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// UIDevice+Ext.swift
// GME Remit
// Created by InKwon James Kim on 19/08/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Gobal Money Express Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
import SystemConfiguration
import UIKit
public extension UIDevice {
static let modelName: String = {
var systemInfo = utsname()
let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
func mapToDevice(identifier: String) -> String {
#if os(iOS)
switch identifier {
case "iPod5,1":
return "iPod Touch 5"
case "iPod7,1":
return "iPod Touch 6"
case "iPhone3,1", "iPhone3,2", "iPhone3,3":
return "iPhone 4"
case "iPhone4,1":
return "iPhone 4s"
case "iPhone5,1", "iPhone5,2":
return "iPhone 5"
case "iPhone5,3", "iPhone5,4":
return "iPhone 5c"
case "iPhone6,1", "iPhone6,2":
return "iPhone 5s"
case "iPhone7,2":
return "iPhone 6"
case "iPhone7,1":
return "iPhone 6 Plus"
case "iPhone8,1":
return "iPhone 6s"
case "iPhone8,2":
return "iPhone 6s Plus"
case "iPhone9,1", "iPhone9,3":
return "iPhone 7"
case "iPhone9,2", "iPhone9,4":
return "iPhone 7 Plus"
case "iPhone8,4":
return "iPhone SE"
case "iPhone10,1", "iPhone10,4":
return "iPhone 8"
case "iPhone10,2", "iPhone10,5":
return "iPhone 8 Plus"
case "iPhone10,3", "iPhone10,6":
return "iPhone X"
case "iPhone11,2":
return "iPhone XS"
case "iPhone11,4", "iPhone11,6":
return "iPhone XS Max"
case "iPhone11,8":
return "iPhone XR"
case "iPad2,1", "iPad2,2", "iPad2,3", "iPad2,4":
return "iPad 2"
case "iPad3,1", "iPad3,2", "iPad3,3":
return "iPad 3"
case "iPad3,4", "iPad3,5", "iPad3,6":
return "iPad 4"
case "iPad4,1", "iPad4,2", "iPad4,3":
return "iPad Air"
case "iPad5,3", "iPad5,4":
return "iPad Air 2"
case "iPad6,11", "iPad6,12":
return "iPad 5"
case "iPad7,5", "iPad7,6":
return "iPad 6"
case "iPad2,5", "iPad2,6", "iPad2,7":
return "iPad Mini"
case "iPad4,4", "iPad4,5", "iPad4,6":
return "iPad Mini 2"
case "iPad4,7", "iPad4,8", "iPad4,9":
return "iPad Mini 3"
case "iPad5,1", "iPad5,2":
return "iPad Mini 4"
case "iPad6,3", "iPad6,4":
return "iPad Pro (9.7-inch)"
case "iPad6,7", "iPad6,8":
return "iPad Pro (12.9-inch)"
case "iPad7,1", "iPad7,2":
return "iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)"
case "iPad7,3", "iPad7,4":
return "iPad Pro (10.5-inch)"
case "iPad8,1", "iPad8,2", "iPad8,3", "iPad8,4":
return "iPad Pro (11-inch)"
case "iPad8,5", "iPad8,6", "iPad8,7", "iPad8,8":
return "iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)"
case "AppleTV5,3":
return "Apple TV"
case "AppleTV6,2":
return "Apple TV 4K"
case "AudioAccessory1,1":
return "HomePod"
case "i386", "x86_64":
let info = mapToDevice(identifier: ProcessInfo().environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"] ?? "iOS")
return "Simulator \(info)"
return identifier
#elseif os(tvOS)
switch identifier {
case "AppleTV5,3":
return "Apple TV 4"
case "AppleTV6,2":
return "Apple TV 4K"
case "i386", "x86_64":
let info = mapToDevice(identifier: ProcessInfo().environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"] ?? "tvOS")
return "Simulator \(info)"
default: return identifier
return mapToDevice(identifier: identifier)
static let modelType: DeviceType = {
return DeviceType(rawValue: modelName) ?? .iPhoneX
static let isNotch: Bool = {
let type = DeviceType(rawValue: modelName) ?? .iPhoneX
switch type {
case .iPhoneX, .iPhoneXS, .iPhoneXSMax, .iPhoneXR : return true
default: return false
public enum DeviceType: String {
case iPodTouch5 = "iPod Touch 5"
case iPodTouch6 = "iPod Touch 6"
case iPhone4 = "iPhone 4"
case iPhone4s = "iPhone 4s"
case iPhone5 = "iPhone 5"
case iPhone5c = "iPhone 5c"
case iPhone5s = "iPhone 5s"
case iPhone6 = "iPhone 6"
case iPhone6Plus = "iPhone 6 Plus"
case iPhone6s = "iPhone 6s"
case iPhone6sPlus = "iPhone 6s Plus"
case iPhone7 = "iPhone 7"
case iPhone7Plus = "iPhone 7 Plus"
case iPhoneSE = "iPhone SE"
case iPhone8 = "iPhone 8"
case iPhone8Plus = "iPhone 8 Plus"
case iPhoneX = "iPhone X"
case iPhoneXS = "iPhone XS"
case iPhoneXSMax = "iPhone XS Max"
case iPhoneXR = "iPhone XR"
case iPad2 = "iPad 2"
case iPad3 = "iPad 3"
case iPad4 = "iPad 4"
case iPadAir = "iPad Air"
case iPadAir2 = "iPad Air 2"
case iPad5 = "iPad 5"
case iPad6 = "iPad 6"
case iPadMini = "iPad Mini"
case iPadMini2 = "iPad Mini 2"
case iPadMini3 = "iPad Mini 3"
case iPadMini4 = "iPad Mini 4"
case iPadPro = "iPad Pro"