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// Container+SwinjectStoryboard.swift
// Swinject
// Created by Yoichi Tagaya on 11/28/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Swinject Contributors. All rights reserved.
#if canImport(UIKit)
import UIKit
import Swinject
#if os(iOS) || os(OSX) || os(tvOS)
extension Container {
/// Adds a registration of the specified view or window controller that is configured in a storyboard.
/// - Note: Do NOT explicitly resolve the controller registered by this method.
/// The controller is intended to be resolved by `SwinjectStoryboard` implicitly.
/// - Parameters:
/// - controllerType: The controller type to register as a service type.
/// The type is `UIViewController` in iOS, `NSViewController` or `NSWindowController` in OS X.
/// - name: A registration name, which is used to differentiate from other registrations
/// that have the same view or window controller type.
/// - initCompleted: A closure to specify how the dependencies of the view or window controller are injected.
/// It is invoked by the `Container` when the view or window controller is instantiated by `SwinjectStoryboard`.
public func storyboardInitCompleted<C: Controller>(_ controllerType: C.Type, name: String? = nil, initCompleted: @escaping (Resolver, C) -> ()) {
// Xcode 7.1 workaround for Issue #10. This workaround is not necessary with Xcode 7.
let factory = { (_: Resolver, controller: Controller) in controller }
let wrappingClosure: (Resolver, Controller) -> () = { r, c in initCompleted(r, c as! C) }
let option = SwinjectStoryboardOption(controllerType: controllerType)
_register(Controller.self, factory: factory, name: name, option: option)
extension Container {
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
/// The typealias to UIViewController.
public typealias Controller = UIViewController
#elseif os(OSX)
/// The typealias to AnyObject, which should be actually NSViewController or NSWindowController.
/// See the reference of NSStoryboard.instantiateInitialController method.
public typealias Controller = Any