You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright 2017 Google
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <FirebaseCore/FIRLoggerLevel.h>
* The Firebase services used in Firebase logger.
typedef NSString *const FIRLoggerService;
extern FIRLoggerService kFIRLoggerAnalytics;
extern FIRLoggerService kFIRLoggerCrash;
extern FIRLoggerService kFIRLoggerCore;
extern FIRLoggerService kFIRLoggerMLKit;
extern FIRLoggerService kFIRLoggerPerf;
extern FIRLoggerService kFIRLoggerRemoteConfig;
* The key used to store the logger's error count.
extern NSString *const kFIRLoggerErrorCountKey;
* The key used to store the logger's warning count.
extern NSString *const kFIRLoggerWarningCountKey;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
* Enables or disables Analytics debug mode.
* If set to YES, the logging level for Analytics will be set to FIRLoggerLevelDebug.
* Enabling the debug mode has no effect if the app is running from App Store.
* (required) analytics debug mode flag.
void FIRSetAnalyticsDebugMode(BOOL analyticsDebugMode);
* Changes the default logging level of FIRLoggerLevelNotice to a user-specified level.
* The default level cannot be set above FIRLoggerLevelNotice if the app is running from App Store.
* (required) log level (one of the FIRLoggerLevel enum values).
void FIRSetLoggerLevel(FIRLoggerLevel loggerLevel);
* Checks if the specified logger level is loggable given the current settings.
* (required) log level (one of the FIRLoggerLevel enum values).
* (required) whether or not this function is called from the Analytics component.
BOOL FIRIsLoggableLevel(FIRLoggerLevel loggerLevel, BOOL analyticsComponent);
* Logs a message to the Xcode console and the device log. If running from AppStore, will
* not log any messages with a level higher than FIRLoggerLevelNotice to avoid log spamming.
* (required) log level (one of the FIRLoggerLevel enum values).
* (required) service name of type FIRLoggerService.
* (required) message code starting with "I-" which means iOS, followed by a capitalized
* three-character service identifier and a six digit integer message ID that is unique
* within the service.
* An example of the message code is @"I-COR000001".
* (required) message string which can be a format string.
* (optional) variable arguments list obtained from calling va_start, used when message is a format
* string.
extern void FIRLogBasic(FIRLoggerLevel level,
FIRLoggerService service,
NSString *messageCode,
NSString *message,
// On 64-bit simulators, va_list is not a pointer, so cannot be marked nullable
// See:
va_list args_ptr
va_list _Nullable args_ptr
* The following functions accept the following parameters in order:
* (required) service name of type FIRLoggerService.
* (required) message code starting from "I-" which means iOS, followed by a capitalized
* three-character service identifier and a six digit integer message ID that is unique
* within the service.
* An example of the message code is @"I-COR000001".
* See go/firebase-log-proposal for details.
* (required) message string which can be a format string.
* (optional) the list of arguments to substitute into the format string.
* Example usage:
* FIRLogError(kFIRLoggerCore, @"I-COR000001", @"Configuration of %@ failed.",;
extern void FIRLogError(FIRLoggerService service, NSString *messageCode, NSString *message, ...)
extern void FIRLogWarning(FIRLoggerService service, NSString *messageCode, NSString *message, ...)
extern void FIRLogNotice(FIRLoggerService service, NSString *messageCode, NSString *message, ...)
extern void FIRLogInfo(FIRLoggerService service, NSString *messageCode, NSString *message, ...)
extern void FIRLogDebug(FIRLoggerService service, NSString *messageCode, NSString *message, ...)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus
@interface FIRLoggerWrapper : NSObject
* Objective-C wrapper for FIRLogBasic to allow weak linking to FIRLogger
* (required) log level (one of the FIRLoggerLevel enum values).
* (required) service name of type FIRLoggerService.
* (required) message code starting with "I-" which means iOS, followed by a capitalized
* three-character service identifier and a six digit integer message ID that is unique
* within the service.
* An example of the message code is @"I-COR000001".
* (required) message string which can be a format string.
* (optional) variable arguments list obtained from calling va_start, used when message is a format
* string.
+ (void)logWithLevel:(FIRLoggerLevel)level
withCode:(NSString *)messageCode
withMessage:(NSString *)message