You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright 2017 Google
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import "Firebase/Messaging/FIRMessagingUtilities.h"
#import "Firebase/Messaging/Protos/GtalkCore.pbobjc.h"
#import "Firebase/Messaging/FIRMessagingLogger.h"
#import <GoogleUtilities/GULAppEnvironmentUtil.h>
// Convert the macro to a string
#define STR_EXPAND(x) #x
#define STR(x) STR_EXPAND(x)
static const uint64_t kBytesToMegabytesDivisor = 1024 * 1024LL;
#pragma mark - Protocol Buffers
FIRMessagingProtoTag FIRMessagingGetTagForProto(GPBMessage *proto) {
if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkHeartbeatPing class]]) {
return kFIRMessagingProtoTagHeartbeatPing;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkHeartbeatAck class]]) {
return kFIRMessagingProtoTagHeartbeatAck;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkLoginRequest class]]) {
return kFIRMessagingProtoTagLoginRequest;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkLoginResponse class]]) {
return kFIRMessagingProtoTagLoginResponse;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkClose class]]) {
return kFIRMessagingProtoTagClose;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkIqStanza class]]) {
return kFIRMessagingProtoTagIqStanza;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkDataMessageStanza class]]) {
return kFIRMessagingProtoTagDataMessageStanza;
return kFIRMessagingProtoTagInvalid;
Class FIRMessagingGetClassForTag(FIRMessagingProtoTag tag) {
switch (tag) {
case kFIRMessagingProtoTagHeartbeatPing:
return GtalkHeartbeatPing.class;
case kFIRMessagingProtoTagHeartbeatAck:
return GtalkHeartbeatAck.class;
case kFIRMessagingProtoTagLoginRequest:
return GtalkLoginRequest.class;
case kFIRMessagingProtoTagLoginResponse:
return GtalkLoginResponse.class;
case kFIRMessagingProtoTagClose:
return GtalkClose.class;
case kFIRMessagingProtoTagIqStanza:
return GtalkIqStanza.class;
case kFIRMessagingProtoTagDataMessageStanza:
return GtalkDataMessageStanza.class;
case kFIRMessagingProtoTagInvalid:
return NSNull.class;
return NSNull.class;
#pragma mark - MCS
NSString *FIRMessagingGetRmq2Id(GPBMessage *proto) {
if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkIqStanza class]]) {
if (((GtalkIqStanza *)proto).hasPersistentId) {
return ((GtalkIqStanza *)proto).persistentId;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkDataMessageStanza class]]) {
if (((GtalkDataMessageStanza *)proto).hasPersistentId) {
return ((GtalkDataMessageStanza *)proto).persistentId;
return nil;
void FIRMessagingSetRmq2Id(GPBMessage *proto, NSString *pID) {
if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkIqStanza class]]) {
((GtalkIqStanza *)proto).persistentId = pID;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkDataMessageStanza class]]) {
((GtalkDataMessageStanza *)proto).persistentId = pID;
int FIRMessagingGetLastStreamId(GPBMessage *proto) {
if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkIqStanza class]]) {
if (((GtalkIqStanza *)proto).hasLastStreamIdReceived) {
return ((GtalkIqStanza *)proto).lastStreamIdReceived;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkDataMessageStanza class]]) {
if (((GtalkDataMessageStanza *)proto).hasLastStreamIdReceived) {
return ((GtalkDataMessageStanza *)proto).lastStreamIdReceived;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkHeartbeatPing class]]) {
if (((GtalkHeartbeatPing *)proto).hasLastStreamIdReceived) {
return ((GtalkHeartbeatPing *)proto).lastStreamIdReceived;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkHeartbeatAck class]]) {
if (((GtalkHeartbeatAck *)proto).hasLastStreamIdReceived) {
return ((GtalkHeartbeatAck *)proto).lastStreamIdReceived;
return -1;
void FIRMessagingSetLastStreamId(GPBMessage *proto, int sid) {
if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkIqStanza class]]) {
((GtalkIqStanza *)proto).lastStreamIdReceived = sid;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkDataMessageStanza class]]) {
((GtalkDataMessageStanza *)proto).lastStreamIdReceived = sid;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkHeartbeatPing class]]) {
((GtalkHeartbeatPing *)proto).lastStreamIdReceived = sid;
} else if ([proto isKindOfClass:[GtalkHeartbeatAck class]]) {
((GtalkHeartbeatAck *)proto).lastStreamIdReceived = sid;
#pragma mark - Time
int64_t FIRMessagingCurrentTimestampInSeconds(void) {
return (int64_t)[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
int64_t FIRMessagingCurrentTimestampInMilliseconds(void) {
return (int64_t)(FIRMessagingCurrentTimestampInSeconds() * 1000.0);
#pragma mark - App Info
NSString *FIRMessagingCurrentAppVersion(void) {
NSString *version = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary][@"CFBundleShortVersionString"];
if (![version length]) {
@"Could not find current app version");
return @"";
return version;
NSString * FIRMessagingBundleIDByRemovingLastPartFrom(NSString *bundleID) {
NSString *bundleIDComponentsSeparator = @".";
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *bundleIDComponents =
[[bundleID componentsSeparatedByString:bundleIDComponentsSeparator] mutableCopy];
[bundleIDComponents removeLastObject];
return [bundleIDComponents componentsJoinedByString:bundleIDComponentsSeparator];
NSString *FIRMessagingAppIdentifier(void) {
NSString *bundleID = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier];
// The code is running in watchKit extension target but the actually bundleID is in the watchKit
// target. So we need to remove the last part of the bundle ID in watchKit extension to match
// the one in watchKit target.
return FIRMessagingBundleIDByRemovingLastPartFrom(bundleID);
return bundleID;
uint64_t FIRMessagingGetFreeDiskSpaceInMB(void) {
NSError *error;
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSDictionary *attributesMap =
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] attributesOfFileSystemForPath:[paths lastObject]
if (attributesMap) {
uint64_t totalSizeInBytes __unused = [attributesMap[NSFileSystemSize] longLongValue];
uint64_t freeSizeInBytes = [attributesMap[NSFileSystemFreeSize] longLongValue];
kFIRMessagingMessageCodeUtilities001, @"Device has capacity %llu MB with %llu MB free.",
totalSizeInBytes / kBytesToMegabytesDivisor, freeSizeInBytes / kBytesToMegabytesDivisor);
return ((double)freeSizeInBytes) / kBytesToMegabytesDivisor;
} else {
@"Error in retreiving device's free memory %@", error);
return 0;
NSSearchPathDirectory FIRMessagingSupportedDirectory(void) {
return NSCachesDirectory;
return NSApplicationSupportDirectory;