// // DiskStorage.swift // Kingfisher // // Created by Wei Wang on 2018/10/15. // // Copyright (c) 2019 Wei Wang // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. import Foundation /// Represents a set of conception related to storage which stores a certain type of value in disk. /// This is a namespace for the disk storage types. A `Backend` with a certain `Config` will be used to describe the /// storage. See these composed types for more information. public enum DiskStorage { /// Represents a storage back-end for the `DiskStorage`. The value is serialized to data /// and stored as file in the file system under a specified location. /// /// You can config a `DiskStorage.Backend` in its initializer by passing a `DiskStorage.Config` value. /// or modifying the `config` property after it being created. `DiskStorage` will use file's attributes to keep /// track of a file for its expiration or size limitation. public class Backend { /// The config used for this disk storage. public var config: Config // The final storage URL on disk, with `name` and `cachePathBlock` considered. public let directoryURL: URL let metaChangingQueue: DispatchQueue /// Creates a disk storage with the given `DiskStorage.Config`. /// /// - Parameter config: The config used for this disk storage. /// - Throws: An error if the folder for storage cannot be got or created. public init(config: Config) throws { self.config = config let url: URL if let directory = config.directory { url = directory } else { url = try config.fileManager.url( for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true) } let cacheName = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.ImageCache.\(config.name)" directoryURL = config.cachePathBlock(url, cacheName) metaChangingQueue = DispatchQueue(label: cacheName) try prepareDirectory() } // Creates the storage folder. func prepareDirectory() throws { let fileManager = config.fileManager let path = directoryURL.path guard !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: path) else { return } do { try fileManager.createDirectory( atPath: path, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) } catch { throw KingfisherError.cacheError(reason: .cannotCreateDirectory(path: path, error: error)) } } func store( value: T, forKey key: String, expiration: StorageExpiration? = nil) throws { let expiration = expiration ?? config.expiration // The expiration indicates that already expired, no need to store. guard !expiration.isExpired else { return } let data: Data do { data = try value.toData() } catch { throw KingfisherError.cacheError(reason: .cannotConvertToData(object: value, error: error)) } let fileURL = cacheFileURL(forKey: key) do { try data.write(to: fileURL) } catch { throw KingfisherError.cacheError( reason: .cannotCreateCacheFile(fileURL: fileURL, key: key, data: data, error: error) ) } let now = Date() let attributes: [FileAttributeKey : Any] = [ // The last access date. .creationDate: now.fileAttributeDate, // The estimated expiration date. .modificationDate: expiration.estimatedExpirationSinceNow.fileAttributeDate ] do { try config.fileManager.setAttributes(attributes, ofItemAtPath: fileURL.path) } catch { try? config.fileManager.removeItem(at: fileURL) throw KingfisherError.cacheError( reason: .cannotSetCacheFileAttribute( filePath: fileURL.path, attributes: attributes, error: error ) ) } } func value(forKey key: String, extendingExpiration: ExpirationExtending = .cacheTime) throws -> T? { return try value(forKey: key, referenceDate: Date(), actuallyLoad: true, extendingExpiration: extendingExpiration) } func value( forKey key: String, referenceDate: Date, actuallyLoad: Bool, extendingExpiration: ExpirationExtending) throws -> T? { let fileManager = config.fileManager let fileURL = cacheFileURL(forKey: key) let filePath = fileURL.path guard fileManager.fileExists(atPath: filePath) else { return nil } let meta: FileMeta do { let resourceKeys: Set = [.contentModificationDateKey, .creationDateKey] meta = try FileMeta(fileURL: fileURL, resourceKeys: resourceKeys) } catch { throw KingfisherError.cacheError( reason: .invalidURLResource(error: error, key: key, url: fileURL)) } if meta.expired(referenceDate: referenceDate) { return nil } if !actuallyLoad { return T.empty } do { let data = try Data(contentsOf: fileURL) let obj = try T.fromData(data) metaChangingQueue.async { meta.extendExpiration(with: fileManager, extendingExpiration: extendingExpiration) } return obj } catch { throw KingfisherError.cacheError(reason: .cannotLoadDataFromDisk(url: fileURL, error: error)) } } func isCached(forKey key: String) -> Bool { return isCached(forKey: key, referenceDate: Date()) } func isCached(forKey key: String, referenceDate: Date) -> Bool { do { let result = try value( forKey: key, referenceDate: referenceDate, actuallyLoad: false, extendingExpiration: .none ) return result != nil } catch { return false } } func remove(forKey key: String) throws { let fileURL = cacheFileURL(forKey: key) try removeFile(at: fileURL) } func removeFile(at url: URL) throws { try config.fileManager.removeItem(at: url) } func removeAll() throws { try removeAll(skipCreatingDirectory: false) } func removeAll(skipCreatingDirectory: Bool) throws { try config.fileManager.removeItem(at: directoryURL) if !skipCreatingDirectory { try prepareDirectory() } } /// The URL of the cached file with a given computed `key`. /// /// - Note: /// This method does not guarantee there is an image already cached in the returned URL. It just gives your /// the URL that the image should be if it exists in disk storage, with the give key. /// /// - Parameter key: The final computed key used when caching the image. Please note that usually this is not /// the `cacheKey` of an image `Source`. It is the computed key with processor identifier considered. public func cacheFileURL(forKey key: String) -> URL { let fileName = cacheFileName(forKey: key) return directoryURL.appendingPathComponent(fileName) } func cacheFileName(forKey key: String) -> String { if config.usesHashedFileName { let hashedKey = key.kf.md5 if let ext = config.pathExtension { return "\(hashedKey).\(ext)" } return hashedKey } else { if let ext = config.pathExtension { return "\(key).\(ext)" } return key } } func allFileURLs(for propertyKeys: [URLResourceKey]) throws -> [URL] { let fileManager = config.fileManager guard let directoryEnumerator = fileManager.enumerator( at: directoryURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: propertyKeys, options: .skipsHiddenFiles) else { throw KingfisherError.cacheError(reason: .fileEnumeratorCreationFailed(url: directoryURL)) } guard let urls = directoryEnumerator.allObjects as? [URL] else { throw KingfisherError.cacheError(reason: .invalidFileEnumeratorContent(url: directoryURL)) } return urls } func removeExpiredValues(referenceDate: Date = Date()) throws -> [URL] { let propertyKeys: [URLResourceKey] = [ .isDirectoryKey, .contentModificationDateKey ] let urls = try allFileURLs(for: propertyKeys) let keys = Set(propertyKeys) let expiredFiles = urls.filter { fileURL in do { let meta = try FileMeta(fileURL: fileURL, resourceKeys: keys) if meta.isDirectory { return false } return meta.expired(referenceDate: referenceDate) } catch { return true } } try expiredFiles.forEach { url in try removeFile(at: url) } return expiredFiles } func removeSizeExceededValues() throws -> [URL] { if config.sizeLimit == 0 { return [] } // Back compatible. 0 means no limit. var size = try totalSize() if size < config.sizeLimit { return [] } let propertyKeys: [URLResourceKey] = [ .isDirectoryKey, .creationDateKey, .fileSizeKey ] let keys = Set(propertyKeys) let urls = try allFileURLs(for: propertyKeys) var pendings: [FileMeta] = urls.compactMap { fileURL in guard let meta = try? FileMeta(fileURL: fileURL, resourceKeys: keys) else { return nil } return meta } // Sort by last access date. Most recent file first. pendings.sort(by: FileMeta.lastAccessDate) var removed: [URL] = [] let target = config.sizeLimit / 2 while size > target, let meta = pendings.popLast() { size -= UInt(meta.fileSize) try removeFile(at: meta.url) removed.append(meta.url) } return removed } /// Get the total file size of the folder in bytes. func totalSize() throws -> UInt { let propertyKeys: [URLResourceKey] = [.fileSizeKey] let urls = try allFileURLs(for: propertyKeys) let keys = Set(propertyKeys) let totalSize: UInt = urls.reduce(0) { size, fileURL in do { let meta = try FileMeta(fileURL: fileURL, resourceKeys: keys) return size + UInt(meta.fileSize) } catch { return size } } return totalSize } } } extension DiskStorage { /// Represents the config used in a `DiskStorage`. public struct Config { /// The file size limit on disk of the storage in bytes. 0 means no limit. public var sizeLimit: UInt /// The `StorageExpiration` used in this disk storage. Default is `.days(7)`, /// means that the disk cache would expire in one week. public var expiration: StorageExpiration = .days(7) /// The preferred extension of cache item. It will be appended to the file name as its extension. /// Default is `nil`, means that the cache file does not contain a file extension. public var pathExtension: String? = nil /// Default is `true`, means that the cache file name will be hashed before storing. public var usesHashedFileName = true let name: String let fileManager: FileManager let directory: URL? var cachePathBlock: ((_ directory: URL, _ cacheName: String) -> URL)! = { (directory, cacheName) in return directory.appendingPathComponent(cacheName, isDirectory: true) } /// Creates a config value based on given parameters. /// /// - Parameters: /// - name: The name of cache. It is used as a part of storage folder. It is used to identify the disk /// storage. Two storages with the same `name` would share the same folder in disk, and it should /// be prevented. /// - sizeLimit: The size limit in bytes for all existing files in the disk storage. /// - fileManager: The `FileManager` used to manipulate files on disk. Default is `FileManager.default`. /// - directory: The URL where the disk storage should live. The storage will use this as the root folder, /// and append a path which is constructed by input `name`. Default is `nil`, indicates that /// the cache directory under user domain mask will be used. public init( name: String, sizeLimit: UInt, fileManager: FileManager = .default, directory: URL? = nil) { self.name = name self.fileManager = fileManager self.directory = directory self.sizeLimit = sizeLimit } } } extension DiskStorage { struct FileMeta { let url: URL let lastAccessDate: Date? let estimatedExpirationDate: Date? let isDirectory: Bool let fileSize: Int static func lastAccessDate(lhs: FileMeta, rhs: FileMeta) -> Bool { return lhs.lastAccessDate ?? .distantPast > rhs.lastAccessDate ?? .distantPast } init(fileURL: URL, resourceKeys: Set) throws { let meta = try fileURL.resourceValues(forKeys: resourceKeys) self.init( fileURL: fileURL, lastAccessDate: meta.creationDate, estimatedExpirationDate: meta.contentModificationDate, isDirectory: meta.isDirectory ?? false, fileSize: meta.fileSize ?? 0) } init( fileURL: URL, lastAccessDate: Date?, estimatedExpirationDate: Date?, isDirectory: Bool, fileSize: Int) { self.url = fileURL self.lastAccessDate = lastAccessDate self.estimatedExpirationDate = estimatedExpirationDate self.isDirectory = isDirectory self.fileSize = fileSize } func expired(referenceDate: Date) -> Bool { return estimatedExpirationDate?.isPast(referenceDate: referenceDate) ?? true } func extendExpiration(with fileManager: FileManager, extendingExpiration: ExpirationExtending) { guard let lastAccessDate = lastAccessDate, let lastEstimatedExpiration = estimatedExpirationDate else { return } let attributes: [FileAttributeKey : Any] switch extendingExpiration { case .none: // not extending expiration time here return case .cacheTime: let originalExpiration: StorageExpiration = .seconds(lastEstimatedExpiration.timeIntervalSince(lastAccessDate)) attributes = [ .creationDate: Date().fileAttributeDate, .modificationDate: originalExpiration.estimatedExpirationSinceNow.fileAttributeDate ] case .expirationTime(let expirationTime): attributes = [ .creationDate: Date().fileAttributeDate, .modificationDate: expirationTime.estimatedExpirationSinceNow.fileAttributeDate ] } try? fileManager.setAttributes(attributes, ofItemAtPath: url.path) } } }