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// SendMoneyPaymentModeModuleInterface.swift
// GMERemittance
// Created by gme_2 on 28/08/2018.
//Copyright © 2018 Gobal Money Express Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
protocol SendMoneyPaymentModeModuleInterface: class {
func viewIsReady(for reciepient: Recipient)
func validate(model: SendMoneyAccountValidationRequestModel)
//let idType = ""
//let idNumber = ""
//let customerFirstName = ""
//let customerLastName = ""
//let reciverFirstName = self.recipient?.firstName
//let reciversLastName = self.recipient?.lastName
//let country = self.recipient?.countryId
//let accountType = "s" // saving account, current account type ko
//let issuerCode = ""
//let accountNo = self.accountTextField.text!
//let bankCode = self.selectedBank?.id
//let payoutPartner = self.selectedPayoutMode?.payoutPartner
//let processId = ""