You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

821 lines
37 KiB

"login_text" = "Login";
"new_user_text" = "New User";
"hassle_free_transfer_text" = "Hassle free money transfer to your loved ones";
"connect_local_community_text" = "Connect to local community";
"earn_reward_point_text" = "Earn reward points and get surprise gifts";
"login_title_text" = "Welcome To\nGlobal Money Express";
"login_subtitle_text" = "Login with your email address";
"login_user_id_text" = "User ID";
"user_Id_placeholder_text" = "Registered Email";
"password_text" = "Password";
"forgot_password_text" = "Forgot password";
"new_to_gme_text" = "New to Fast Remit? ";
"login_register_here_text" = "Register Here";
"user_id_empty_error" = "User id cannot be empty";
"register_title_text" = "Register to Fast Remit ";
"register_subtitle_text" = "Register with your email address";
"create_password_text" = "Create Password";
"confirm_password_text" = "Confirm Password";
"dob_text" = "Date Of Birth";
"already_have_account_text" = "Already Have Account?";
"register_text" = "Register";
"password_length_error" = "Password should have at least 6 characters";
"password_policy_error" = "Password must be at least 6 characters";
"password_match_error" = "Passwords does not match";
"password_symbol_required_error" = "Password should have at least one symbol";
"password_number_required_error" = "Password should have at least one number";
"password_empty_error" = "Password cannot be empty";
"password_confirm_empty_error" = "Confirm password cannot be empty";
"password_capital_letter_required_error" = "Password should have at least one capital letter";
"email_text" = "Email";
"email_valid_error" = "Please enter a valid email id";
"dob_valid_error" = "Please enter a valid date of birth";
"forgot_password_title_text" = "Need help with your password?";
"reset_text" = "Reset";
"kyc_fill_text" = "Verify your Account";
"kyc_verify_pending_text" = "Verification in Process";
"penny_test_pending_text" = "Continue the registration process";
"complete_your_registration_text" = "Kindly complete your registration process with us to start using Fast Remit services.";
"verification_in_aproval_process_text" = "Your registration request is in approval process. You will soon be able to use Fast Remit services.";
"complete_penny_test" = "Please verify your primary bank account to complete the registration.";
"remaining_limit_text" = "Remaining Yearly Limit";
"send_money_text" = "Send Money";
"todays_rate_text" = "Today's Rate";
"transaction_report_text" = "Transaction Report";
"gme_wallet_statement_text" = "Fast Remit Wallet Statement";
"home_text" = "Home";
"branch_text" = "Branch";
"profile_text" = "Profile";
"help_you_text" = "We are there to help you\n(Available time 10:00AM - 12:00AM)";
"cancel_text" = "Cancel";
"reward_point_text" = "Reward Point";
"available_balance_text" = "Your Available Balance";
"gme_wallet_no_text" = "Fast Remit Wallet No.";
"auto_debit_account_text" = "Auto Debit Account";
"about_gme_text" = "About Fast Remit";
"settings_text" = "Settings";
"logout_text" = "Logout";
"logout_confirmation_title_text" = "Logout?";
"logout_confirmation_text" = "Are you sure you want to logout?";
"exit_confirmation_text" = "Are you sure want to exit?";
"yes_text" = "Yes";
"no_text" = "No";
"recipient_listing_title_text" = "Select Recipient";
"new_recipient" = "New Reciepient";
"edit_delete_hint_ios_text" = "Swipe left to Edit or Delete recipient profile";
"edit_delete_hint_android_text" = "Hold to Edit or Delete recipient profile";
"delete_text" = "Delete";
"edit_text" = "Edit";
"delete_recipient_confirmation_text" = "Do you want to delete this receipient?";
"add_recipient_text" = "Add Recipient";
"edit_recipient_text" = "Edit Recipient";
"who_to_send_text" = "Who are you sending money to?";
"first_name_text" = "First Name";
"placeholder_enter_receiver_firstname_text" = "Enter receiver's first Name";
"enter_receiver_middlename_text" = "Middle Name (Optional)";
"placeholder_enter_receiver_middle_text" = "Enter receiver's middle name";
"last_name_text" = "Last Name";
"placeholder_enter_receiver_lastname_text" = "Enter receiver's last name";
"country_text" = "Country";
"placeholder_select_country_text" = "Select country";
"address_text" = "Address";
"placeholder_enter_receiver_address_text" = "Enter receiver's address";
"relation_text" = "Relation";
"placeholder_select_relation_text" = " Select relation";
"mobile_number_text" = "Mobile No.";
"placeholder_enter_reciever_mobile_number_text" = "Enter receiver's mobile number";
"state_text" = "State/Province";
"state_placeholder_text" = "Please select a state/province";
"district_text" = "District";
"district_placeholder_text" = "Please select a district";
"email_text_optional" = "Email";
"placeholder_enter_receiver_email_text" = "Enter receiver's email address";
"transfer_reason_text" = "Transfer Reason";
"placeholder_select_transfer_reason_text" = "Select Reason";
"save_text" = "Save";
"first_name_error" = "First Name cannot be empty";
"last_name_error" = "Last Name cannot be empty";
"select_country_error" = "Please select a country";
"select_province_error" = "Please select a state/province";
"select_district_error" = "Please select a district";
"address_error" = "Address cannot be empty";
"relation_error" = "Please select a relation";
"mobile_number_error" = "Mobile number cannot be empty";
"transfer_reason_error" = "Please select a transfer reason";
"todays_rate_title_text" = "Today's Rate";
"you_send_text" = "You Send";
"recepient_gets_text" = "Recepient Gets";
"select_payment_mode_text" = "Select Payment Mode";
"transfer_fee_included_text" = "Transfer Fee Included";
"current_exchange_rate_text" = "Current Exchange Rate";
"receipient_gets_text" = "Receipient Gets";
"calculate_text" = "Calculate";
"sending_amount_error" = "Please specify sending amount";
"receiving_amount_error" = "Please specify receiving amount";
"no_currency_selected_error" = "Please select a currency";
"send_money_title_text" = "Send Money";
"payout_mode_text" = "Payout Mode";
"amount_detail_text" = "Amount Detail";
"verification_detail_text" = "Verification";
"pick_money_text" = "How would you like to pick you money in";
"select_bank_text" = "Select Bank";
"select_branch_text" = "Select Branch";
"account_number_text" = "Account Number";
"continue_text" = "Continue";
"reciever_details_text" = "Reciever Details";
"full_name_text" = "Full Name";
"mobile_text" = "Mobile";
"transaction_detail_text" = "Transaction Details";
"payout_country_text" = "Payout Country";
"paying_amount_text" = "Paying Amount";
"exchange_rate_text" = "Exchange Rate";
"service_charge_text" = "Service Charge";
"payout_agent_text" = "Payout Agent/Bank";
"i_have_read_to_text" = "I have read and agreed to";
"gme_user_aggreement_text" = "Fast Remit User Agreement";
"agree_and_send_text" = "Agree and Send";
"enter_login_password_text" = "Enter your login password";
"confirm_text" = "Confirm";
"alert_text" = "Alert!";
"account_number_empty_error" = "Please provide an account no";
"branch_empty_error" = "Please select a branch";
"bank_empty_error" = "Please select a bank";
"payment_mode_empty_error" = "Please select a payment mode";
"terms_and_condition_title_text" = "Terms And Condition";
"no_payout_currency_defined_error" = "No payout currency defined, please contact support.";
"select_bank_first_text" = "Please select a bank first";
"receipt_title_text" = "Receipt";
"transfer_success_text" = "Transfer Successful";
"transfer_success_info_text" = "You have successfully transferred your money to ";
"total_payout_amount_text" = "Total Payout Amount";
"gme_control_no_text" = "Fast Remit Control No";
"gme_control_security_text" = "Please keep this Fast Remit control no. very secure.";
"share_party_text" = "Share with concerned party only";
"transaction_date_text" = "Transaction Date";
"receiver_text" = "Receiver";
"service_fee_text" = "Service Fee";
"ex_rate_text" = "Ex Rate";
"total_amount_text" = "Total Amount";
"total_sent_amount_text" = "Total Sent Amount";
"request_to_cancel_text" = "Request to Cancel";
"request_to_change_text" = "Request to Change";
"transaction_report_title_text" = "Transaction Report";
"all_text" = "All";
"unpaid_text" = "Unpaid";
"paid_text" = "Paid";
"search_with_controlno_text" = "Search with Control No.";
"from_text" = "From";
"to_text" = "To";
"search_text" = "Search";
"placeholder_from_text" = "Select start date";
"placeholder_to_text" = "Select end date";
"filter_by_date_text" = "Filter by date";
"invalid_date_range_selected" = "Invalid date range selected";
"no_transaction_found_text" = "No transaction found";
"wallet_statement_title_text" = "Wallet Statement";
"amt_deposited_text" = "Amount Deposited";
"closing_balance_text" = "Closing Balance";
"in_text" = "IN";
"out_text" = "OUT";
"no_statement_found_text" = "No Wallet Statement found";
"setting_text" = "Setting";
"change_password_text" = "Change Password";
"about_me_description_text" = "Fast Remittance is an innovative solution developed by young Nepali Engineers to enable the digital channel for customers to access the Remittance products and services that addresses consumer’s remittance needs in real-time basis using digital channels.";
"app_version_text" = "App Version";
"follow_us_text" = "Follow us on";
"check_for_update_text" = "Check for Update";
"change_password_title_text" = "Change Password";
"current_password_text" = "Current Password";
"new_password_text" = "New Password";
"current_password_placeholder_text" = "Enter Your Current Password";
"new_password_placeholder_text" = "Enter Your New Password";
"confirm_new_password_placeholder_text" = "Confirm Your Password";
"save_password_text" = "Save";
"password_policy_text" = "Password must be at least 6 characters";
"confirm_password_mismatch_error" = "Confirm password does not match with new password";
"success_text" = "Success";
"confirm_passowrd_empty_error" = "Confirm password cannot be empty";
"profile_title_text" = "Profile";
"personal_title_text" = "Personal";
"personal_subtitle_text" = "Tell us a few things about yourself";
"full_name_placeholder_text" = "Enter Your Full Name";
"email_address_text" = "Email Address";
"gender_text" = "Gender";
"gender_placeholder_text" = "Select Gender";
"native_country_text" = "Native Country";
"native_country_placeholder_text" = "Select Native Country";
"address_in_korea_text" = "Address";
"province_text" = "Province";
"province_placeholder_text" = "Select Province";
"occupation_text" = "Occupation";
"occupation_placeholder_text" = "Select Occupation";
"save_and_continue_text" = "Save And Continue";
"mobile_number_placeholder_text" = "Enter your Mobile No";
"security_titile_text" = "Security";
"security_subtitle_text" = "Let's get your bank connected";
"primary_bank_text" = "Primary Bank Name";
"primary_bank_placeholder_text" = "Select Primary Bank";
"primary_account_number_text" = "Primary Account Number";
"privary_account_number_placeholder" = "Enter your Primary Account Number";
"verification_id_type_text" = "Verification Id Type";
"verification_id_placeholder_text" = "Select Verification Id Type";
"verification_id_no_text" = "Verification Id Number";
"verification_id_no_placeholder_text" = "Enter Your Verification Id No.";
"source_of_fund_text" = "Source Of Fund";
"source_of_fund_placeholder_text" = "Select Source Of Fund";
"issue_date_title" = "Issue Date";
"expiry_date_title" = "Expiry Date";
"upload_title_text" = "Upload";
"upload_subtitle_text" = "Upload your documents ";
"view_sample_text" = "View Sample";
"selfie_with_verification_id_front_text" = "Selfie with Verification Id Front";
"verification_id_front_text" = "Verification Id front";
"verification_id_back_text" = "Verification Id Back";
"passbook_text" = "Bank Passbook";
"passport_text" = "Passport";
"submit_text" = "Submit";
"kyc_document_note_text" = "Note: Verification Id can be your National ID or Alien Reg ID or Passport Front selected on Security Screen";
"kyc_photo_upload_dialog_title" = "Add a Photo";
"camera_text" = "Camera";
"gallery_text" = "Gallery";
"please_provide_all_images_text" = "Please provide all images";
"camera_access_denied_text" = "Camera access denied. Do you want to change the permission from settings?";
"galery_access_denied_text" = "Gallery access denied. Do you want to change the permission from settings?";
"done_text" = "Done";
"kyc_first_name_error" = "Please enter a valid fullname";
"kyc_mobile_invalid_number_error" = "Please enter a valid mobile number";
"kyc_mobile_empty_error" = "Mobile number cannot be empty";
"kyc_gender_error" = "Please select gender";
"kyc_native_country_error" = "Please select native country";
"kyc_address_error" = "Please enter valid address";
"kyc_province_error" = "Please select province";
"kyc_occupation_error" = "Please select occupation";
"kyc_bank_name_error" = "Please select bank";
"kyc_account_number_error" = "Please enter valid account number";
"kyc_verification_id_error" = "Please select valid verification Id type";
"kyc_source_of_fund_error" = "Please select source of fund";
"kyc_verification_no_error" = "Please enter a valid verification id number";
"kyc_form_fill_up_number_error" = "Please fill all the required details";
"document_issue_date_error_text" = "Please select an issue date";
"document_expiry_date_error_text" = "Please select an expiry date";
"ok_text" = "Ok";
"invalid_date_range_selected_text" = "Invalid date range selected";
"start_app_manually_text" = "Please restart app manually";
"permission_denied_text" = "Permission Denied";
"no_internet_connection_error" = "Please check your internet connection";
"select_currency_text" = "Select Currency";
"search_currency_text" = "Search Currency";
"no_currency_found_text" = "No Currency found";
"no_country_found_text" = "No Country found";
"select_gender_text" = "Select Gender";
"male_text" = "Male";
"female_text" = "Female";
"other_text" = "Other";
"no_gender_found_text" = "No Gender found";
"enter_your_login_password_text" = "Enter your login Password";
"search_country_text" = "Search Country";
"select_country_text" = "Select Country";
"select_district_text" = "Select District";
"search_district_text" = "Search District";
"no_district_found_text" = "No district found";
"select_province_text" = "Select Province";
"search_province_text" = "Search Province";
"no_province_found_text" = "No Province found";
"select_relation_text" = "Select Relation";
"search_relation_text" = "Search Relation";
"no_relation_found_text" = "No relation found";
"select_transfer_reason_text" = "Select Transfer Reason";
"search_transfer_reason_text" = "Search Transfer Reason";
"no_transfer_reason_found_text" = "No transfer reason found";
"select_occupation_text" = "Select Occupation";
"search_occupation_text" = "Search Occupation";
"no_occupation_found_text" = "No Occupation found";
"select_id_type_text" = "Select Id Type";
"no_id_type_found_text" = "No Id Type found";
"search_id_text" = "Search Id Type";
"select_primary_bank_text" = "Select Primary Bank";
"no_primary_bank_found_text" = "No primary bank found";
"search_primary_bank_text" = "Search Primary Bank";
"select_source_of_fund_text" = "Select Source Of Fund";
"no_source_of_found_text" = "No Source of Fund found";
"search_source_of_fund" = "Search Source of Fund";
"select_dob_text" = "Select dob";
"select_issue_date_text" = "Select issue date";
"select_expiry_date_text" = "Select expiry date";
"search_language_text" = "Search Language";
"select_language_text" = "Select Language";
"no_language_found_text" = "No Language found";
"search_bank_text" = "Search Bank";
"no_bank_found_text" = "No Bank found";
"search_branch_text" = "Search Branch";
"no_branch_found_text" = "No Branch found";
"search_branch_hint_text" = "Type to search branches (Minimum 3 characters)";
"search_account_text" = "Search Account";
"no_account_found_text" = "No Account found";
"select_account_text" = "Choose Payment Method";
"no_result_found_text" = "No Result Found";
"processing_request_text" = "Processing request";
"important_text" = "Important";
"error_text" = "Error";
"operation_failed_text" = "Operation Failed";
"connection_failed_text" = "Connection Failed";
"auto_refund_title_text" = "Auto Refund";
"how_much_would_you_like_to_refund" = "How much would you like to refund?";
"withdraw_text" = "Withdraw";
"refund_text" = "Refund";
"you_refund_text" = "You Refund";
"per_refund_bank_charge" = "Per Refund Bank Charge";
"penny_test_promt_description_text" = "Your bank account verification is required inorder to complete the registration. Do you want to verify it now?";
"not_now_text" = "Not now";
"deposit_reference_text" = "Deposit Reference";
"resend_request_text" = "Resend Request";
"proceed_text" = "Proceed";
"penny_test_close_text" = "Close";
"penny_test_title_text" = "Penny Test";
"valid_verification_code_error" = "Please enter the valid verification code";
"new_update_is_available_text" = "New update is available";
"update_text" = "Update";
"auto_debit_title_text" = "Manage Auto Debit Account";
"are_you_sure_text" = "Are you sure?";
"auto_debit_delete_confirm_description" = "You want to delete Auto-Debit Account?";
"add_auto_debit_account_text" = "Add Auto Debit Account";
//"add_auto_debit_account_text" = "Token Renewal";
"delete_auto_debit_account_hint_text" = "Hold to Delete the account";
"no_languages_available_text" = "No Languages Available";
"swift_to_delete_account_text" = "Swipe left to Edit or Delete account.";
//"swift_to_delete_account_text" = "Drag down to Auto Debit Token renewal.";
"language_text" = "Language";
"korean_language_text" = "한국어";
"cambodia_lanugage_text" = "ភាសាខ្មែរ";
"srilanka_lanugage_text" = "සිංහල";
"myanmar_language_text" = "မြန်မာ";
"russian_langugae_text" = "русский";
"vietnam_language_text" = "Tiếng Việt";
"thailand_language_text" = "ไทย";
"indonesia_language_text" = "bahasa Indonesia";
"mongolia_language_text" = "Монгол хэл";
"nepali_language_text" = "नेपाली";
"bengali_language_text" = "বাংলা";
"uzbek_language_text" = "O'zbek";
"english_language_text" = "English";
"pakistan_language_text" = "پاکستان";
"enter_otp_password_text" = "Enter 4 Digit OTP Code";
"otp_password_hint_text" = "4 Digit OTP";
"otp_empty_error" = "OTP code cannot be empty";
"requesting_otp_text" = "Requesting OTP";
"resend_code_text" = "Try again in";
"resend_money_text" = "Resend Money";
"resend_search_hint_text" = "Fast Remit No/Receiver Name/Bank Name";
"your_request_text" = "Your request here";
"request_for_cancellation_text" = "Request for cancellation";
"request_for_amendment_text" = "Request for amendment";
"no_subject_error_text" = "Please write a subject";
"no_message_body_text" = "Please write a message body";
"no_control_id_error_text" = "Fast Remit Number Not found";
"no_transaction_id_error_text" = "Transaction ID Not Found";
"support_description_text" = "We are always here to help you.";
// ReferalCode
"referral_code_text" = "Referral Code (Optional)";
// Biometric authenticaton
"use_biometric_authentication_text" = "Use FaceID & TouchID";
"bio_login_intro_text" = "Please enter authentication information for login";
"bio_sendmoney_intro_text" = "Verify information for cash remittance";
"bio_message_title_text" = "Confirm your FaceID or TouchID to authenticate.";
"bio_press_button_title_text" = "Press to authenticate";
// Biometric authentication notification
"biometric_noti_title_text" = "If use FaceID & TouchID, can quickly and securely use app";
"biometric_noti_content_text" = "Remember, only registered users with FaceID & TouchID can use these app.";
"biometric_noti_manual_text" = "(Manual: Settings -> Use FaceID & TouchID)";
"biometric_noti_biometric_use_button_text" = "Use FaceID & TouchID";
"biometric_noti_password_use_button_text" = "Continue with the password only";
// RewardGroup
"reward_group_title_text" = "Reward";
// RedeemViewContoller
"redeem_text" = "Redeem";
"selected_product_message_text" = "Redeem xxx, ooo Points will be deducted from your reward point";
"select_branch_for_redeem_your_reward_text" = "Select branch for redeem your reward.";
"select_branch_text" = "Select the branch";
"you_visit_nearest_gme_branch_to_redeem_text" = "You visit nearest Fast Remit branch to redeem your reward directly.";
"order_completed_message_text" = "Your order has been completed.\nTake it from the branch of your choice.";
"order_completed_message_title_text" = "Congratulations";
// RewardViewController
"products_text" = "Products";
"reward_points_text" = "Reward Points";
"reward_note_text" = "Note: The reward point is valid for a year only.";
// RewardItemClollectionViewCell
"points_text" = "Points";
// DetailOrderViewController
"detail_order_title_text" = "Detail Order Information";
"pickup_banch_text" = "Pickup Branch";
"product_name_text" = "Product Name";
"product_point_text" = "Product Point";
"order_no_text" = "Order No.";
"order_date_text" = "Order Date";
"order_receive_date_text" = "Order Receive Date";
"order_canceled_date_text" = "Order Cancel Date";
"order_type_text" = "Order Type";
"pickup_from_branch_text" = "Pickup from branch";
// OrderHistoryViewController
"orders_group_title_text" = "Orders";
"ordered_text" = "ORDERED";
"received_text" = "RECEIVED";
"canceled_text" = "CANCELED";
"no_search_orders_message_text" = "There are no result for search.";
"no_orders_message_text" = "There are no orders for last a week.";
// OrderCell
"your_order_canceled_text" = "Your order has been canceled";
"your_order_completed_text" = "Your order is completed";
"you_received_reward_text" = "You have received the reward";
// ConfirmViewControllerConfiguration
"confirm_viewconroller_default_title_text" = "Is this information correct?";
// Check RealName
"to_add_account_enter_information" = "To add an account, enter the information.";
"language_not_selected_error" = "Please select a language";
"select_your_bank" = "Select your bank";
"enter_bank_ac_no" = "Enter your bank account number";
"select_language" = "Select a language";
"verify_account_button_text" = "Confirm";
// Coupon
"used_coupon_title_text" = "Used Coupon";
"coupon_text" = "Coupon";
"applied_amount_text" = "Applied Amount";
// SendMoney For Reward
"estimated_earning_points_text" = "Estimated earning points";
// Add City Field
"placeholder_enter_city_text" = "Enter receiver's city";
"city_text" = "City";
// KFTC Token Renewal
"kftc_token_expired_message_text" = "Your auto debit token has already expired.\nFor use auto debit, you have to renew token.";
"kftc_token_remind_message_text" = "Your auto debit token expires after xx days.";
"kftc_token_title_message_text" = "Would you like to renew your token now?";
"renewal_text" = "Renew";
"later_text" = "Later";
"token_renewal_text" = "Renew AutoDebit";
"token_renewal_confirm_text" = "Would you like to renew your token now? (It must be renewed once a year)";
"token_renewal_placeholder_text" = "Select Language for Token Renewal";
// Thunes for Myanmar
"id_type_title_text" = "ID Type (Optional)";
"id_number_title_text" = "ID Number (Optional)";
"placeholder_enter_id_type_text" = "Select ID Type";
"placeholder_enter_id_number_text" = "Enter receiver's ID number";
// new registration
"userid_title_text" = "User ID";
"userid_placeholder_text" = "Enter your ID for using Fast Remit";
"userid_error_text" = "ID must be in between 4 to 50 characters";
"password_policy_text" = "Password must be at least 6 characters";
"kyc_form_exit_confirmation_text" = "KYC information is required to use Fast Remit Services. Do you really want to exit?";
"retry_text" = "Retry";
// Login
"login_user_credential_title_text" = "User ID / Email / Mobile Number";
"login_user_credential_placholder_text" = "Enter either User ID / Email / Mobile Number";
// inAppChat
"channelIO_error_message_text" = "Service not available.";
"check_start_chat_text" = "Do you want to start live chat with customer support?";
"check_start_chat_title_text" = "Chat";
"live_chat_text" = "Live Chat";
// forgotPassword
"forgot_password_subtitle_text" = "Reset your password using your User ID linked to your Fast Remit account.";
"forgot_password_userId_placeholder_text" = "Registered User ID";
// Indicator
"loading_text" = "Loading";
// Dynamic recipient
"recipient_no_text" = "There are no recipients.";
"recipient_text" = "Recipient";
"country_text" = "Payout Country";
"native_country_text" = "Native Country";
"payment_mode_text" = "Payment Mode";
"bank_text" = "Bank";
"branch_text" = "Branch";
"account_text" = "Bank Account";
"first_name_text" = "First Name";
"middle_name_text" = "Middle Name";
"last_name_text" = "Last Name";
"full_name_text" = "Full Name";
"first_name_local_text" = "First Name In Your Language";
"middle_name_local_text" = "Middle Name In Your Language";
"last_name_local_text" = "Last Name In Your Language";
"full_name_local_text" = "Full Name In Your Language";
"id_type_text" = "ID Type";
"id_number_text" = "ID Number";
"mobile_text" = "Mobile No.";
"email_text" = "Email";
"state_province_text" = "State/Province";
"district_text" = "District";
"city_text" = "City";
"address_text" = "Address";
"relation_text" = "Relation";
"reason_text" = "Transfer Reason";
"country_placeholder_text" = "Select Payout Country";
"native_receiver_country_placeholder_text" = "Select Recipient Native Country";
"payment_mode_placeholder_text" = "Select Payment Mode";
"bank_placeholder_text" = "Select Bank";
"branch_placeholder_text" = "Select Branch";
"account_placeholder_text" = "Enter Bank Account";
"first_name_placeholder_text" = "Enter First Name";
"middle_name_placeholder_text" = "Enter Middle Name";
"last_name_placeholder_text" = "Enter Last Name";
"full_name_placeholder_text" = "Enter Full Name";
"first_name_local_placeholder_text" = "Enter First Name In Your Language";
"middle_name_local_placeholder_text" = "Enter Middle Name In Your Language";
"last_name_local_placeholder_text" = "Enter Last Name In Language";
"full_name_local_placeholder_text" = "Enter Full Name In Language";
"id_type_placeholder_text" = "Select ID Type";
"id_number_placeholder_text" = "Enter ID Number";
"mobile_placeholder_text" = "Enter Mobile No.";
"email_placeholder_text" = "Enter Email";
"stateProvince_placeholder_text" = "Select State/Province";
"district_placeholder_text" = "Select District";
"city_placeholder_text" = "Enter City";
"address_placeholder_text" = "Enter Address";
"relation_placeholder_text" = "Select Relation";
"reason_placeholder_text" = "Select Transfer Reason";
"optional_hint_text" = "(Optional)";
"recipient_add_success_message_text" = "Do you want to send money to\n xxx?";
"recipient_profile_update_prompt_text" = "Your recipient information is not up-to-date. Do you want to update it now?";
"recipient_bank_update_prompt_text" = "Your selected bank is not currently available at moment. Please select another bank in order to proceed.";
"general_length_error_text" = "It must be at least xxx and less than ooo characters.";
"min_length_error_text" = "Field size must be greater than xxx characters in length";
"max_length_error_text" = "Field size must be less or equal to xxx characters in length";
"empty_field_error_text" = "Field cannot be empty";
"no_payment_mode_available_text" = "No payment mode available for country : xxx";
"select_different_bank_text" = "Please select a different bank";
"select_bank_first" = "Please select a bank first";
"search_payout_country_text" = "Search Payout Country";
"no_payout_country_found_text" = "No payout country found";
"search_payment_method_text" = "Search Payment Mode";
"no_payment_method_found_text" = "No payment mode found";
"search_bank_text" = "Search Bank";
"no_bank_found_text" = "No bank found";
"search_branch_text" = "Search Branch";
"no_branch_found_text" = "No branch found";
"search_id_type_text" = "Search ID Type";
"no_id_type_found_text" = "No ID type found";
"search_province_text" = "Search State/Province";
"no_province_found_text" = "No state/province found";
"search_district_text" = "Search District";
"no_district_found_text" = "No district found";
"search_relation_text" = "Search Relation";
"no_relation_found_text" = "No relation found";
"search_reason_text" = "Search Transfer Reason";
"no_reason_found_text" = "No transfer reason found";
"search_native_country_text" = "Search Native Country";
"no_native_country_found_text" = "No native country found";
// Home's messageView
"autodebit_account_required_message" = "Please add your Auto Debit account to start using Fast Remit services.";
// Domestic Remittance
"local_transfer_text" = "Local Transfer";
"select_auto_debit_account_text" = "Select Your Auto-debit Account";
"domestic_available_balance_text" = "Available Balance";
"enter_send_amount_text" = "Enter Send Amount (MNT)";
"select_korea_bank" = "Select Bank";
"enter_account_text" = "Enter Account Number";
"recipient_name_text" = "Recipient Name";
"mobile_optional_text" = "Mobile Number (optional)";
"enter_mobile_optional_text" = "Enter Mobile Number (optional)";
"account_balance_button_text" = "View Account Balance";
"doesnt_have_auto_debit_text" = "Please register an auto-debit account inorder to use this service.";
"amount_bigger_error_text" = "Amount bigger than Balance.";
"amount_minimum_error_text" = "Minimum sending amount should be at least 10,000 MNT";
"check_recipient_name_text" = "is recipient correct?";
"min_length_account_error_text" = "Bank Account No. should be at least 9 digits";
"invalid_account_error_text" = "Invalid bank account number";
"recent_recipients_text" = "Recent Recipients";
"insufficient_amount_error_text" = "You don't have sufficient amount to do the transaction";
"local_text" = "Local";
"international_text" = "International";
"transfer_charge_text" = "Transfer Charge";
"will_deduct_info_text" = "It will deduct oooMNT (Amount + ServiceFee)";
"amount_max_error_text" = "Sending amount should not exceed 6,500,000 MNT";
// Inbound
"inbound_accounts_text" = "Inbound Account";
"inbound_title_text" = "Manage Inbound Account";
"register_inbound_text" = "Register Inbound";
"register_inbound_account_text" = "Register Inbound Account";
"add_text" = "Add";
"inbound_text" = "Inbound";
"outbound_text" = "Outbound";
"pennytest_information_text" = "We have sent 1 MNT to your Bank Account, Please check the statement and enter the 4 digit number display after Fast Remit.";
"deposit_reference_text" = "Deposit Reference";
"resend_text" = "Resend";
"added_inbound_account_message_text" = "Added your inbound account";
"delete_account_text" = "Delete Account";
"delete_account_message_text" = "Do you want to delete this account?";
"waiting_verified_text" = "Waiting Verified";
"primary_account_text" = "Primary Account";
"inbound_receipt_text" = "Inbound Receipt";
"transfer_processing_text" = "Transfer Processing";
"transfer_canceled_text" = "Transfer Canceled";
"you_have_to_register_text" = "You have to register account at Fast Remit";
"transaction_will_be_processed_text" = "Transaction will be process soon";
"link_korean_bank_account" = "Link your Account to receive money from abroad.";
"control_no_text" = "Control No.";
"sender_name_text" = "Sender Name";
"received_amount_text" = "Received Amount";
"register_account_text" = "Register Account";
// Local Top up
"local_top_up_text" = "Local Top up";
"gme_wallet_text" = "Fast Remit Wallet";
"regular_type_text" = "Regular";
"regular_type_information_text_1" = "Confirm mobile phone number & Recharge amount.";
"regular_type_information_text_2" = "After completing recharge, refund is not available.";
"fixed_charge_text" = "Fixed Charge";
"selected_carrier_type_text" = "Select Carrier Type";
"selected_carrier_plan_text" = "Select Monthly Package";
"detail_text" = "Detail";
"mobile_phone_text" = "Mobile Phone";
"charge_type_text" = "Charge Type";
"data_text" = "Data";
"voice_text" = "Voice";
"sms_text" = "SMS";
"payment_amount_text" = "Payment Amount";
"fixed_charge_information_text_1" = "This is available for monthly fixed charge.";
"next_text" = "Next";
"not_enough_balance_text" = "Balance is insufficient";
"recharge_success_text" = "The recharge request successfuly.\nYou can check it's result at Recharge History";
"recharge_request_success_text" = "Recharge Request Success";
"waitinge_recent_request_text" = "You have a recent request for recharging.\nWait for the results of this request.";
"recharge_payment_text" = "Recharge Payment";
"expected_gme_wallet_balance_text" = "Expected Fast Remit Wallet\nBalance";
"pay_using_gme_wallet_text" = "Pay Using Fast Remit Wallet";
"select_type_text" = "Select Type";
"select_plan_text" = "Select Plan";
"success_uppercase_text" = "SUCCESS";
"failure_uppercase_text" = "FAILURE";
"waiting_uppercase_text" = "WAITING";
"recharge_history_text" = "Recharge History";
// Manage Agreement
"terms_and_conditions_text" = "Terms And Conditions";
"terms_and_conditions_title_text" = "Please accept the terms and conditions.";
"terms_and_conditions_content_text" = "In order to use Fast Remit's overseas remittances and domestic remittances smoothly, you need to agree to withdraw money from your account. Withdrawal transfer will be made through open banking from the account you agreed to withdraw when using services such as overseas remittance and domestic remittance.";
"personal_info_treatment_policy_text" = "Personal Information Treatment Policy";
"personal_info_usesage_text" = "Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement";
"agreement_legal_text" = "Agreement of Legal Name Confirmation for Prohibiting Manipulation of the Law and Illegal Behavior";
"small_scale_amount_text" = "Terms of Use for Small Scale Amount Remittance";
"openbanking_service_text" = "Terms of Use for Open-Banking Service";
"eletronic_finance_text" = "Terms of Use for Electronic Finance Transaction";
"agree_text" = "Agree";
// New Registration
"new_registration_title_text" = "Registeration Process";
"step1_sub_title_text" = "Personal Information";
"step2_sub_title_text" = "Documents";
"step3_sub_title_text" = "Try to Penny Test";
"personal_information_text" = "Personal Information";
"fullname_placeholder_text" = "Full Name (Shown in your id card)";
"address_error_text" = "The address cannot exceed 50 characters.";
"email_error_text" = "Invalid email address";
"korea_bank_infornation_text" = "Bank Information";
"korea_bank_placeholder_text" = "Bank";
"passport_information_text" = "Passport Information";
"passport_number_text" = "Passport Number";
"passport_issue_date_text" = "Passport Issue Date";
"passport_expiry_date_text" = "Passport Expiry Date";
"passport_error_text" = "Invalid Possport Number";
"another_id_information_text" = "Another ID (Optional)";
"another_id_issue_date_text" = "ID Issue Date";
"another_id_expiry_date_text" = "ID Expiry Date";
"another_id_number_error_text" = "Invalid ID number";
"alien_id_text" = "Alien Registration Card";
"national_id_text" = "National ID Card";
"driving_id_text" = "Driving License Card";
"driving_id_number_error_text" = "Invalid Driving License number";
"alien_id_number_error_text" = "Invalid Alien Registration number";
"national_id_number_error_text" = "Invalid National ID number";
"select_different_id_type" = "Select different ID Type";
"clear_text" = "Clear";
"additional_information_text" = "Additional Information";
"upload_pictures_text" = "Upload Pictures";
"save_and_next_text" = "Save and Next";
"select_city_text" = "Select City";
"step2_content_text" = "Do you have a phone number registered with Alien Registration Card under your name?";
"move_step2_to_step3_text" = "To verify your bank account, move to the last step, the penny test";
"registration_success_message_text" = "Thank you for registering for Fast Remit.\nWe are verifying your information.\nOnce approved, you will receive SMS.";
"change_personal_information_title_text" = "Personal Information";
"name_title_text" = "Name";
"nationality_title_text" = "Nationality";
"birthday_title_text" = "Birthday";
"phonenumber_title_text" = "Phone Number";
"email_title_text" = "E-mail";
"password_title_text" = "Password";
"change_to_new_password_text" = "Click to change password";
"change_your_phonenumber_title_text" = "Change your phone number";
"change_your_phonenumber_instruction_text" = "To change your phone number, fill in the blank below";
"new_phonenumber_text" = "New phone number";
"enter_your_new_phonenumber_text" = "Enter your new phone number";
"save_title_text" = "Save";
"change_your_email_title_text" = "Change your e-mail";
"change_your_email_instruction_text" = "To change E-mail, fill in the blank below";
"new_email_text" = "New E-mail";
"enter_your_new_email_text" = "Enter your new e-mail Address";
"successfully_verified_password_title_text" = "Successfully verified password";
"will_proceed_to_check_otp_title_text" = "Will proceed to check OTP";
"cannot_verify_password_title_text" = "Cannot verify password";
"new_otp_number_has_sent_text" = "New OTP number has re-sent";
"type_4_digit_OTP_number_text" = "Type 4-digit OTP number";
"verification_completed_title_text" = "Verification is all completed";
"will_change_your_personal_information_title_text" = "Will change your personal information";
"coupon_guideline_title_text" = "Precautions when using";
"possessed_coupon_number_text" = "xxx coupon(s) Available";
"couponbox_title_text" = "Couponbox";
"customerranking_title_text" = "CustomerRanking";
"no_coupon_text" = "There are no coupon(s)";
"location_title_text" = "Location";
"online_title_text" = "Online";
"no_apply_coupon_text" = "Not applying coupon(s)";
"apply_coupon_text" = "Apply coupon";
"coupon_title_text" = "Coupon(s)";
"confirm_coupon_text" = "Confirm";
"cancel_coupon_text" = "Cancel";
//Fraud Waring
"GME_fraud_warning_text" = "Fraud Warning";