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* Copyright 2017 Google
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import "FIRMessagingCheckinService.h"
#import "FIRMessagingUtilities.h"
#import "NSError+FIRMessaging.h"
@interface FIRMessagingCheckinService ()
// This property is of type FIRInstanceIDCheckinPreferences, if InstanceID was directly linkable
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong) id checkinPreferences;
@implementation FIRMessagingCheckinService;
#pragma mark - Reflection-Based Getter Functions
// Encapsulates the -hasValidCheckinInfo method of FIRInstanceIDCheckinPreferences
BOOL FIRMessagingCheckinService_hasValidCheckinInfo(id checkinPreferences) {
SEL hasValidCheckinInfoSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"hasValidCheckinInfo");
if (![checkinPreferences respondsToSelector:hasValidCheckinInfoSelector]) {
// Can't check hasValidCheckinInfo
return NO;
// Since hasValidCheckinInfo returns a BOOL, use NSInvocation
NSMethodSignature *methodSignature =
[[checkinPreferences class] instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:hasValidCheckinInfoSelector];
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:methodSignature];
invocation.selector = hasValidCheckinInfoSelector; = checkinPreferences;
[invocation invoke];
BOOL returnValue;
[invocation getReturnValue:&returnValue];
return returnValue;
// Returns a non-scalar (id) object based on the property name
id FIRMessagingCheckinService_propertyNamed(id checkinPreferences, NSString *propertyName) {
SEL propertyGetterSelector = NSSelectorFromString(propertyName);
if ([checkinPreferences respondsToSelector:propertyGetterSelector]) {
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
return [checkinPreferences performSelector:propertyGetterSelector];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
return nil;
#pragma mark - Methods
- (BOOL)tryToLoadPrefetchedCheckinPreferences {
Class instanceIDClass = NSClassFromString(@"FIRInstanceID");
if (!instanceIDClass) {
// InstanceID is not linked
return NO;
// [FIRInstanceID instanceID]
SEL instanceIDSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"instanceID");
if (![instanceIDClass respondsToSelector:instanceIDSelector]) {
return NO;
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
id instanceID = [instanceIDClass performSelector:instanceIDSelector];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (!instanceID) {
// Instance ID singleton not available
return NO;
// [[FIRInstanceID instanceID] cachedCheckinPreferences]
SEL cachedCheckinPrefsSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"cachedCheckinPreferences");
if (![instanceID respondsToSelector:cachedCheckinPrefsSelector]) {
// cachedCheckinPreferences is not accessible
return NO;
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Warc-performSelector-leaks"
id checkinPreferences = [instanceID performSelector:cachedCheckinPrefsSelector];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
if (!checkinPreferences) {
// No cached checkin prefs
return NO;
BOOL hasValidInfo = FIRMessagingCheckinService_hasValidCheckinInfo(checkinPreferences);
if (hasValidInfo) {
self.checkinPreferences = checkinPreferences;
return hasValidInfo;
#pragma mark - API
- (NSString *)deviceAuthID {
return FIRMessagingCheckinService_propertyNamed(self.checkinPreferences, @"deviceID");
- (NSString *)secretToken {
return FIRMessagingCheckinService_propertyNamed(self.checkinPreferences, @"secretToken");
- (NSString *)versionInfo {
return FIRMessagingCheckinService_propertyNamed(self.checkinPreferences, @"versionInfo");
- (NSString *)digest {
return FIRMessagingCheckinService_propertyNamed(self.checkinPreferences, @"digest");
- (BOOL)hasValidCheckinInfo {
return FIRMessagingCheckinService_hasValidCheckinInfo(self.checkinPreferences);