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// Copyright © 2019 Swinject Contributors. All rights reserved.
internal protocol DebugHelper {
func resolutionFailed<Service>(
serviceType: Service.Type,
key: ServiceKey,
availableRegistrations: [ServiceKey: ServiceEntryProtocol]
internal final class LoggingDebugHelper: DebugHelper {
func resolutionFailed<Service>(
serviceType: Service.Type,
key: ServiceKey,
availableRegistrations: [ServiceKey: ServiceEntryProtocol]
) {
var output = [
"Swinject: Resolution failed. Expected registration:",
"\t{ \(description(serviceType: serviceType, serviceKey: key)) }",
"Available registrations:",
output += availableRegistrations
.filter { $0.1 is ServiceEntry<Service> }
.map { "\t{ " + $0.1.describeWithKey($0.0) + " }" }
Container.log(output.joined(separator: "\n"))
internal func description(
serviceType: Any.Type,
serviceKey: ServiceKey,
objectScope: ObjectScopeProtocol? = nil,
initCompleted: [Any] = []
) -> String {
// The protocol order in "protocol<>" is non-deterministic.
let nameDescription = { ", Name: \"\($0)\"" } ?? ""
let optionDescription = { ", \($0)" } ?? ""
let initCompletedDescription = initCompleted.isEmpty ?
"" : ", InitCompleted: Specified \(initCompleted.count) closures"
let objectScopeDescription = { ", ObjectScope: \($0)" } ?? ""
return "Service: \(serviceType)"
+ nameDescription
+ optionDescription
+ ", Factory: \(serviceKey.argumentsType) -> \(serviceKey.serviceType)"
+ objectScopeDescription
+ initCompletedDescription