; "your_request_text" = "Your request here"; "request_for_cancellation_text" = "Request for cancellation"; "request_for_amendment_text" = "Request for amendment"; "no_subject_error_text" = "Please write a subject"; "no_message_body_text" = "Please write a message body"; "no_control_id_error_text" = "Gme Number Not found"; "no_transaction_id_error_text" = "Transaction ID Not Found"; "support_description_text" = "We are always here to help you."; // ReferalCode "referral_code_text" = "Referral Code (Optional)";