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// Queue.swift
// Platform
// Created by Krunoslav Zaher on 3/21/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Krunoslav Zaher. All rights reserved.
Data structure that represents queue.
Complexity of `enqueue`, `dequeue` is O(1) when number of operations is
averaged over N operations.
Complexity of `peek` is O(1).
struct Queue<T>: Sequence {
/// Type of generator.
typealias Generator = AnyIterator<T>
private let resizeFactor = 2
private var storage: ContiguousArray<T?>
private var innerCount = 0
private var pushNextIndex = 0
private let initialCapacity: Int
Creates new queue.
- parameter capacity: Capacity of newly created queue.
init(capacity: Int) {
initialCapacity = capacity
storage = ContiguousArray<T?>(repeating: nil, count: capacity)
private var dequeueIndex: Int {
let index = pushNextIndex - count
return index < 0 ? index + storage.count : index
/// - returns: Is queue empty.
var isEmpty: Bool { count == 0 }
/// - returns: Number of elements inside queue.
var count: Int { innerCount }
/// - returns: Element in front of a list of elements to `dequeue`.
func peek() -> T {
precondition(count > 0)
return storage[dequeueIndex]!
mutating private func resizeTo(_ size: Int) {
var newStorage = ContiguousArray<T?>(repeating: nil, count: size)
let count = self.count
let dequeueIndex = self.dequeueIndex
let spaceToEndOfQueue = storage.count - dequeueIndex
// first batch is from dequeue index to end of array
let countElementsInFirstBatch = Swift.min(count, spaceToEndOfQueue)
// second batch is wrapped from start of array to end of queue
let numberOfElementsInSecondBatch = count - countElementsInFirstBatch
newStorage[0 ..< countElementsInFirstBatch] = storage[dequeueIndex ..< (dequeueIndex + countElementsInFirstBatch)]
newStorage[countElementsInFirstBatch ..< (countElementsInFirstBatch + numberOfElementsInSecondBatch)] = storage[0 ..< numberOfElementsInSecondBatch]
self.innerCount = count
pushNextIndex = count
storage = newStorage
/// Enqueues `element`.
/// - parameter element: Element to enqueue.
mutating func enqueue(_ element: T) {
if count == storage.count {
resizeTo(Swift.max(storage.count, 1) * resizeFactor)
storage[pushNextIndex] = element
pushNextIndex += 1
innerCount += 1
if pushNextIndex >= storage.count {
pushNextIndex -= storage.count
private mutating func dequeueElementOnly() -> T {
precondition(count > 0)
let index = dequeueIndex
defer {
storage[index] = nil
innerCount -= 1
return storage[index]!
/// Dequeues element or throws an exception in case queue is empty.
/// - returns: Dequeued element.
mutating func dequeue() -> T? {
if self.count == 0 {
return nil
defer {
let downsizeLimit = storage.count / (resizeFactor * resizeFactor)
if count < downsizeLimit && downsizeLimit >= initialCapacity {
resizeTo(storage.count / resizeFactor)
return dequeueElementOnly()
/// - returns: Generator of contained elements.
func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<T> {
var i = dequeueIndex
var innerCount = count
return AnyIterator {
if innerCount == 0 {
return nil
defer {
innerCount -= 1
i += 1
if i >= {
i -=