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// EnumOperators.swift
// ObjectMapper
// Created by Tristan Himmelman on 2016-09-26.
// Copyright © 2016 hearst. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
// MARK:- Raw Representable types
/// Object of Raw Representable type
public func <- <T: RawRepresentable>(left: inout T, right: Map) {
left <- (right, EnumTransform())
public func >>> <T: RawRepresentable>(left: T, right: Map) {
left >>> (right, EnumTransform())
/// Optional Object of Raw Representable type
public func <- <T: RawRepresentable>(left: inout T?, right: Map) {
left <- (right, EnumTransform())
public func >>> <T: RawRepresentable>(left: T?, right: Map) {
left >>> (right, EnumTransform())
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Implicitly Unwrapped Optional Object of Raw Representable type
public func <- <T: RawRepresentable>(left: inout T!, right: Map) {
left <- (right, EnumTransform())
// MARK:- Arrays of Raw Representable type
/// Array of Raw Representable object
public func <- <T: RawRepresentable>(left: inout [T], right: Map) {
left <- (right, EnumTransform())
public func >>> <T: RawRepresentable>(left: [T], right: Map) {
left >>> (right, EnumTransform())
/// Array of Raw Representable object
public func <- <T: RawRepresentable>(left: inout [T]?, right: Map) {
left <- (right, EnumTransform())
public func >>> <T: RawRepresentable>(left: [T]?, right: Map) {
left >>> (right, EnumTransform())
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Array of Raw Representable object
public func <- <T: RawRepresentable>(left: inout [T]!, right: Map) {
left <- (right, EnumTransform())
// MARK:- Dictionaries of Raw Representable type
/// Dictionary of Raw Representable object
public func <- <T: RawRepresentable>(left: inout [String: T], right: Map) {
left <- (right, EnumTransform())
public func >>> <T: RawRepresentable>(left: [String: T], right: Map) {
left >>> (right, EnumTransform())
/// Dictionary of Raw Representable object
public func <- <T: RawRepresentable>(left: inout [String: T]?, right: Map) {
left <- (right, EnumTransform())
public func >>> <T: RawRepresentable>(left: [String: T]?, right: Map) {
left >>> (right, EnumTransform())
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// Dictionary of Raw Representable object
public func <- <T: RawRepresentable>(left: inout [String: T]!, right: Map) {
left <- (right, EnumTransform())