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// UIScrollView+reachedBottom.swift
// RxSwiftExt
// Created by Anton Nazarov on 09/05/2019.
// Copyright © 2019 RxSwift Community. All rights reserved.
#if os(iOS)
import UIKit
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
public extension Reactive where Base: UIScrollView {
Shows if the bottom of the UIScrollView is reached.
- parameter offset: A threshhold indicating the bottom of the UIScrollView.
- returns: ControlEvent that emits when the bottom of the base UIScrollView is reached.
func reachedBottom(offset: CGFloat = 0.0) -> ControlEvent<Void> {
let source = { contentOffset in
let visibleHeight = self.base.frame.height - - self.base.contentInset.bottom
let y = contentOffset.y +
let threshold = max(offset, self.base.contentSize.height - visibleHeight)
return y >= threshold
.filter { $0 }
.map { _ in () }
return ControlEvent(events: source)