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// KeyframeGroup+Extensions.swift
// Lottie
// Created by JT Bergman on 6/20/22.
import CoreGraphics
import Foundation
extension KeyframeGroup where T == Vector1D {
/// Manually interpolates the keyframes so that they are defined linearly
/// This method uses `UnitBezier` to perform the interpolation. It will create one keyframe
/// for each frame of the animation. For instance, if it is given a keyframe at time 0 and a keyframe
/// at time 10, it will create 10 interpolated keyframes. It is currently not optimized.
func manuallyInterpolateKeyframes() -> ContiguousArray<Keyframe<T>> {
guard keyframes.count > 1 else {
return keyframes
var output = ContiguousArray<Keyframe<Vector1D>>()
for idx in 1 ..< keyframes.count {
let prev = keyframes[idx - 1]
let curr = keyframes[idx]
// The timing function is responsible for computing the expected progress
let outTangent = prev.outTangent?.pointValue ?? .zero
let inTangent = curr.inTangent?.pointValue ?? .init(x: 1, y: 1)
let timingFunction = UnitBezier(controlPoint1: outTangent, controlPoint2: inTangent)
// These values are used to compute new values in the adjusted keyframes
let difference = curr.value.value - prev.value.value
let startValue = prev.value.value
let startTime = prev.time
let duration = max(Int(curr.time - prev.time), 0)
// Create one interpolated keyframe for each time in the duration
for t in 0 ... duration {
let progress = timingFunction.value(
for: CGFloat(t) / CGFloat(duration),
epsilon: 0.005)
let value = startValue + Double(progress) * difference
value: Vector1D(value),
time: startTime + CGFloat(t),
isHold: false,
inTangent: nil,
outTangent: nil,
spatialInTangent: nil,
spatialOutTangent: nil))
return output