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// SlackTextViewController
// Copyright 2014-2016 Slack Technologies, Inc.
// Licence: MIT-Licence
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
/** @name UIView additional features used for SlackTextViewController. */
@interface UIView (SLKAdditions)
Animates the view's constraints by calling layoutIfNeeded.
@param bounce YES if the animation should use spring damping and velocity to give a bouncy effect to animations.
@param options A mask of options indicating how you want to perform the animations.
@param animations An additional block for custom animations.
- (void)slk_animateLayoutIfNeededWithBounce:(BOOL)bounce options:(UIViewAnimationOptions)options animations:(void (^ __nullable)(void))animations;
- (void)slk_animateLayoutIfNeededWithBounce:(BOOL)bounce options:(UIViewAnimationOptions)options animations:(void (^ __nullable)(void))animations completion:(void (^ __nullable)(BOOL finished))completion;
Animates the view's constraints by calling layoutIfNeeded.
@param duration The total duration of the animations, measured in seconds.
@param bounce YES if the animation should use spring damping and velocity to give a bouncy effect to animations.
@param options A mask of options indicating how you want to perform the animations.
@param animations An additional block for custom animations.
- (void)slk_animateLayoutIfNeededWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration bounce:(BOOL)bounce options:(UIViewAnimationOptions)options animations:(void (^ __nullable)(void))animations completion:(void (^ __nullable)(BOOL finished))completion;
Returns the view constraints matching a specific layout attribute (top, bottom, left, right, leading, trailing, etc.)
@param attribute The layout attribute to use for searching.
@return An array of matching constraints.
- (nullable NSArray *)slk_constraintsForAttribute:(NSLayoutAttribute)attribute;
Returns a layout constraint matching a specific layout attribute and relationship between 2 items, first and second items.
@param attribute The layout attribute to use for searching.
@param first The first item in the relationship.
@param second The second item in the relationship.
@return A layout constraint.
- (nullable NSLayoutConstraint *)slk_constraintForAttribute:(NSLayoutAttribute)attribute firstItem:(id __nullable)first secondItem:(id __nullable)second;