You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright 2017 Google
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class FIRMessagingPersistentSyncMessage;
// table data handlers
* Handle message stored in the outgoing RMQ messages table.
* @param rmqId The rmqID of the message.
* @param tag The message tag.
* @param data The data stored in the message.
typedef void(^FCMOutgoingRmqMessagesTableHandler)(int64_t rmqId, int8_t tag, NSData *data);
/// Outgoing messages RMQ table
extern NSString *const kTableOutgoingRmqMessages;
/// Server to device RMQ table
extern NSString *const kTableS2DRmqIds;
@interface FIRMessagingRmq2PersistentStore : NSObject
* Initialize and open the RMQ database on the client.
* @param databaseName The name for RMQ database.
* @return A store used to persist messages on the client.
- (instancetype)initWithDatabaseName:(NSString *)databaseName;
* Save outgoing message in RMQ.
* @param rmqId The rmqID for the message.
* @param tag The tag of the message proto.
* @param data The data being sent in the message.
* @param error The error if any while saving the message to the persistent store.
* @return YES if the message was successfully saved to the persistent store else NO.
- (BOOL)saveMessageWithRmqId:(int64_t)rmqId
data:(NSData *)data
error:(NSError **)error;
* Add unacked server to device message with a given rmqID to the persistent store.
* @param rmqId The rmqID of the message that was not acked by the cient.
* @return YES if the save was successful else NO.
- (BOOL)saveUnackedS2dMessageWithRmqId:(NSString *)rmqId;
* Update the last RMQ ID that was sent by the client.
* @param rmqID The latest rmqID sent by the device.
* @return YES if the last rmqID was successfully saved else NO.
- (BOOL)updateLastOutgoingRmqId:(int64_t)rmqID;
#pragma mark - Query
* Query the highest rmqID saved in the Outgoing messages table.
* @return The highest rmqID amongst all the messages in the Outgoing RMQ table. If no message
* was ever persisted return 0.
- (int64_t)queryHighestRmqId;
* The last rmqID that was saved on the client.
* @return The last rmqID that was saved. If no rmqID was ever persisted return 0.
- (int64_t)queryLastRmqId;
* Get a list of all unacked server to device messages stored on the client.
* @return List of all unacked s2d messages in the persistent store.
- (NSArray *)unackedS2dRmqIds;
* Iterate over all outgoing messages in the RMQ table.
* @param handler The handler invoked with each message in the outgoing RMQ table.
- (void)scanOutgoingRmqMessagesWithHandler:(FCMOutgoingRmqMessagesTableHandler)handler;
#pragma mark - Delete
* Delete messages with given rmqID's from a table.
* @param tableName The table name from which to delete the rmq messages.
* @param rmqIds The rmqID's of the messages to be deleted.
* @return The number of messages that were successfully deleted.
- (int)deleteMessagesFromTable:(NSString *)tableName
withRmqIds:(NSArray *)rmqIds;
* Remove database from the device.
* @param dbName The database name to be deleted.
+ (void)removeDatabase:(NSString *)dbName;
#pragma mark - Sync Messages
* Save sync message to persistent store to check for duplicates.
* @param rmqID The rmqID of the message to save.
* @param expirationTime The expiration time of the message to save.
* @param apnsReceived YES if the message was received via APNS else NO.
* @param mcsReceived YES if the message was received via MCS else NO.
* @param error The error if any while saving the message to store.
* @return YES if the message was saved successfully else NO.
- (BOOL)saveSyncMessageWithRmqID:(NSString *)rmqID
error:(NSError **)error;
* Update sync message received via APNS.
* @param rmqID The rmqID of the sync message.
* @param error The error if any while updating the sync message in persistence.
* @return YES if the update was successful else NO.
- (BOOL)updateSyncMessageViaAPNSWithRmqID:(NSString *)rmqID
error:(NSError **)error;
* Update sync message received via MCS.
* @param rmqID The rmqID of the sync message.
* @param error The error if any while updating the sync message in persistence.
* @return YES if the update was successful else NO.
- (BOOL)updateSyncMessageViaMCSWithRmqID:(NSString *)rmqID
error:(NSError **)error;
* Query sync message table for a given rmqID.
* @param rmqID The rmqID to search for in SYNC_RMQ.
* @return The sync message that was persisted with `rmqID`. If no such message was persisted
* return nil.
- (FIRMessagingPersistentSyncMessage *)querySyncMessageWithRmqID:(NSString *)rmqID;
* Delete sync message with rmqID.
* @param rmqID The rmqID of the message to delete.
* @return YES if a sync message with rmqID was found and deleted successfully else NO.
- (BOOL)deleteSyncMessageWithRmqID:(NSString *)rmqID;
* Delete the expired sync messages from persisten store. Also deletes messages that have been
* delivered both via APNS and MCS.
* @param error The error if any while deleting the messages.
* @return The total number of messages that were deleted from the persistent store.
- (int)deleteExpiredOrFinishedSyncMessages:(NSError **)error;