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// IntegerOperators.swift
// ObjectMapper
// Created by Suyeol Jeon on 17/02/2017.
// Copyright © 2017 hearst. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
// MARK: - Signed Integer
/// SignedInteger mapping
public func <- <T: SignedInteger>(left: inout T, right: Map) {
switch right.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where right.isKeyPresent:
let value: T = toSignedInteger(right.currentValue) ?? 0
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
/// Optional SignedInteger mapping
public func <- <T: SignedInteger>(left: inout T?, right: Map) {
switch right.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where right.isKeyPresent:
let value: T? = toSignedInteger(right.currentValue)
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional SignedInteger mapping
public func <- <T: SignedInteger>(left: inout T!, right: Map) {
switch right.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where right.isKeyPresent:
let value: T! = toSignedInteger(right.currentValue)
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
// MARK: - Unsigned Integer
/// UnsignedInteger mapping
public func <- <T: UnsignedInteger>(left: inout T, right: Map) {
switch right.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where right.isKeyPresent:
let value: T = toUnsignedInteger(right.currentValue) ?? 0
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
/// Optional UnsignedInteger mapping
public func <- <T: UnsignedInteger>(left: inout T?, right: Map) {
switch right.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where right.isKeyPresent:
let value: T? = toUnsignedInteger(right.currentValue)
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
// Code targeting the Swift 4.1 compiler and below.
#if !(swift(>=4.1.50) || (swift(>=3.4) && !swift(>=4.0)))
/// ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional UnsignedInteger mapping
public func <- <T: UnsignedInteger>(left: inout T!, right: Map) {
switch right.mappingType {
case .fromJSON where right.isKeyPresent:
let value: T! = toUnsignedInteger(right.currentValue)
FromJSON.basicType(&left, object: value)
case .toJSON:
left >>> right
default: ()
// MARK: - Casting Utils
/// Convert any value to `SignedInteger`.
private func toSignedInteger<T: SignedInteger>(_ value: Any?) -> T? {
let value = value,
case let number as NSNumber = value
else {
return nil
if T.self == Int.self, let x = Int(exactly: number.int64Value) {
return T.init(x)
if T.self == Int8.self, let x = Int8(exactly: number.int64Value) {
return T.init(x)
if T.self == Int16.self, let x = Int16(exactly: number.int64Value) {
return T.init(x)
if T.self == Int32.self, let x = Int32(exactly: number.int64Value) {
return T.init(x)
if T.self == Int64.self, let x = Int64(exactly: number.int64Value) {
return T.init(x)
return nil
/// Convert any value to `UnsignedInteger`.
private func toUnsignedInteger<T: UnsignedInteger>(_ value: Any?) -> T? {
let value = value,
case let number as NSNumber = value
else {
return nil
if T.self == UInt.self, let x = UInt(exactly: number.uint64Value) {
return T.init(x)
if T.self == UInt8.self, let x = UInt8(exactly: number.uint64Value) {
return T.init(x)
if T.self == UInt16.self, let x = UInt16(exactly: number.uint64Value) {
return T.init(x)
if T.self == UInt32.self, let x = UInt32(exactly: number.uint64Value) {
return T.init(x)
if T.self == UInt64.self, let x = UInt64(exactly: number.uint64Value) {
return T.init(x)
return nil