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// FunctionTest.swift
// GMERemittanceTests
// Created by InKwon Devik Kim on 09/07/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 Gobal Money Express Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
@testable import GME_Remit
class FunctionTest: XCTestCase {
func testExpireDate() {
guard let remindDay = Utility.calculateDDay(registDate: "7/12/2018 4:19:37 PM")
else {
print("remindDay: \(remindDay)")
func testDateFormat() {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss a"
dateFormatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "ko_kr")
dateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "KST")
var dateComponent = DateComponents()
dateComponent.year = 1
let resigstDate = "7/11/2019 4:19:37 PM"
let date = resigstDate) else {
print("Date: \(date)")
func testIDValid() {
let extractID = "l.e ibn$iz@55_good-)(*&".extract(regex: "[A-Z0-9a-z._@-]")
print("Extract ID: \(extractID)")
XCTAssertEqual(extractID, "l.eibniz@55_good-")
func testASCIIAndSpace() {
let extractID = "l.e ibn$iz@55_good-)(*&".extract(regex: "[A-Z0-9a-z\\s]")
print("Extract ID: \(extractID)")
let textField = UITextField()
textField.text = "l.e ibn$iz@55_good-)(*&"
textField.filterBy(type: .alphabetNumberic, isSendAction: true)
XCTAssertEqual(extractID, "le ibniz55good")
XCTAssertEqual(textField.text ?? "", "le ibniz55good")
func testDynamicFieldMap() {
let models = [FieldModel]()
let textFields = [ValidationTextField]()
let dynamicField = [
"Bank Name": 0,
"Branch Name": 1,
"Account No.": 2,
"Id Type": 3,
"ID Number": 4,
"First Name": 5,
"Middle Name": 6,
"Last Name": 7,
"Full Name": 8,
"First Name in Local": 9,
"Middle Name in Local": 10,
"Last Name in Local": 11,
"Local Name": 12,
"Mobile Number": 13,
"Province": 14,
"State": 15,
"City": 16,
"Address": 17,
"Realation Group": 18,
"Transfer Reason": 19
models.forEach { property in
let key = property.fieldName,
let tag = dynamicField[key],
let textField = textFields.filter({ $0.tag == tag }).first,
let isRequire = property.required,
let isHidden = isRequire == "H" ? true : false,
let min = property.minLength,
let max = property.maxLength,
let keyboardType = property.keyBoardType
else {return}
textField.isHidden = isHidden
textField.validCondition = { $0.count > min && $0.count < max }
switch keyboardType {
case "AN":
textField.keyboardType = .asciiCapable
case "N":
textField.keyboardType = .numberPad
case "ANS":
textField.keyboardType = .asciiCapable
textField.keyboardType = .asciiCapable
func testDecimalToCurrency() {
var amount = "10000"
XCTAssert(amount.decimalToCurrency() == "10,000", amount.decimalToCurrency())
amount = "10000.00"
XCTAssert(amount.decimalToCurrency() == "10,000", amount.decimalToCurrency())
amount = "11345.00"
XCTAssert(amount.decimalToCurrency() == "11,345", amount.decimalToCurrency())
amount = "11345.94"
XCTAssert(amount.decimalToCurrency() == "11,345.94", amount.decimalToCurrency())
amount = "0.11"
XCTAssert(amount.decimalToCurrency() == "0.11", amount.decimalToCurrency())
amount = "10000"
amount.decimalToCurrency(as: .krw, isFront: true) == "KRW 10,000",
amount.decimalToCurrency(as: .krw, isFront: true)
amount = "10000.00"
amount.decimalToCurrency(as: .krw, isFront: false) == "10,000 KRW",
amount.decimalToCurrency(as: .krw, isFront: false)
amount = "11345.00"
amount.decimalToCurrency(as: .usd, isFront: true) == "USD 11,345",
amount.decimalToCurrency(as: .usd, isFront: true)
amount = "11345.94"
amount.decimalToCurrency(as: .usd, isFront: false) == "11,345.94 USD",
amount.decimalToCurrency(as: .usd, isFront: false)
amount = "0.11"
amount.decimalToCurrency(as: .usd, isFront: true) == "USD 0.11",
amount.decimalToCurrency(as: .usd, isFront: true)
func testCurrencyToDecimal() {
var amount = "10,000"
XCTAssert(amount.currencyToDecimal() == "10000", amount.currencyToDecimal())
amount = "10,000.00"
XCTAssert(amount.currencyToDecimal() == "10000.00", amount.currencyToDecimal())
amount = "11,345.94"
XCTAssert(amount.currencyToDecimal() == "11345.94", amount.currencyToDecimal())
amount = "0.11"
XCTAssert(amount.currencyToDecimal() == "0.11", amount.currencyToDecimal())
amount = "KRW 10,000"
XCTAssert(amount.currencyToDecimal() == "10000", amount.currencyToDecimal())
amount = "USD 11,345"
XCTAssert(amount.currencyToDecimal() == "11345", amount.currencyToDecimal())
amount = "11,345.94 USD"
XCTAssert(amount.currencyToDecimal() == "11345.94", amount.currencyToDecimal())
amount = "USD 0.11"
XCTAssert(amount.currencyToDecimal() == "0.11", amount.currencyToDecimal())
func testCreditCard() {
XCTAssert(CreditCardType.validate(cardNumber: "5365100675887315") == Optional(.mastercard))