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// ImageProcessor.swift
// Kingfisher
// Created by Wei Wang on 2016/08/26.
// Copyright (c) 2019 Wei Wang <>
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import Foundation
import CoreGraphics
#if canImport(AppKit) && !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
import AppKit
/// Represents an item which could be processed by an `ImageProcessor`.
/// - image: Input image. The processor should provide a way to apply
/// processing on this `image` and return the result image.
/// - data: Input data. The processor should provide a way to apply
/// processing on this `image` and return the result image.
public enum ImageProcessItem {
/// Input image. The processor should provide a way to apply
/// processing on this `image` and return the result image.
case image(KFCrossPlatformImage)
/// Input data. The processor should provide a way to apply
/// processing on this `image` and return the result image.
case data(Data)
/// An `ImageProcessor` would be used to convert some downloaded data to an image.
public protocol ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor. It will be used to identify the processor when
/// caching and retrieving an image. You might want to make sure that processors with
/// same properties/functionality have the same identifiers, so correct processed images
/// could be retrieved with proper key.
/// - Note: Do not supply an empty string for a customized processor, which is already reserved by
/// the `DefaultImageProcessor`. It is recommended to use a reverse domain name notation string of
/// your own for the identifier.
var identifier: String { get }
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: The return value should be `nil` if processing failed while converting an input item to image.
/// If `nil` received by the processing caller, an error will be reported and the process flow stops.
/// If the processing flow is not critical for your flow, then when the input item is already an image
/// (`.image` case) and there is any errors in the processing, you could return the input image itself
/// to keep the processing pipeline continuing.
/// - Note: Most processor only supports CG-based images. watchOS is not supported for processors containing
/// a filter, the input image will be returned directly on watchOS.
/// - Note:
/// This method is deprecated. Please implement the version with
/// `KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo` as parameter instead.
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Deprecated. Implement the method with same name but with `KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo` instead.")
func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage?
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: The parsed options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: The return value should be `nil` if processing failed while converting an input item to image.
/// If `nil` received by the processing caller, an error will be reported and the process flow stops.
/// If the processing flow is not critical for your flow, then when the input item is already an image
/// (`.image` case) and there is any errors in the processing, you could return the input image itself
/// to keep the processing pipeline continuing.
/// - Note: Most processor only supports CG-based images. watchOS is not supported for processors containing
/// a filter, the input image will be returned directly on watchOS.
func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage?
extension ImageProcessor {
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
return process(item: item, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo(options))
extension ImageProcessor {
/// Appends an `ImageProcessor` to another. The identifier of the new `ImageProcessor`
/// will be "\(self.identifier)|>\(another.identifier)".
/// - Parameter another: An `ImageProcessor` you want to append to `self`.
/// - Returns: The new `ImageProcessor` will process the image in the order
/// of the two processors concatenated.
public func append(another: ImageProcessor) -> ImageProcessor {
let newIdentifier = identifier.appending("|>\(another.identifier)")
return GeneralProcessor(identifier: newIdentifier) {
item, options in
if let image = self.process(item: item, options: options) {
return another.process(item: .image(image), options: options)
} else {
return nil
func ==(left: ImageProcessor, right: ImageProcessor) -> Bool {
return left.identifier == right.identifier
func !=(left: ImageProcessor, right: ImageProcessor) -> Bool {
return !(left == right)
typealias ProcessorImp = ((ImageProcessItem, KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage?)
struct GeneralProcessor: ImageProcessor {
let identifier: String
let p: ProcessorImp
func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
return p(item, options)
/// The default processor. It converts the input data to a valid image.
/// Images of .PNG, .JPEG and .GIF format are supported.
/// If an image item is given as `.image` case, `DefaultImageProcessor` will
/// do nothing on it and return the associated image.
public struct DefaultImageProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// A default `DefaultImageProcessor` could be used across.
public static let `default` = DefaultImageProcessor()
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier = ""
/// Creates a `DefaultImageProcessor`. Use `DefaultImageProcessor.default` to get an instance,
/// if you do not have a good reason to create your own `DefaultImageProcessor`.
public init() {}
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
case .data(let data):
return KingfisherWrapper.image(data: data, options: options.imageCreatingOptions)
/// Represents the rect corner setting when processing a round corner image.
public struct RectCorner: OptionSet {
/// Raw value of the rect corner.
public let rawValue: Int
/// Represents the top left corner.
public static let topLeft = RectCorner(rawValue: 1 << 0)
/// Represents the top right corner.
public static let topRight = RectCorner(rawValue: 1 << 1)
/// Represents the bottom left corner.
public static let bottomLeft = RectCorner(rawValue: 1 << 2)
/// Represents the bottom right corner.
public static let bottomRight = RectCorner(rawValue: 1 << 3)
/// Represents all corners.
public static let all: RectCorner = [.topLeft, .topRight, .bottomLeft, .bottomRight]
/// Creates a `RectCorner` option set with a given value.
/// - Parameter rawValue: The value represents a certain corner option.
public init(rawValue: Int) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
var cornerIdentifier: String {
if self == .all {
return ""
return "_corner(\(rawValue))"
#if !os(macOS)
/// Processor for adding an blend mode to images. Only CG-based images are supported.
public struct BlendImageProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier: String
/// Blend Mode will be used to blend the input image.
public let blendMode: CGBlendMode
/// Alpha will be used when blend image.
public let alpha: CGFloat
/// Background color of the output image. If `nil`, it will stay transparent.
public let backgroundColor: KFCrossPlatformColor?
/// Creates a `BlendImageProcessor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - blendMode: Blend Mode will be used to blend the input image.
/// - alpha: Alpha will be used when blend image. From 0.0 to 1.0. 1.0 means solid image,
/// 0.0 means transparent image (not visible at all). Default is 1.0.
/// - backgroundColor: Background color to apply for the output image. Default is `nil`.
public init(blendMode: CGBlendMode, alpha: CGFloat = 1.0, backgroundColor: KFCrossPlatformColor? = nil) {
self.blendMode = blendMode
self.alpha = alpha
self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
var identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.BlendImageProcessor(\(blendMode.rawValue),\(alpha))"
if let color = backgroundColor {
self.identifier = identifier
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
.kf.image(withBlendMode: blendMode, alpha: alpha, backgroundColor: backgroundColor)
case .data:
return (DefaultImageProcessor.default |> self).process(item: item, options: options)
#if os(macOS)
/// Processor for adding an compositing operation to images. Only CG-based images are supported in macOS.
public struct CompositingImageProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier: String
/// Compositing operation will be used to the input image.
public let compositingOperation: NSCompositingOperation
/// Alpha will be used when compositing image.
public let alpha: CGFloat
/// Background color of the output image. If `nil`, it will stay transparent.
public let backgroundColor: KFCrossPlatformColor?
/// Creates a `CompositingImageProcessor`
/// - Parameters:
/// - compositingOperation: Compositing operation will be used to the input image.
/// - alpha: Alpha will be used when compositing image.
/// From 0.0 to 1.0. 1.0 means solid image, 0.0 means transparent image.
/// Default is 1.0.
/// - backgroundColor: Background color to apply for the output image. Default is `nil`.
public init(compositingOperation: NSCompositingOperation,
alpha: CGFloat = 1.0,
backgroundColor: KFCrossPlatformColor? = nil)
self.compositingOperation = compositingOperation
self.alpha = alpha
self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
var identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.CompositingImageProcessor(\(compositingOperation.rawValue),\(alpha))"
if let color = backgroundColor {
self.identifier = identifier
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
withCompositingOperation: compositingOperation,
alpha: alpha,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor)
case .data:
return (DefaultImageProcessor.default |> self).process(item: item, options: options)
/// Processor for making round corner images. Only CG-based images are supported in macOS,
/// if a non-CG image passed in, the processor will do nothing.
/// Note: The input image will be rendered with round corner pixels removed. If the image itself does not contain
/// alpha channel (for example, a JPEG image), the processed image will contain an alpha channel in memory in order
/// to show correctly. However, when cached into disk, the image format will be respected and the alpha channel will
/// be removed. That means when you load the processed image from cache again, you will lose transparent corner.
/// You could use `FormatIndicatedCacheSerializer.png` to force Kingfisher to serialize the image to PNG format in this
/// case.
public struct RoundCornerImageProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier: String
/// Corner radius will be applied in processing.
public let cornerRadius: CGFloat
/// The target corners which will be applied rounding.
public let roundingCorners: RectCorner
/// Target size of output image should be. If `nil`, the image will keep its original size after processing.
public let targetSize: CGSize?
/// Background color of the output image. If `nil`, it will use a transparent background.
public let backgroundColor: KFCrossPlatformColor?
/// Creates a `RoundCornerImageProcessor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - cornerRadius: Corner radius will be applied in processing.
/// - targetSize: Target size of output image should be. If `nil`,
/// the image will keep its original size after processing.
/// Default is `nil`.
/// - corners: The target corners which will be applied rounding. Default is `.all`.
/// - backgroundColor: Background color to apply for the output image. Default is `nil`.
public init(
cornerRadius: CGFloat,
targetSize: CGSize? = nil,
roundingCorners corners: RectCorner = .all,
backgroundColor: KFCrossPlatformColor? = nil)
self.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
self.targetSize = targetSize
self.roundingCorners = corners
self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
self.identifier = {
var identifier = ""
if let size = targetSize {
identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.RoundCornerImageProcessor" +
} else {
identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.RoundCornerImageProcessor" +
if let backgroundColor = backgroundColor {
identifier += "_\(backgroundColor)"
return identifier
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
let size = targetSize ?? image.kf.size
return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
withRoundRadius: cornerRadius,
fit: size,
roundingCorners: roundingCorners,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor)
case .data:
return (DefaultImageProcessor.default |> self).process(item: item, options: options)
/// Represents how a size adjusts itself to fit a target size.
/// - none: Not scale the content.
/// - aspectFit: Scales the content to fit the size of the view by maintaining the aspect ratio.
/// - aspectFill: Scales the content to fill the size of the view.
public enum ContentMode {
/// Not scale the content.
case none
/// Scales the content to fit the size of the view by maintaining the aspect ratio.
case aspectFit
/// Scales the content to fill the size of the view.
case aspectFill
/// Processor for resizing images.
/// If you need to resize a data represented image to a smaller size, use `DownsamplingImageProcessor`
/// instead, which is more efficient and takes less memory.
public struct ResizingImageProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier: String
/// The reference size for resizing operation in point.
public let referenceSize: CGSize
/// Target content mode of output image should be.
/// Default is `.none`.
public let targetContentMode: ContentMode
/// Creates a `ResizingImageProcessor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - referenceSize: The reference size for resizing operation in point.
/// - mode: Target content mode of output image should be.
/// - Note:
/// The instance of `ResizingImageProcessor` will follow its `mode` property
/// and try to resizing the input images to fit or fill the `referenceSize`.
/// That means if you are using a `mode` besides of `.none`, you may get an
/// image with its size not be the same as the `referenceSize`.
/// **Example**: With input image size: {100, 200},
/// `referenceSize`: {100, 100}, `mode`: `.aspectFit`,
/// you will get an output image with size of {50, 100}, which "fit"s
/// the `referenceSize`.
/// If you need an output image exactly to be a specified size, append or use
/// a `CroppingImageProcessor`.
public init(referenceSize: CGSize, mode: ContentMode = .none) {
self.referenceSize = referenceSize
self.targetContentMode = mode
if mode == .none {
self.identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.ResizingImageProcessor(\(referenceSize))"
} else {
self.identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.ResizingImageProcessor(\(referenceSize), \(mode))"
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
.kf.resize(to: referenceSize, for: targetContentMode)
case .data:
return (DefaultImageProcessor.default |> self).process(item: item, options: options)
/// Processor for adding blur effect to images. `Accelerate.framework` is used underhood for
/// a better performance. A simulated Gaussian blur with specified blur radius will be applied.
public struct BlurImageProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier: String
/// Blur radius for the simulated Gaussian blur.
public let blurRadius: CGFloat
/// Creates a `BlurImageProcessor`
/// - parameter blurRadius: Blur radius for the simulated Gaussian blur.
public init(blurRadius: CGFloat) {
self.blurRadius = blurRadius
self.identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.BlurImageProcessor(\(blurRadius))"
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
let radius = blurRadius * options.scaleFactor
return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
.kf.blurred(withRadius: radius)
case .data:
return (DefaultImageProcessor.default |> self).process(item: item, options: options)
/// Processor for adding an overlay to images. Only CG-based images are supported in macOS.
public struct OverlayImageProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier: String
/// Overlay color will be used to overlay the input image.
public let overlay: KFCrossPlatformColor
/// Fraction will be used when overlay the color to image.
public let fraction: CGFloat
/// Creates an `OverlayImageProcessor`
/// - parameter overlay: Overlay color will be used to overlay the input image.
/// - parameter fraction: Fraction will be used when overlay the color to image.
/// From 0.0 to 1.0. 0.0 means solid color, 1.0 means transparent overlay.
public init(overlay: KFCrossPlatformColor, fraction: CGFloat = 0.5) {
self.overlay = overlay
self.fraction = fraction
self.identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.OverlayImageProcessor(\(overlay.hex)_\(fraction))"
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
.kf.overlaying(with: overlay, fraction: fraction)
case .data:
return (DefaultImageProcessor.default |> self).process(item: item, options: options)
/// Processor for tint images with color. Only CG-based images are supported.
public struct TintImageProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier: String
/// Tint color will be used to tint the input image.
public let tint: KFCrossPlatformColor
/// Creates a `TintImageProcessor`
/// - parameter tint: Tint color will be used to tint the input image.
public init(tint: KFCrossPlatformColor) {
self.tint = tint
self.identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.TintImageProcessor(\(tint.hex))"
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
.kf.tinted(with: tint)
case .data:
return (DefaultImageProcessor.default |> self).process(item: item, options: options)
/// Processor for applying some color control to images. Only CG-based images are supported.
/// watchOS is not supported.
public struct ColorControlsProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier: String
/// Brightness changing to image.
public let brightness: CGFloat
/// Contrast changing to image.
public let contrast: CGFloat
/// Saturation changing to image.
public let saturation: CGFloat
/// InputEV changing to image.
public let inputEV: CGFloat
/// Creates a `ColorControlsProcessor`
/// - Parameters:
/// - brightness: Brightness changing to image.
/// - contrast: Contrast changing to image.
/// - saturation: Saturation changing to image.
/// - inputEV: InputEV changing to image.
public init(brightness: CGFloat, contrast: CGFloat, saturation: CGFloat, inputEV: CGFloat) {
self.brightness = brightness
self.contrast = contrast
self.saturation = saturation
self.inputEV = inputEV
self.identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.ColorControlsProcessor(\(brightness)_\(contrast)_\(saturation)_\(inputEV))"
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
.kf.adjusted(brightness: brightness, contrast: contrast, saturation: saturation, inputEV: inputEV)
case .data:
return (DefaultImageProcessor.default |> self).process(item: item, options: options)
/// Processor for applying black and white effect to images. Only CG-based images are supported.
/// watchOS is not supported.
public struct BlackWhiteProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.BlackWhiteProcessor"
/// Creates a `BlackWhiteProcessor`
public init() {}
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
return ColorControlsProcessor(brightness: 0.0, contrast: 1.0, saturation: 0.0, inputEV: 0.7)
.process(item: item, options: options)
/// Processor for cropping an image. Only CG-based images are supported.
/// watchOS is not supported.
public struct CroppingImageProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier: String
/// Target size of output image should be.
public let size: CGSize
/// Anchor point from which the output size should be calculate.
/// The anchor point is consisted by two values between 0.0 and 1.0.
/// It indicates a related point in current image.
/// See `CroppingImageProcessor.init(size:anchor:)` for more.
public let anchor: CGPoint
/// Creates a `CroppingImageProcessor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - size: Target size of output image should be.
/// - anchor: The anchor point from which the size should be calculated.
/// Default is `CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)`, which means the center of input image.
/// - Note:
/// The anchor point is consisted by two values between 0.0 and 1.0.
/// It indicates a related point in current image, eg: (0.0, 0.0) for top-left
/// corner, (0.5, 0.5) for center and (1.0, 1.0) for bottom-right corner.
/// The `size` property of `CroppingImageProcessor` will be used along with
/// `anchor` to calculate a target rectangle in the size of image.
/// The target size will be automatically calculated with a reasonable behavior.
/// For example, when you have an image size of `CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)`,
/// and a target size of `CGSize(width: 20, height: 20)`:
/// - with a (0.0, 0.0) anchor (top-left), the crop rect will be `{0, 0, 20, 20}`;
/// - with a (0.5, 0.5) anchor (center), it will be `{40, 40, 20, 20}`
/// - while with a (1.0, 1.0) anchor (bottom-right), it will be `{80, 80, 20, 20}`
public init(size: CGSize, anchor: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)) {
self.size = size
self.anchor = anchor
self.identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.CroppingImageProcessor(\(size)_\(anchor))"
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
return image.kf.scaled(to: options.scaleFactor)
.kf.crop(to: size, anchorOn: anchor)
case .data: return (DefaultImageProcessor.default |> self).process(item: item, options: options)
/// Processor for downsampling an image. Compared to `ResizingImageProcessor`, this processor
/// does not render the images to resize. Instead, it downsample the input data directly to an
/// image. It is a more efficient than `ResizingImageProcessor`.
/// Only CG-based images are supported. Animated images (like GIF) is not supported.
public struct DownsamplingImageProcessor: ImageProcessor {
/// Target size of output image should be. It should be smaller than the size of
/// input image. If it is larger, the result image will be the same size of input
/// data without downsampling.
public let size: CGSize
/// Identifier of the processor.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public let identifier: String
/// Creates a `DownsamplingImageProcessor`.
/// - Parameter size: The target size of the downsample operation.
public init(size: CGSize) {
self.size = size
self.identifier = "com.onevcat.Kingfisher.DownsamplingImageProcessor(\(size))"
/// Processes the input `ImageProcessItem` with this processor.
/// - Parameters:
/// - item: Input item which will be processed by `self`.
/// - options: Options when processing the item.
/// - Returns: The processed image.
/// - Note: See documentation of `ImageProcessor` protocol for more.
public func process(item: ImageProcessItem, options: KingfisherParsedOptionsInfo) -> KFCrossPlatformImage? {
switch item {
case .image(let image):
guard let data = .unknown) else {
return nil
return KingfisherWrapper.downsampledImage(data: data, to: size, scale: options.scaleFactor)
case .data(let data):
return KingfisherWrapper.downsampledImage(data: data, to: size, scale: options.scaleFactor)
/// Concatenates two `ImageProcessor`s. `ImageProcessor.append(another:)` is used internally.
/// - Parameters:
/// - left: The first processor.
/// - right: The second processor.
/// - Returns: The concatenated processor.
@available(*, deprecated,
message: "Will be removed soon. Use `|>` instead.",
renamed: "|>")
public func >>(left: ImageProcessor, right: ImageProcessor) -> ImageProcessor {
return left.append(another: right)
infix operator |>: AdditionPrecedence
public func |>(left: ImageProcessor, right: ImageProcessor) -> ImageProcessor {
return left.append(another: right)
extension KFCrossPlatformColor {
var hex: String {
var r: CGFloat = 0
var g: CGFloat = 0
var b: CGFloat = 0
var a: CGFloat = 0
#if os(macOS)
(usingColorSpace(.sRGB) ?? self).getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a)
getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a)
let rInt = Int(r * 255) << 24
let gInt = Int(g * 255) << 16
let bInt = Int(b * 255) << 8
let aInt = Int(a * 255)
let rgba = rInt | gInt | bInt | aInt
return String(format:"#%08x", rgba)