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// The MIT License (MIT)
// Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Alexander Grebenyuk (
import Foundation
#if !os(macOS)
import UIKit.UIImage
import UIKit.UIColor
/// Alias for `UIImage`.
public typealias PlatformImage = UIImage
import AppKit.NSImage
/// Alias for `NSImage`.
public typealias PlatformImage = NSImage
/// Displays images. Add the conformance to this protocol to your views to make
/// them compatible with Nuke image loading extensions.
/// The protocol is defined as `@objc` to make it possible to override its
/// methods in extensions (e.g. you can override `nuke_display(image:)` in
/// `UIImageView` subclass like `Gifu.ImageView).
/// The protocol and its methods have prefixes to make sure they don't clash
/// with other similar methods and protocol in Objective-C runtime.
@objc public protocol Nuke_ImageDisplaying {
/// Display a given image.
@objc func nuke_display(image: PlatformImage?)
#if os(macOS)
@objc var layer: CALayer? { get }
#if os(macOS)
public extension Nuke_ImageDisplaying {
var layer: CALayer? { nil }
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
import UIKit
/// A `UIView` that implements `ImageDisplaying` protocol.
public typealias ImageDisplayingView = UIView & Nuke_ImageDisplaying
extension UIImageView: Nuke_ImageDisplaying {
/// Displays an image.
open func nuke_display(image: UIImage?) {
self.image = image
#elseif os(macOS)
import Cocoa
/// An `NSObject` that implements `ImageDisplaying` and `Animating` protocols.
/// Can support `NSView` and `NSCell`. The latter can return nil for layer.
public typealias ImageDisplayingView = NSObject & Nuke_ImageDisplaying
extension NSImageView: Nuke_ImageDisplaying {
/// Displays an image.
open func nuke_display(image: NSImage?) {
self.image = image
#elseif os(watchOS)
import WatchKit
/// A `WKInterfaceObject` that implements `ImageDisplaying` protocol.
public typealias ImageDisplayingView = WKInterfaceObject & Nuke_ImageDisplaying
extension WKInterfaceImage: Nuke_ImageDisplaying {
/// Displays an image.
open func nuke_display(image: UIImage?) {
// MARK: - ImageView Extensions
public func loadImage(with request: ImageRequestConvertible,
options: ImageLoadingOptions = ImageLoadingOptions.shared,
into view: ImageDisplayingView,
completion: @escaping (_ result: Result<ImageResponse, ImagePipeline.Error>) -> Void) -> ImageTask? {
loadImage(with: request, options: options, into: view, progress: nil, completion: completion)
/// Loads an image with the given request and displays it in the view.
/// Before loading a new image, the view is prepared for reuse by canceling any
/// outstanding requests and removing a previously displayed image.
/// If the image is stored in the memory cache, it is displayed immediately with
/// no animations. If not, the image is loaded using an image pipeline. When the
/// image is loading, the `placeholder` is displayed. When the request
/// completes the loaded image is displayed (or `failureImage` in case of an error)
/// with the selected animation.
/// - parameter options: `ImageLoadingOptions.shared` by default.
/// - parameter view: Nuke keeps a weak reference to the view. If the view is deallocated
/// the associated request automatically gets canceled.
/// - parameter progress: A closure to be called periodically on the main thread
/// when the progress is updated. `nil` by default.
/// - parameter completion: A closure to be called on the main thread when the
/// request is finished. Gets called synchronously if the response was found in
/// the memory cache. `nil` by default.
/// - returns: An image task or `nil` if the image was found in the memory cache.
public func loadImage(with request: ImageRequestConvertible,
options: ImageLoadingOptions = ImageLoadingOptions.shared,
into view: ImageDisplayingView,
progress: ((_ intermediateResponse: ImageResponse?, _ completedUnitCount: Int64, _ totalUnitCount: Int64) -> Void)? = nil,
completion: ((_ result: Result<ImageResponse, ImagePipeline.Error>) -> Void)? = nil) -> ImageTask? {
let controller = ImageViewController.controller(for: view)
return controller.loadImage(with: request.asImageRequest(), options: options, progress: progress, completion: completion)
/// Cancels an outstanding request associated with the view.
public func cancelRequest(for view: ImageDisplayingView) {
ImageViewController.controller(for: view).cancelOutstandingTask()
// MARK: - ImageLoadingOptions
/// A range of options that control how the image is loaded and displayed.
public struct ImageLoadingOptions {
/// Shared options.
public static var shared = ImageLoadingOptions()
/// Placeholder to be displayed when the image is loading. `nil` by default.
public var placeholder: PlatformImage?
/// Image to be displayed when the request fails. `nil` by default.
public var failureImage: PlatformImage?
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(macOS)
/// The image transition animation performed when displaying a loaded image.
/// Only runs when the image was not found in memory cache. `nil` by default.
public var transition: Transition?
/// The image transition animation performed when displaying a failure image.
/// `nil` by default.
public var failureImageTransition: Transition?
/// If true, the requested image will always appear with transition, even
/// when loaded from cache.
public var alwaysTransition = false
/// If true, every time you request a new image for a view, the view will be
/// automatically prepared for reuse: image will be set to `nil`, and animations
/// will be removed. `true` by default.
public var isPrepareForReuseEnabled = true
/// If `true`, every progressively generated preview produced by the pipeline
/// is going to be displayed. `true` by default.
/// - note: To enable progressive decoding, see `ImagePipeline.Configuration`,
/// `isProgressiveDecodingEnabled` option.
public var isProgressiveRenderingEnabled = true
/// Custom pipeline to be used. `nil` by default.
public var pipeline: ImagePipeline?
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
/// Content modes to be used for each image type (placeholder, success,
/// failure). `nil` by default (don't change content mode).
public var contentModes: ContentModes?
/// Custom content modes to be used for each image type (placeholder, success,
/// failure).
public struct ContentModes {
/// Content mode to be used for the loaded image.
public var success: UIView.ContentMode
/// Content mode to be used when displaying a `failureImage`.
public var failure: UIView.ContentMode
/// Content mode to be used when displaying a `placeholder`.
public var placeholder: UIView.ContentMode
/// - parameter success: A content mode to be used with a loaded image.
/// - parameter failure: A content mode to be used with a `failureImage`.
/// - parameter placeholder: A content mode to be used with a `placeholder`.
public init(success: UIView.ContentMode, failure: UIView.ContentMode, placeholder: UIView.ContentMode) {
self.success = success; self.failure = failure; self.placeholder = placeholder
/// Tint colors to be used for each image type (placeholder, success,
/// failure). `nil` by default (don't change tint color or rendering mode).
public var tintColors: TintColors?
/// Custom tint color to be used for each image type (placeholder, success,
/// failure).
public struct TintColors {
/// Tint color to be used for the loaded image.
public var success: UIColor?
/// Tint color to be used when displaying a `failureImage`.
public var failure: UIColor?
/// Tint color to be used when displaying a `placeholder`.
public var placeholder: UIColor?
/// - parameter success: A tint color to be used with a loaded image.
/// - parameter failure: A tint color to be used with a `failureImage`.
/// - parameter placeholder: A tint color to be used with a `placeholder`.
public init(success: UIColor?, failure: UIColor?, placeholder: UIColor?) {
self.success = success; self.failure = failure; self.placeholder = placeholder
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
/// - parameter placeholder: Placeholder to be displayed when the image is
/// loading . `nil` by default.
/// - parameter transition: The image transition animation performed when
/// displaying a loaded image. Only runs when the image was not found in
/// memory cache. `nil` by default (no animations).
/// - parameter failureImage: Image to be displayd when request fails.
/// `nil` by default.
/// - parameter failureImageTransition: The image transition animation
/// performed when displaying a failure image. `nil` by default.
/// - parameter contentModes: Content modes to be used for each image type
/// (placeholder, success, failure). `nil` by default (don't change content mode).
public init(placeholder: UIImage? = nil, transition: Transition? = nil, failureImage: UIImage? = nil, failureImageTransition: Transition? = nil, contentModes: ContentModes? = nil, tintColors: TintColors? = nil) {
self.placeholder = placeholder
self.transition = transition
self.failureImage = failureImage
self.failureImageTransition = failureImageTransition
self.contentModes = contentModes
self.tintColors = tintColors
#elseif os(macOS)
public init(placeholder: NSImage? = nil, transition: Transition? = nil, failureImage: NSImage? = nil, failureImageTransition: Transition? = nil) {
self.placeholder = placeholder
self.transition = transition
self.failureImage = failureImage
self.failureImageTransition = failureImageTransition
#elseif os(watchOS)
public init(placeholder: UIImage? = nil, failureImage: UIImage? = nil) {
self.placeholder = placeholder
self.failureImage = failureImage
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
/// An animated image transition.
public struct Transition {
var style: Style
enum Style { // internal representation
case fadeIn(parameters: Parameters)
case custom((ImageDisplayingView, UIImage) -> Void)
struct Parameters { // internal representation
let duration: TimeInterval
let options: UIView.AnimationOptions
/// Fade-in transition (cross-fade in case the image view is already
/// displaying an image).
public static func fadeIn(duration: TimeInterval, options: UIView.AnimationOptions = .allowUserInteraction) -> Transition {
Transition(style: .fadeIn(parameters: Parameters(duration: duration, options: options)))
/// Custom transition. Only runs when the image was not found in memory cache.
public static func custom(_ closure: @escaping (ImageDisplayingView, UIImage) -> Void) -> Transition {
Transition(style: .custom(closure))
#elseif os(macOS)
/// An animated image transition.
public struct Transition {
var style: Style
enum Style { // internal representation
case fadeIn(parameters: Parameters)
case custom((ImageDisplayingView, NSImage) -> Void)
struct Parameters { // internal representation
let duration: TimeInterval
/// Fade-in transition.
public static func fadeIn(duration: TimeInterval) -> Transition {
Transition(style: .fadeIn(parameters: Parameters(duration: duration)))
/// Custom transition. Only runs when the image was not found in memory cache.
public static func custom(_ closure: @escaping (ImageDisplayingView, NSImage) -> Void) -> Transition {
Transition(style: .custom(closure))
public init() {}
// MARK: - ImageViewController
/// Manages image requests on behalf of an image view.
/// - note: With a few modifications this might become public at some point,
/// however as it stands today `ImageViewController` is just a helper class,
/// making it public wouldn't expose any additional functionality to the users.
private final class ImageViewController {
private weak var imageView: ImageDisplayingView?
private var task: ImageTask?
// Automatically cancel the request when the view is deallocated.
deinit {
init(view: /* weak */ ImageDisplayingView) {
self.imageView = view
// MARK: - Associating Controller
static var controllerAK = "ImageViewController.AssociatedKey"
// Lazily create a controller for a given view and associate it with a view.
static func controller(for view: ImageDisplayingView) -> ImageViewController {
if let controller = objc_getAssociatedObject(view, &ImageViewController.controllerAK) as? ImageViewController {
return controller
let controller = ImageViewController(view: view)
objc_setAssociatedObject(view, &ImageViewController.controllerAK, controller, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
return controller
// MARK: - Loading Images
func loadImage(with request: ImageRequest,
options: ImageLoadingOptions,
progress progressHandler: ((_ intermediateResponse: ImageResponse?, _ completedUnitCount: Int64, _ totalUnitCount: Int64) -> Void)? = nil,
completion: ((_ result: Result<ImageResponse, ImagePipeline.Error>) -> Void)? = nil) -> ImageTask? {
guard let imageView = imageView else {
return nil
if options.isPrepareForReuseEnabled { // enabled by default
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
#elseif os(macOS)
let layer = (imageView as? NSView)?.layer ?? imageView.layer
let pipeline = options.pipeline ?? ImagePipeline.shared
// Quick synchronous memory cache lookup
if let image = pipeline.cachedImage(for: request) {
let response = ImageResponse(container: image)
handle(result: .success(response), fromMemCache: true, options: options)
if !image.isPreview { // Final image was downloaded
return nil // No task to perform
// Display a placeholder.
if var placeholder = options.placeholder {
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
if let tintColor = options.tintColors?.placeholder {
placeholder = placeholder.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
imageView.tintColor = tintColor
if let contentMode = options.contentModes?.placeholder {
imageView.contentMode = contentMode
imageView.nuke_display(image: placeholder)
} else if options.isPrepareForReuseEnabled {
imageView.nuke_display(image: nil) // Remove previously displayed images (if any)
task = pipeline.loadImage(with: request, queue: .main, progress: { [weak self] response, completedCount, totalCount in
if let response = response, options.isProgressiveRenderingEnabled {
self?.handle(partialImage: response, options: options)
progressHandler?(response, completedCount, totalCount)
}, completion: { [weak self] result in
self?.handle(result: result, fromMemCache: false, options: options)
return task
func cancelOutstandingTask() {
task?.cancel() // The pipeline guarantees no callbacks to be deliver after cancellation
task = nil
// MARK: - Handling Responses
#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
private func handle(result: Result<ImageResponse, ImagePipeline.Error>, fromMemCache: Bool, options: ImageLoadingOptions) {
switch result {
case let .success(response):
display(response.image, options.transition, options.alwaysTransition, fromMemCache, options.contentModes?.success, options.tintColors?.success)
case .failure:
if let failureImage = options.failureImage {
display(failureImage, options.failureImageTransition, options.alwaysTransition, fromMemCache, options.contentModes?.failure, options.tintColors?.failure)
self.task = nil
private func handle(partialImage response: ImageResponse, options: ImageLoadingOptions) {
display(response.image, options.transition, options.alwaysTransition, false, options.contentModes?.success, options.tintColors?.success)
// swiftlint:disable:next function_parameter_count
private func display(_ image: UIImage, _ transition: ImageLoadingOptions.Transition?, _ alwaysTransition: Bool, _ fromMemCache: Bool, _ newContentMode: UIView.ContentMode?, _ newTintColor: UIColor?) {
guard let imageView = imageView else {
var image = image
if let newTintColor = newTintColor {
image = image.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
imageView.tintColor = newTintColor
if !fromMemCache || alwaysTransition, let transition = transition {
switch {
case let .fadeIn(params):
runFadeInTransition(image: image, params: params, contentMode: newContentMode)
case let .custom(closure):
// The user is reponsible for both displaying an image and performing
// animations.
closure(imageView, image)
} else {
imageView.nuke_display(image: image)
if let newContentMode = newContentMode {
imageView.contentMode = newContentMode
// Image view used for cross-fade transition between images with different
// content modes.
private lazy var transitionImageView = UIImageView()
private func runFadeInTransition(image: UIImage, params: ImageLoadingOptions.Transition.Parameters, contentMode: UIView.ContentMode?) {
guard let imageView = imageView else {
// Special case where it animates between content modes, only works
// on imageView subclasses.
if let contentMode = contentMode, imageView.contentMode != contentMode, let imageView = imageView as? UIImageView, imageView.image != nil {
runCrossDissolveWithContentMode(imageView: imageView, image: image, params: params)
} else {
runSimpleFadeIn(image: image, params: params)
private func runSimpleFadeIn(image: UIImage, params: ImageLoadingOptions.Transition.Parameters) {
guard let imageView = imageView else {
with: imageView,
duration: params.duration,
options: params.options.union(.transitionCrossDissolve),
animations: {
imageView.nuke_display(image: image)
completion: nil
/// Performs cross-dissolve animation alonside transition to a new content
/// mode. This isn't natively supported feature and it requires a second
/// image view. There might be better ways to implement it.
private func runCrossDissolveWithContentMode(imageView: UIImageView, image: UIImage, params: ImageLoadingOptions.Transition.Parameters) {
// Lazily create a transition view.
let transitionView = self.transitionImageView
// Create a transition view which mimics current view's contents.
transitionView.image = imageView.image
transitionView.contentMode = imageView.contentMode
transitionView.frame = imageView.bounds
// "Manual" cross-fade.
transitionView.alpha = 1
imageView.alpha = 0
imageView.image = image // Display new image in current view
withDuration: params.duration,
delay: 0,
options: params.options,
animations: {
transitionView.alpha = 0
imageView.alpha = 1
completion: { isCompleted in
if isCompleted {
#elseif os(macOS)
private func handle(result: Result<ImageResponse, ImagePipeline.Error>, fromMemCache: Bool, options: ImageLoadingOptions) {
// NSImageView doesn't support content mode, unfortunately.
switch result {
case let .success(response):
display(response.image, options.transition, options.alwaysTransition, fromMemCache)
case .failure:
if let failureImage = options.failureImage {
display(failureImage, options.failureImageTransition, options.alwaysTransition, fromMemCache)
self.task = nil
private func handle(partialImage response: ImageResponse, options: ImageLoadingOptions) {
display(response.image, options.transition, options.alwaysTransition, false)
private func display(_ image: NSImage, _ transition: ImageLoadingOptions.Transition?, _ alwaysTransition: Bool, _ fromMemCache: Bool) {
guard let imageView = imageView else {
if !fromMemCache || alwaysTransition, let transition = transition {
switch {
case let .fadeIn(params):
runFadeInTransition(image: image, params: params)
case let .custom(closure):
// The user is reponsible for both displaying an image and performing
// animations.
closure(imageView, image)
} else {
imageView.nuke_display(image: image)
private func runFadeInTransition(image: NSImage, params: ImageLoadingOptions.Transition.Parameters) {
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "opacity")
animation.duration = params.duration
animation.fromValue = 0
animation.toValue = 1
imageView?.layer?.add(animation, forKey: "imageTransition")
imageView?.nuke_display(image: image)
#elseif os(watchOS)
private func handle(result: Result<ImageResponse, ImagePipeline.Error>, fromMemCache: Bool, options: ImageLoadingOptions) {
switch result {
case let .success(response):
imageView?.nuke_display(image: response.image)
case .failure:
if let failureImage = options.failureImage {
imageView?.nuke_display(image: failureImage)
self.task = nil
private func handle(partialImage response: ImageResponse, options: ImageLoadingOptions) {
imageView?.nuke_display(image: response.image)