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// BiometricAuthenticationWireframe.swift
// GME Remit
// Created by InKwon Kim on 30/03/2019.
//Copyright © 2019 Gobal Money Express Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import LocalAuthentication
class BiometricAuthenticationWireframe {
weak var view: UIViewController!
private var policy: LAPolicy = .deviceOwnerAuthentication
private weak var delegate: BiometricAuthenticationViewControllerDelegate?
extension BiometricAuthenticationWireframe: BiometricAuthenticationWireframeInput {
var storyboardName: String {return "BiometricAuthentication"}
func getMainView() -> UIViewController {
let service = BiometricAuthenticationService()
let interactor = BiometricAuthenticationInteractor(service: service)
let presenter = BiometricAuthenticationPresenter()
let viewController = viewControllerFromStoryboard(of: BiometricAuthenticationViewController.self)
viewController.presenter = presenter
interactor.output = presenter
presenter.interactor = interactor
presenter.wireframe = self
presenter.view = viewController
self.view = viewController
return viewController
func showBiometricAuthentication(completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?) {
let context = LAContext()
var error: NSError?
let msg = "Confirm your fingerprint or face to authenticate."
let vc = self.view as? BiometricAuthenticationViewController ?? BiometricAuthenticationViewController()
if let bioPolicy = delegate?.doSelectLocalAuthenticationPolicy(vc){
switch bioPolicy {
case .deviceOwnerAuthentication:
self.policy = .deviceOwnerAuthentication
case .deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics:
self.policy = .deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics
if context.canEvaluatePolicy(self.policy, error: &error) {
context.evaluatePolicy(self.policy, localizedReason: msg, reply: { (success, err) in
if success {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
} else {
let bioError: BiometricAuthenticationError
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
switch err {
case LAError.authenticationFailed?:
bioError = .authenticationFailed
case LAError.userCancel?:
bioError = .userCancel
case LAError.userFallback?:
bioError = .userFallback
case LAError.biometryNotAvailable?:
bioError = .biometryNotAvailable
case LAError.biometryNotEnrolled?:
bioError = .biometryNotEnrolled
case LAError.biometryLockout?:
bioError = .biometryLockout
bioError = .notBeConfigured
} else {
switch err {
case LAError.authenticationFailed?:
bioError = .authenticationFailed
case LAError.userCancel?:
bioError = .userCancel
case LAError.userFallback?:
bioError = .userFallback
case LAError.touchIDNotAvailable?:
bioError = .biometryNotAvailable
case LAError.touchIDNotEnrolled?:
bioError = .biometryNotEnrolled
case LAError.touchIDLockout?:
bioError = .biometryLockout
bioError = .notBeConfigured
self.delegate?.viewController(vc, didFailWithError: bioError, errorMessage: bioError.message)
} else {
self.delegate?.viewController(vc, didFailWithError: error!, errorMessage: error?.localizedDescription)
func openWithDelegate(
on window: UIWindow,
delegate: BiometricAuthenticationViewControllerDelegate
let vc = getMainView()
self.delegate = delegate
(vc as? BiometricAuthenticationViewController)?.delegate = delegate
window.rootViewController = vc
func openWithDelegate(
on viewConroller: UIViewController,
delegate: BiometricAuthenticationViewControllerDelegate
let vc = getMainView()
self.delegate = delegate
(vc as? BiometricAuthenticationViewController)?.delegate = delegate
viewConroller.present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)